{Naoyasu oneshots 2}-(Naofumi...

By Yukitonz

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Felt like my last one was chaotic and I hate my writing one day after I write it, so having something go on f... More

No good reading, just basic stuff
Diary Exchange, losers|2

Following Your Ghost| 1

540 7 7
By Yukitonz

Word count- 7,624
Genre(s)- angst, fluff
Trigger Warning(s)- Slight homophobia, mentions of eating disorders, drinking, smoking, strong language, and mentions/jokes of adult activities. If you are uncomfortable with any of these, please do NOT read.

summary- After two years of barely talking after Motoyasu believes Naofumi has ditched him for a band, Malty invites him to a party. Naofumi agrees to go with Motoyasu. Malty and Naofumi have a rivalry for Motoyasu off the bat.


It was as if Motoyasu couldn't get Naofumi to notice him anymore. It was as if Naofumi moved right through him and never paid attention to him. Motoyasu felt like a ghost...

They'd been friends for so long, since kindergarten to be exact. Naofumi had made a habit of asking to go on bike rides together where Motoyasu trailed in the back and felt his heart skip as his hands explored Naofumi's waist. Or how Naofumi demanded they'd go to the beach and eventually he'd take off his shirt and show the true taste of what he had to offer.

Once high school rolled around and they matured, Naofumi took not a breath of hesitation in joining the band club and becoming their lead guitarist. Bike rides, beaches, and hangouts turned into a distanced friendship where Motoyasu followed him around like a lost puppy to only be ignored. Eventually, he felt like he was nothing. A drop of rain in an ocean. Occasional, 'hello's' and 'how was your day?' Was all Motoyasu could pull.

Motoyasu sat at a bench pulling out his lunch. He wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with his friends bullying random kids and going out behind the yard to sneak a smoke and beer. So, he sat alone... Waiting for the next class to roll by.

Motoyasu let out a small sigh. Naofumi used to sit next to him, the two of them sharing Motoyasu's food as Naofumi carelessly left his lunch on the counter. Motoyasu gladly allowed him, knowing that his little smirk hid that he just wanted Motoyasu's cooking. Not to mention being so close... Thighs touching and hands skimming over one another as they went to grab food. The good days or closeted homosexuality.

He let out a solemn chuckle. How could he ever be truly complete, really? As he brought some food towards his mouth he heard a familiar chuckle. Naofumi and his new band. Competing so young in the music industry- Motoyasu made sure to close his eyes and listen to it... Focusing on every guitar solo he'd heard from Naofumi himself up in the raven's room, sitting on his bed long before he joined a band.

Motoyasu partly wanted to pack up and leave, but he remained seated... His legs are already weakened from his nerves. He had no means to try and make it worse. Naofumi marched closer, boots crashing on the gravel and kicking small rocks as he passed. Like usual, he was gone like the wind without a word.

The small outdoor square between the halls of the school fell quiet once more. Motoyasu lowered his head in pity. He let out a sigh, he really didn't want to eat anymore... Crashed by reality. He closed up the container and shoved it in his bag rather violently. He leaned forward, running two hands through his hair and letting his thumbs rest on his temples. It was a habit he did when he was stressed- as if it were to create a world of peace... Even if he was still in the same damned reality that teased him.

Motoyasu felt a salty tear roll down his cheek and he quickly wiped it. He just wanted his childhood friend to wrap his arms around Motoyasu, his fingers gently pressing into his skin... His eyes closed with his head preserved between Motoyasu's neck and shoulder... Muttering words of love. It's all Motoyasu wanted. To place his thumb on Naofumi's pink, slightly chapped lips- staring lovingly into two eyes the colour of fully developed leaves.

He remembered a similar day like that... Naofumi and Motoyasu stayed in Motoyasu's basement, playing some random game on the couch. It was a shooter, Naofumi growing more and more competitive at the moment. He and Naofumi were on the same team and Motoyasu tried his hardest just for Naofumi. There was one lone person left- Motoyasu taking the kill.

Motoyasu turned to give Naofumi a chill high-five but he fell back onto the couch as a body crashed into him and two thin arms wrapped around his waist. "Yes! Let's fucking go! I fucking love you!" Naofumi laughed. Motoyasu's smile turned slightly more awkward and he could feel his arms and legs tickle nervously as Naofumi spoke his last few words of the moment. Naofumi's face dug into the shoulder, small giggles of authentic enjoyment escaping him. Motoyasu gradually looked up- examining the boy who clung onto him and slightly squirmed around, purely over-excited and over-caffeinated.

Motoyasu slowly looked up, back at the school... Dull colours of old red bricks surrounded him. He slowly stood, walking lazily to his next class. He grumbled slightly, realizing it was no other than History... And he had to work on a project with Malty, a person in his friend group that looked at him in a way he wished Naofumi did. Lustful, admiring and dreamy. Motoyasu hated the look... It was the wrong person who tried to grab his attention.

Malty leaned closer toward him, twirling a strand of hair. "Motoyasu-Sama, after school can we go over to your house and... Work on the project?"

Motoyasu frowned. He really just wanted to work on the project for real. It was odd, considering he hated working at school. Explained his poor report card... That Naofumi used to bark at. "I uh..." Motoyasu coughed, trying to think of anything. He gave her an awkward smile, "I have a game after school and I'm already hanging out with some others after the game."

"But, Motoyasu-Sama!" Malty whined, pushing her body closer until her chest moved against his arm. Motoyasu felt his frown grow and he felt mildly disturbed... Wanting anything more than to just get away and distance himself. "It can't be the football game because Ren said there was nothing happening tonight... But, if it's that stupid nerd Naofumi... Me, Ren, Itsuki and Lesty planned on going to my house and drinking. Doesn't that sound so much more fun~? Plus we can... Go to my room after," Malty stated, winking at the end.

"I... No, I'm sorry. I can't," Motoyasu coughed.

Malty placed her index finger on Motoyasu's upper arm, slowly letting it move down as she spoke. "But, Motoyasu-Sama... We can have some fun~ Besides, it'll be the best time of your life with all of us there, alone. We're going to drink, smoke, play some games... Go in the pool~ And I was hoping we could have lots of fun together. Just the two of us."

"Can we just... Work on this for now? I'm trying to get passing marks," Motoyasu lied. He didn't care about marks. His parents agreed to give him all the money he needed and he has already secured a line in their industry. Besides... He wasn't one to want a big house on his own. All he wanted was a small wooden house with Naofumi and maybe a few adopted kids. He had much better dreams than drinking with a whore and fake friends.

Malty let out a sigh, picking up a pencil. Motoyasu sighed, happy she decided to stop seducing him. "Fine, fine. But please, consider my offer ~. If it makes you come, you can bring that guitar freak along. Doesn't mean I have to talk to him," Malty proposed. Motoyasu nodded slightly, picking up a pen.

"I'll uh- think about it," Motoyasu puffed. Malty let out a chuckle that was rather flirtatious. Malty scooted a little closer... Motoyasu grew once again nervous as he could feel her breath tickling on his arm. He officially hated growing into looks as Naofumi let him go. Right when Naofumi was off- he became much healthier, muscular, cleaner and dyed his hair blond to give him a new look. He wanted friends- and went for the wrong group.


Motoyasu let out a small groan, lying on his bed and letting Naofumi's latest solo blast through his room. Heavy solos and light acoustic. He played both and he was off to both be in a band and a solo guitarist. Honestly, Motoyasu was happy he didn't have to be reminded of the other band kids all the time. They pissed him off with how they drove his best friend- no-his crush away.

He rolled over to look at the phone that rested on his bedside table, charging... The phone was merely dead from going through old messages between fake friends and his hopefully future lover. He was tempted to ask if Naofumi wanted to go to the party. He knew he'd be seen as a rather fake friend if he didn't go- especially after ditching during lunch... But he wanted to see if he could buy time with Naofumi... Even if it was awkward.

Motoyasu felt his hand twitch, thoughts swarming. They could just sneak over the fence or go out the front door after some fake excuse. He could easily say he grew sick and went home... And he was the one who drove Naofumi. Motoyasu sat up with a groan- his whole body weak from how much he'd been stressing recently. He snatched his phone and punched in the code.

M- Hey, Naofumi! I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party? We can just talk and hang out while the other dumbasses party lol.

Motoyasu waited a moment. He ran a hand through his hair, wondering if this was the right thing. He knew Naofumi had a tight schedule, so he felt guilty for trying to take his peaceful time. But, on the other hand, a lot could happen if Naofumi could go to this little party.

They could drink together and maybe pass a cigarette between the two... Sharing sneaky glances at one another as they sat in fancy clothing or bare chests at the pool. Motoyasu knew he'd probably have to control his thoughts if this happened, knowing he was more accepting of his feelings and much more mature now.

They could both meet up in the bathroom, tipsy and sloppy make-out on the counter if Naofumi wasn't already dating one of the other band members or if Motoyasu had unreturned feelings. Naofumi was openly gay- so Motoyasu knew maybe he had a slight chance. Motoyasu felt his shirt tighten as he thought about it. Hands wrapped around his wet torso- one hand moving through his dripping hair... Soaked lips moving over one another- two hands trailing along his body. Motoyasu let out a small chuckle and moved his eyes back to the phone as it vibrated.

N- Party with your friends? Aren't they like Ren, Itsuki, Malty and lesty- that group??

M- yeah, it is- but that doesn't mean you have to talk to them. I'll be there too, you know!!

N- mmmmmm maybeeee

M- come on, I don't even like them :(((

N- What time is it? The party?

M- starts at 8 pm and ends at 12 am I think

N- Whatever, but you're picking me up, dropping me off, and buying me food on the way there.

M- Okay- whatever--

N- okay :))

M- See you soon, Nao

N- see you ✌

Motoyasu fell back on his bed, helplessly letting out a laugh. He was glad he won time with Naofumi- even if he didn't want to go himself. At least now Malty couldn't hit on him the whole time and invite him up to her bedroom to have sex. He knew that was all she wanted. A popular boyfriend who was hot and gave good sex. They had it once as Motoyasu was trying to fit in and have new friends, but he never wanted to again. As she moaned and screamed his name- all Motoyasu could think about was Naofumi. Obviously, he had someone else on mind.

