Blood Brothers

By metalcountry

15.9K 843 139

This is the last installment to "Baby's On The Way." This is after, "Shake It For Me." This story starts off... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Bo Bryan
Chapter 2 - Awkward
Chapter 3 - Signed
Chapter 4 - Dinner For Two
Chapter 5 - Bad News
Chapter 6 - Lost
Chapter 7 - Dinner With Mr. Williams
Chapter 8 - Full of Thoughts
Chapter 9 - ACM's
Chapter 10 - Truth Comes Out
Chapter 11 - Ending The Night Right
Chapter 12 - Bryson's Problems
Chapter 13 - Hospital Birthday
Chapter 14 - Come With Me
Chapter 15 - Precious Darlin
Chapter 16 - Big Fights
Chapter 17 - All Couples Have Problems
Chapter 18 - Make It Right
Chapter 19 - Bryan Family Thanksgiving
Chapter 20 - The Big Question
Chapter 21 - Tate's Set Back
Chapter 23 - Old Dates
Chapter 24 - Perfect Wedding
Chapter 25 - Really Pays Off
Chapter 26 - Tate's Leap
Chapter 27 - Thomas James Bryan
Chapter 28 - On Her Own
Chapter 29 - Entertainer Of The Year
Chapter 30 - The Bryan Family (Finale)

Chapter 22 - Reporter

398 31 2
By metalcountry

~Tate's Point of View~

It's been six months since my tragic accident. We found out that it was actually Erin's father. How Ironic? He was drunk. He got charged with DWI DUI and leaving the scene of an accident. I didn't charge him with anything because well, that's my girlfriend's father. I was not going to do that. He is a broken man for some reason. I shouldn't help put him deeper.

Erin has been the best thing ever for me. She has been there every single day. She has been to every session at my rehabilitation to walk right again. I'm walking very well and go for walks with her every morning before she goes to work.

I made her go to work. I was not letting her miss out on the first day of her being a teacher. That day she came home hugging me tight and thanking me for making her go. She adored kids and I know she would be a great mother. Not only because she is a good teacher but because of how well she took care of me. She hardly let my mama help. This woman is a woman I ought to love for the rest of my life.

Bo and Kendyl's wedding is not until he is done tour. They also want to do it before he starts his next one. They pushed it back because they wanted to make sure that I was walking in the wedding. He knew I would be so pissed since I'm the best man and would be in a wheel chair.

Bailee found this boyfriend named Alex. We hardly see her since she started dating him. Young love right? She is almost as bad as I was. Jump from guy to guy. Hey, just don't call my sister a whore. She doesn't get paid for it and times are different now. I'd punch any man in the face if he hurt my sister or called her a whore.

Bryson and Brandy are still enjoying their baby. He told me he is not getting married anytime soon. He is trying to do online courses for Florida State now. They are giving him a better deal than any other college. He also wants to stay around home because of Bentley.

I am doing wonderful right now. I just drove to Nashville Channel 10. It's the major new's station now in Nashville. They offered me a new position to be a reporter. I would go out and be on TV. This could help be my break. This would also be better for if I want to live a simple life with Erin. She isn't too far into me becoming an actor. I know it worries her if I start drinking again, or see other actresses and want them.

I walked into my parent's house with a grin plastered on my face. Mama was in the kitchen cooking dinner. Erin got home at 4:30 so this means she'll be here soon. I'm going to announce the good news over dinner. She will love it. I hope. This will make a normal life come out. If it's to make Erin happy, I'm going to do it.

Pa was sitting on the couch watching baseball. I decided to go and sit with him while we waited for food to be done. Bailee was obviously not home. This house got empty really quick. Bryson and Brandy did fully move in here. Bentley does run around and mama loves to take care of the baby while Bryson's busy with school or work and Brandy is busy with the same.

Pa and I are really close especially after the accident and mama's cancer. We hardly ever get into confrontation unless it has to do with sports or a competition of some sort. I smirked when I heard the front door open. Pa looked at me and smiled knowing I was smitten by this woman. I got up quickly to great my beautiful girlfriend at the door.

"Hey gorgeous." I said bringing in Erin for a kiss. She seems a little down. "How was work?" I asked.

"Fine. The kids were good. I'm hungry." She said down and out.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She looked at me and frowned.

"Did you go out today?" She asked. I nodded. "And?" Oh, she's upset if I don't have a job. She doesn't want me to get lazy and rely on my parents.

"I'll tell everyone my day at dinner." I tried to hide my surprise. She shrugged off her coat and I took it and put it up. "I love you." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"I love you too." She told me back with a half bent smile. At least I got something.

Mama said food would be done in 15 minutes so Erin went up to get a shower. I sighed and sat back down with Pa. He looked at me and automatically knew something.

