𝗠𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲

By gxrleenk

1.5M 66.1K 4.9K

They Met At A Wedding And Once The Wedding Ended, They Parted Ways To Never Meet Again, Unknown To What The F... More

𝖼𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗑 𝖺𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗌


14.9K 693 27
By gxrleenk

The light wind hit her body as she exited the car, telling her she was back in her homeland. It felt like it had been forever since she had been away from the place she had her whole life.

Nandini bit her lip, her fingers playing together, staring at the mansion in front of her. It was the same mansion she had left five months back because of one mistake. She had promised herself she'd never come back, but here she was, standing in front of it, waiting to enter the mansion and face everyone she had left behind.

Armaan stood next to Nandini, exiting the car and could notice the hesitation on her face. Armaan knew she was scared on what everyone might think of her but she should know that this family she had left behind, they trusted her more then they trusted their own son and friend.

"Let's go." Armaan finally spoke. Nandini looked up at him, slowly nodding her head. Taking a deep breath, Nandini walked behind Armaan, walking into the mansion. Her home. Which wasn't going to stay her home for long. It was only three months and she'd be out of this mansion, this time, forever.

Armaan moved towards the living room, while Nandini silently followed him. Her palms started turning sweaty while her heartbeat started increasing by the passing moments as they neared the living room.

Armaan pushed the doors open, making Nandini suck in her breath. Armaan entered, followed by Nandini, who tried her best to hide behind Armaan's frame. Everyone, who was sitting and waiting for Armaan to come because of something important he had to say, turned around, only for their eyes to widen.

Everyone's eyes landed on Nandini, who was timidly hiding behind Armaan, not looking at anyone once. Sunita and Vikrant seemed as if they were dreaming seeing Nandini in front of them. Rishab, Sameer and Divya were shocked but happy, already knowing Armaan had found Nandini. But they hadn't expected him to bring her back. And Sameer's wife, Neha, was also surprised, having had already known about Nandini from everyone.

Nandini felt sweat beads starting to form on her forehead due to the heated gazes she was receiving from everyone. And to make her feel even more on display, Armaan moved to the side, fully revealing her to everyone. Including her baby bump. Seeing her baby bump, everyone's eyes widened even more as they stared at Nandini and one another.

Sunita was the first one to fall out of shock and made her way towards Nandini with slow steps. Nandini looked up, feeling a motherly warmth when Sunita cupped her face. Nandini's teary gaze clashed with Sunita's teary one. It didn't take another second for Sunita to engulf Nandini in to a hug.

"I..I'm sorry.." Nandini whispered, her tears making their way down her cheeks. Sunita shook her head, hugging her even tighter. She broke the hug, cupping Nandini's face. "Shh. It's not your fault." Sunita wiped Nandini's tears away, not an ounce of hatred for Nandini in her eyes. Nandini felt way better after seeing only love for her in her eyes. She felt as if she had returned back to her family.

All of her fears washed away as she knew her family trusted her. Sunita's eyes then traveled down to Nandini's bump, a smile lighting up her face. She lightly placed her hand on it, making Nandini stifle a sob. "Wow...you're going to become a mother?" Nandini nodded, her lips tightened together. "And I'm going to become a grandmother?" Nandini nodded again, tears rolling down her cheeks even faster.

Sunita felt as if she was on top of the world after this. Hearing Sunita, Vikrant made his way towards them and hugged Nandini. His happiness had no bounds. First, Nandini comes back and on top of that, they find out they're going to become grandparents. A new member was going to be added to the family and they couldn't have been happier.

Divya was next to jump onto Nandini and tightly hugging her. Well tried to. Both their bumps came in the way, making them look down. They both looked up and burst into laughter, their eyes teary. "You're pregnant." they both said in unison, making them laugh again. They hugged each other, making sure not to harm their bumps. "I missed my little sister." Divya mumbled against her hair. "And I missed my older sister." Nandini pouted, tightening her hold around Divya.

