Summoning the Five Power Defe...

By jikdot

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The Nations of the Five Power Defence Arrangements; the United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Ne... More

Prolouge: First Contact
Chapter 1: Conference Talk and The Outcomes
Chapter 2: Invasion of Qua-Toyne and The Fall of Gim
Chapter 3: Lending a hand
Chapter 4: Against the Eastern Conquest Navy
Chapter 5: FPDA's mobilization
Chapter 6: Saving the elven refugees
Chapter 7: Louria Is Under Attacked by Swordfishes
Chapter 8: Qua-Toyne's Emergency Meeting
Chapter 9: Gim's Recapture and Adem's demise
Chapter 10: Situation in Gim
Chapter 12: No Fate
Chapter 13: Final Assault (Part 1)
*Hiatus Announcement*
Chapter 14: Final Assault (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Corollary
Chapter 16: Refurbishment of the Forgotten Weapons
Chapter 17: The Lions against The Lucifers (Part 1)
Chapter 18: The Lions against The Lucifers (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Fenn Kingdom's Open Sea Battle
Chapter 20: Assault on Altaras
Chapter 21: The Great Eastern Conference and The Federation of Mu
Chapter 22: The Imperial Conference of the Parpaldia Empire
Chapter 23: Diplomacy

Chapter 11: Bows and Arrows against bolts of Lightning

741 29 22
By jikdot

Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 4, Day 13. Government Council Hall, Royal Capital Jin-Hark, Louria Kingdom

"Our strategic base in Gim, along with the Lords that formed the Eastern Subjugation Army, and the support sent by the Parpaldia Empire... had gone," General Patagene said solemnly as he informed the terrible report to the Lourian Officials.

Two days had passed, and the news about the defeat of the Eastern Subjugation Army located in Gim together with the supporting Parpaldia soldiers had arrived at the ears of the Lourian officials, including 

"Mr Prime Minister Maus, the report and account obtained from the surviving naval personnel on the previous days together with remaining dragon knights stated that the FPDA used magical weapons to attack them. Is this true?" an official asked Maus.

"Well... I'm terrified that I cannot answer that. General Patagene, what's your opinion?" said Maus. 

"Uhm... I'm very sorry, Mr Prime Minister. But I can tell you that our royal magician, Yamirei, knows better than us," said Patagene.

"Okay... Yamirei, can you explain to us what type of magical weapons are used by the FPDA to attack our units?" asked Maus.

"Mmm... it's tough to explain it. A statement from the dragon knights revealed that they were chased by Lightning Arrows launched from a ship that exploded when it came in contact with nearby dragons and underwater explosive arrows... magical pole was nestled on a turret that shoots lightning bullets... These weapons are only possessed by those who had once stepped their feet here," said Yamirei.

"Who?" Patagene and Maus asked.

"Who else if it's not The Mythical Warriors!" said Yamirei.

Everyone inside the Government Council Hall erupted in fear after hearing Yamirei's possible answer.

"The Mythical Warriors!? The one who drove away the Demon Lord and his army from the Rodenius Continent a long time ago!?!"

"That's impossible! I thought it was just some sort of fairy tale!"

"This means that the mythical warlords with their iron monsters were called back to aid the Qua-Toynians!"

For the next moment, the Government Council Hall was filled with uproar and panic until Yamirei and Maus decided to calm down the situation.

"If that's the case, then our continuous defeat and also the devastating loss can be explained!" said Patagene.

"Hold on for a second... if those five nations are where The Mythical Warriors belong, they should've left because based on the legend told by our ancestors, the warriors immediately returned to their world without even taking any prizes granted by those demi-human scums," a Lourian official added. 

"Indeed... as of recent, there was one event where the night turned into a day for a brief moment by the time those Warriors arrived and left. I agree with you," said Yamirei.

"Let's just hope that the man who blew off the right eye of the Demon Lord with his small dagger isn't here with the FPDA, or else, we're all doomed for good," added him more.

