Visionary; Ronald Weasley

By angelex_13

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vi·sion·ar·y /ˈviZHəˌnerē/ adjective: visionary 1. relating to or able to see visions in a dream or trance... More



873 32 9
By angelex_13

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═ ∘◦TWENTY • TWO: Andromeda◦∘ ═
∘◦Ugly SideThe Wrecks◦∘
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The air had started to frost as the beginning days of November rolled around. The group of students sat around a large table in the library. Hermione, Kat, and Adelaide were the only ones who were entirely focused on studying though. Hermione and Kat had been reading off different charms and what they did to each other quietly and Adelaide was thumbing the top of her Divination textbook where she began to write her notes inside it casually.

Mindy had her feet propped up on the table with her Herbology essay in her lap as she twirled her quill around and stared up at the ceiling. Harry had given up entirely and began drawing doodles of Quiddich plays where his Transfiguration assignment should have been written out and Ron was staring at the Divination textbook as if it was in a different language.

Ron looked up and saw that Addy had moved on from Care of Magical Creatures and was writing in her Divination book as if she was completely unbothered. Harry caught Ron staring and nudged his head towards the clueless brunette with pressing eyes. Ron looked down at his blank paper and then back at Addy debating if he should ask for help.

Ron studied her for a few moments appreciating the way her headband had pushed her brown hair back and brought more attention to her face. Her cheeks were rounded and full, but still had angular features to them. Ron had noticed that her nose didn't curve upwards like Kat or Hermione's did and it had a round shape that brought in the fullness of her cheeks, but the slight bump in the bridge complemented the sharper edges of her cheekbones and jawline.

As if she felt the stare, Adelaide looked up and locked eyes with Ron. A warm feeling swarmed through her chest and she smiled slightly before looking back at her textbook, flipping the pages casually. She felt the blush rising through her face and tried to suppress the wide smile that was threatening to push past her lips.

He pushed his textbook across the table and bumped hers lightly, getting her attention. She looked up at him with curiosity and tilted her head to the side, silently asking him what it was he needed. He felt himself smile, thinking of his conversation with Mindy, and tried to push back the want to jump to conclusions and try to pick up on any signals she was giving him. Adelaide put her book down, but kept her quill in her hands, twirling it and letting the feathery ends brush her jawline lightly.

"Yeah?" She whispered, trying not to disturb anybody.

Ron felt his face get warm, "You're... really good at Divination, right?"

Adelaide felt her heart speed up at the mention of the subject that had been causing her life to be pulled apart, but she smiled nonetheless, "I guess, what is it you need?"

Ron pressed his lips together, "Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing."

Adelaide smiled, shaking her head before pushing her chair back and standing. Harry tried to discreetly watch as she made her way around the table and sat in the chair between him and Ron. As she leaned over the table to grab her own belongings, Harry raised a brow to Ron who shrugged, but a smile took over his features. Mindy looked over at Adelaide with a questioning stare, but she swiftly ignored it sitting in the chair and facing Ron slightly.

"You're working on the assignment she gave last Thursday?" Adelaide questioned flipping through her bag trying to find her own assignment.

Ron nodded, "Yeah, I know it's due tomorrow... but I just haven't had a chance with Quidditch practice and everything."

Adelaide pulled out her parchment and turned to him with a kind smile, "Ron, don't worry. I still haven't finished the Transfiguration essay and it's due tomorrow."

Ron nodded, her reassurance made him more comfortable and he leaned back in his chair, a chuckle leaving his mouth quietly. Adelaide opened her textbook to the pages needed for the assignment crossing her legs and pointing to a passage.

"This is basically the answer to the first question. I wrote that crystal balls always help with visions but are unnecessary unless you're referring to prophecies, where you would most likely need a crystal ball in order to keep it."

Ron looked at her textbook that was covered in notes and looked as if it was utterly destroyed with the amount of ink that she had written all over it.

Addy noticed and blushed, "I always add my own thoughts and connections in. I find everything makes more sense."

Ron nodded and began writing what she said, "I get that. I just don't ever see the connections, which I guess is the reason I'm practically failing."

"Well if you ever need you can borrow my book. It might make studying easier," Addy offered with a smile playing on her lips as she watched him write down her words.

"Yeah, actually. That would be a big help," Ron looked back up locking eyes with her.

Adelaide nodded, staring into his eyes. Had they always been this blue?

The two looked at each other for a few moments before Addy finally broke eye contact and looked back at the parchment.

She cleared her throat and spoke, "Oh, this one was a bit hard. Here just look over my answers to get this done and I'll help you study before the next test."

Ron nodded and sat forward leaning his arm on the table and began to copy her answers changing the wording slightly. Addy watched as he wrote and the way that his bicep would flex every so often. Quidditch had seriously helped his physique. Adelaide looked away, a blush forming on her cheeks at the thought. Was she seriously checking out Ron Weasley?

"So how is Quidditch? Are you ready for the game on Saturday?" Addy tried to make conversation.

Ron shrugged, "I've been doing alright, I'm just nervous."

Addy nodded, "Well, it's normal to be nervous."

Ron took a break from writing and turned to her, "I guess... It's just-"

"Would you two be quiet? We are trying to study for the charms exam tomorrow," Hermione scolded in a whispered shout.

Adelaide widened her eyes and nodded and Ron shot Hermione a sarcastic face making her turn pink with irritation. But they stayed silent while Ron finished writing out the rest of the Divination assignment.

Once he finished he pushed Addy's paper back to her and she took it placing it back in her bag. She had taken her textbook and continued writing notes in it while she waited for Ron to finish. So once he handed her the paper she closed it and put it away as well.

Addy still had her head under the table, rummaging through her bag and putting her belongings away when Harry threw a paper at Ron.

Ron opened the paper and, 'Talk to her', had been scribbled in Harry's writing. He rolled his eyes and scribbled back, 'I tried that, but Mione yelled at us.' Harry read his response and shot him a deadpan look. He was seriously so thick.

Before Harry could resort, the twins skipped over to the group of fifth years. Fred placed himself behind Ron, slapping his hands down harshly on his younger brother's shoulder. George had situated himself on the chair between Hermione and Kat where the two had their shared Charms notes.

Hermione was instantly irritated, but everyone else perked up at the sudden intrusion. They had been in the library since after dinner, which was at six, and it was now close to eight. To say they were looking for entertainment was an understatement.

"George! Now we've lost our place!" Hermione scolded, trying to reorganize the papers George had carelessly thrown from the chair to the table.

"So sorry, 'Mione, won't happen again," George turned to Kat, a sly smirk playing off his mouth, "Will you ever forgive me?"

Kat rolled her eyes pushing the arm that was holding his head up out from under him, causing him to smack his head face down onto the table dramatically. Everyone laughed loudly earning a stern 'shhh' from Madame Pince.

"What are you children doing here on a perfectly perfect Thursday evening?" Fred teased.

Hermione looked at him as if he was crazy, "We have exams and assignments due tomorrow. Not to mention O.W.L.'s and if I'm not mistaken you both have N.E.W.T.'s as well."

"Us? Studying in November for N.E.W.T.'s? Hermione, have you run a fever?" George brought his hand up to Hermione's forehead in mock concern. She quickly slapped it away before it could reach her and he put his hands up in surrender.

Ron shook Fred's hands off in irritation, earning a thump on the back of his head from the older Weasley. Fred in turn took that as a chance to place his arm on top of Addy's head, earning a small giggle from the Hufflepuff. Ron looked at her as if she was crazy for not being annoyed with Fred, but then remembered who she was.

She moved her head slightly to look at Fred, "What can we help you with?"

"Actually, Sunshine, it's you we need help from."

Adelaide looked to George at the other end of the table and then pushed Fred's arm off of her with a raised brow, "And what might you need my help with?"

The twins exchanged a glance, "Well," Fred started.

"We were thinking," George continued.

"Yeah, only just a thought."

"That you could use Umbridge's..." George trailed off trying to find the right wording.

"Prominent... disliking of you," Fred jumped in.

"Yeah, that, to distract her for us?"

Addy pressed her lips into a thin line.

Mindy slammed her feet on the ground from their previous position on the table, "Absolutely not."

"Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea," Harry spoke up from the other side of Addy.

George frowned, "Why not?"

Mindy scoffed, "'Why not?' Because the woman wouldn't hesitate to sideline the quill and cut her open herself. Not to mention she's in cahoots with Addy's father, who would probably rampage through the school if the bitch tells him anything."

"Why do you need me to distract her?" Addy finally spoke up.

"We want to get into her office. Pull a small prank. She made a group of first-years cry because they hadn't been stood eight inches apart when they had been hugging their one friend who found out her grandparents were sent to St. Mungos."


Ron rounded to her and pulled a face, "You're not putting yourself in danger of another detention just so these two idiots can pull a prank."

Addy looked at him, "She deserves it," She had said it as if it was that simple.

"She deserves to be thrown out on her fat arse, but you shouldn't be the one on the line."

Addy felt her cheeks warm. Why was he so worried? She knew she gave him a fright after her first detention with Umbridge, but did he become that concerned because of it?

"I'll be fine," She dismissed Ron and turned to the twins, "What do you want me to do?"

Fred looked surprised but quickly recovered, a smirk taking over, "Just do what you do best, piss her off."

"I think my existence is enough to piss her off."

Mindy stood up and walked over to Fred with irritation clear across her features, "I'll do it. Leave Addy out of it."

Fred looked down at her and shrugged, "Yeah, I guess that'll work too."

"I'll help" Hermione spoke up putting her belongings away and beginning to stand up.

George sputtered, "You?"

Hermione looked at him unimpressed, "Yes, me."

"Really?" Mindy questioned, earning a small nod from Hermione, "Okay."

"I am a prefect. She won't suspect anything if I'm there," Hermione said walking towards the exit.

A proud smile played off of Mindy's lips as she followed Hermione and the twins out of the Library. The group of four looked at each other with confusion.

"Did Hermione really just..." Kat trailed off looking in at the seat she was previously occupying.

Harry nodded slowly, "Leave the library to help Fred and George pull a prank."

They sat in confused silence for a few minutes before Kat spoke up, "I think I'm going to call it a night. Ad's you coming?"

Adelaide shook her head, "No, I think I'll stay for a bit longer. I have to finish up the Transfiguration essay."

Harry looked at Ron with a pointed stare before standing himself, "Yeah, I'm going to head back as well." Ron caught on and rolled his eyes.

Addy began taking out her parchment with an almost complete essay scribbled neatly across it. She looked up to see Ron still seated as Kat and Harry walked away.

"You don't want to head to bed?" She questioned.

Ron struggled with an excuse, "Well, I... I have a few more things to get done. Figured I'd stay."


Addy observed as Ron pull out his Charms book and flip it to the chapter that they had recently gone over during class. She quickly looked away, not wanting him to notice her lingering stare. She focused back on her essay, wanting to finish the last paragraph or so.

Ron shifted in his seat, bringing one leg over his knee lazily. He picked up the book and placed it in his lap and thumbed through the pages quietly. Adelaide glanced at him from the corner of her eye and felt her stomach flutter.

Did she really need to finish this essay now?

"So, d'you think you'll win this weekend?" Addy questioned as she scribbled a few words onto her parchment.

Ron shrugged, "I dunno. Harry seems confident enough and Angelina keeps saying as long as he catches the snitch quickly we'll be alright."

Addy nodded thoughtfully, "Well that would make for an easy win," She looked over at Ron who was chewing his bottom lip nervously, "But Slytherin never makes anything easy."

Ron turned his head and they made eye contact, but he looked away just as quickly.

"How do you feel about it?" She questioned, noticing his anxious behavior.

Ron shrugged, "I feel alright... I guess."

Adelaide stared at him for a moment longer before returning to her essay, writing the last few sentences, "Well I think that's a load of dung, Weasley."

Ron snapped his head in her direction in surprise. She hadn't even looked up from her parchment and her quill was scribbling quickly before it stopped. Addy put her belongings away quickly before standing up.

If Ron wanted to lie to her, she was going to find a way for him to open up. He had let her be vulnerable with him, on multiple occasions now, it was her turn to return the favor.

"What are you doing?" Ron questioned suspiciously.

Addy held out her hand, "Let's go, Weasley."

"Addy, what are we doing here?" Ron whined.

The brunette threw her bag down against a tree facing the pitch and sat down. She looked up at him and shrugged, "Sitting."

Ron threw his head back before tossing his bag onto the grass and sitting down with a thump.

"That was pretty dramatic, Ronald."

Ron shot her a look before leaning against the tree, "Why are we here?"

Addy shrugged, "I like it here. Cedric and I used to come all the time. Sometimes we'd talk, but the rest we would just sit here. He'd watch the teams practice on the pitch to take notes and I'd paint or do homework."

"And you brought me here?" He asked, genuine confusion taking place of the previous annoyance.

Addy glanced at him quickly before looking back at the pitch, "Yeah, I brought you here."


She contemplated the question for a few minutes before answering, "It's like my safe space, I guess. Whenever I had something on my mind this is where Ced and I would talk about it. You clearly have something on your mind... So I figured that taking you here would make you feel more comfortable."

"Oh," Ron didn't know what to say.

"I know it seems silly, but I don't know. You've let me confide in you, I wanted to do the same."

The silence between them had grown thick. Addy suddenly started to feel herself panic. She knew it was a shot in the dark, maybe nothing was bothering Ron and she was just reading too much into the situation and he doesn't want to be mean, so he doesn't know what to say. Maybe he just doesn't want to talk to her and then she made it awkward so he feels forced to tell her if something is bothering him. Maybe–

"Thank you."

Addy turned to him, confusion was clear across her face, so he continued, "I always listen to everyone else when something is bothering them, but I never talk to them about my... stuff."

Addy smiled, "Well, you can always tell me about your stuff."

Ron laughed and it was quiet for a moment before she spoke up again, "You're worried about the game? Right?"

He shrugged, "I just don't think I'm ready. Harry seems to have more confidence in my abilities than I do. Like the other day at practice– You can't tell anyone this," Ron quickly stopped waiting for Addy to acknowledge his ask.

"Whatever's said at the tree stays at the tree."

Ron nodded, "The other day at practice I accidentally fell off my broom and made this bloody, amazing, save. If it had been intentional. But no one noticed I fell off and just thought it was all on purpose, so now they're all expecting me to keep making saves like that... but I can't." He stopped talking, but Addy could tell he was going to continue, so she stayed silent waiting for him to finish.

"It's just like... I don't know. Fred and George were proud of me for the first time. And I know that's probably not true, but we aren't very affectionate or anything. You and Sebastion are super close and talk about everything and like, spend time together. We don't. And it's not like I really want all that–Not that there's anything wrong with it–It's just not how our family works–"

"Ron, I get it," Adelaide laughed, making Ron relax.

"I don't want to disappoint them any more than I already have. The team too. It feels like everyone's counting on me, but I don't know how to not be a disappointment." He finished.

Addy took a moment to collect her words, "Well, I'll start by saying you are not a disappointment Ronald Weasley. You are an amazing friend not only to me or even Harry but to everyone else. You're an amazing brother to Ginny, you always are trying to look out for her... in your own way. And you always help the twins with anything if they need it."

Addy looked over to Ron who was just looking at the sky, "I don't think you're going to disappoint anyone at the game. You're going to do your absolute best and that is all that will matter. We will all be there cheering you on. Even if you do lose, it was a team effort. The fault won't all land on you, Ron."

Ron finally looked at her. Addy felt herself grow hot under his intense stare and didn't know what she should do. He was just looking at her with a very fervent look and she wasn't sure if she should look away or continue to hold eye contact. Addy had hoped she didn't overstep and say something wrong to upset him, but she also knew that was just her self-doubt talking. He clearly wasn't upset with her and just didn't know what to say. Addy had carefully thought through her words before she spoke so that she wouldn't upset him.

Addy didn't know much about Ron besides the stuff everyone else knew and the small parts of himself he would share with her on occasion. So she couldn't say much about his emotions, or the ones that he was trying to pour out with the look he was giving her, but Merlin did she want to.

"How do you do that?"

His voice was so soft, she almost didn't hear him, "Do what?"

"You always know what to say. And like when to say it..." The intense look never left his face.

Even in the moonlight, Addy could still make out the faint freckles across his face. She truly didn't know what to say. A part of her also felt like it wasn't really a question to be answered.

Ron could feel his heartbeat thundering in his ears, "You truly are amazing, Adelaide."

The air between them became so thick that she was starting to find it difficult to breathe. Her whole face was burning hot and she shook her head, finally breaking their stare and looking up at the stars.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Ron asked, exasperated, "You always act as if it's a crime to give you a compliment."

A faint smile dusted her lips, "Do you see that wonky-looking 'W' in the stars? If you turn your head to the left it looks a bit like an 'M'?"

Ron finally tore his gaze from her and to the sky, focusing on the direction she was staring into. He squinted his eyes trying to find what she was talking about, wishing he had paid more attention in Astronomy.

Once he found it he thought for a minute, trying to figure out which constellation it was, "It starts with a 'C' right? Something in Greek?"

Adelaide let the smile take over her face, "Yeah, Cassiopeia, It's named after a queen in Greek Mythology. Right next to it is Andromeda, named after her daughter."

She glanced at him and turned back to the sky, "Cassiopeia insulted the Gods by claiming she and Andromeda were more beautiful than Nereids, which are sea nymphs. And so Amphitrite, Poseidon's wife, ordered him to punish her. He had sent a sea monster to destroy their kingdom, so Cassiopeia's husband, King Cepheus, had consulted an oracle that told him the only way to stop the monster was to sacrifice  Andromeda to the monster."

Ron watched as the smile slowly started to fade off her lips, "So King Cepheus had chained Andromeda to a cliff in order to save his kingdom and please Poseidon. But the hero Perseus was returning from his oath to kill Medusa and saw Andromeda on the cliff and fell in love with her instantly. He saved her in return for her hand in marriage, and she gladly agreed. Athena had promised Andrmomeda a place in the sky upon her death and put her next to her parents and between Cassiopeia and Perseus where she will live on forever."

Ron hesitated, "isn't it a bit cruel to place her next to her parents who chained her to a cliff to die?"

Addy nodded, "Posidon decided to punish Cassiopeia he would cast her to the sky to be chained to her throne forever. Everything in Greek Mythology is cruel, I think that's why I enjoy it so much. That something beautiful can come from such cruelty."

"I've always been fascinated by the stories and stars. When I was younger, I didn't have a lot. Just my clothes and this book an older girl had given to me. It was all about the stars and constellations with the connecting stories behind them. It was all I had to entertain myself because everyone else was terrified of me."

"It's hard to accept compliments when your whole life you've been told everything but them," She hesitated before turning to face him, "Thank you."

The pair searched each other's eyes for a few minutes. The sounds of the world faded out as they looked at each other, trying to pour their emotions out to the other, but not quite understanding what they meant themselves.


"You're going to do amazing at the game, Ron. If it means anything, I'll be there, supporting you. You can win, you deserve to win."

Ron felt his cheeks flame, "Thanks."

Addy nodded, "Always."

The two looked away and leaned against the tree. A comfortable silence fell between them as they tried to figure out what just happened.

Ron couldn't fathom how he had just confided in her that way. He also was trying to figure out what her point in telling him the story was. He understood it to an extent, but not fully. She clearly felt connected to it, that much was clear. She had been very kind to him, which he always knew she would be, but it was different. This meant something to her too. There was more to her bringing him here to talk about what was on his mind than that.

Ronald had it bad.

Addy couldn't calm her thoughts or her heart. She fully thought her heart was going to thump out of her chest and that her brain was going to scramble like eggs. She hadn't ever felt so connected to someone. She and Cedric had always had an amazing connection, their bond was– is– unbreakable. But this was just different.

She has had feelings for people before. Small crushes and one-off flings, all nothing of significance like this felt. She knew what the feelings in her stomach and the blushes and small smiles meant. She wasn't daft. She flirted with him on occasion, but she also did have an innocently flirty personality most of the time. Adelaide has always been good at avoiding her feelings. She always knew the ways to suppress them or mask them with something else. But this – this – was different.

In simple words; Adelaide Greenwood felt as if she was completely and utterly fucked.

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