"Now if you would move, I would like to meet my sister as well." They both were disrupted by Rishab's voice. Breaking apart, they found Rishab staring down at Nandini with a brotherly look. Nandini didn't waste a second and hugged her brother and partner in crime ever since she had gotten married. "You seem to have gotten older." Nandini chuckled against his chest. She had missed him and everyone immensely and finding out they had no harsh feelings for her, it made her feel better.

Just as Rishab broke the hug, he was pushed out the way by Sameer, who hugged his little sister tight as possible. Nandini didn't need to even see him to recognize the feeling. Her arms immediately wrapped around him. Sameer was the brother who always looked after her and took care of her health. Rishab was the brother who she would have fun with and mess around with.

"I really missed you Nandini. You weren't even there at my wedding." Nandini felt her tears trying to come back, but she quickly gulped them back. "I'm sorry. But speaking of wedding, show me who your beautiful wife is." Sameer broke the hug and smiled, pointing towards Neha, who smiled back at them and made her way towards them.

Just by seeing her, Nandini knew she was an introvert. But she was beautiful. And Sameer and her made a perfect match. "I've heard a lot about you." Neha smiled, holding Nandini's hands lovingly. "I hope it was all good." Nandini smiled back. "Don't worry, it was. And I already like you." Neha didn't wait and hugged Nandini, who willingly hugged her back.

"Is the reunion now over?" Everyone looked at Armaan, who shrugged his shoulders after earning a glare from everyone present. Armaan wasn't very patient. He hated how everyone was making Nandini cry. For fucks sake, she was pregnant and on top of that, very hormonal. He had dealed with her anger issues and hormones the entire flight here and had never felt more terrified of his petite wife ever before.

Everyone looked between Nandini and Armaan, trying to find out if everything between them was normal now. Armaan cleared his throat, gaining attention from everyone. "As you guys already know about what had happened months back. Well, I bumped into Nandini in London and we have made an agreement." Everyone's attention was fully on Armaan, while Nandini looked down, not knowing how everyone would react by this.

"We have signed a contract, in which it states that Nandini and I will live together under the same roof for three months. And by the end of these three months if we don't want to be together, we will divorce one another. And if it works out in these three months, then it works out." Armaan sighed as he finished explaining. Everyone looked bewildered hearing about the contract. What made them worried was the divorce part. They were not only worried about the couple now, but also the baby.

"What about the baby?" Sunita was the first one to ask. Armaan looked down at Nandini, who clearly ignored his gaze, making him sigh again. "After divorce, Nandini will get full custody of the baby and will get to pick who can meet it and when. But if she breaks any of the rules in the contract, I get the custody of the baby and vice veresa." Everyone's eyes widened.

They weren't only shocked but fully worried. They both knew Armaan and Nandini were both tough nuts to crack and if even one of them would let their issues overpower them, they could end up divorcing one another and a parent would lose its chance with the child. All they could pray for was that these three months pass smoothly and Nandini ends up forgiving Armaan before they end.

•   •   •   •   •

Nandini pushed open the doors of her old room, memories flooding back to her as she entered it. In this room, she and Armaan had made beautiful memories together. Their wedding night. Their first kiss. Their beautiful discussions on their future. Their first time becoming one. But with beautiful memories, they had made some bad ones as well. Like their first fight. Their arguments. That day...

Nandini stared at the place where Armaan had left her that day, telling her to leave him. She tightly shut her eyes, trying to forget everything but it was hard when those memories had been troubling her every night for the past five months.

Nandini's feet slowly made their way towards the bed, which she gently touched with her hand. Nandini's feet had given up on her after climbing those flights of stairs so she sat down on the edge of the bed. A little smile coated her lips when she thought about the time she and Armaan had talked about having their own little family one day, on this same bed.

Nandini came out of her thoughts when a low knock was placed on the door. Nandini looked up and a low smile made its way to her lips when she noticed who it was. Divya and Neha smiled back at Nandini, standing at the entryway. "Is it the wrong time to be here?" Nandini shook her head, patting on the spots next to her.

