Dragon heart

By Wintershadowassassin

38.8K 4.1K 918

The dragons spoke of a day when they would be free. Free of the chains that bound them to obey the will of t... More



1.5K 161 58
By Wintershadowassassin

(Chapter 5)
A dragon's devotion

'Normal' - human language
'Dragonese' - Dragon's language


Author POV

Jimin was unsure how to react in that moment. The dragon remained silent and did not fight back as he was practically strapped into chains so tight they were obviously there to stop him from going full shift. Instead locking him down in his more humanoid looking form. 

The dragon was dragged like a pet on a leash, but he kept his eyes on Jimin the whole time, like he was captivated and couldn't look away. Jimin was curious too, the dragon boy seemed familiar, like he should know him from somewhere, but no name or face came to mind.

"Keep an eye out kid, there could be another one about." Cadel came to his side.

Another one, Jimin cast his eyes to the sky, but he hadn't heard another one. 

The knights seemed alert too, even the ones escorting the dragon boy. Casting nervous glances around, Jimin could understand why. The dragon boy didn't look fully grown but the damage and death he had caused was great. Many knights lay unresponsive and cold upon the muddy ground. 

Eventually it was concluded that another dragon could not be seen in the nearby area, so they were safe for now. But everyone was to remain alert in case of another attack. 

"What do we do with that sir?" Murdock asked, gesturing to the silent dragon, quite the contrast to moments ago.

"We take it with us, the capital will be happy of another victory against the beasts. We will be rewarded for our work." Cadel spoke, the knights cheered at the idea of a 'reward'.

But all Jimin could do was look to the dragon who had his head down cast, eyes to the floor. Looking very much like a wounded pet. 

The knights saddled up after burying the lost souls, marking their graves with runes and muttering prayers. Jimin stood to one side, he did not feel like part of the group, some of them he had only met that morning, most he did not know by name. 

"Hey kid come ride with me" Cadel called out to him, breaking him out of his pensive state.

Instead of being made to walk alongside the horses, he was pulled up to ride on the back of Cadel's horse. Jimin saw it as a way to elevate the humans, he had gone from being the lowest rank in the pack to a higher member, a way to disgrace the dragon it would seem.

The usually flighted beast stumbled along the ground as it walked. The thick chains binding him doing little to help him keep his balance. Jimin wanted to keep looking but that would seem suspicious, plus it was hard to look around from horse back, when you are having to hold onto the belt of your mentor in order to to fall to the ground.


Jimin's chance came later that evening, on the cusp of dusk to night. The tents had been set up for the night since they weren't close enough to a town to take refuge there. A warm fire had been lit, but since it was summer no one saw the need to sit around it, aside from those playing card games and required the light.

Jimin sat with the broth he had been given by a knight on cooking duty that evening. It was good, a little thin but good none the less. He was used to meat in soups and broth since his father brought home left overs from his work, it was a privilege most could not afford. 

He waited up till all the knights were asleep, they had left the dragon boy at the edge of the campsite, probably scared of the fire he could breathe. There were knights set up on watch but they were young and had easily fallen into the trap of drinking alcohol. The drink making their minds fuzzy and lulling them to sleep.

So it wasn't a difficult task to cross the campsite and towards where the dragon had been chained to a makeshift pole. Jimin had been given rations by his father, dried meat that wasn't favoured by clients and customers at the butchers. It was supposed to be back up food in case rations ran out. But Jimin had seen no one go and feed the dragon, he did not wish for the beast to sleep on an empty stomach, especially since the knights are likely to drag him along as they have done today.

The knights were laying at rest around the area where the dragon was kept captive, the area stunk of alcohol, Jimin found himself wrinkling his nose up at the strength of the smell. 

The dragon sat with his head tilted downwards, horns visible, a tail curled around his body. Jimin wondered if dragon's could get cold since they could breath fire, it was a mystery unknown to him. 

He approached with caution and careful foot steps. The dragon lifted his head to the side to get a glance at him, it immediately casted down again. But soon the dragon did a double take, head perking up completely, the tail that had been wrapped around himself coming to thump against the ground like a happy dog wagging its tail.

"Hello" Jimin tried. 

Unbeknownst to Jimin his language shifted to that of the dragon's language. A subconscious behaviour he is entirely unaware of. His mind able to switch between the language without the awareness of the host. 

"Hi" the dragon was rubbing his feet together, like he could barely contain his excitement. 

"I brought you some food, I thought you might be hungry" Jimin offered out the dried meat, hopefully dragons liked that.

The dragon opened his mouth a clear invitation that he wanted the food, it reminded Jimin of the baby birds in the nests at the great tree, mouth open begging for food from their parents.

Tearing the meat up into a chunk he placed it in the dragons mouth, since the dragon was bound with his arms up in the air, he had no freedom of movement, it had to be painful or at least very uncomfortable.

The dragon happily ate, rubbing the soles of his bare feet together at each piece of the small meal. Eventually he had eaten it all, Jimin hoped it would be enough to stave off his true hunger, at least for the night.

"Thank you" since Jimin was sat beside the dragon, it was easy for the half beast to rest his head against the human's shoulder to rest.

Jimin kept a look out, wanting the dragon to rest, but he could not be caught here in the morning, so he had to remain vigilant.


Thank you all so much for over 1K reads (1.06K). You are all amazing.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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