Mysteries Within [Twisted Won...

By AzrukiOfCresentDeath

83.5K 3K 683

Future Me Note: ok so, the first few chapters may not be that good, but it gets better, i swear! πŸ˜… and slow... More

Ch: 0- Prolouge
Ch: 0- Prologue Pt. 1| The one fit for all
Ch: 0- Prolouge Pt. 2| Ghosts
Ch: 0- Prologue Pt. 3| From afar
Ch: 0- Prolouge Pt. 4| Who are you?
Ch: 0- Prolouge Pt. 5| Invite
Bio updated
Ch: 0- Prolouge Pt. 6| Robot
Ch: 0- Prolouge Pt. 7| Shroud
Help please
Ch: 0- Prologue Pt. 8| Lucky
New tittle for the book
Ch: 1- Rules and Freedom πŸ₯€πŸ–€
Ch: 2- Leave Me Be! πŸ₯€πŸ–€
Ch: 3- Thank You, TrulyπŸ₯€πŸ–€
Ch: 4- The Braincell Trio πŸ₯€πŸ–€
Author's Note (Important?)
Ch: 5- The Chase πŸ₯€πŸ–€
Ch: 6- Unbirthday Party πŸ₯€πŸ–€
Ch: 7- Crimson Flowers Of The TyrantπŸ₯€β€οΈ
Ch: 8- Suspicious Incidents πŸ‘‘πŸ–€
Ch: 9- Trouble Making Dorm πŸ‘‘πŸ–€
Damn.... Oh well! πŸ˜€
Ch: 10- Culprit Found! πŸ‘‘πŸ–€
Ch: 11- Elf Demon πŸ‘‘πŸ–€
Bio (Celu)
Ch: 12- Seriously, Again? πŸ‘‘πŸ’›
Ch: 13- Top Four πŸ€–πŸ€
Ch: 14- Reminiscing πŸ€–πŸ€
Ch: 15- The Past πŸ€–πŸ€
Yes or no?. [Closed!]
Ch: 17- Facility πŸ€–πŸ€
Ch: 18- Contracts? Nah, I'm Good πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 19- Learn Your Place πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 20- Contracts? Ugh... Idiots πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 21- Different Personalities πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 22- Overprotective Brother Figure πŸ™πŸ–€
🀍Love Intrests/Platonic Realtions🀍
Ch: 23- Change Of Plans πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 24- Forgive Me! πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 25- Lier πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 26- Cellias, Hot? πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: ???- What?... πŸ‰πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ
Ch: 27- Underwater πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 28- Different Looks πŸ™πŸ–€
Ch: 29- Octo Trouble πŸ™πŸ’™
✨🀍8k Special🀍✨
Ch: 30- Unforgettable MemoriesπŸ€–πŸ€πŸ‰πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ
Ch: 30.5- The Puppeteer πŸ€–πŸ€
Ch: ???- Interruption πŸ‰πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ
🀍Love Intrests/Platonic Realtions🀍
Ch: 31- I'll Stay πŸœπŸ–€
Ch: 32- In The Shadows πŸœπŸ–€
Ch: 33- Oasis πŸœπŸ–€
Wait wtf, is my wattpad on crack
Ch: 34- What Is This? A Tradition? 🏜🧑
Ch: 35- The Past Yet To Unfold πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 36- Cave πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 37- Scientist Or Doctor? πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 38- Celu πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 39- One's Own Guilt πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 40- Where The Fault Lies πŸ€–πŸ–€
✨🀍14K Special 🀍✨
🀍Love Intrests/Platonic Realtions🀍
Ch: 41- Souls.. πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 42- Alexander πŸ€–πŸ–€
About updates ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️
Ch: 43- You..Too, Bare A Resemblance πŸŽπŸ–€
Important Announcment
Q&A while waiting?(CLOSED)
β”ŠΝ™ ( :Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:[Μ²Μ…:Post Ch. 1:]Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…) β”ŠΝ™
β”ŠΝ™ ( :Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:[Μ²Μ…:Post Ch. 2:]Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…) β”ŠΝ™
β”ŠΝ™ ( :Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:[Μ²Μ…:Post Ch. 3:]Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…) β”ŠΝ™
🀍Love Intrests/Platonic Realtions🀍
β”ŠΝ™ ( :Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:[Μ²Μ…:Post Ch. 4:]Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…:Μ²Μ…) β”ŠΝ™
πŸŽƒHalloween Special Pt. 1πŸŽƒ
Ch: 44- Its Fine πŸŽπŸ–€
Ch: 45- "I Love You.." "I Don't" πŸŽπŸ–€
Shune BirthDay Special
Ch: 46- Together?... Together πŸŽπŸ–€
Ch: 47- Once again?.. once again...πŸŽπŸ’œ
Ch: 48- He Whom Will Not Cry πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 49- He Who Cannot Love πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 50- Them, Whose Bond Had BrokeπŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 50- Them, Whose Bond Had BrokeπŸ€–πŸ–€
For the horny thing named Dragonc0r3
Ch: 51- The Battle Worth Fighting For πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 52- War Or Death πŸ€–πŸ–€
Ch: 53- The End Of Revenge πŸ€πŸ€–
Uh.. hi again πŸ˜ƒ
Special Chapter: Ending Zero
Special Chapter: Actor AU