Divya and Neha made their way over and sat on either side of Nandini. Nandini's eyes landed on Divya's bump, her smile not leaving her lips. "How many months along are you di?" Divya looked down at her bump and back at Nandini. "Six and a half. You?" Nandini smiled even wider hearing her. "Six months." Divya smiled at the thought of having the same pregnancy as Nandini. "That means we'll give birth almost at the same time." Nandini nodded, lightly grinning.

"I'm telling you, if I have a son and you have a daughter, I am definitely getting them married." Divya had the entire future planned out, making Nandini giggle. "Obviously. Which means no rakhi." Divya chuckled at that, nodding her head and agreeing.

Nandini looked at Neha, who smiled looking at her. "I'm sorry I wasn't there at your wedding. I bet you probably know why." Neha nodded, giving a tight-lipped smile to Nandini. "Don't worry, now that you're here, we can get to know each other. Sameer has talked a lot about his little sister." Nandini lightly smiled at Neha. Neha seemed like a very sweet and innocent girl. "Now it is your turn to get pregnant. If neither one of us have a girl and you do, we will definitely fight over her." Divya said, making all of them burst into laughter.

Neha's face heated up, which didn't go unnoticed by Nandini and Divya. Nandini and Divya looked at one another, giving each other a knowing look. "What is it Neha?" Neha looked up, her face still red. "I really want kids and I have been asking Sameer for a while now but he always changes the topic. But last week, he had finally agreed so..." Nandini and Divya gave Neha a tantalizing smile, making her look down as if she was a new bride. Which she was.

"About that, di, did you guys go for the IVF treatment?" Divya shook her head, smiling. "We were going to try it but it was as if god had heard our prayers and I got pregnant itself." Nandini squeezed Divya's hand, happy for her. "I can't imagine how happy you and Rishab bhai would've been."

Divya looked at Nandini, noticing her smile turning into a sad one. She also knew the reason why. "Don't worry Nandini. In these three months, you will get those moments back which you didn't get with Armaan bhai. And I am sure, Armaan will do anything to win you back again. But make sure to give him a hard time." Nandini looked up, giving a tight-lipped smile. "I'm planning on to. I won't leave him be until he starts going bald because of me." Nandini said, making Divya and Neha chuckle.

And she sure was. Nandini was going to make sure Armaan realized his mistakes fully. She wasn't going to leave him be without making him pay for each and everything he had done and said to her. It was now Nandini's turn to make Armaan go mad. And for a fact, Nandini was great at making people agree to all her wishes.

•   •   •   •   •

Armaan entered the room and a sigh full of relief left his lips after seeing his wife on their bed. It had been months since he had came back to his room, happy to finally see his wife. His room had felt so unhome like. It felt as if this room was just there like any hotel room. But seeing Nandini here today, it felt as if he had gotten everything back.

Nandini looked up from her book, only to find Armaan smiling at her. Nandini gave him an anger full look and looked back down at her book, making Armaan gulp. Oh boy. It was going to be one hell of a night.

Armaan made his way towards Nandini and sat down on the edge of the bed, inches away from Nandini. Nandini didn't look up at him once and continued doing what she was doing, making Armaan distressed. "Nandini." Armaan called her out but she didn't pay heed to his words. It was as if he wasn't even there.

After not getting a reply from her the next five times, Armaan finally gave up. Moving over, Armaan pulled Nandini's book out of her hands, making her look up at him with wide eyes. Armaan smirked seeing her finally give him the attention he had been wanting. "Armaan Oberio! Give me back my book!"

Nandini threw the duvet off of her, charging at Armaan, who was quick enough to move. Nandini got up and tried to pull the book out of his hand, only for him to raise it up. Nandini's mouth opened agape, anger overtaking her features. Armaan bit back his smile after seeing his wife so riled up. She looked hella cute, especially because of her pregnancy glow.

Her red chubby cheeks made Armaan want to bite them. Realizing he was losing focus, Armaan raised it even higher while Nandini tried to reach up for it. "Give it back!" Nandini gave a pissed off look to Armaan, who smirked in reply.

Armaan's smirk died down when he noticed Nandini's eyes turning all glassy. Nandini had stopped jumping for the book now and sat back on the bed. Nandini sniffed, not looking at Armaan. Armaan panicked seeing her cry so suddenly. "Shit. Nandini, I didn't mean to make you cry. Here, take the book." Armaan placed the book on her lap, sitting by her on the bed. "I'll buy you an entire library Nandini, but please don't cry." Armaan said, more like begged.