"Oh... Yamirei, please. Never mention that man's name. It even frightens me more," said Patagene.

After several minutes, the meeting ended and every Lourian official returned to their respective places, except that Yamirei, Maus and Patagene were still in the hall, discussing the next move that could be done.

"Based on the present conditions, I can assume that the FPDA will advance to our capital at any moment," said Maus.

"Then, let's use every single dragon that we have at the capital for night overwatch and rain those FPDA swine with our dragon's powerful fire breath," added Patagene.

"And please don't forget to strengthen the surveillance system around the capital, make everyone stay on full alert," advised Yamirei.

"While it appeared that the cautionary methods have been already planned...  how are we going to report it... to our great king?" asked Maus, which caused them to stay silent in fear. 




Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 4, Day 13. Cafeteria, temporary FPDA encampment. Recaptured Gim, Qua-Toyne Principality

Sitting alone at the edge of the cafeteria was Cro Atonoishimo, having a plate of spaghetti Bolognese with melted cheese while reading a letter written by his twin daughter. He giggled for a moment as he read it while he shoved another fork of spaghetti into his mouth. 

"Well... well... Anna and Annie. Both of you did good! I will fulfil my promise to bring you both to Qua-Toyne!" said Cro before he took a sip of hot coffee. 

Just then, the cafeteria door opened, revealing a woman of petite height donning a Special Air Service (SAS) uniform with huge breasts, a slim waist, and chestnut brown hair in a bob-cut style. She also has a muscular physique, meaning that she isn't a good person to be messed with. This woman is Sergeant Fiona Harrison of the 22 SAS. She was also Cro's wife.

"Oh! Sergeant Fiona Harrison," said Cro before he rose and saluted her, to which Fiona saluted him back. 

"Well... It seems Anna and Annie did well in their exam," said Fiona as she took a seat. 

"Mmhmm," Cro mumbled before he put down the letter and resumed eating his food hungrily. 

Fiona watched his husband eating away the spaghetti with an annoyed expression, and Cro noticed this. 

"What?" asked Cro.

"Nothing... but, is it true that the decisive battle is upon us?" asked Fiona.

"Well... it's true. Britain has accepted the responsibility to arrest the 34th King of Louria; Hark Louria. His charges are plotting atrocities towards civilians," explained Cro. 

"It seems like the second and third phases of Operation: Storm of Steel would be an operation in our enemy's heartland. We need to consider things thoroughly, so the civilians won't be caught up in the battle," said Fiona.

"That's true. Shall we inspect the detail so that there's nothing overlooked or mistaken in the plan," said Cro before he took another fork of spaghetti and pushed it into his mouth before he chewed it in a very aggravating manner.

"Ugh... Cro, since you arrived here, you always eat spaghetti. Is it your favourite food or what?" Fiona asked.

Before Cro could answer her question, he ended his last fork of spaghetti with a slurp, which irritated Fiona more. 

"I should tell you something, Fiona... Qua-Toyne's Durum wheat has an outstanding quality, despite our country still producing enough wheat," Cro explained before he took another sip of hot coffee, leaving Fiona baffled seeing her husband's attitude. 




Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 4, Day 15. Louria Capital, Northern Port, Louria Kingdom

It was a fine day at the Northern Port of the Louria Kingdom. Some of the Lourian fishermen can be seen unloading piles of crates containing fish whereas some naval personnel can be seen guarding their ships while replenishing them with everything they've got from the Parpaldia Empire. This includes musket rifles; Gatling guns as well new Magical Cannon being installed into their ships. 

Simultaneously, a slightly slender, aristocratic figure with a long goatee person was currently observing the beautiful view of the Northern Port from the window of his office at the Louria Naval Headquarters. This man is Vice-Admiral Hoyle, the successor of Vice-Admiral Sharkun. 

"Ah... what a great view of our beautiful city port is. No matter how many the enemy will send their troops, should we never back down since the additional troops and dragons are already in station and ready to be deployed at any moment," said Hoyle before he eventually laid his eyes upon his grand fleet that was once belonged to Sharkun. 

"Well... Sharkun. You had lost 49 ships against three. Too bad that I'll make sure your remaining vessels would be able to not just defeat three, but a hundred ships in a battle!" Hoyle boastfully said.

However, his dreams will turn to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, several warships lined up in port were pulverised into shards of wood that scattered into the sea and port surface. The nearby people and fishermen, who saw the fragments of the pulverized warships and the pieces of the unfortunate sailors flying around the port, were immediately gripped by fear and panic.

Several explosions rocked the port, followed by more ships being destroyed. 

"What the!? An attack!? From where!?" Hoyle yelled outrageously when he saw what had happened. 

Chaos erupted as several civilians were attempting to run back into their homes for safety.  

"That's it! Use the manacom and immediately contact the Capital Defence Headquarters! Tell them that the Northern Port is under attack by unknown forces!" Hoyle told his subordinate.

"Yes, sir!" said his subordinate before he activated the manacom.

"</This is Lourian Naval Headquarters to the Lourian Capital Defence Headquarters! We are currently under attack by unknown forces! Perhaps it might Qua-Toynian wyverns! Requesting aerial support from the Dragon Knight Squadron! We repeat!\>"




Less did the Vice-Admiral realize that the attack on the Northern Port was conducted by the Royal Navy using three Type 45 destroyers; HMS Daring, HMS Dauntless and HMS Dragon, and four Type 23 frigates; HMS Portland, HMS Northumberland, HMS Marlborough and HMS Lancaster

All of these ships were located 16 km away from the port, sending a barrage of Harpoon missiles together with a salvo of HE N4A1 rounds launched from the 4.5 inches Mark 8 guns alongside their Harpoon missiles to destroy the remaining Lourian naval ships until their numbers were not such as to cause a threat. 

Deep underwater on the Rodenius Continent, two Astute-class submarines also joined the fight. On this day, HMS Ambush and HMS Anson each were launching six Tomahawk Block IV Cruise missiles towards the Northern Port from their torpedo tubes. 

Concurrently, about twelve F-35B Lightning II, some armed with a mix of Meteor and ASRAAM missiles whereas the rest were equipped with SPEAR 3 anti-ship missiles, can be seen taking off from the flagship of the Royal Navy, HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08). Their mission is to destroy the remaining hostile ships as well as engage the aerial forces of the Louria.




Back in the capital, the Lourian Capital Defence Headquarters issued an emergency sortie to the available Dragon Squadrons. The loud chime of bells resounded all over the Louria Kingdom, and the tension had risen. 

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dragon Squadron, who had received their commands, quickly changed their clothes and began to run towards the Dragon Roost. The newcomer of the 2nd Squadron, Thanakane, also ended his rest after receiving the emergency order and prepared for the sortie. He sheathed his sword, and then put the leather helmet on his head before heading to the roost.

"Well, well, Thanakane. Fly high and pridefully, son! I have very good expectations from you and your partner!" said Captain Aldebaran who bumped into him. 

"Sir, yes, sir!" said Thanakane. 

Without wasting any time, Thanakane approached his partner's chamber. His dragon partner, named Snallygaster, made a coddling sound. Though it had a scary face, his partner was a pampered one. Thanakane opened his hand and rubbed the dragon's nose. 

"Let's go, Snally! It's our first sortie!" exclaimed Thanakane.

The Dragon Knights who were waiting for their turns to shine shouted their cheers and one by one dragon riders, flew to the sky one after another.

"</2nd Squadron, Departing!\>" Thanakane yelled as he and Snallygaster take off.

Within moments, he and the rest members of the 2nd Squadron were now high in the air of the Lourian Capital, guarding over the capital together with his seniors. 

"</What a splendid view! You must be excited too, Snally!\>" Thanakane yelled joyously, to which Snally replied with a glare, a sign that he's agreed with his rider.

"</Hey, Private Thanakane! The defence of the capital is our chance to shine! Don't display unsightly conduct!\>" one of his comrades who flyby next to his dragon reminded him. 