Ch: 16- Helping A Friend πŸ€–πŸ€

715 27 9
By AzrukiOfCresentDeath

Me peacefully watching Blue Period: *purple hair character turns out to have an art fetish.


Previously: Torus simply smiled and waved slightly with his left arm half raised.

"Ah, who's that on your shoulder?..."






Loading complete.

-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ Flash Back Continuation ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-

"Ah, this is Shune. He helped me when i fell down to the kingdom of [Error D@t@ Restricted]"

The three monsters looked at each other, than back at the boy as he sat there blinking at them for a few moments. Before turning his attention back to his fluffy friend.


"He healed me when i was hurt. I owe this child for helping me."

("Haaaiiyaaa... why so weak? So weak?" If you know,you know)

Torus said that as he raised his left hand and gently poked the boys cheek.


"Hm, considering our situation...." The one with the moon pattern muttered out before slowly walking towards Shune.

Stopping a few feet in front of him.

"Greetings little one, i am MoonTerror, and you are?"

The boy looked up slightly at her. Before raising a hand with a smile.



MoonTerror chuckled lightly as she than turned to the others. Gesturing towards the other female in the room.

"That is Blight, and that one would be Pollux" she said gesturing to the demon with crossed arms.

Lime then all of a sudden flew away from Shune's hold as it turned bigger. After that, it grabbed Shune by the mouth and threw him up and into it's back.


Lime seemed to be upset? Ah, he was jealous they were getting all of Shune's attention.

Torus simply chuckled. "I suppose it's attached to you child."

Shune looked at Torus before back at Lime. Smiling he hugs his friend. "Torus, leave the child, we need to talk"

Torus looked at Pollux, before looking back at the child. "Go and explore, i'll come find you later."

He raised his left hand and held out a keychain with an ID tag. "Use this if one of our own stops you."

Shune took the keychain and stared at it. "Kyuuuu!" Lime all of a sudden decided to take off to go explore. Deciding the quicker they leave the better.

"W-whoa!" Shune gripped onto Lime as the speed they were flying at was much faster than his max speed currently.

Shune gripped onto his friend, eyes shut tightly as he leaned forward, scared. But soon enough, he reopened his eyes, as he slowly sat up. Soon, finding it fun.

"Hahaha! Lets go lets go!" He shouted with sparkles around him.

Exploring the spaceship, Shune and his friend came across many things peaking his interest. Meanwhile, back in the meeting room.

"Honestly Torus, how could you be so reckless? Do you know the amount of trouble you caused for them." Blight could be seen lecturing Torus as he sat on his legs with his hands balled in a fist on his lap looking down.

"And don't even get me started on the fact on how worried his family must be!"

"Yes, they must be quite bothered. We should return him to his home as soon as possible..." Pollux butted in.

"Hm? Are you actually caring? You? The so called 'I don't care about anything' shadow demon?" MoonTerror mocked with a closed eye. The other looking at Pollux.

"Excuse you?!"

"Quiet! We are not starting an argument"

(Bro wtf i saw a spider on my pillow and my parents are asleep. They'd kill me if i woke them up for a spider. im so terrified 😭😭😭😭)

"Well, even if we wanted to send them back, it's going to take a lot of power. Considering the state we're in..."

They all looked down. They were currently in a state of which their powers are draining away. Along with their life force.

"Unfortunately, the only possible solution is on Earth."

"Ah, that world? It was a hellish place... but at the same time. Wonderful in its own way..."

Torus stood up as he turned for the door. "Well, i better go get the kid. Be back in a bit"


Sitting on a chair, Shune stares at the glass of strange liquid claimed to be juice. It was purple with bubbles fizzing out along with a poisonous aura.


Shune looked towards Lime only to see his friend looking at the drink with sparkle eyes.


Staring dumbfounded at his friend for a few seconds. He than looked towards the cup. Grabbing it, he slid it to the right. As Lime immediately started to drink the purple liquid.

Honestly, he was pleasantly surprised when he found a small snack area his size. But then he wished he never came upon it. The "snack menu" had things such as.

"Gooey Eyeball Deluxe"

"Sparnakle salad"

"Sparnakle chips"


"Basa Saction"

And "More soon to be added"

"The food here is all so weird.. i think i'll just starve..." the boy said as he rested his head on his fist as he watched his friend drink.

"Hahaha, they may look and sound gross, but trust me, if you can forget about that. The taste it wonderful."

Perking up, the boy lifted his head from his fist snd turned towards the voice. Looking up he smiled.

"Torus!" He shouted. Said monster kneeled down, so the boy wouldn't have to look up as much. Lifting a finger, he patted the child's head extremely gently.

"Child, come with me, it is time for you to go home." His grin immediately turned into a frown.

"What? Already?.."

"Yes, im afraid your family must he worried. And i'd feel horrible if something happened to you."

The child looked down for a second before looking up with a smile. "Alright then! But on one condition!"

"And what might that be?"

"I can come visit whenever!"

Torus went silent before chuckling. In a sad tone he looked at the boy.

"Im afraid that won't be possible."


"Because it takes a lot of power to send you back in our current state. Which means I along with the others will die if we do it to much."









A figure of a boy can be seen with his head down as people surrounded him. More specifically, two adults, an older child.... And a robot.


A banging was herd as a creature with a moon pattern turned and looked out the window of the meeting room. Eyes widening.

"Dear lord... what?" A figure of a grayish red haired boy and a robot could be seen floating outside the window. The more human one waving his hands above his head with a closed eyed grin.



"What are you doing her- no, actually, HOW are you here?!" The child and the robot were floating up to match the height of the monsters in front of them.

"It was honestly quite simple. All i add to do was figure out how you sent the Sir back. Than, i just had to calculate the right power input and time it correctly."

"Child, I don't understand why you're here, but more importantly, who is that?" Torus pointed towards the robot that was floating besides Shune.

"Ah forgive me for i have not introduced myself of the reason as to why we are here." The robot put his hand to his chest.

"I am Celu, and our purpose for coming here today"

"Is to help you"

╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗
Chapter End
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.ೃNext Chapter .ೃ
Ch: 17- Facility 🐙🖤

. . . . . ──Fun Fact ── . . . . .

Torus calls Shune 'Child' while MoonTerror calls Shune 'Little one'

Blight calls Shune 'Riki' which means power in Japanese. (At least it does from what i searched-... dont attack me if its not ok?)

Pollux is the only one that calls Shune 'Shune'. He mostly starts his sentences off with a 'Hmph'

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