"Still wanting you to get a job son?" Pa asked.

"I got one. Just one I hope she likes. I told you she wants the whole normal family life. She has a job, I do, I don't travel, and I'm close to home." I said.

"Yeah. She doesn't want a Kendyl and Bo situation. She wants' non-famous lifestyle. You willing to do that for sure?" Pa sincerely asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah. I love her and I'd do anything to make her happy." I said. He smiled.

"Good. I don't think you should become an actor anyway." He smirked at me knowing he wanted to bust my balls.

"Don't worry I took pointers from Uncle Blake. He sure knows how to entertain." I said busting his right back.

We sooner were called for dinner. Bryson and Brandy sat towards the end of one side of the table. I sat near ma on the other with Erin on my other side. Pa sat at the head chair. We all said grace and dug in. I was waiting till dessert to finally lay the news on where.

I grabbed everyone's plates and put them in the sink before sitting down to a nice warm peace of apple pie in front of me. I cleared my throat and everyone looked t me.

"I got a job today." I announced. Everyone's eyes lit up and smiled telling me congratulations but Erin. Her worst nightmare is me saying I'm drinking and or an actor or musician.

"Where at Tater bug?" Mama asked. I smirked and looked at Erin.

"Channel 10 Nashville News. I'm a reporter for right now. They said if I show enough I could be sitting at the front desk telling you news." I smirked. I then finally saw a twinkle in Erin's eye. I grabbed her hand. "It's nothing close to being an actor. It's close to home. I get to see everyone a lot. It's also not bad of pay. I still get to be on TV. Everyone wins." I said looking around.

"I'm glad you're sticking around." Mama said.

"I'm glad I'll be able to watch the news again." Pa said.

"I actually can see you in a nice suit. Tatum Bryan. Channel 10 Reporter. That signature Bryan smirk all over the news. Oh god." Erin smirked and leaned in kissing my cheek.  Mama laughed.

"Just remember the 6 words you're not allowed to say on TV. Ass was surprisingly brought back and able to be said. I remember when y'all's were younger. You couldn't say Bitch, ass, slut, dick, and so forth." Pa said. Everyone just looked t him because he was so serious.

"Luther. We have young ears at the table. Watch that filthy mouth of yours." Mama scolder.

"Just wait till later. You'll see how filthy it can get."

"ALRIGHT! I do not want to hear about that sex life. Y'all's got old. Y'all's are my parents. Hush." I said shaking my head trying to stop thinking about them getting dirty.

Brandy helped clean the kitchen so Mama could take a break. Erin and I went up to our room and sat down. She talked to me about her day as she laid on my chest and I brushed her hair with my fingers. She then brought up she was extremely happy that I got a job close to home and I wouldn't have to go all the way to California and change my life up. I am pretty happy too.

"I think when I'm at my job long enough it'll be time for our own place. Just you and me." I told Erin. She looked up at me and smiled.

"I'd love that. No offense to your parent's but living with them is kind of.... for younger kids. Once you get settled in at your job, we can look at places together." She told me.

"I don't want an apartment. I want to rent a nice small house near the country. Not too far from here. We'd be able to be close to both of our families. Our jobs would be about the same amount of distance. We'd also have more...." I started to say as I shifted so she was laying down and I was able to kiss her neck and nibble at her ear. "Privacy." I stated and then went back to her neck. She moaned.

"Oh I can't wait babe." She told me. I smirked and looked at her in the eyes.

"Me either. " I said and the continued to tease her.

I kept it up until she begged me for more. Once she did I was all inside of her. We had to keep it quiet because of the baby is right next door to our room but sometimes you let a little bit of something slip.  We finished out business and laid naked. She was cuddled to me and drawing circles on my chest.

"I like that you're going to be around." Erin said.

"Where was I ever going baby?" I asked.

"If you were an actor, you'd be gone for months, you'd be around fake women who would try something, our lives wouldn't have that much privacy, and I'd be home with the kids most of the time. I don't know how Kendyl does it or how your mama has done it all these years but I wouldn't be able to do it."

"I know baby. I don't want to ever leave you so I was going to try to find something that would make us both happy. I still get to be on TV. I'd just do more news than acting. I'd probably act out a wonderful attitude every day." I chuckled think of me just smiling through everything.

"You'd be amazing. Our kids would look at their anchorman of a father and be proud of him. Their mama would look at you and still think you're ever so sexy in that suit that you wear every day." I smirked.

"Keep talking that way and kid's are going to come sooner than later." I smirked.

"Not if I switch to birth control." Erin giggled. She turned away from me and I spooned her.

"I love you Erin." I said.

"I love you too Tatum." She replied before quickly drifting off to sleep.


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What do you think is going on with the rest of the family?

Thank y'alls please keep voting and commenting. Keep it up :)

- Pup

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