Can You Love Me Right? GxG

By CrazyAplaka1

93.6K 2.6K 881

Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 15 - The Pensieve
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day
Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion
Chapter 34 - Lupin
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2

2.2K 70 29
By CrazyAplaka1

McLaggen smugly grabs a bottle of cheap beer and opens, it taking a large sip. Y/N grimaces but doesn't say anything. "Say, you and Granger are a thing yeah"

"Yeah," Y/N says sternly not liking the direction this conversation is going.

"It's a shame really," McLaggen starts looking over at Y/N's friend group particularly and a certain Gryffindor girl. "bet I could change her mind, getting her quote on quote 'thinking straight' again"

"Are you fucking serious" Y/N says, her blood boiling at the boy's comment "she's Bi. Hermione could've chosen anyone in this room and I'm lucky enough she chose me and even if she wasn't my girlfriend, she would go out with a guy like you"

"Are you sure about that" McLaggen states smugly and Y/N looks at him furiously moulding her hand into a tight fist.

"Hey is everything alright" Jorden says as he walks over to the drinks station and grabs two of the cheap beers and opens them. Y/N looks at him and he nods hoping to give the Ravenclaw some backup.

"It's alright Jord's" Y/N says "McLaggen is just being a homophobic asshole"

"Woah, woah I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that" McLaggen says putting his hands up in the air and Y/N just rolls her eyes "but since granger is taken, is Florence available"

"You must be joking," Y/N says and Jorden gently grabs Y/N's arm stopping her from lunging at the boy

"What, I'm just saying she's insanely hot." McLaggen says "Also rumour has it she's easy-"

"I think you should leave before you finish that sentence" Y/N warns and McLaggen scoffs

"Oh come on, you can't sit here and tell me that Ravens over there isn't a slut-"

Whack! Suddenly McLaggen stumbles back and clutches his jaw. This time it wasn't Y/N who threw the punch, it was Jorden. Some of the party goer's close to them stop and stare but everyone else seems to be oblivious to what happened.

"How dare you talk about my best friend like that you fucking twat" Jorden says angrily at McLaggen and Y/N stands beside him with an equal murderous look in her eye "you disrespect our friends, you disrespect us"

Y/N steps forward and grabs the collar of his shirt forcefully "If you ever talk to Florence or my girlfriend again, Jorden and I won't hesitate to beat your ass and stupefy you out of existence. You got that bitch boy"

Y/N lets go of his shirt and McLaggen glares murderously at the pair before sculling the rest of his beer and slamming it on the table "Whatever faggots"

McLaggen walks out of the Hufflepuff common room and Y/N and Jorden watch making sure he has fully left. When he does, Jorden and Y/N relax. Jorden takes a deep breath and a sip of his beer and the Ravenclaw places a comforting hand on the Hufflepuffs shoulder.

"Fucking jerk" Jorden mutters and Y/N nods

"Yeah," Y/N says "hey about what he called us-"

"It's alright Y/N," Jorden says with a small smile on his lips "I'm not hurt or ashamed by what he called us. It's him who's the problem, not us"

Y/N smiles and is proud of Jorden for not being ashamed of himself like what Y/N and Callan experienced when they first came out. "But still it doesn't make it right. Are you sure your alright"

"I'm fine Y/N," Jorden says with his cheery smile that can put anyone at ease "what about you"

"It ain't the first slur I've been called, but I'm fine" Y/N says and Jorden nods "Nice punch by the way. I wasn't expecting it"

Jorden laughs "I'm a Hufflepuff  Y/N, if anyone hurts or insults my friends I fight back"

Y/N nods and pats the Hufflepuffs shoulder "Come on then, lets head back"

Jorden takes his drink and Y/N takes hers and Hermione's and heads back to the group. Callan immediately embraces Jorden who blushes but kisses his boyfriend's cheek as they put their arms around each other lovingly. Y/N hands Hermione her drink and she looks at it curiously.

Hermione looks down at her drink and wraps her arm around Y/N's waist. "What is it," Hermione asks

"It's rum and coke, it's more tolerable than fire whiskey." Y/N answers "I didn't really have much choice, it was either this or cheap beer"

The Gryffindor grimaces at the sound of cheap beer and takes a sip "It's not bad"

Y/N smiles "I'm glad to hear it"

The group continue to joke and talk but thr Gryffindor girl notices that her girlfriend mind has drifted off somewhere else. Y/N seems a little tense ever since she left to get drinks. Hermione places her hand across Y/N's chest just resting on her collar bone which seems to bring the Ravenclaw from her thoughts.

"Hey is everything okay" Hermione asks

"It's nothing don't worry about it"  Y/N and Hermione raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms urging the Ravenclaw to tell her right now "McLaggan happened"

"Yeah we saw Cormac leave. He looked pissed" Ron says and Jorden and Y/N smirk

"Good" they both say and their friends eye them curiously.

"What was he saying" Harry asks

"He was just trying to get in Hermione's and Flo's pants" Jorden says "as well as be a homophobic prick"

"Like I'd go for someone like him" Flo

"Yeah same" Hermione says "he really thought he could do better than my amazing girlfriend"

Y/N blushes at the comment "thank you for the compliment darling"

"Well it's true" Hermione replies and kisses the Ravenclaw sweetly on the lips. Y/N smiles and holds Hermione a little closer to her.

"So what'd you do" Ron says

"Jorden punched him in the face" Y/N says "and killer right hook I must say"

"Way to go babes" Cal says with a smile and kisses Jorden's cheek who blushes

"Thank you Callan" Jorden replies and slips his arm around the Slytherin boys waist.

"Come on guys lets sit down somewhere" Cal suggests and the group find a secluded corner at the party.


The night continues and Jorden, Harry and Ron get quite drunk which has prompted them to start doing karaoke. They all huddle around the microphone and sing very out of tune to the song 'Escape (the pina colada song'.

"If YOu LiKE PiñA CoLaDAs" the boys sing loudly and the girls plus Cal all burst out laughing at the display.

"AnD GeTtin' cAUghT in The RAin" they sing again and Flo snickers whilst getting out her phone to start recording.

Flo looks at the group "this is perfect blackmail material" Flo says and Cal snickers

"Hey send that to us" the Slytherin boy says and Flo nods and keeps recording the boys.

They eventually finish the song earning a round of applause from the party goers. The boys come back to the group and sit down once more. Callan hands Jorden a bottle of water telling him that's he's had enough alcohol for tonight and the Hufflepuff reluctantly sips the water. Ron looks like he's about to fall asleep on the small couch which causes Harry and Y/N to get up and take a few photos with the sleeping Weasley boy.

Suddenly, two Hufflepuff boys and a Slytherin girl walk over to the group. They seem to be the year above and they smile whilst looking over at the group or just two of them. Callan and Y/N smile at the three of them whilst the others look on confused. Eventually they all head off some where no where to be seen.

"What's up with them" Hermione asks

"No idea" Harry says

"Jorden" Flo asks and the Hufflepuff smirks

"You'll have to see" Jorden says

Suddenly, they hear the sound of a guitar coming the small elevated platform where the makeshift dance floor is, the Dj music is off and there in the middle on the platform is Y/N with her blue and purple electric guitar in hand with Callan behind the keyboard. Everyone starts to gather around them and Hermione and their friends share curious looks except for Jorden who knows exactly what's happening and join the crowd. Harry shakes Ron awake and he looks utterly confused but looks up at Y/N and Callan on stage and quickly joins the group.

"Hey guys, now every year that someone has held a Hufflepuff party someone must play some live music and well, we thought we should continue the tradition." Y/N states and the crowd cheer "so we have two songs for you tonight, one of them is a classic and the other I wrote so let's get it started"

The drummer counts them in and Y/N starts playing the guitar and plays the song  'Ain't it fun' by Paramore. The crowd starts jumping and going crazy even joining in on the chorus.

So what are you gonna do
When the world don't orbit around you?
So what are you gonna do
When the world don't orbit around you?

Ain't it fun?
Living in the real world
Ain't it good?
Being all alone

Hermione stares at her girlfriend in utter shock of how comfortable she is up on stage. She remembers the time when she wouldn't even let anyone hear her play or sing and now she's absolutely killing it up on stage. Hermione heart can't help but swell with pride for her girlfriend as Y/N sings. The song ends and Y/N and the band play the next song which Y/N wrote.

Sleeping sitting up
Shake another hand
He said it looks like I've been drinking
I said, "Wasn't that the plan?"
How's that for an intro?
Have you done this before?
I said, "I don't think so"
Yet, I couldn't be sure

Don't it faze you how people change?
Are you okay with that?
Or how hearing someone's name
Can take you way back?

I wake up assuming
It's probably the worst
What the hell have I been doing?
Jesus Christ, it hurts
Smoking in the restaurant
Falling down the stairs
Laughing for attention
Telling anyone who cares

Don't it faze you how people change?
Are you okay with that?
Or how hearing someone's name
Can take you way back?
Well, I'm not like the rest of them
I'm scared of everyone
Some people make me anxious, man
And you're just one of 'em

All messed up, in my head
It's changing with the weather
I'm not sleeping in my bed
I'm sure it doesn't matter
Drank too much
Once again, I'm sorry I'm not better
Can't remember what went down
It probably doesn't matter

Don't if faze you how people change?
Are you okay with that?
Or how hearing someone's name
Can take you way back?
Well, I'm not like the rest of them
I'm scared of everyone
Some people make me anxious, man
And you're just one of 'em

The Ravenclaw's friends cheer loudly for the bad but mainly Y/N and Callan. They all have such an amazing stage presence which makes the crowd get up and join them, it's amazing to watch. They finish the last song and everyone goes wild. Y/N smiles and suddenly the crowd start to chant.

"Play one last song Y/N" a Ravenclaw boy shouts and people join in

"One more! One more!" They chant and Y/N can see her friends join in with them.

"Alright, alright" Y/N says and then talks with band and they all nod "so the last song I'll play tonight before the Dj starts up again is another song I wrote goes out to one very special Gryffindor girl. It's called Time I Like To Waste"

Hermione quirks up at Y/N's comment and her friends smirk at her. The Gryffindor girl just rolls her eyes and looks up at her girlfriend adoringly. Y/N doesn't break eye contact from Hermione's as she sings and the Gryffindor knows this song is just for her and her alone.

Card games with a cup of coffee
Not clear, but I hope she loves me
Smart minds with a stupid proxy
Line's getting fuzzy
My hands-on your green knit sweater
Eyes sweet, but her lips were better
Cold skin with a burnin' temper
So we'll remember

She's the fire, I'm the trees
She's so far out of my league
She's a hurricane, I'm just a breeze
She's the time I love to waste

I'd let the girl live right through my wallet
Give her all my things, empty my pockets
She takes me crossroads, far from things I know
There's no place like home
There's no place like home

Brown eyes, but her cheeks were pink
Blue hands on your purple skin
We're making a masterpiece
A contrast of feelings
Cut back with your good intentions
So loud, but I never mentioned
Desperate for your attention
Give me a second

She's the fire, I'm the trees
She's so far out of my league
She's a hurricane, I'm just a breeze
She's the time I love to waste

I'd let the girl live right through my wallet
Give her all my things, empty my pockets
She takes me crossroads, far from things I know
There's no place like home
There's no place like home

Feel it in your touch
Hear it in your tone
You've been hurt just as much
I'd never let you go

I'd let the girl live right through my wallet
Give her all my things, empty my pockets
She takes me crossroads, far from things I know
There's no place like home
There's no place like home

She's the fire, I'm the trees
She's so far out of my league
She's a hurricane, I'm just a breeze
She's the time I love to waste

The crowd go wild and cheer loudly as the song ends. Y/N smiles and looks to Hermione who's eyes are still on hers. The Gryffindor girl grins and nods her head, silently telling her girlfriend she did good. The Ravenclaw smiles goes wider and sends her a wink as she exists off stage.


The night is coming to an end and Y/N and Callan make their way back to their friends who of course told them they did amazing up on stage. The Dj went back to playing their songs and the group was back up and dancing once more. Suddenly a slow song starts to play and of course Y/N and Hermione gravitate towards each other.

Y/N puts her hands on Hermione's waist as the Gryffindor wraps her arms around her girlfriends neck. Hermione pulls them closer and they both relax into each other's touch.

"I like this song" Y/N says quietly and Hermione smiles

"I do too" Hermione says "it's Time After Time right"

"By the one and only Cyndi Lauper" Y/N adds and Hermione chuckles "did you like the song, that I wrote about you"

"Like it? Y/N I loved it" Hermione answers and Y/N grins "I love everything you do"

"Is that so" Y/N smirks and leans in closer. Hermione's eyes drop to her girlfriends lips before staring back into her eyes "anything in particular you love the most"

Hermione rolls her eyes "stop being so smug and kiss me"

Y/N grins and connects their lips into a tender kiss.

Hermione pulls Y/N closer deepening the kiss and the Ravenclaw holds Hermione's waists firmer to steady herself. They continue to kiss on the dance floor without caring in the world if someone sees. They break away and Y/N can see Flo and Harry taking a video of the two of them with the couple in the background.

"Hey!" Y/N says "knock it off your two"

Harry and Flo just laugh "what it's for memories" Flo says shrugging her shoulders and Hermione and Y/N just laugh.

The song ends and Hermione takes Y/N's hand in  hers and smiles up at her girlfriend "want to get out of here, go somewhere private"

The Ravenclaw grins at this and gently kisses Hermione's lips "lead the way darling"

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