Motoyasu hopped up to get ready. He figured he could look nice for Naofumi. He'd see their car food on the way over as a date... And Motoyasu figured he could try and actually talk to his best friend again. He figured he may ask why he'd been ignored for so long on the way back... Because Motoyasu didn't know if Naofumi would blow up or not. He knew Naofumi well enough to know he was hot-headed.

He figured he was ready. He had the classic ponytail that many people complimented for- making sure it was fluffy and wavy. It was Naofumi who always used to play with his hair- even if everyone around said that wasn't what male friends did. Naofumi always said he liked the feel of Motoyasu's hair soft- and Motoyasu always remembered the flutter in his chest.

He made sure to wear... Tighter and more appealing clothes. A tight white turtleneck that made his chest and arms look more muscular than they were, classical jeans that hugged tightly at his ass... Just for Naofumi. He wasn't considering that they'd be getting drunk, playing stupid ass games that probably involved sexual themes, kissing and alcohol- and being in a pool... But he figured he could look nice so Naofumi stared helplessly at him.

He had an idea of what Naofumi liked.

In no time he got into his car and drove up to Naofumi's house. He could see a small flame escape the air, Naofumi lighting a cigarette. Smoke flew into the air, and two light green eyes looked at the car. Naofumi got up and quickly paced over. He slumped into Motoyasu's car, placing a foot against the glove box... Unable to sit normally in a seat or car. Another small thing Motoyasu thought was cute.

Motoyasu slowly looked up and down his body- Naofumi not paying attention to the way he batted his eyes and how he slightly licked his lip. Naofumi had his usual messy hair, some of it slightly slicked back and adding more volume. He wore a black leather jacket that hung loosely just past his shoulders, a leather cropped turtleneck beneath... His freckled shoulders and toned abs showed from the material. He wore tight black jeans and thigh-high black leather boots with slight heels on the end. Naofumi sure dressed up.

"Hey..." Motoyasu hummed, practically out of breath from the alluring sight. Noone would ever appreciate those tight-fitting, sexy outfits Naofumi threw on as much as Motoyasu.

"Hey! I also want a salad, so go somewhere with it," Naofumi demanded, having no means for small talk.

Motoyasu looked at him. "Are you trying to be skinny right now?"

Naofumi blinked. "I'll get pizza."

Motoyasu turned his head back to the wheel. "Yeah, alright."

Naofumi strapped the seatbelt and Motoyasu began to drive down the street- beginning the true dreadful ride to the slut's house. Naofumi put both of his feet on the seat, body leaning towards the storage compartment... One elbow resting on it so he could lay his head in his palm.

"So, anything new going on-? I know you're making actual music now," Motoyasu smiled. Somehow even though they'd only been silent for a moment, it was already growing rather tense. Motoyasu barely knew him anymore- so it wasn't much of a surprise. Two years in high school- about ten conversations and a few texts.

"Oh, yeah! I'm a little surprised... We're not too popular yet! How is it?" Naofumi smirked. He really just wanted admiration for his guitar skills and Motoyasu could see right through it. Granted, Motoyasu wished Naofumi could play just before him and Motoyasu could show his admiration and support through a loving kiss on the lips... But they weren't dating. At all.

"I really enjoy it, especially your solos. You really know how to play compared to your constant failure on all those songs in the past," Motoyasu teased. "I'm sure you're going to become popular... Not that you aren't already for how short ago you began."

Naofumi let out a small chuckle, "I remember those stupid songs... They were not where I should have begun... And I will say, we're really just attracting people who walk by the band room while we're doing rough ideas for songs... But thank you."

"I never passed by," Motoyasu hummed.

Naofumi jokingly patted his arm, "Whatever~ Brings me money."

"Yeah, you spend it all on your guitar collection and manga. How many mangas do you even have now-?"

"I lost count a while ago, honestly," Naofumi admitted. He looked at Motoyasu with a rather admiring look, a smile on his face. "Lot's. You know, Motoyasu, we should actually read some of them together sometime-"

Motoyasu grinned, "Yeah! Yeah, we should." Any time with Naofumi was a win-win. Motoyasu was more into fully written novels, but he still enjoyed seeing the illustrations and stories. And it gave him tailoring ideas for the occasional time he made clothing and designed them.

"Alright. I haven't read a lot of them in quite some time and no one in my band like manga, so," Naofumi hummed, examining his hand as if it were a masterpiece. It was something Malty also did- but somehow it didn't irritate Motoyasu or make him view Naofumi as a narcissist.

"Why don't we read those cringy ones you bought? They were fun to read," Motoyasu chuckled.

Naofumi let out a laugh, slightly leaning towards Motoyasu. "I still have the series with the really cliche plot! The protagonist is overpowered, draws all the ladies, is a badass and can defeat anyone. Plus all those stupid classic fights?"

