Quirk Marriage Law (Shoto x R...

By Spidergirl_1225

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The hero commission rises to undeniable power as they had promised to rid the world of the league. They had s... More

We Thought We Had Won
The Media's Control
Forced to Settle
What do I do?
Memories Resurfacing
Where it All Went Wrong
What Really Happened
Where Do We Go From Here
The Chaos Continues
What was that?
Did I Do It?
What Options Were There?
The Best For Her
We'll Fix This
Home Sweet Home I Guess
What. The. Hell.
Cool... Just Cool
Let's Get This Mission Started
The Mission Prep
Of Course it Went to Shit
Well That's A Relief
I Didn't Expect That
Today's Going to be Good
Overprotective but With Good Reason

This Needs to Stop

76 4 0
By Spidergirl_1225

(A/N: Darker themes in this chapter (violence/torture/slight sexual assault(very minimal) cause that shits super uncomfy/ but just careful as yah read towards the middle/endish)

Shoto's P.O.V

   Its been probably around 4 hours and not a single person has been back yet. And given we started the mission around 9pm it seems highly unlikely that the auction will be taking place tonight. Which may be good or bad for us. Good because we have more time to plan an escape. Bad because of the state (Y/N) seems to be in. After she had sat down I noticed she made no move to get back up, and the more time that passed the more she was using Kaminari for support. I could see her trying to stay alert and scanning the room but it seems as though that's where she was contributing all of her energy. I noticed her and Kaminari have a short conversation and it seems as if he has been growing increasingly frustrated which is unusual for the energetic blonde.

   I decide to finally speak up once I notice him begin to panic, "Kaminari what's wrong?"

   "I can't use my quirk."

   "Well that's what quirk blockers are for dumbass" Bakugo mumbles out.

    "No no no I just need a little not enough to break out just a little boost that's all." I hear Kaminari mutter as he leans into (Y/N) more. Only then do I notice her eyes are closed.

    "Kaminari how long has she been out?" I question hoping it's not the reason I think. At my question Bakugo starts up and glances over eyes going wide. I knew he had been invested in looking for a way out but I didn't realize he was that zoned out.

   "What the hell! Why didn't you say she fell asleep! Wake her up dumbass she needs to stay awake."

   "I tried to keep her up... she told me it was going to happen eventually that's why I need my quirk. I was hoping I could manage even a little spark, anything to help keep her energy up but I can't. I'm sorry." Kaminari looks upset, but before I could tell him it wasn't his fault the sound of a door creaking open set everyone on high alert.

   Before I could even say anything Kaminari had already begun moving (Y/N) into a far corner so he could block her off from the view of anyone entering. I heard two pairs of footsteps distinctly entering the area though that doesn't mean there still couldn't be more outside waiting. With the exception of (Y/N), we were all now standing ready and on guard for whoever was coming in, but nothing could have prepared me for the second figure that rounded the corner. Guaranteed he looked worse for wear than I had last seen him he still held that malicious smirk on his face as he approached with Snatcher.

    It seemed Bakugo was first to recover from the shock, "What the fuck are you doing here you fried bastard! Let me out of here and I'll tear you to shreds!" 

   "Oh looks like you've still got that colorful personality from when you were a first year now don't you Bakugo. Too bad I told Toga to wait outside she would have loved to come and play. But I can't say it's a pleasure to see you again after you and your little hero friends took my favorite little toy." Dabi answered with a cocky smirk on his face.

   I felt myself freeze at the comment and I could tell Bakugo did also based on how Dabi's smirk seemed to grow. Kaminari was the only one left out of the loop but didn't seem to let that bother him as he kept himself in front of our sleeping team mate.

   "Oh and look it's perfect little Shoto! All caught up in a simple little trap. Now where is that little hero that you're paired with? I'm sure you would be happy to get rid of that burden so I can take her off your hands." He laughs out.

   "Shut the hell up!" I shout at him, all I can feel is anger after his comments, "Leave her alone! You're finished once I get out of here!" I feel my fist hit the wall before I even realised I threw a punch.

   "Oh getting defensive now are we?" He laughs before turning to Snatcher, "Now where is what I came for?"

   "Right in there with Chargebolt."

   I notice Kaminari tense as he does his best to stand in front of her more. Even though he doesn't know the story and acts like an idiot most of the time he was smart enough to pick up on the context clues.

   "Well how the hell do I get my prize if there's another stupid little hero in there with her?"

   "I apologize I didn't think they would stay in pairs. I'll let you keep him too, I don't have anyone interested in him, they say his quirk is too much of a hassle. You can kill him for all I care, just make a decision soon. I have other businesses to attend and if you need this transported I only have so long to do it." Snatcher answers frustratedly.

