Illusion of love

By thedreadedangel25

146 34 28

Emma watched as her dreams ebbed away. The only man she ever wanted, the one that she had saved herself for... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Three

12 2 4
By thedreadedangel25

Nathan watched as Mrs Malgas walked past their house at four in the morning. He had gone to the bathroom when he heard dogs barking, he looked out thinking that it was a burglar, only to see that sight. He had to speak to her before she was too far gone.

He rushed to the kitchen to get all the keys, a couple of minute later, he sprinted, barefeet, down the road. He thought that he had lost her when he spotted her standing under a tree, catching her breath. He ran to her, watching her shocked expression.

"Auntie Miena, what are you doing here so early?"
"I'm going to work."
"But, you usually leave the house at half past five."
"I know child, but I have to be at work earlier today. Go back home, it's dangerous out here."
"How will you work? The busses and taxi's are not operational at this hour."

Miena's eyes looked at something behind him, she had a terrified expression on her face, but she quickly tried to hide it when he looked back.

"I...I'm getting a lift."

Nathan looked at her again, the two of them were the only people on the streets on that cold May morning.

"I'll wait untill your lift comes."
"I'm taking you back home," Miena said taking his hand.
"You'll miss your lift."
"I won't."

Just then a car came. It was still a long way off, but Miena saw it as the perfect chance to get rid of the boy.

"See, my lift is coming. Run home, otherwise they will wait untill you're gone, and that will make us late for work. Go! Don't look back."

Nathan did as she said, relieved that she would be okay.

Miena was relieved to see Nathan run off, but she was scared of the car. Hopefully it was decent people on their way to work, and not criminals looking for an easy prey. She had no money anyway, that was the reason that she was walking in the dark. She only had food money left for the children. She had used her transport money to pay the doctor the previous day. She had to walk to and from work everyday. She would have to face many dangers untill Friday.


Emma woke up that morning at her grandparents' spacious Woodstock home. Her cousin, Bronwyn was staring at her from the pink loveseat in front of the double bunk bed, she did not look happy. However, that was not unusual for Bronwyn.

"Finally, you're awake," that was all Bronwyn said before bolting out of the room.

Outside in the corridor her mother, Ragel, could be heard scolding her, "What did I tell you about running in the house, huh?"
"Ma said I must tell her when Emma woke up," the ten year old girl said, in an effort to defend her actions.
"I don't care if there's a bomb, you don't run. It is not very lady-like."
"Yes, mommy."
"Comb that hair of yours before you leave for school. Wait, I'll do it myself, I want to check for lice. We have to be careful with that cousin of yours being here."
"When is she leaving? I'm tired of sleeping in the top bed, I had to apologize to my teddies for sleeping in their space," Bronwyn sulked.
"She'll leave on Sunday and then I'll buy you a new bed."

Emma tried to push back the tears that had started to fall, it was of no use. She just wanted to go home, yes their house was tiny and the furniture was cheap and plain, but it was home. A home filled with love, unlike the cold place she was in, where the affection was distant and selected. She quickly dried her tears, just as her grandmother sauntered in.

"Goodmorning, Em."
"Morning, Ma."
"Get out of bed. I'll run a bath for you, you can't eat while dirty. When you're done, come downstairs for your breakfast and medicine."
"Yes, Ma."

Emma got out of bed and was about to make the bed, when a hand landed on her shoulder.

"No need for that, get your clothes ready, I'll do that."
"No, Pa. I can do it, " Emma did not want to be scolded for giving her grandfather work.
"No child, I cannot allow a sick person to work, you can hardly stand. Go get your clothes and wait for your bath."

Emma nodded her head, but that action ruined the little balance she had and she started falling, but her grandfather caught her, before she could fall.

"Just sit down, I'll get your clothes too."
"Yes, Pa."

Half an hour later at 06:30 Emma entered the dining room along with her grandfather, he had waited outside the bedroom for her. Both cousins and their mother were seated at the table as well as her grandmother. It seemed that everyone was waiting for her. Her grandfather guided her to a seat.

"Can we eat now?" Bronwyn asked, shaking her head.

Emma's grandfather sat down next to her and dished up for her, it was a good thing, because Emma was overwhelmed by the choice of food on offer. She wondered how they could eat it all, there was even a variety of fruit and salads.

"Don't worry Emma, we won't force you to eat everything. Just eat what you can, okay?"
"Yes, Pa."

Bronwyn kept staring at Emma, occasionally making funny faces. Emma even saw the quiet and reserved Sean sneek a peek at her, but it was hard to read his thoughts, it had always been that way. You could see Bronwyn's emotions easily and it was usually not good.

"Ma, you and Pa owe me a new bed," Bronwyn said.
"Why? Your bed is as good as new," the grandmother replied.
"Keep quiet, Bronwyn!" Ragel hissed at her daughter.
"Don't you know what it's about?" Dawid said looking from his wife to his granddaughter, "her father will have to buy her a new one, I won't waste my hard earned money. Emma is my grandchild as well, and I am sick of you and your mother treating her like dirt."

The room was completely silent after that. Everyone was too busy concentrating on their food, neither Bronwyn or Ragel had expected that scolding.

Emma went to her room after taking her medicines. The week went by like, her grandmother, Magdalena, did not want her to leave the bedroom, but in the evenings Dawid took her to the backyard for some fresh air. To Emma that was the best medicine she could ask for, just to spend some time with him.

On the Friday afternoon she and Dawid were seated on a bench in the backyard, when Sean came looking for her.

"Emma!" He called.
"Yes, I'm by the tree," she answered.
"There is a boy in the living room looking for you."
"For me?" Emma thought that he was probably mistaken, but went anyway.

He was standing with his back turned to her, talking to her aunt, but Emma would recognize that head of glossy rusty brown hair anywhere.

"Nathan!" She ran to him throwing her arms around his neck.
He smiled reciprocating the hug. "It's good to know that you've missed me too," Nathan spoke into her hair.

"This is the famous Nathan then. Nice to meet you, young man," Dawid said, ruffling the boy's hair, "my granddaughter has been talking about you all week."
Nathan released Emma. "Nice to meet you, uncle."

"Emma, Nathan won't be long, he just brought the work you've missed and your homework. His dad is waiting outside," aunt Ragel said.

"Yes, you should get going," Magdalena agreed with her daughter, "Don't keep your father waiting, Nathan."

Nathan looked dejected, he was hoping to stay a bit longer. The days without her had been awful for him and tedious. Even his favourite television programs had no appeal to him.

" Don't be sad, I'll be at school on Monday," Emma gave him a reassuring smile.
"That's too long to wait. I already miss you an awful lot," Nathan said.
"How do you know this address?" Emma asked.
"Your sister told me. She wanted to come, but she had too much to do at home."

"Have this, Nathan," Bronwyn said handing him a glass of juice, "I hope you like it."
"Thanks," Nathan responded, taking the glass.

Emma was surprised to see her cousin with a big smile on her face. The little girl seemed transfixed by Nathan.

Nathan only finished his drink before leaving. Emma's grandmother did not want her to go outside, so they said their goodbyes right where they were.

Ragel listened all evening as her daughter went on about the boy with the big green eyes. She realized that her daughter had a crush on Nathan. She was far too young for such things, but Ragel liked the boy, he would look good next to Bronwyn one day, as her handsome husband.

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