zero || eddie munson (UNEDITE...

By _croki

35.3K 791 123


Authors note
part i
null's walkman
1 ~ d&d (edited)
2 ~ unexplainable things (edited)
3 ~ the library
4 ~ ready or not, here i come
5 ~ stuck with me
6 ~ isnt that a makeout spot?
7 ~ watergate
9 ~ the plan
10 ~ angry hicks
11 ~ its like The Rolling Stones said; you can't always get what you want
12 ~ 3 can keep a secret if 2 of them are unreliable
1 - 000=NULL

8 ~ back in the real world

852 27 5
By _croki

"Whatever you guys are doing, hurry up!" Steve yells from the living room of the upside down, shaking Nancy, though to no avail.

"Steve says you need to hurry," Erica said, jogging into Eddie's room which was being tossed around primarily by Robin.

"Yeah? No shit," Dustin yelled.

"We're trying, we can't find anything," Max cried.

"Seriously, what is all this shit?" Robin snapped.

"What are you even looking for?" Eddie asked, beyond stressed out.

"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!" Robin emphasized.

"This is music!" Eddie screamed, holding up an Iron Maiden cassette tape.

"Not music Nancy would listen to," Null explained to Eddie.

He groaned and started pacing, as it seemed to become a reoccurring thing for him to do when he was stressed and nervous.

"Wait Max," Null suddenly had an idea. "Don't you have Madonna in your room?"

"Yes but we might not be able to make it back in time!" Max worried.

"Well it's the best shot we've got," Null furthered.

"How are we gonna make it past my mom?" Max asked, concerned with the fact her mother would undoubtedly stop to interrogate where she's been. Null only raised her eyebrow, before making the two of them invisible. "Right, powers."

The two sprinted into Max's trailer, and into her room noiselessly and unseen, thanks to Null. Madonna wasn't hard to find, considering Max had organized her collection of music alphabetically. By the time the two made it back with not only a couple of Madonna cassette tapes, but also Blondie (just in case,) Nancy had already woken, and Robin was being interrogative.

"What happened? How'd you get out? Are you okay?" Robin asked frantically.

"Robin," Steve cautioned. "A little space?"

Robin who'd moved into a hovering position over Steve and Nancy readjusted once she realized how overbearing she'd been. "Right. Sorry."

The group shut up as they let Steve talk to Nancy. "Are you alright?"

Nancy only nodded, apparently too in shock to speak.

"Well what happened?" Dustin asked, too eager to wait any longer for answers.

"Dustin," Null warned this time.

"What?" He asked, like he'd done nothing wrong.

Null sighed. "How about we all give Nancy some space for tonight, and some time to let whatever just happened sink in and settle. We're not gonna be going back in there tonight."

The group nodded, as if in agreement.

"Right, we can get some sleep and come back to this tomorrow with our brains firing on all cylinders," Robin concluded, before making a distasteful face.

"What are you making that face for?" Eddie asked.

"I just sounded like my father there for a minute," Robin answered.

"Ew," Erica judged, before claiming the better half of the couch in the living room for herself for the night.

The group dispersed, each doing different things to get settled in for the night. Some used the bathroom, some scrounged for blankets and pillows, and some dragged their mattress back into their room and tried to tidy up the room a bit, preparing for a night alone with their girl.

Null leaned up against the doorframe, watching Eddie frantically trying to put away the tapes that'd been tossed around the room.

"Knock knock," Null announced herself.

Eddie tensed immediately, stopping what he was doing. He didn't turn around, instead he made eye contact with her using the tall mirror in front of him. "Who's there?"

Null smiled, before plopping down on his bed. "Just a girl who doesn't care what your room looks like as long as you're in it."

Eddie smiled as he made his way over to her, scooting in beside her under the covers. "How considerate of you."

"And of you too, to try to make your room easier on the eyes."

Eddie looked at her, unsure of her response. "So did you want me to continue picking up?"