   "I'm sure he would be great leverage... however I won't need you to transport them both. I have to get her out first unless you plan on damaging your product further?" He questions.

   "I'm afraid I don't understand the girl is injury free?" Snatcher questions.

   "Her quirk needs to be able to somewhat work for her to live just not enough to use. Don't worry I have quirk canceling cuffs I just need to get them on her so how do I get in and avoid that little pest." Dabi asks.

    "I won't let you hurt her." Kaminari suddenly states with a more serious expression than I've ever seen him with. "You can't get in here without your quirk canceling or shutting that part off which would mean I could use my quirk and we all know that wouldn't be pretty."

   "Sometimes you heroes forget that it's not only quirks that can be useful." I'm confused by Dabi's statement until he is let into the box, "There are other things that can get the job done." 

   I noticed him reaching for something I realized too late what his intentions were, "Kaminari move!" I notice his eyes widen for a brief moment before the echoing sound of a bang follows. Kaminari's legs buckle under him as he cries out grabbing his left thigh.

   Bakugo finally seems to come back to life after all the commotion, "Stay away you crazy bastard! Leave them alone! Come pick a fight with us if you want one so bad!" But nothing he seems to say deters Dabi from advancing towards the two. He manages to kick Kaminari away and there's not much he can do while trying to stop the blood flowing from his wound. He reaches out to try and pull Dabi away only for his hand to be stepped on with a resounding snap echoing the area.

   I could feel Bakugo's anger rising by the minute as my own anger was beginning to show on my face as Kaminari's cries became more apparent. But a feeling of fear rushed over me once Dabi finally grabbed a hold of his target. I promised I would never let him hurt her again and here it is happening in front of me. I watch as he picks her up fastening the cuffs on her wrist before bringing her out of the little cage we've all fallen into. Before he can close the door though Snatcher walks up to the container and transports it to connecting our own opening a path between the two.

   While I'm focused on Dabi, Bakugo reacts immediately running to the other side to help Kaminari as I notice out of the corner of my eye him ripping parts of their uniforms to try and help with his injuries. But I couldn't take my eyes off of those piercing blue ones staring at me with a crazed and excited look. 

   "Dabi I swear, let her go or I will kill you."

   "Now now that isn't very hero-like it is it little Shoto. Maybe you just need to have a little fun to relax. Let me show you what's so fun about having a little toy." Dabi answers with excitement in his voice. He places her on the ground. I can feel my stomach drop at his answer. I was hoping to distract him and anger him enough to engage with me, but it seems to have put his focus on her more. "Snatcher I will leave with her soon you can attend your business I just have to set an example for these heroes first" Dabi addresses the other man standing in the room.

   "Sure fine, just don't damage the rest of my products." The man turns and leaves.

   "Now let's see if we can wake up little miss sleepy head here" I see him lean down his face towards her neck.

   "Don't you dare touch her!" I could feel tears from anger and fear for (Y/N) begin to make their way to the surface. I had never been one to cry but something about her in danger was getting to me.

   "You bastard back the fuck up!" I hear Bakugo yell from where he's tending to Kaminari.

   "Well if you are so opposed to me waking her in a nice way I guess I'll have to just deal with it the hard way." Before I can ask what he means I see the smoke rising from his hands as he presses them directly onto the sides of her hips burning through the material slowly to her skin. It only takes a moment for her eyes to fly open and a cry erupt from her throat.

--(Y/N) P.O.V--

   I awoke from the sudden burning pain on my sides and the smell of smoke in the air. The last I remembered was falling asleep next to Kaminari while waiting for a rescue team to show. My vision was blurry from sleep and the tears that were now escaping my eyes from the pain. I tried to kick my legs up only to have a heavy weight seated on top of me to keep me from moving. The intense burning stopped increasing as I felt the heat radiate from the new injuries. I could tell whatever was buring into me had stopped but it didn't lessen the pain much. I flinched when I felt something burning hot grab my face. I let out an involuntary cry as my head was yanked to look up at the one responsible. Upon seeing the person currently on top of me I felt my eyes go wide.

   I suddenly began thrashing trying to get the man who plagued my nightmares off. I was stopped when I felt the burning sensation appear on my thigh as I began to cry again trying to lessen the sound, "Now now now come on you know how this game works. The quieter you stay the more it hurts, they didn't want me to wake you in the nice way so we had to do it the hard way."

    I feel more pressure and heat applied to my leg as I struggle to keep my crying contained to small whimpers. My thoughts deter for a moment as I register that he said they. I glance to the side as best as I could with Dabi still gripping my face tightly when I notice Shoto and Katsuki looking on with horror and Kaminari fighting to stay aware. I begin to cry without restraint realizing they are stuck with me this time. I could see Kaminari was injured and while my kidnapping was traumatising no one else got hurt.