Nandini sniffed, looking up at Armaan with her teary gaze. "You're..so ba..d. You..you made you..your pregn..at wife...cry." Nandini sniffed. Armaan's heart broke seeing her like this. He knew she was very hormonal and knew he shouldn't have messed with her. Armaan pulled Nandini into his embrace, muttering apologies into her ear. Her kissed her head, saying sorry nonstop.

Nandini pulled back when she was done crying and wiped her tears. She looked up at Armaan, who sighed in relief after seeing her stop crying. But suddenly, he was taken aback when Nandini lifted up the book and hit his arm with it. Her sad expressions were now full of anger. "You..idiot!" Nandini hit him with the book again, making him immediately get up.

Armaan had messed with the wrong person on the wrong day. "Nandini...so-" He was cut off when Nandini threw the book at him, huffing angrily. "Leave! Now!" Armaan stared at his beast of a wife, who was hella hormonal. He couldn't believe he had to bear with her for another three whole months until she pushed this baby out of her.

Seeing her about to get up, Armaan ran straight into the bathroom, terrified of what she'd do next. Nandini huffed to herself seeing his retreating figure. This was nothing. He was scared she'd end up chopping off his hair by the end of these three months. Oh lord. It was going to be one hell of a bumpy ride.

•   •   •   •   •

Armaan entered the room, sighing when he noticed Nandini was not paying attention to him. She was now in her pajamas, ready to go to bed after having a family dinner with the entire family. It finally felt as if everything was back to normal. Everything except their relationship.

Armaan came out of closet after having had changed into sweatpants. He moved towards the bed, catching Nandini's attention. Nandini looked up, which was a huge mistake. Looking up, she met with Armaan's bare chest, making her gulp. Her eyes traveled along his well built body. Her being extra hormonal didn't help either.

Nandini looked up and met with Armaan's smirk, making her look away. Her face was red by now, which made Armaan happy to know he still had an affect on her without even touching her.

Armaan made his way towards the bed, and just as he sat down, he was stopped by Nandini. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Sleeping?" Armaan said more like a question, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Nandini looked at him, raising and eyebrow. "You are not going to sleep here." Armaan narrowed his eyes at Nandini, hesitant to ask. "Then...?"

Nandini viciously smirked at her poor husband who was going to be blown away by her next words. "There." Nandini pointed towards the sofa, making Armaan's eyes widen. "Oh god, no Nandini. Please don't make me sleep on the sofa." Nandini only smirked wider seeing his horrified expressions. This was what she wanted.

"To bad. You either sleep on the sofa or else I'll sleep in another room." It was now Armaan's turn to now smirk. "If you do, you will be breaking a rule on the contract which clearly states we will share a room." Nandini wanted to groan and throw something at this man in front of her. "Fine, then I'll sleep on the sofa because I am not going to share a bed with you!"

Just as Nandini was about to get up, she was stopped by Armaan. "Fine. I'll sleep on the sofa." Armaan groaned. He rather sleep on the sofa then let his pregnant wife sleep on that uncomfortable thing. Nandini grinned in response. She knew Armaan wouldn't let her sleep on the sofa, which is why she said that. "Great. Now get moving."

Armaan gave Nandini a pissed look, who just shooed him away, smiling. Armaan huffed, grabbing a pillow and throwing it onto the sofa. Nandini bit back her grin, seeing his expressions. She lied down and pulled the duvet over her. "And turn off the lights." Nandini said, her back facing Armaan. Armaan stared at her back, controlling his anger.

Groaning like a child, Armaan turned off the lights and forced himself onto the sofa. Lying on the uncomfortable sofa, Armaan looked over at Nandini's figure. If this was just the first day, he couldn't imagine what the next three months would be like. All he could hope for was that Nandini would forgive him before this baby is born and the three months are over.


Namaste guys!
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They are back home!
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Thank you for reading!

- Gurleen

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