5 ~ stuck with me

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They woke up next to each other in the boat

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They woke up next to each other in the boat. Null adjusted her body to crack her stiff back, and then rolled over to look at Eddie, who was already looking at her with a grin.

"Good morning angel," Eddie said playfully.

"Good morning, nerd," Null replied.

Eddie stuck his tongue out at her in jest, and Null did the same, making him laugh. He stretched and ended back in his original position, looking at her with content.

"What?" She asked.

"You don't like me, do you?"

The question took Null by surprise. "On the contrary. I'm quite intrigued."

"Ohhhh, is that so?" Eddie asked, in a playful tone.

"Changed my mind. I actually hate you, and condemn you to the deepest depths of hell." Eddie's smile faltered, and he let out a sigh. "What's wrong?"

"Just his whole thing," he admitted. "I'm the number one suspect and there's no way to explain myself unless I want a one way ticket to a mental institution. On top of that, once my name hits the media, they'll probably think it was some sort of ritual sacrifice."

"Why would they think that?"

"Hellfire club, duh." He replied. "I've been called a freak for years. Now I'll finally be living up to the name."

"Don't say that," she said, disappointed.

"No, but it's true. There's no way my name will every be cleared."

"You're with me, and there's no way I'm letting them put you in jail."

"It doesn't matter," Eddie said with an appreciative smile. "I'll be a wanted man, regardless. There's nowhere I'll be able to go."

"Then you obviously have no idea the extent I'd go to," Null smiled genuinely. "If it comes down to it, I'll be your lawyer." Null made herself look completely unrecognizable, completely professional. "And in the court room, if things aren't looking too hot, then that's something the jury and the judge won't see. Your name will be cleared. Besides, it's innocent until proven guilty. I'll go to everyone in the trailer park if I have to, and if anyone actually saw you, placing you at home during the time of the murder, well then I guess I'll just have to persuade, and maybe place the fear of god in them." 

zero || eddie munson (UNEDITED!!!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora