take me where your heart is.

BแปŸi minitrippie

67.6K 2.8K 814

"Be patient with me please, that's all I ask..." Xem Thรชm

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.


2K 115 64
BแปŸi minitrippie

vote and comment <3
excuse any mistakes!


Aphrodite (a.k.a. Deity/Dot)

Tulia, Syrus, and I all piled out of the Uber in front of the club. The outside didn't look like anything special, although you could tell it was a lowkey spot. There were two lines to get inside and every time people were let in, more filed in the back.

This was a black, LGBTQ+ owned and operated club I had found out about through Yuri. The lights from inside peeked through the front entrance onto the sidewalk, and I felt my heart buzz with excitement.

"Damn where you find this spot?" Tulia asked from beside me, leading us towards the line. Syrus was close beside us.

"Yuri told me about it." I said, pulling out my phone and going to the camera app.

"Syrus, can you take my pictures before we go in?" I asked and they complied.

When we got in line finally, I leaned up against the brick wall and posed a few times. Tulia pulled out her phone and took pictures of me too. I thanked my brother and went to look over them as he and Tulia stood in front of me. I scrolled through my camera roll, favoriting the pictures I liked. I was gonna post them eventually, but until then, I sent the ones I liked to Sunni. I didn't wait for a reply from her as I shoved my phone in my purse.

We all conversated a little while waiting. It only took about ten minutes before we were in the front. The security checked our bags and we showed our ID's— Syrus showed his fake one since his twenty first birthday was still a few months away.

We were let into the club and the humid air immediately hit me in the face. I recognized the song playing immediately, Good At by Megan. The atmosphere is sensual but also fun, people were everywhere just enjoying themselves. It looked ridiculously bigger inside than on the outside. The lights were even more prominent now, colorful but still dim.

I spotted the bar and dragged Tulia and Sunni there by the wrists. I couldn't hear their disapproval over the music so I just kept moving until I reached the barstools.

"You ain't have to pull us like that hoe!" Syrus yelled over the music, loosening my grip from his wrist. I waved him off, knowing he wasn't genuinely upset.

The bartenders were busy catering to everyone, being that the club was so packed. Tulia flagged us down a bartender, and he moved swiftly over to the side of the bar we were on, tray of drinks in hand. He sat them in front of their respective buyers and stood in front of us.

"What can I get for y'all?" He smiled warmly, grabbing three cups.

"Do y'all have anything with peach and liquor?" Tulia asked.

The man nodded at her. "We do, is that what the three of you will have?" Syrus told the man yes while I glanced over at the drinks in other people's hands.

"Do y'all have any type of strawberry daiquiri?"

"We do love, is that what you want?"

"Yes please." I said, watching him jot down the drinks on a little note pad. "Oh your nails are cute!" I beamed as I noticed the black french tips.

"Thank you boo, I'll be right back," and he walked off to the other side to go fix more drinks.

Tulia, Syrus, and I waited at the bar, turning to analyze the club. We were judging everyone's outfits, complimenting people who walked by, and singing along to whatever song was playing at the moment.

The man stood by his word, and he was back handing us our drinks in a matter of minutes. We thanked him and made our way to a table, maneuvering through the crowd of people.

The club was very much first come first serve. You couldn't really rent out a specific section, you just found a spot and stayed there.

We found a table close enough to the middle, but still far enough away that we could enjoy our own company.

I finished my daiquiri first, soon followed by Tulia and Syrus. Once the liquor started hitting our system, we were up and moving. The dj was very diverse in taste, because they were playing something for everyone. One minute we was singing our hearts out, then shaking ass, then rapping Young Dolph.

We were ordering shots slowly at first, then they were coming back to back. We were all pulling out our phones periodically to record moments from the night.

"BA-BAYYYY, I NEED TO KNOOWWWW." Almost everyone in the club yelled in sync.

At this point some people had came over into our little spot and were dancing with us. I had no idea who they were but they were passing the vibe check. It was a group of four, two girls and two guys. The guys looked to be together and the girls were both really sweet, pulling my dress down whenever it started riding up as I danced.

I don't know how many shots I had taken, but I felt really good. My face hurt from how much I was laughing and smiling with everyone.

After Doja Cat went off, the dj got on the mic to hype the crowd up. Everyone was screaming with them, confirming they were having a good time. I swear I felt the building vibrate from how loud it was.

"C'mere bestie, drink out the bottle fa' me!" Tulia yelled, a bottle of 1942 in her hand. I held my head back for her so she could pour the shot straight in my mouth.

As the alcohol went down my throat it burned, but soon resided. I watched as Tulia gave all six of us shots from the bottle.

A couple more songs went by, mostly resulting in us singing ridiculously off-key. The four people who joined us had eventually wandered off somewhere, and we were left back to our company.

I pulled my phone out so I could check the time.


It was getting late? I didn't know if Tulia or Syrus were ready to go. I think I recall us making an agreement about leaving before we got too fucked up.

I looked over at the both of them in amusement. Tulia was dancing drunkenly in place, bottle of nearly gone 1942 hugged close to her chest. Syrus was... singing to her? I couldn't really tell because he was stuttering every two seconds and Tulia wasn't even facing him.

"Hey y'all... I thin-think we should call the Uber people now!" I yelled over the music, chuckling at my own stutter.

Tulia looked at me, frown plastered on her face. "But... I'm still dancin' with Don Julio!" She said, holding the bottle up for me to see.

"I know silly, but we gotta do it now because..." I thought hard for a moment before giving a reason. "We said we would."

"Dot-Dot is right! I think we did say that!" Syrus backed me up, pulling out his phone.

I peeked over his shoulder and saw him unlock it. He clicked on a folder with the Uber app, but then tapped on a completely different thing.

I shook my head, pulling out my phone so I could schedule it instead. I will admit it took a lot more effort to focus, because everything was so loud, and I couldn't focus on the screen that long.

But I finally did it and let Tulia and Syrus know. The former was still frowning but I figured she'd eventually get over it.

Our Uber was pulling up outside soon, so we grabbed our few things and found the exit of the club. Some random people told us bye on the way out, and the security guards shook their heads with a smile as we came out the club. Eyes dilated and faces dazed, effects of the liquor.

A white car pulled up in the street, the driver getting out and squinting their eyes like they were looking for something. I opened my phone to the Uber app and realized they were looking for us.

That was our driver.

I grabbed Tulia and Syrus' hands, walking us over to the car. Our driver introduced themselves as Niko and helped us into the backseat. Syria sat in the middle of Tulia and I, his hand leaning off the formers shoulder. When Niko got in and confirmed the location of our crib, we finally got on the road.

I noticed Tulia kept squinting at Niko, until she finally said, "Heyyy, I know you!"

"From where? I don't think I've—" Niko paused as they glanced back at Tulia. "You actually do look familiar. Do you take Professor Ray?"

I knew that name because that's the professor Tulia always complains about.

"Yes, I-I do! You sit a couple seats down don't you?" She asked, giggling at nothing, though I suppose being drunk makes everything funny.

"I do. What's your name again?" Niko asked.

As they got more into talking, I began tuning out of the conversation.

Tulia knows half of fucking Savannah if you asked me, so I wasn't surprised.

I tried staring out the window at the city lights, but my brain kept pulling away my focus. Music probably would've helped, but Niko turned it down so they could hear Tulia.

I smiled for no particular reason, letting my head fall back against the seat. I felt good, but I would feel even better if I could channel all this energy into something. A thought popped in my mind, and I pulled out my phone so I could download a game.

As my lock screen lit up, I was met with several notifications from Sunni, replying to the pictures I sent. I giggled at her nice and nasty comments.

Maybe I should call her instead.

I clicked on her contact, then on the phone icon beneath her name.

I saw two numbers pop up, making my head tilt in confusion. But then I remembered Sunni gave me her work phone number recently. I clicked on her regular one and held the phone up to my ear. I leaned even more into the door, just so they wouldn't hear me on the phone.

I doubt they were paying attention or cared, especially since Syrus had joined in the conversation now too.

I felt my heart beating in my chest as I waited for the phone to ring. I don't know if I was nervous or excited to hear her voice.

After about three rings, the call connected, making me smile.

"Hey, do you need somethin' pretty lady?" Sunni asked, voice enabling something in me.

I loved her voice, especially when she was sleepy.

"Nooo I don't, I just wanted to talk... to you." I told her, talking slowly so I could pick out my words carefully. She probably could tell I was drunk but I still wanted to attempt to hide it.

"Deity, you do know it's almost two in the mornin'? She asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

I frowned while replying, "I-I know that... do you not wanna talk to me?" I didn't wanna be annoying if she really wasn't in the mood.

I heard a faint laugh and then Sunni replied, "I do baby, what's all that noise in the back?"

"Lia knows our Uber driver from classes, an-and Syrus is talking with them too." I told her, a dramatic dreadful tone in my voice.

"Damn Tulia know everybody don't it?"

I gasped, "That's exactly what I said! Well I-I didn't really say it... but I thought it... i-in my head."

Sunni laughed again, "I know what you mean baby."

I know I was drunk, but it's something about the way she called me 'baby.' It made me feel wanted in the best way possible.

"Your voice is soo pret-ty, you know that?" I asked, my point from her first answering the phone popping back into mind.

"You've told me before sweetheart." She said knowingly.

I nodded like Sunni could see me, thinking about her other characteristics I liked. Her personality was so entrancing, and it's like she knew exactly how to read me.

"I like the pictures you sent me, you look beautiful." Sunni said randomly, probably scrolling through our messages. I smiled as my face felt warm, a fuzzy feeling in my tummy.

This liquor had me on some other shit, because it's no way compliments should be having me react like this. Sunni just had a way of talking to me that made me wanna jump her bones.

We came close to that point the other night, but Tulia interrupted us.

I entertained the thought in my head. "R-really? I can send you better ones... w-with my clothes off—"

"Deity baby be quiet, before you say somethin' you don't mean." Sunni cut me off, a chuckle erupting from her throat.

I frowned, "Ok... but only 'cause I want to, n-not 'cause you told me to"


the next morning...

I groggily shifted in my sleep, trying to get comfortable. After shifting slightly, I realized that I was definitely not in my bed. I opened my eyes and squinted at the sunlight peeking through the curtains.

I was in my living room.

I looked down at myself and saw I still had on my outfit from last night, and my heels were scattered around the coffee table. I looked up and peeped Tulia asleep on the couch, an arm and a leg hanging off the side.

Where is Syrus?

I don't know how, but I gained the energy to push myself off the floor. As soon as I stood up I felt a slight headache flare and I rubbed my forehead in discomfort. I didn't have to walk far because I found Syrus asleep on the floor, right behind the couch.

I shook my head, walking away to the kitchen. I looked at the stove clock and saw it was almost one in the afternoon.

I should probably wake them up...

I went back to where they were sleeping and shook them lightly awake, much to their disapproval. I watched as they both sat up tiredly, grabbing at their heads as well. Syrus got from behind the couch and moved to sit on it. Tulia got up and sat next to him. I sat on the other side of him.

We all sat in silence, mostly from confusion and being hungover. It was like this for a good ten minutes, until Syrus said something.

"Why did we go to sleep on the floor...?" He questioned, looking around the room.

"I don't know. I remember we were dancing all over the couches..." I said, recalling that part from last night. "Then I think we started talking and just fell asleep where we were." Tulia finished my sentence for me.

"Damn, let me go look for my phone." I said, sitting up from the couch. Syrus and Tulia got up as well, I assume looking for theirs too.

I couldn't find mine in the living room so I went back to the kitchen. I spotted it laying face up on the far side of the bar. I grabbed it and went back, waiting for the other two.

They eventually found theirs and we all cuddled up on the couch, watching our instagram stories together. We had posted most of our videos from the club, and the ones we took at home were on our close friends. We couldn't do anything but laugh at how far gone we were, but also happy we had a good time. Tulia had asked for some of the videos I had of her, so I sent them quickly before checking my notifications.

I didn't have a ridiculous amount of followers, but I had a couple thousand because of my hair business. Most of them were from people sliding up on my story and commenting on events from the night.

I got bored of scrolling and went to my dm requests.

They were the usual: spam pages, people trying to flirt with me, old men, etc.

But one particular message caught my eye. It was from a page named megsarchive.

I clicked on the request, eyes going wide as I read the sent messages.


you look pretty bae, i saw your new post

can't wait to link up again, lmk when you're free 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

I just know this girl is not serious, I just know she not serious. Before I responded I clicked on their page to confirm it was who I thought it was,

and it in fact was.

"Y'all look at this shit." I said, showing my phone to Tulia and Syrus. They took their attention off their devices to read the messages. "This is Megan."

Tulia's face scrunched up and Syrus looked taken aback. "She just not gonna let it go is she?" The latter asked.

"You need to tell her ass to stop, and not politely either. I know she saw you and Sunni yesterday." Tulia said shaking her head.

I looked back down at my phone before typing a short reply and sending it. Not even a minute later I got a response that had me looking dumbfounded.


look megan i thought from yesterday you would get the hint, but i'm not interested in you or alana. i wish you both would stop approaching me on that type of time. y'all are cool and all, but you are being ridiculous.


😂😂 you're funny
lmk when you're ready to have some real fun

Megan really about to fuck around and get blocked. She just being flat out disrespectful, and making it harder to plead my case to Sunni. Not only that, but she's making me feel uncomfortable by ignoring all of the boundaries I've tried to set.

I was gonna let Sunni know of course because she already knows the context.

I just hope she doesn't get the wrong idea about me.


hellooo my beautiful readers. here's an update for y'all, a long one at that🤎

how y'all felt about this one?

i told y'all some shit was about to start

but anyway, i'll be working on the chapter more next week. it's already planned out and stuff.

and pls vote and comment, comment especially. i love reading them.

i love you, if no one has told you today <3

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Bแบกn Cลฉng Sแบฝ Thรญch

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"You gotta' trust me at some point baby, just let go" BWWM
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I knew what I was getting into but it doesn't matter now
10.4K 402 15
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