This Needs to Stop

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(A/N: Darker themes in this chapter (violence/torture/slight sexual assault(very minimal) cause that shits super uncomfy/ but just careful as yah read towards the middle/endish)

Shoto's P.O.V

   Its been probably around 4 hours and not a single person has been back yet. And given we started the mission around 9pm it seems highly unlikely that the auction will be taking place tonight. Which may be good or bad for us. Good because we have more time to plan an escape. Bad because of the state (Y/N) seems to be in. After she had sat down I noticed she made no move to get back up, and the more time that passed the more she was using Kaminari for support. I could see her trying to stay alert and scanning the room but it seems as though that's where she was contributing all of her energy. I noticed her and Kaminari have a short conversation and it seems as if he has been growing increasingly frustrated which is unusual for the energetic blonde.

   I decide to finally speak up once I notice him begin to panic, "Kaminari what's wrong?"

   "I can't use my quirk."

   "Well that's what quirk blockers are for dumbass" Bakugo mumbles out.

    "No no no I just need a little not enough to break out just a little boost that's all." I hear Kaminari mutter as he leans into (Y/N) more. Only then do I notice her eyes are closed.

    "Kaminari how long has she been out?" I question hoping it's not the reason I think. At my question Bakugo starts up and glances over eyes going wide. I knew he had been invested in looking for a way out but I didn't realize he was that zoned out.

   "What the hell! Why didn't you say she fell asleep! Wake her up dumbass she needs to stay awake."

   "I tried to keep her up... she told me it was going to happen eventually that's why I need my quirk. I was hoping I could manage even a little spark, anything to help keep her energy up but I can't. I'm sorry." Kaminari looks upset, but before I could tell him it wasn't his fault the sound of a door creaking open set everyone on high alert.

   Before I could even say anything Kaminari had already begun moving (Y/N) into a far corner so he could block her off from the view of anyone entering. I heard two pairs of footsteps distinctly entering the area though that doesn't mean there still couldn't be more outside waiting. With the exception of (Y/N), we were all now standing ready and on guard for whoever was coming in, but nothing could have prepared me for the second figure that rounded the corner. Guaranteed he looked worse for wear than I had last seen him he still held that malicious smirk on his face as he approached with Snatcher.

    It seemed Bakugo was first to recover from the shock, "What the fuck are you doing here you fried bastard! Let me out of here and I'll tear you to shreds!" 

   "Oh looks like you've still got that colorful personality from when you were a first year now don't you Bakugo. Too bad I told Toga to wait outside she would have loved to come and play. But I can't say it's a pleasure to see you again after you and your little hero friends took my favorite little toy." Dabi answered with a cocky smirk on his face.

   I felt myself freeze at the comment and I could tell Bakugo did also based on how Dabi's smirk seemed to grow. Kaminari was the only one left out of the loop but didn't seem to let that bother him as he kept himself in front of our sleeping team mate.

   "Oh and look it's perfect little Shoto! All caught up in a simple little trap. Now where is that little hero that you're paired with? I'm sure you would be happy to get rid of that burden so I can take her off your hands." He laughs out.

   "Shut the hell up!" I shout at him, all I can feel is anger after his comments, "Leave her alone! You're finished once I get out of here!" I feel my fist hit the wall before I even realised I threw a punch.

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