"Oh my god... That one was such a ripoff of an actually good book. They just changed the character names and made the plot one-hundred times more annoying, cliche and cringy," Motoyasu snickered. He remembered that old manga. It almost got copyrighted for theft- but of course not since the book had done so much better in every aspect.

Naofumi let out a rather gentle chuckle... The air was much less tense as they fell quiet. It was nice to talk about the past... To remember how cringy and young they'd been. Motoyasu was...Almost thrilled. He remembered the feel of sitting so close, each one of them holding the opposing side of the book so they could both see it and both contribute to the horrid sight of flipping the page. Their legs would touch, and their arms were next to each other with thumbs that mixed and moved over one another... And how he could feel Naofumi's breath tickle on his chin every time he looked up to mention some embarrassing part in the book. Motoyasu took a deep breath, realizing he'd stopped breathing for just a moment.

Before long, they were parked in a pretty abandoned parking lot- both with food and drink. Motoyasu observed Naofumi, barely caring about the stuff he bought. He watched the smile on Naofumi's face as he disobeyed his parents and ate something that wasn't good for you- and had a drink that was filled with sugar. Seeing as how he didn't pick through the food and didn't have a bored face, it reminded him of all good times. Somehow, it felt like that two-year gap of their tension had been cleared and covered.

"Gosh, I fucking forgot how good food is..." Naofumi hummed. "Thanks, you are the fucking best. I was forced to eat some disgusting ass green thing that's healthy and I would rather eat grass," Naofumi went on.

"Jeez. Come out with me more or come over to my house- I'll feed you all the junk food you want," Motoyasu hummed. Motoyasu was grateful his father let him eat junk food and let him have his own life... Unlike Naofumi. They didn't pay attention to anything- other than his appearance.

"So, are we actually going to this party or did you have some plan to ditch and hang out somewhere else?" Naofumi asked, food in his mouth... At least that didn't change about him. He still didn't give a shit about how delicately he ate. Granted- this was also Motoyasu he sat with.

"Uh, I mean I did plan on going," Motoyasu shrugged. He wouldn't complain if Naofumi wanted to go somewhere else to hang out just as the two of them. Motoyasu could easily text Malty to say something came up.

"Alright. We'll just sit a little further away, waste their drinks and shit talk them," Naofumi smirked.

"Sounds like a plan," Motoyasu snickered.

Naofumi leaned his head back in the seat, swallowing the bite he'd taken. Naofumi was half done- Motoyasu barely laid a hand on his food. He focused on the way his adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, and how his lips slightly parted as he gazed at the roof. Or how sharp his jawline had become- Motoyasu easily imagined running his fingers along something so defined.

"Are you going to eat or keep staring at me like you want to fuck?" Naofumi mumbled. Was it only now that Motoyasu noticed that Naofumi had his eyes peeled on him- and that Motoyasu had a smirk and lust in his eyes.

"I- what-? I don't want to fuck! I mean- you're my friend, nothing more, I wouldn't fuck my friend- that's strange! A-and I'm eating. I'm just not all too hungry!" Motoyasu tried to defend himself, partially failing. Naofumi only blinked with a doubtful look, Motoyasu going on only making it worse. He gave Naofumi an awkward smile.

"Okay then... I was kind of kidding... But um, yeah," Naofumi awkwardly replied... Eyes slightly narrowing and turning away from Motoyasu- having a 'what-the-fuck' moment.

Motoyasu looked down at his food- slowly eating it... Deciding that was probably his one and only warning before Naofumi caught on for good. Even so, he snuck glances at his tight clothing, hot frame, cheery smile as he ate the food, and his usual messy hair. He was smiling like an idiot once more, barely even realizing it.

They finished up, now on their way to satan's house. Naofumi kept his head back, legs up on the seat. Motoyasu made sure to drive carefully- not needing to get into any crash with Naofumi like that. He didn't need a dead friend in the passenger seat.

They came to a stop, Naofumi slowly rolling his head to look at the mansion. Naofumi let out a yawn and unbuckled the seatbelt. "Welp, let's get this nightmare over with," Naofumi huffed, already partly annoyed as he stared at the illuminating lights inside and the cheap privacy earned.

They stepped out of the car, Naofumi trailing close behind Motoyasu- not wanting to wander too far ahead or behind and look like an idiot. Was not on his list of things to do. Motoyasu knocked on the door and Malty answered, a flirtatious look already on her face.

"Hey, Motoyasu~. Hey Naofumi," She smiled, seeming slightly more annoyed as her eyes turned to look at the guitarist. Naofumi gave her back a cheap smile and Motoyasu could already feel the rivalry progressing between them.

"Why don't you two come in? We just started a game of spin the bottle~," Malty giggled. Motoyasu and Naofumi stepped in- Naofumi giving a dull look as Motoyasu smiled happily... Motoyasu being more of the one for this stuff. Motoyasu pulled Naofumi a little closer, sensing how out of place Naofumi felt.

"Hey, I promise you, it's really not that bad. Just drink a bit, smoke a bit, we'll have our own little conversation," Motoyasu assured him, Malty paying the two a glance as they spoke... Obviously cranky that Motoyasu had brought the band kid along.

Naofumi let out a small sigh, "It's nothing, really. I promise," Naofumi assured him, giving a fake smile. Motoyasu could tell how fake it was considering he'd put in the time to recognize every real smile from the fake.

They reached where the rest were. "Oh, isn't that Naofumi? The music kid?" Itsuki spoke, voice muffled to the three's ears, though Naofumi still paid close attention to each word.

"Yeah, he's pretty fucking good. If he ditched some things- he could surely become one of the most popular kids," Ren snickered, looking at the tense three that waltzed in. Naofumi gently brushed against Motoyasu's leg- as if to tell him that he was quite pissy at the moment.

They sat down- Naofumi making sure he was beside Motoyasu. He didn't need to sit beside some popular idiot. "Hey, well, isn't it nice to finally meet Motoyasu's childhood friend. You know, Iwatani, you're not half bad," Lesty began, letting out a small flirtatious hum.

"Uh- Thanks..." Naofumi mumbled.

"Motoyasu, it's so funny how you're so confident and he seems so shy! I'm surprised, for a band kid and all," Lesty snickered. "I think it's cute~."

Motoyasu cleared his throat, gaining their attention. "How about you stop flirting with my friend, you have a boyfriend." Lesty shrugged and let out a small laugh. Somehow, she'd even made Malty unamused.

"Well, I'll go grab you each a couple of drinks and you guys play. Try not to get two of the same gender, or else you get a free pass. I don't need any fags here," Malty chortled. Naofumi seemed tense, cringing at her words.

"Ew..." Naofumi mumbled under his breath- just enough for Motoyasu to hear. Motoyasu gave him a quick glance- but didn't pay much attention.

"Well, why don't we let the new guy spin first?" Lesty asked before taking a sip of her drink... Wasting none of it as she did.

Naofumi slightly narrowed his eyes... And Motoyasu could tell his heart was pounding. He controlled his anxiety and brought a hand forward, before giving it a good spin.

Motoyasu watched it- wondering what person he'd have to be jealous of... and majorly envious of for the whole night. He'd glare like there was no tomorrow.

It finally stopped spinning, and Naofumi let his lips form into a thin line, holding back any sort of insult that would make the group look at him like he had three eyes. Naofumi swore this game was rigged or someone was cheating.

"Oh~ Would you look at that!" Lesty hummed, licking her lips. "You will get the honour of kissing the best looking here. Of course, you're a close second, Iwatani," She smirked. As much as Naofumi was about to get up to get this over with, she stood up and took a seat in front of him... Busting out her chest so it looked bigger. Her hands rested on the floor between her legs.

"Well, handsome~," Lesty hummed, waiting for Naofumi to make the move. Motoyasu watched with a sour look on his face. He watched as Naofumi placed a shaky hand on her shoulder, one on her arm, and conjoined the space between their lips. He gave her a few seconds before pulling away from the torture. Motoyasu watched as he fought off the urge to make a completely disgusted face- distraught he had to kiss a girl like her.

"Not bad of a kisser either~ You should really join us! We have so much fun and you're fit to hang out," Lesty went on... Naofumi wanted more than anything for Malty to get back so he could down a drink in seconds. He'd done it before and he'd do it again.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Naofumi sighed.

"And has an attitude? Damn... Only gets better," Lesty hummed as she stood up- heading back to where she sat. She put her hand on the bottle and gave it a spin.

Naofumi wiped his mouth merely instantly, a taint of red coming off on his polished leather. Even so, he didn't seem to care as he'd rather it on the jacket than him. Motoyasu continued to give him a look, wishing that Motoyasu himself had been the very same girl. Motoyasu would still gladly kiss Naofumi even if the rest looked at them like freaks. At least then he had an excuse for a kiss.

The bottle landed on Ren and he let out a small chuckle. "Yeah... Go kiss him, not me," Naofumi scoffed, making sure to keep his voice quiet so the others didn't hear.

Malty came back, passing each Motoyasu and Naofumi a couple of drinks. Motoyasu let out a sigh as Naofumi smirked and let a satisfying click hit the air... And he downed most of the drink in no time.

Motoyasu gently slapped his arm and Naofumi merely coughed up what he had in his mouth. He swallowed and looked at Motoyasu. "What?" He asked, his breath heavy and voice raspy.

"Don't drink so fast! You'll get drunk, dumbass!" Motoyasu scoffed.

"Better off," Naofumi coldly replied, bringing the can back to his lips and finishing off the last few drops. He seemed to get a few looks that gave him a rather sharp look... Which was the look of bracing to bribe someone into their group.

Neither Naofumi nor Motoyasu paid attention really until it landed on Motoyasu for the first time. He slowly looked towards Malty, who had spun. As much as he could make it quick, he was aware of the huge advantage she'd made onto him... And how much she tricked him with how childish he acted a couple of years back.