   "Ah there's those pretty little sounds! Now how about we make this a little more personal..." I hear him chuckle before forcefully flipping me onto my stomach. I begin to panic now that he's not in my eyesight, "Now calm down I'll even let you look at your little friends for some comfort, aren't I so nice." 

   I feel Dabi turn us so I'm facing towards the others. My body is fatigued from trying to regain energy for my quirk and the newly sustained injuries that it's hard to comprehend the shouting my two friends are doing in front of me. I can see the panic on their faces as they both try and find a way to get out of their confinement. I begin to understand the panic when I feel my suit burning off and Dabi ripping the back open. I'm paralyzed with fear at what is about to happen, and I make the mistake of looking at Shoto who looks on the verge of a breakdown as I see the unshed tears growing in his eyes.

   The next thing I know is I'm screaming. White hot pain burning into my back deeper than the hand prints. All I can make out is mumbling excitement behind me words like "name" and "scar" as I try to move away from the pain I feel more weight pushing down to keep me from moving. I registered the commotion coming from Shoto and Katsuki but I can't make out anything they're saying. 

   It seems like an eternity until the pressure is relented and I feel the stinging pain of the air hitting the fresh burns as Dabi traces over his work. The moment his hands leave I think he is finally bored for now but I suddenly feel my head yanked up by my hair as he turns my head to somewhat face him. 

   "Now everyone will always know who you belong to" His eyes twinkle with a crazed light that makes me hesitant to ask.

   "What did you do?" I tried to sound strong but it comes out as barely a whisper from all the screaming.

    "Why I left my mark on you. Quite deep might I add, I don't think recovery girl will be able to fix this like some of my past marks." He laughs out, "Now let me make it clear to those two that you're mine."

   Before I can even register what's happening I feel a hand around my throat choking me as he presses his lips to mine. Once over the initial shock I bite down hard as he tries to deepen the kiss. He pulls back with a pained his as I smirk slightly from the small victory.

   "You stupid bitch, think you're so strong now do you? You will never beat me and never get rid of me." He growls as I feel the pressure grow around my neck. I gasp as I try to take as big of a breath as I can while Dabi is restricting my airways. I start to feel light headed as I glance over to Shoto and Katsuki to see both their faces covered in an angry expression, but Shoto's tears have finally begun to fall. 

   I see the anger covering Dabi's face and think he will push until I black out but a loud bang startles everyone as I glance towards the door only to see Lemillion and Deku standing there panting. I try to shift only to find every movement causes an extremely painful spike through my body. It seems as though it only takes Midoriya a second to realize where we are because I only see a flash of green and then feel the weight disappear from my lower back and legs.

   It seems Mirio moves just as fast because I notice him deactivating the cells that boys are still in. The moment the quirk blocker is off Katsuki immediately explodes one side so they can all get out and rushes to grab Kaminari.

   "Where the hell are the rest of the heroes?!" I make out Katsuki shouting.

   "Red Riot should be right behind us! He'll be here soon, I'm going to assist Deku!" Lemillion shouts before running off to the sound of fighting taking place further in the warehouse. I watch Katsuki hoist Kaminari up to help him move towards the exit away from the fighting when I notice someone slide down right next to me. 

   I flinch at first until I hear the voice, "I'm so sorry (Y/N), I'm sorry, we need to get out of here right now, I'm sorry for this but we have to move can you get up?" I can pick out the fear and sadness in Shoto's voice along with something else I can't quite place.

   "Shoto... I can't move... it hurts, it hurts so much." I whisper as I feel more tears roll down my face. I suddenly feel a cool sensation hovering over my back.

   "Okay okay, this might hurt but I have to do it to move you. I'm going to freeze the injured areas to hopefully numb them so I can pick you up okay? Do you trust me? Please let me help you." I hear Shoto get desperate as his cool hand hovers a little closer.

   "I trust you Shoto" I struggle to make the statement sound strong but the meaning is there. I feel extreme pain before it all goes numb. I feel some material placed over my back as Shoto turns me to pick me up trying to avoid my injuries. I notice he no longer has a shirt on and register that that's what he wrapped around me.

   "I got you don't worry we are getting out. I've got you." Shoto keeps chanting as he begins to run to the exit as I notice Katsuki following us with Kaminari as fast as he can. I notice the red head entering the door and seeing us and calling for the rest of the heroes who were on sight along with the medics there. 

   Soon enough Kaminari and I are loaded into ambulances and sent off to the hospital. Shoto never left my side and somewhere along the way I felt myself drift off but I couldn't help but see that look of fear in his eyes that made me want to stay awake.


A/N: (3055 words not bad) Lol sorry bout the darker chapter but it needed to happen for the character development. Come on don't we all love a good traumatic bonding. But no the real feelings will start soon and we'll see what the Commission has up their sleeve.

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