</Huh, like I don't know what to do. Of course, no matter what weapon the demi-humans used to fight against us, should I fend them off?\>" Thanakane boasted. 

However, his attention turned to take a glimpse of something moving incredibly fast in the distance. Immediately after he moved his line of sight, the senior Dragon Knight, flying ahead of him, was suddenly engulfed in an explosion. The scattered remnants of former humans and dragons fell, and Thanakane himself was knocked back by the shockwave.

"What?!" Just as he yelled his, Snallygaster suddenly started acting up, and he dived down in panic.

"Snally! What are you doing!? Don't move on your own!" Thanakane yelled as he tried to control his Dragon by jerking the rope left and right. 

At that moment, more and more dragons alongside their riders were engulfed in the eruption of flame, where most of them were charred to death even though some of the riders were protected by their armour. 

"</Oh, shoot! Snally! Immediately head for the ground!\>" Thanakane ordered after he saw his comrades were killed in the air. 

Within seconds, the dragon nosedived until it reached the Capital's third wall. Too bad that it didn't manage to evade it. 

"</Snally, watch out! Spread yo...\>" Thanakane's sentence was cut off as the dragon extended its wings, eventually striking the side of the Capital's third wall.

"OOF!" Thanakane yelled after he fell off his dragon whilst still tethered to his lifeline. Both struggled a bit as they recovered from the fall. 

"Zam! Snally, what happened!? Why did you..." 

Out of the blue, he heard the more terrible sounds of explosions in the air, where he saw several dragons of the 2nd and 3rd Squadron being reduced to chum. The number had rapidly reduced, leaving only 3 surviving. 

"H-How?" Thanakane said before it faded by distant almost demonic-sounding clangours.

The people living in the Capital had no idea what had happened for a moment, and everyone doubted their own eyes when they saw three F-35B Lightning II of the Royal Navy appear on the scene before splitting into different directions, where one of the F-35 slows down as the pilot activated its VTOL mode and hovered for the remaining 3 dragons. 

"</What the h*ll is that thing!?\>" the first dragon rider asked.

"</I have no idea, but it looks unreal\>," the second dragon rider said.

"</Is that dragon completely made of steel?\>" the third 

Unknown to them, the pilot of the F-35 switched to the fighter's GAU-22/A gun and engaged them.  


Just in a few seconds, all of the three dragon riders were pulverized into the smoke of an explosion and fell to pieces, as if a power blender was shredding them.

This caused the capital to be overwhelmed by hysteria, with several civilians running around the guards in the city failing to calm them down. Thanakane looked into the distance to see more F-35Bs approaching the capital. He tried to encourage his wyvern partner to take flight again, but his partner visibly refused to do so.

The Royal Navy's prized jets soon steadily reached the Northern Port, targeting the undestroyed ships. Simultaneously, the jets opened their weapon bay, revealing their SPEAR 3 missiles. 

"</Locked on targets!>\" an F-35 pilot spoke.

Altogether, a hail of SPEAR 3 missiles stormed the ships, destroying them into piles of derelicts.

"... This... This is a dream... This must be a dream! Wake up dammit!" He banged on his head attempting to try and wake up from this nightmare but the pain he felt as he did so only proved this was reality. 

In just under the timespan of a couple of minutes, all dragons and remaining ships of the Lourian forces had vanished.




HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) CIC's POV

"Captain, all of the Lourian aerial and naval forces have been eradicated," an air traffic control officer informed Captain Kyd on the current situation in Louria. 

"That's good. Inform our friends in Gim and Daital Plains immediately. Notify them that they're clear to commence the final phase of Operation: Storm of Steel," said Captain Ky. 

"Yes, sir!" said the air traffic control officer.




Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 4, Day 15. Hark Castle, Louria Kingdom

The Hark Castle was in a great rage, and Yamirei was running with 100 Royal Magicians following him. As they reached the top the magicians were nearly out of breath. They looked to see none of the dragon knights in the skies, but rather several thunderous that came out of nowhere.