"I am glad to get you, Motoyasu~ You're just the perfect kisser! Honestly, especially when passionate..." Malty slowly started, letting out a small satisfied hum at the end. Motoyasu felt eyes gawking at him from the side- Naofumi now made aware that they'd kissed before.

Motoyasu paced over- not daring to even throw a quick glance Naofumi's way. The raven was well aware that Motoyasu knew- but was stuck peering with a nasty look on his face.

Motoyasu wrapped his arms around Malty's torso, pulling her closer as they both stood. Motoyasu slowly leaned into her, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. Naofumi felt his hand ball up in a fit of rage as her hands moved through his hair and along his chest... As if trying to seduce him. And not only that but how he grabbed onto her and both their eyes were shut.

Naofumi bit the inside of his cheek, holding back many words and curses. He was not okay with how touchy and real it was getting. Motoyasu broke the kiss, and Malty let out a small chuckle- as if she proved something. Motoyasu walked back, sitting next to Naofumi and taking a rather long sip of his drink.

Motoyasu still didn't dare to glance over- knowing he was in for hell.

"Okay, your spin now~!" Malty called out. Motoyasu spun it, praying he could turn those eyes of hatred into something a little more loving.

Without any notice he crossed his fingers, praying it stopped at Naofumi. Motoyasu held back a large smile, seeing as how luck was on his side today.

Ren let out a laugh, "Come on Motoyasu, give us another passionate kiss!"

Malty gently smacked Ren's arm as a warning- only receiving a chuckle in return.

Motoyasu finally looked at Naofumi, giving him an awkward shrug. Naofumi still death glared at him- but scooted closer.

Ren pulled money from his pocket. "I'll give you each ten if you actually do it with passion. And I mean passion," Ren snickered. Malty was about to scold Ren- but Naofumi ripped the money from Ren's hand and passed Motoyasu half of the two tens.

"He will," Naofumi hummed. Motoyasu would've taken the deal either way... But Motoyasu could tell he only took the deal to piss off Malty- and she could see it too.

Naofumi moved onto Motoyasu's lap, wrapping his arms around the blond's shoulders, slowly moving them down his chest as he moved in to kiss him- even though Motoyasu was supposed to move in to kiss him. Ren let out a laugh- expecting to only have his money stolen. Aka, Ren was the only one who knew the history and feelings of Motoyasu.

Naofumi moved his body even closer, moving a hand down to Motoyasu's torso and gripping it with force... Enough to make Motoyasu slightly move in shock. Motoyasu of course didn't care. Honestly, he was happy Naofumi moved in for the kiss or else he would've stayed there frozen, wondering if he was actually about to kiss his best friend.

Motoyasu slightly opened his eyes as Naofumi pulled away for a breath- before moving back in with more passion... And Motoyasu fought back a moan as Naofumi gently bit Motoyasu's lip and quickly slipped him the tongue. Motoyasu did not need to make such noises in a room full of immature dumbasses. He was just hoping they didn't notice that Naofumi was going farther than needed. But, this was Motoyasu's first kiss with Naofumi and he was not about to break it.

The others stared, grins, wide-opened eyes and jaws agape- the people watching were not expecting such... A gay tension.

Naofumi pulled away, wiping his mouth simply from the string of saliva that was between them... And not to wash away the taste. Motoyasu's chest moved up and down breathlessly, looking shockingly into Naofumi's daring green eyes. Only Naofumi seemed to be left undazed- and he was the one who went so far.

He looked towards the others. "What? Never seen a drunk man make out with his friend for money?" Naofumi snapped.

"That was not just a kiss for money. Don't tell me you're gay?" Malty cringed- a rough look on her face.

"Hm... Depends on the guy," Naofumi snickered, getting off of Motoyasu's lap. "Besides, I was just messing with you," Naofumi winked at Malty... Making her furrow her eyebrows in rage.

"Can't believe someone like you is here," Malty scoffed.

"I was making money. What is wrong with that?" Naofumi shrugged, placing a palm on his cheek- elbow resting on his knee. Motoyasu watched him, still sitting there with a dozed-off face. Although he looked miserable and out of it, his heart was cheering and his guts were twisting with pure excitement.

Possibly years of ignorance were a key to life.

Naofumi opened another can, taking half down like it was nothing.

"We're not doing this anymore. I can't stand to see you make sexual advantages on any other of my friends!" Malty scoffed.

"Hey, hey, hey, wait now. I would've easily toned it down or stopped if Motoyasu wanted me to, or give Ren his money back if Motoyasu disagreed. I'm not forcing him to do anything... So shut your mouth. Besides, I don't know your friends and I surely wouldn't get paid. So shut the fuck up," Naofumi sneered. He took another sip- unable to deal with Malty's crap.

"Why don't you leave- and Motoyasu you stay. I just don't like your friend here," Malty spoke, glaring at Naofumi who calmly sat there... A daunting look on his face for the redhead. Malty wanted to slap him and everyone could feel it.

Motoysu snapped out of it when he heard his name. "Uh- I drove him... So he can't exactly leave without me," Motoyasu chuckled awkwardly.

