What was that?

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Shoto's P.O.V.

It was too quick to process. One moment it looked like (Y/N) and Dabi were about to face off, then seconds later a blinding light exploded in front of us pushing everyone back some. I knew the instructions were to take cover, but now I needed to know what exactly all the heroes had just taken cover from. Looking around the building I had dove behind I noticed a figure laying in the middle of the road with a green blur headed towards them. At first I thought the explosion was from Bakugo but whatever just happened seemed more light or energy based not explosive. Focusing on the scene I noticed Midoriya kneeling and holding the figure in the road. The moment Midoriya shifted to gain a better hold on the figure I noticed the hero suit they were wearing. 

3rd Person P.O.V.

        The moment Todoroki noticed the suit he made a dash for the girl in his old classmates arms. The closer he got the more he began to notice the state Midoriya was in with tears running down his face. He looked to the girl again seeing her body littered in burns and scratches. The young hero took a quick breath as he examined her state more. He was frozen in shock wondering what could have made her injuries so bad. He scanned the area for any sign of Dabi or any other villains but came up with the hypothesis that they had all escaped using their teleporting friend.

         As the two boys sat in shock the sound of explosions began nearing them until they heard a familiar shout, "Where the hell is she?!"

     Bakugo was approaching the two at a rapid pace and with the way they had positioned themselves, he had yet to see the condition of one of his closest friends from U.A. The moment the blonde heard sniffling coming from the greenette he increased his pace towards the two. His patience began to diminish the closer he got to the two as he yelled, "Deku I said where the hell-"

Bakugo's P.O.V

      "-is she..." freezing, I couldn't finish me thoughts the moment I saw her head resting on my childhood friend's lap. "I don't understand... Deku what happened?!" I repeated diving down to feel for a pulse seeing the panic and tears on his face. I can't believe this is happening to her again, that demon has no right to keep ruining her life. I looked over to see that half n' half bastard just standing still.

    "What are you thinking! Go get a damn ambulance or something IcyHot! It's the least you could do since it seems you are incapable of protecting her which is part of your job and your responsibility after the commissions pairing!" I shouted towards my old classmate who seemed to have forgotten all his training the moment things went wrong. I glanced over to see him sprinting away. It seems he may be useful for once as I turn back to Deku knowing what has to be done. "Deku use your quirk to give her a kickstart or boost per say." I stated calmly.

     "Kacchan- what no! I could hurt her! What are you- what are you thinking-" The nerd began rambling. I sighed knowing her would question me and I would have to explain after.

    "Deku I need you to trust my judgement and do it. 5% power should be enough to help her without harming her. I will explain everything to everyone later if necessary, but if you don't do this now. She is going to die." I stared down at the girl I've grown quite accustomed to having around and I have no intention of letting her disappear from everyone's lives so soon.

    "Fine. I'll do it." Deku agreed holding the girls hands while starting his quirk up. He was forcing the energy into the girls body and it seemed as if the girl was growing less pale by the moment. He stopped once her heart beat was at a strong steady pace. The moment he finished I noticed IcyHot making his way back with two men and a stretcher.

     Once they were close enough they lifted (Y/N) onto the stretcher and rushed back to wear the ambulance was waiting for them I turned to hurry after them only to notice Todoroki following too. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" I asked him.

    "To the hospital with (Y/N)" he shortly replied. 

   "No you're not." I glared at him, "I'm going with her, it seems as if you were no help at all to her earlier why would I trust you to help her now?" I began to argue when one of the medics jumped into the conversation.

    "We have room for both of you today hop in quickly, she's stable for now but I don't know how long her condition will stay like that we need to get to the hospital." The medic finished. After hearing that statement we both climbed into the back of the ambulance and sped off to the hospital.


(A/N): Hello my dears! Sorry it's been a hot second recovering from surgery and keeping up with my makeup and school work is very tiring so I haven't had much time to write. But 2 weeks down of no walking only a month left to go now that I have my hard cast! Let me know what you think of this chapter!

Quirk Marriage Law (Shoto x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя