By artkongPM

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THIS IS A FANFIC! JUST MY CRAZY IMAGINATION. Nope none of it real. With that being clear lets proceed. Kongpo... More



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By artkongPM

After the shoot knott left them with the driver went away in a taxi. Arthit was not at all in a good mood he was snappy and extra rude to kong. it could be seen in the meeting too. he snapped at the investors when they didnt agree with him. but kong managed to joke it out. but it perplexed kong as to why arthit was being so snappy it was almost he was jealous yes it was like that he remembers that time arthit was jealous because of prae but now? no he dont want to be hopeless fool. His senior has nam and they were being lovey dovey just a few moments ago but what kong didnt knew was nam was doing all that and he was snapping at her and he was complete mess too. It was like complex maths, phy and chem equations are written one over other and he, a layman was asked to find out which was which.

But hey who cares? especially the damned car tyres which always decides to puncture at the right time in the right place. And surely enough it was on Rama VIII bridge. It brought so many memories for kong, the ecstatic ones and the sorrowful ones he still remembers how he cried and cried till he passed out on the exact spot which had witnessed their union for the first time and he was taken to hospital by the secret bodyguard which he didnt knew he had.

Arthit was bit uncomfortable. It felt like the place meant a lot but he couldn't remember why. Maybe in those forgotten 8 months time I came here. He thought. The driver already parked it on road side and called the mechanic while kong and arthit decide to take a lift.

Arthit was walking ahead when he heard a soft whisper, self talk one may say,
"I wish I hadn't followed you that day P arthit...I wish I had just left the party with p ploy...I wish I didnt wear that tie...I wish I could turn the time and never enrolled in engineering in that college in first place...If only all the wishes come true" kong's voice was gentle but it weighed heavier than anything you can imagine of.

Arthit didnt knew but he was in tears and by now kong overtook him and walked infront of him.

That night he couldnt sleep... the place, the words repeated over and over again. He went to where his college stuff was present and saw the engineering badge and engraved on it was IE 61, which was kong's.

Then finally he forced himself to remember what happened in those 8 months. He had lost his memories of after a month of sotus initiation and he was strictly forbidden to try and remember the past because this might led to complications but now he knew that was nothing but bullshit as he consulted another doctor but let it slide thinking it as nam's concern.

He remembered now kong saying he gave his heart to him so 54 absent students sent their hearts to kong, rama VIII and the pulling of tie to kiss him, bet with kong, kong giving his gear, kong becoming moon and freshmen winning every game, him running 54 laps, him ignoring him, the beach trip, he and kong going to mall, his talk with knott, kong confessing the night he stayed over, nam still being with jay, him confessing after tum's wedding, the happiness of the 6 months together and then the dreaded part... he was kinda getting it now but he needed clarification he needed some one to put things straight and he knew who could do that.

It was 12 am knott was sleeping peacefully with tew in his arms and suddenly his phone rang making both of them wake up suddenly and looking around crazily. He saw it was arthit.

"Hello arthit. You know I know what you and that witch have been doing to kong for this past week I stopped because kong said and now you are disturbing my sleep do you want to die" it was arthit's dialogue but coming from knott it just became 100x more dangerous.

"Knott help me I am lost"arthit sounded lost and was panicking which made knott alert
"What where are you?"

"Not literally dude. I am home but I am lost can you and tew come over now? I need to clear some things I can't wait till morning and I think I will crash if I drive please knott" he sounded desperate so knott agreed and he and tew went to arthit's apartment only to find a lost looking arthit fully drenched in sweat holding a pen and paper and beating his head with the pen every few minutes.

"What happened arthit did you finally lost it?" Knott asked.

"Knott, tew can you descibe the whole time with minute details that I had with kong"

"Why p so that you can torture him thoroughly?" tew asked absolutely not getting where this was going.

"No nong please knott I need it" arthit looked so deperate that knott started talking. With knott explaining arthit's part and tew describing kong. Both summed up the whole story very beautifully untill that february. Arthit heard them quietly joining the dots from beginning and finally he got the full picture of what happened in those 8  months.

"Knott do you know I was in road accident and had a concussion in head in february, 3 years ago?"

Knott looked at him disbelievingly.

"What!? Why didn't you say us"

"It was minor accident I had helmet and bike gears... you remember when I went to home right? Then came back after a week" knot nodded.

"I was frustrated and drove rashly I didn't saw the sand patch and slipped, my body wasnt hurt. But my head hit the concrete real hard. Doctor said the helmet saved me. But I had a concussion which led to retrograde amnesia and I couldn't remember from after one month of sotus starting till the february" arthit said showing them the reports.

"What the fck arthit why didnt you tell us?" Knott asked again not believing this and was fuming with anger that his so called bestfriend kept such a huge secret.

"Because nam said it okay and nothing much happened plus it didnt affect the studies because it had something to do with other part of brain and she...she said it was hurtful so i shouldnt remember..."
"Oh god! You heard that bitch oh my god! In that one month kong and you were sworn enemies."

"Yeah that's the thing" arthit said.

"So what exactly happened do you remember now? Seeing your notes seems like you are remembering" knott asked.

"Well I got call from granny saying me to come and when I went there I found out granny knew all about me and kong she said me to break up with him and marry nam. She said she will not let the family name down once again. Apparantely she knew about my crush for nam and she revealed my identity as rojnapat to her and as we are wealthier than jay's family and her family business was going downhill she turned and joined with granny and granny gave her few shares in our company. When I refused she told me something which I could never believe. I came to know I had a half brother. My dad was in love with a girl and she was pregnant with my dad's son they were going to marry and for her grandchild... she gave in although she was against her because of status difference and she hated poor but the mother died in child birth. So she convinced dad to marry mom for the child. But she hated him because he was born before marriage and his birth killed his mom although his mom had a previous heart condition and she refused to abort and granny felt like he was a curse." Arthit yalked taking a few calmjng breaths every now and then.

"After 2 years dad started moving on and gave mom her right as his wife but he never came around to love her fully and mom got to know she was pregnant with me so she told granny before dad and granny said that he will never love me when his  love's child is present. Mom became emotional and supported granny and... they sent him... the 2 year kid to orphanage then pinned the blame on the nanny that she lost him then granny sent him to a foriegn country to make sure mom stays quiet even if she turns which she did and dad was mad when he came to know about his lost child and cried and cried then after a month mom revealed that she was pregnant for a week and left to her mother's house saying seeing him cry will make the baby depressed and she lived there for a year. Granny helped her fake my birth certificate... I am actually a month and half older than what's on my birth cerificate. When she came back dad dotted on me because I looked so much like him he thought I was him reincarnated because after searching so much no leads turned up ao he thought the boy...he...he was gone. I was ready to talk to dad. But call me selfish I loved mom too much and mom was suffering from heart disease. Granny said that she don't have much time on earth and if I dont break up with kong she will tell dad and he will hate mom, her and me. For her the love between us was nothing, just a phase and it will bring our name down in the society just like my father. It was fine by me but mom couldnt live like that so I agreed. But then to my displeasure and their content the bike accident happened and they found I lost my memories so nam just came and said that I hate this boy from hazing and she said all about his rebellious nature and how he had a bet with his friends...I know I know...I am he had bet with his friends to make the head hazer his wife and play me. then when i didnt agree and he came to know about my crush on nam he...he...harassed her...i know okay i know i am sorry." arthit added seeing both kong and tew about to protest.

Double update!
Have a nice day perayas.😁😊

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