"Make the scum walk," She scoffed.

"Scum?" Naofumi questioned. "You know, that's really uncreative. Be a little more creative. plebeian, pillock, yaldson, snake, cocksucker because I'm sure I'll have the honours of sucking his dick before you," Naofumi smirked. Malty stared at him, mouth agape. All Naofumi did in return to her threatening gaze was gulp down more of his drink.

Motoyasu pushed Naofumi's shoulder, grabbing the raven's attention. Naofumi raised a brow, giving a questioning look back to a panicked face. "Naofumi, that is enough! You're drunk and I'm not dealing with...You," Motoyasu coughed.

"Yeah, speak flirty boy. You had a look that said you wanted to fuck me right then and there in the car," Naofumi told. Motoyasu felt his cheeks slightly flush, feeling the others giving him unapproving glares... Accept for Ren.

"No- I did not! Can you please stop saying fake shit-? I'm not gay," Motoyasu sneered, voice quiet. Naofumi rolled his eyes, waving at him to say whatever.

Motoyasu let out a small sigh... Looking at the group. They seemed to be both amazed and disgusted. "I'm sorry... He gets drunk easily and he's hard to deal with when he's drunk," Motoyasu sighed.

"He turns gay when he's drunk?" Itsuki sarcastically asked.

"No- he just gets hard to handle and... Likes to tease," Motoyasu mumbled. Absolute bullshit rode off his tongue, never having seen him drunk before... But Motoyasu didn't feel like dealing with all the mean glares.

"Yeah, why don't we head out back? Maybe your drunk friend can get a little sober and gain a few brain cells," Malty sneered, keeping a fake smile. Motoyasu nodded awkwardly, seeing as how they were ready to throw fists.

They headed out back, Naofumi wasting no time to down the rest of the second drink and tossing it into the garbage. Naofumi stood close to Motoyasu, chuckling as the cool wind hit his skin. The others already began to remove clothing they didn't want wet- Malty sneaking a glance at Motoyasu as she stripped to her undergarments. Ren let out a small chuckle, scanning her body.

"Motoyasu-sama! Come on, let's go in together!" Malty cheered happily, beginning to lift Motoyasu's turtleneck. Motoyasu let it fall to the ground, revealing his chest. Malty hummed, staring at his muscles. "You've gotten a lot more muscle, I see. I like that," Malty mumbled, placing her arms around motoyasu... Leaning her body close.

Motoyasu wanted to push her away but watched as Lesty and Itsuki watched closely from the pool... Ren shook his head and pinched his nose. It sure made a difference when you knew who liked who. Malty ran a hand down his chest, studying him as if she'd never seen him before. He could tell, she was trying to piss off Naofumi... And doing a hella good job.

She moved a hand to his pants line, letting it glide and move down his ass. Before Motoyasu could let out a retort, Malty crashed her lips onto his, giving him frantic loving kisses. Naofumi furrowed his brows, tossing his leather jacket to the side.

He pushed Malty off of Motoyasu and held up two fists. "Naofumi, no-" Motoyasu warned, grabbing Naofumi's shoulder, trying to pull him back.

"No, I've had enough of her dumb ass shit! Listen here, bitch, he has given me a look that says holy fuck you're hot and I want to fuck, I'm sure you've never gotten such a look! P-plus you're homophobic and a bag of shit," Naofumi insulted, keeping fists up. "Touch him one more time and I'll ruin your face."

Malty furrowed her brows. "Would you fuck off?" She replied angrily. Naofumi rolled his eyes and hiccuped.

Motoyasu grabbed both his shoulders, turning him around and keeping him still. Naofumi looked up at him, eyes focused on Motoyasu's lips. "Naofumi, seriously, control yourself-"

"No, no she deserves it. You wanna fuck me not her... And I want you to be happy!" Naofumi went on. Motoyasu was about to excuse both of them- sick of Naofumi and all these words. As much as he was right- it was causing anxiety for the blond.

"Calm down, please. You're both just trying to make each other jealous, okay? Please," Motoyasu begged, making his voice quieter.

They both fell silent, Naofumi's body was slightly swaying in Motoyasu's grasp. "No-"

Motoyasu gripped Naofumi's wrist, making sure he couldn't get away if he tried. Even so, Naofumi didn't fight back. "I'm seriously so sorry about him. I'm going to go talk to him privately, I'll buy you some extra beer or something," Motoyasu sighed before dragging Naofumi into the house and into the nearest bathroom so he could lock the door.

Naofumi let out a laugh, sitting up on the counter.

"What- what is so funny!? I understand that you hate her, but too fucking far! I didn't want to deal with any fights-"

"Do you actually think I'm drunk, Motoyasu?" Naofumi cut him off, a devious grin on his face. "I just wanted to talk to you."

"...What-?" Motoyasu questioned, confusion in his gaze.

Naofumi rolled his eyes. "I was never drunk, I was just acting like it... And I'm sorry for the little fake fight- though, she was starting to piss me off. I just want to know why you invited me to some slut's party after ignoring me for so long," Naofumi hummed.