"What? No! I was joking," Null explained, easing Eddie's nerves.

"Okay good, because Robin really threw them all over," Eddie smiled, before yelling. "ALL OVER!"

"SHUT IT!" Robin yelled back from the living room.

He chuckled, and Null laughed along with him, trying not to succumb to his unintentional charm. As he laughed, his warm breath blew across Null's face, turning her cheeks light pink. She slid downwards a bit, hiding her face in Eddie's dirty Hellfire shirt.

"You sure you want whatever bacteria's on that shirt to be touching your face?" He asked, voice muffled as her ears listened to his heartbeat.

"I'm fine with it," Null replied nonchalantly, before jokingly adding, "unless you want to take it off."

Null felt his body stiffen, and his heartbeat start to race, and she realized he'd taken it seriously. He sat up and quickly removed his leather jacket, and started to lift his shirt above his arms.

"Wait Eddie, I was kidding," Null put her hand on his, stopping his from completely removing his shirt.

Eddie's eyes were speckled with lust as he looked down to her. "And you're sure that little joke of yours held no truth to it?"

"I-" Null began, only for her usually ready words to fail her, rendering her speechless.

Eddie's eyes flicker to her lips, which were already parted from surprise at his response, and he couldn't help himself as he smashed his lips to hers, forgetting about taking the shirt off entirely. His actions took Null by surprise as well, considering they weren't alone in the trailer, though she recovered quickly enough and kissed him back.

He fell onto his back, and Null who was already on top of him from listening to his heartbeat, took the initiative to crawl on top of him and deepened the kiss. Null's hands were wrapped around his jaw, her thumbs resting on his cheeks. Eddie's hands were tangled in her hair.

"Wait," Null pulled away momentarily to catch her breath, but also to address her concern of being caught. "There are people here."

Eddie rolled his eyes and pulled her back into him continuing their kiss. Null was lost in the moment for a few seconds before she pulled away again. "Eddie!"

"You have powers," he spoke lowly into her ear, the hot air on her ear making her feel warm in a certain region, "Use them."

And with that, Eddie flipped her onto her back, and took his shirt off, throwing it across the room. His hands travelled her body, feeling his terrain for the first time. Eddie slowly began to inch her shirt up, making eye contact with her as if asking if it was okay. Null nodded before helping him take it off.

He kissed her lips, before traveling downwards to her jaw, across her collarbone, her boobs, sternum, stomach, and just as he was reaching her waistline...

"Eddie!" Dustin pounded on the door.

The real Eddie ignored him, and Null put up an illusion of a fake Eddie yelling, "go away!"

"Yeah I will, but where's your extra toilet paper?" Dustin asked.

Null didn't know the answer to this, so she lifted the real Eddie's chin, and gave him a questioning look, asking him for the answer.

"In the hallway closet," Eddie whispered, before the fake Eddie told Dustin that exact thing.

"But I already looked there, and I can't find it," Dustin whined.

The real Eddie sighed, and gave Null an apologetic look, before getting up and putting his shirt back on, leaving the room to help Dustin.

Null took a few deep breaths, letting her mind catch up to her racing hormones. She pulled the covers over her, feeling incredibly exposed. Eddie came in the room shortly after, locking the door and taking off his shirt again, sliding in next to her.

"Sorry about that," Eddie said. "Now, where were we?"

Null hold up her hand, pausing his line of thought. "Do you even have a condom?"

Eddie appeared to be deep in thought for a minute before he realized that he didn't have any on him. "No," he replied sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" Null asked, turning on her side to face him, tucking some of his hair behind his ear.

"Well first we get interrupted, then I don't even have a-" Eddie's rambling was cut short by Null's impending contradiction.

"Stop. Both of those are out of your control. You didn't know that we were gonna... you know. Fuck, I didn't even know what was gonna happen, you know?"

Eddie nodded quickly, before getting back out of bed to take his pants off.

"What're you doing?" Null asked.

"Getting ready for bed," Eddie answered as if it was obvious. "Do you always sleep with pants on?"

Null rolled her eyes. "No, ideally I have pajamas on."

"Well I don't have any of those, I just sleep in my boxers," Eddie admitted. "Are you gonna sleep in those dirty jeans?"

Null sighed. "I guess not," she crawled out of his bed as well, stripping down in front of him.

Eddie gulped nervously as he watched and observed her, trying to memorize every angle of her. "You are so-"

"Don't even start that clique crap with me, Munson," Null stopped him, crawling back into his bed, facing away from him.

Eddie held his hands up in defeat, before cuddling up next to her, wrapping his arms around her. "Your wish is my command."

After a few minutes of them cuddling in silence, Eddie sighs, which prompts Null to ask;

"What's wrong?"

"The whole thing with Nancy. That could've happened to any of us. And I don't even know your favorite song. How the hell would I have saved you if Vecna didn't decide to randomly give you back?"

Null turned to face him, her hand lingering on his chest, tracing a skeleton tattoo. "Who says I need saving?"

"I do! And it's gotta be me that's doing the saving," Eddie protested.


"Because I-" he stopped himself. "Just because, okay?"

Null sighed. "Well I don't even know my favorite song. I have songs that get stuck in my head, but I don't really have an all time favorite-"

"Well then how-"

"BUT, any Metallica should save me. I mean it's not my favorite band, but I'd imagine For Whom the Bell Tolls should snap me right back into reality."

"I like that song," Eddie commented.

Null laughed. "I'm not surprised."

"Can I ask you something?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Well you technically just did by asking that," Null pointed out.

"Shut up you smartass," he replied.

Null laughed, before answering, "Yes."

"Will you be my temporary girlfriend?" He asked without a hint of a joke in his eyes.

Null laughed hysterically anyway. "Temporary?"

Eddie smiled a little bit as he watched her laugh before he went into explaining further. "Well 'cause it's the end of the world, you know? So just in case one of us-"

"Don't," Null argued.

"Just let me say this," Eddie pleaded, and Null relented. "I've never had a girlfriend before, and I never thought I'd get my dream girl either, but here you are. I hope we'll both make it out, but things have a way of going the opposite way I expect them to."

Null nodded, encouraging him to go on.

He took a breath to collect himself before continuing. "So if one of us doesn't make it out, what are we gonna say? Let's say I don't make it out. And then what? You have to tell people at my funeral that I was your friend? No. Hell no. You're my girl. Even in hypothetical death, you'll be my girl. So what we've only been an item for a handful of days? It's not like the world has given us a chance to go on a real date and get to know each other the standard way. Be my girlfriend so that if one of us dies, we can confirm our relationship. If we both make it out, you can break up with me and then we can go on dates like normal people."

"But for now we're fighting against imminent death like severely abnormal people should we should do abnormal things like temporary dating?"

"Exactly," Eddie confirmed.

Null shook her head in amusement. "You're one odd dude, Munson. Yes I'll be your girlfriend."

"Yes!" Eddie yelled, before Null shushed him, reminding him there were people trying to sleep. "Sorry, yes!" He replied in a softer, quieter voice.

"Now speaking of people trying to sleep, do you think we can finally get to that part?" Null held back a yawn.

Eddie nodded, and he slid down a bit to rest his head on her chest. "Sleeping with my girlfriend for the first time."

"Only in the literal sense. Also it's not the first time-"

"Yes it is, the Rick's boat doesn't count, because we weren't official. Anyways pipe down up there, some people are trying to sleep."

Null rolled her eyes, but fell asleep with a smile on her face nonetheless.


Okay this whole slight spice and fluff scene was not planned at all. I was literally hoping to get to the end of their plan to kill Vecna by this chapter, but ya know, shit happens. Anyways for now I'll be updating this part of the story instead of the backstory until further notice.


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