Humbling Spot Conlon (A Spot...

By girlwithnopatience

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**DISCONTINUED** Falling in love was far from Nicky's top priority. All she wanted was to keep her secret and... More

Ch. 1: Carrying The Banner
Ch. 2: The Secret Gets Out
Ch. 3: What's So Bad About Brooklyn?
Ch. 4: Getting Brooklyn On Board
Ch. 5: King of New York
Ch. 6: The Greatest Secret Spiller on the Vaudeville Today
Ch. 7: Newsboys Rally
Ch. 8: Guilt
Ch. 9: I Hate You, Jack Kelly
Ch. 10: Once and For All
Ch. 11: We Beat 'Em!
Ch. 12: Confession
Ch. 13: Arrogant, Selfish, Entitled Son of a-
Ch. 14: Get Over It
Ch. 15: Friends
Ch. 16: She/Her
Ch. 17: Back the Way It Was (Kind Of)
Ch. 18: Blushing and Annoyed
Ch. 19: Jack Kelly, The Human Punching Bag
Ch. 20: Late Night in Brooklyn
Ch. 21: Worth The Wait
Ch. 22: Coming Full Circle
Ch. 23: Little Devil
Ch. 24: I Can't Just Take a Break
Ch. 25: Nightmare Come True
Ch. 27: The Best Thing To Happen In This Place
Ch. 28: Banished to the Basement
Ch. 29: Freedom At Last
Ch. 30: The Tale of Penelope Badger
Ch. 31: Forgotten
Ch. 32: Worst Birthday Ever

Ch. 26: WHERE IS SHE?!

383 6 7
By girlwithnopatience

Spot's POV

I hadn't seen Nicky yet today. That wasn't normal. She would often come to Brooklyn early in the morning, then go back to Manhattan when it came time to sell. Then she'd come back after she finished. Today, there was no sign of her. 

I stopped at the Manhattan newsies lodge to see if anyone knew where she was. Inside I found a couple of them playing poker. Jack, Race, and a few other boys. The little girl that Nicky had brought in — I was fairly certain her name was Elsie, though most of them called her Satan — was hanging on Jack and watching them. 

"Is Nicky here?" I asked, sitting in their circle, "She didn't come over ta Brooklyn today." 

"She don't have ta go there everyday, Spotty," Race said, "Although, I haven't seen 'er today either. Ya think she'd ditch us?" 

"No way. She would neva do that. It ain't like 'er," Jack assured, "But maybe we should check on 'er. Somethin' coulda happened." I nodded. I was beginning to feel worried. It was weird enough that I hadn't seen her today, but the fact that nobody had was even weirder. 

Jack guided us to the little apartment building Nicky had been staying in. It was a strange situation. She was staying with a cop that had arrested her. I was initially told that he'd arrested her but I guess that wasn't actually the case. She was allowed to leave. She did everyday, still selling her papes. 

I pounded on the door, shouting, "Where's Nicky?" 

Race grabbed my shoulder, yanking me back. "Calm down, loverboy," He told me, knocking more gently than I did. "No need ta get violent." 

"I'm not bein' violent," I grumbled, crossing my arms. 

The door was opened by a man who looked like he was in his late thirties. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept a day in his life. And his mousy hair was a disheveled mess. 

"Yes?" He said expectantly. 

"Where is she?" I asked, "What didja do with 'er?" 


I clenched my fists, trying to keep my temper. "You heard me. Where is Nicky?" He looked at the ground guiltily and I felt my heart sink. She couldn't be- 

"What did you do?!" I shouted, attempting to lunge at him, but Jack stopped me, grabbing me by the arms. I continued to struggle. I needed to know what happened. 

"Spot, stop," Jack demanded, shoving me behind him. I scrambled back up and glared at the ground. Then Jack turned back to the man and charged him. "What did you do ta my little sister?!" 

I simply watched as Race struggled to get him to stop. I would've helped if I wasn't enjoying it. After all, I was going to do the same. The man didn't fight back, however, he did attempt to get him off. 

"She's fine!" The man finally yelled. Jack immediately stopped, wearing a relieved face. A wash of relief went over me as well. But I was still wondering why he looked so guilty. 

Jack picked himself up and helped the man as well. "Sorry 'bout that," He said, running his hands through his hair, "We're just worried 'bout 'er is all." 

The man straightened his shirt. "I completely understand. I would have had the same reaction." 

I stepped forward, wearing a glare. I still didn't completely trust him. "Where is she?" I tried to keep a lower volume, but it was tempting to shout at him again. 

"And who are you?" He asked. 

"The name's Spot Conlon. Who're you?" 

"Oh, Spot. I've heard much about you. Nicky sure talks about you a lot," He said. I felt my face become warm. He then stuck his hand out. "My name is Simon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." 

"Where is she?" I repeated, ignoring the outstretched hand. 

"Well, she's alright. Sorry to worry you about that. But, well, she isn't here." 

I tightened my fists so that my nails were digging into my palms. My glare grew more intense and I took another step closer. I was ready to beat him to the ground. But Race put an arm in front of me. "I got this," He told me before turning to Simon. "Well, if she ain't here, then where is she?" 




i am so sorry that it has been a million years. you know when you actually have ideas for something but executing those ideas just sounds too painful? that was me with this chapter because i was so ready to write the next chapter. also every time that i open the computer i somehow end up in a rabbit hole of youtube instead of actually writing 

and i'm sorry that this was an extra mini chapter. i ran out of ideas for this one. the next one will be longer i promise. but it will be a little bit, maybe a little longer than a week, i'm leaving town for a week and i can't have the computer. i have gotten my motivation back though, so, y'know, that's good. 

 anyhow, thank you so much if you've come this far 

ilysm, have a glorious day/night 


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