"In the name of the king, from where are those possibly Mythical Warriors attacking us? There is no magical signature at all!" said Yamirei as he viewed the sky. 

Then, he received a message from one of his lower ranks. 

"Master Yamirei! Reports from the 9th watch tower stated that there are two unidentified flying objects spotted from the northwest!" said the mage. 

"I knew it... those unidentified flying objects could be the Warriors' iron dragons. All of you, to your positions, now!" Yamirei ordered after he thought for a while.

Despite feeling intense fear at the possibility of these people as the second coming of The Mythical Warriors, Yamirei and his magicians aimed for one of the incoming F-35s.
They lined up side-by-side and raised their staves in unison. They began reciting their spells, and flame bullets formed at the tip of their staves.

However, just as the mages were about to attack, the thunder-like roar of the two F-35s sounded in the surrounding area as they passed by at a tremendous speed, producing a sonic boom and causing everyone to close their ear.

"Argh!!!" the mages roared in pain. 

"Curses! Those Warriors' iron dragons used their vociferations to disrupt our chant!" said Yamirei as two mages helped him to stand up.  

At that time too, one of the F-35s that passed by turned to the right before heading straight for the places where the Royal Mages were standing. 

"Master Yamirei! One of those flying objects was heading for us!" his subordinate yelled.

"That's it! Everyone, prepare yourselves to engage!" Yamirei ordered. 

Again, they repeated their chants, and flame bullets formed at the tip of their staves. 

"Chanting completed! Witness our power, you unholy beast!" Yamirei yelled. 

With that, all the mages fired a volley of fireballs toward the F-35B. However, the fighter jet sped up, producing a sonic boom and causing everyone to close their ear in pain while all of the fireballs failed to hit it. 

"Ugh! It's too fast!" Yamirei yelled as he watched the speed of the fighter jet in disbelief.



After half an hour of turmoil, the terrible episode was over. 

Back at the Capital's Third Wall, Thanakane can be seen lying down against the wall while calming down Snallygaster who was having a panic attack. 

"There, there, there... It's all over, Snally. It's all over," said Thanakane in a weak voice. 

Then, he heard someone calling him. When he looked over, he saw a group of regular Lourian soldiers armed with spears.

"Hey, you over there! Are you okay? Which unit do you belong to, son?" asked one of them. 

"I'm Private Thanakane of the 2nd Squadron. I'm okay, sir! I sustained no injuries on my body," answered Thanakane. 

"Very well. You and your dragon were unscathed, what luck you have," said the second soldier. 

"Not at all, sir. Perhaps it's because of my inexperience in mounting that we have to withdraw combat. When we return, I'm pretty sure it'll be recorded," said him more. 

"Oh... Private Thanakane. I think you don't have to worry about that for now," said the first soldier. 

"Eh? What happened?" asked Thanakane curiously. 

The Lourian soldiers looked at each other with guilty faces before the fourth of them, who appeared to be a woman, decided to tell him what was going on. 

"Listen carefully, Thanakane. Even though this might sound unbelievable, I must inform you that our prized Northern Port and all of our Dragon Corps members, except you and your partner, have been annihilated in the magical attack half an hour ago. None survived. Let alone our fishermen and civilians who were at the port," the female soldier explained. 

Hearing that, Thanakane's eyes widened in disbelief. 

"Impossible!!! That's absurd!!! There were hundreds of dragons in the air you know, Ma'am! It can't be! It... can't... be," said Thanakane before he broke into tears after he heard such so.  

On that faithful day, the Royal Navy successfully conducted the second phase of Operation: Storm of Steel. It received many reactions from everyone and the mass media and the front pages of newspapers did not stop reporting about it. Some say that the attack on Louria to disable their navy and air force was a bit excessive while others are the opposite. 

With the Louria having nothing to guard for their air and sea, with the exception that Thanakane and Snallygaster were the only things they got, the kingdom is now vulnerable and on the brink of defeat and maybe, extinction.

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