"I was ignoring you...?" Motoyasu sighed, failing to believe Naofumi tried to imply he was sober.

"Yeah, obviously! I joined the band and was busy trying to know things! Alongside being overwhelmed when school began back up. You didn't try and talk to me and you began changing and hanging out with popular kids so I assumed you moved on from me. But seriously, how did you replace me with these losers?" Naofumi went on.

Motoyasu blinked, stunned. He quickly gained ground, pointing a finger at Naofumi. "I only did it to try and fit in! I only began to change because I wasn't turning into a loner. You left me for those stupid band kids," Motoyasu retorted.

"Hm. Sure, sure. But I know the truth," Naofumi hummed, crossing his legs and leaning a hand on his leg. "Now, better yet, do you like me? I keep catching you sneaking glances at me and I see you grow nervous every time I'm with you," Naofumi casually asked- as if he was just wondering about an easy question.

Motoyasu cleared his throat, "No, of course not... I like girls."

"Hm, sure. But I was serious about the way you were looking at me in the car. You were looking me up and down, staring at my lips and chest and even licking your lips as you studied mine. If you say you do, I'm sure you're not going to get rejected~," Naofumi innocently smiled- as if what he said wasn't going to stun Motoyasu harder than any taser could.

"A-are you implying that you-?" Motoyasu began, trying to make due of all that has happened in such little time.

"Yes, dumbass. Do you want to ask me out or should I ask myself out first?" Naofumi teased, brushing the tip of his boot on Motoyasu's leg- simply to pester.

Motoyasu walked forward, leaning his lower body on the counter and sliding his hands on Naofumi's hips. He gave Naofumi a rather weak look, unsure if he could really confess to Naofumi so suddenly.

"Come on. I've known since like seventh grade, I don't think you have much to worry about," Naofumi hummed... Motoyasu looked down slightly, staring at his lips as if to make this confession invalidate the use of any words.

"Naofumi... Will you... Um-" Motoyasu began, feeling his limbs growing weak and butterflies growing in his stomach. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Motoyasu finally asked, his voice a little louder than he presumed it to be.

Naofumi leaned forward a bit, caressing Motoyasu's cheeks in his hands and making their foreheads touch. Motoyasu still looked off to the side, flustered. "Of course, I will gladly be your boyfriend, my love," Naofumi whispered lovingly, placing a gentle kiss on Motoyasu's nose.

Motoyasu smiled innocently, unable to help it. Two years of believing he was never going to win over the man of his dreams truly fucked with him.

Motoyasu cupped Naofumi's hands, slowly moving them away from his face so he could hold them in his own. Motoyasu placed a kiss on Naofumi. Just a loving kiss that showed the true admiration he'd preserved just for this day.

Naofumi kissed back, their lips meeting and breaking ever so slightly for a breath only to repeat. Naofumi wrapped his hands around Motoyasu's shoulder, slowly moving away from their tied hands to do so. Motoyasu's hands moved down to Naofumi's waist, and both felt like this was a dream in a fairytale.

Naofumi smiled, their stream of loving kisses stopping as he looked into Motoyasu's eyes. "So, want to drive me home soon and hang out at my place? Sleep over, maybe?" Naofumi offered in a quiet voice, the room still just for the two of them.

Motoyasu let out a small hum of agreement, just enjoying the light breathing of Naofumi. Naofumi placed another gentle kiss on Motoyasu's soft lips, unable to keep his own lips away from his. They were like a drug- something Naofumi needed and all he could think about all day.

"Just a warning though... I am a little drunk, so you might have to deal with me being a little sick in the morning," Naofumi teased.

"Hm, sure you are," Motoyasu snickered.

Naofumi scooted closer, wrapping his legs around Motoyasu's waist. "Why don't we just escape through the front door? I don't need to start another fight with malty," Naofumi smiled lovingly.

"Sounds good to me. C'mon," Motoyasu agreed, pulling Naofumi off the counter and placing another loving kiss on his lips. Naofumi let out a content chuckle, practically melting from how warm he felt inside. Naofumi shifted his head between Motoyasu's neck and shoulder, giving the blond a pure love bite.

"I'm so glad I'm going to live the rest of my life with you," Naofumi mumbled.

"I'm glad, too. Get a private house somewhere with a few adopted kids," Motoyasu mentioned.

"One, but sure," Naofumi snickered, placing a kiss. Motoyasu held him close, wanting nothing but to feel his warmth and gentle aura. Motoyasu placed a loving kiss on the raven's head, running a hand through his dark locks.

"That works, too."

"You two assholes coming or not?!" Ren's voice rang out.

Naofumi let out a grumble. "Yeah!" He yelled back. Naofumi turned his gaze back to Motoyasu. "Front door?"


A/N- Do you ever pull 7,500 words from your ass with no sleep and an iced coffee to run off of? Well, I do too! Welcome to me hating myself and posting at 3 in the morning where I live! Hope you enjoyed watching words jumble from the word count and have a good day. 💕 (Expect words now as I am a pro at this.)

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