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Hawkins National Laboratory, sometime in 1980...

"Papa taught me something else today, too," Thirteen told Zero, excitedly using his teleportation powers to move the chess piece.

"So you can move objects now, instead of just yourself?" Zero asked incredulously.

"Papa says I might be able to move people too!" He answered proudly, aiming to impress her. "Can I try?"

Zero was unsure, but agreed to let him try. She doubted he'd be able to actually move her. But he did, and once she got over the queasy feeling of being teleported, she stood up straight and looked around and the unfamiliar world around her. It was the world beyond the lab.

Null woke with a start, surprised to find herself in a park's playground, before remembering who she was with. She groaned, knocking over the liquor bottle with her movement.

"Hey, keep it down alright?" Alexandar, Alex, pleaded, just as hungover as she was.

"Where's Darcy?" Null asked, confused and annoyed at her splitting headache. She looked back at Alex, only to see him fast asleep. Typical. She crawled out of the playground's tube and began to scour the woodchopper grounds. "Darce? Darcy?"

"Present," Darcy mumbled, lying directly under the swings.

"How'd you get here?" Null asked her, crouching down to move the hair out of her friends mouth.

"Well, while you and my dear brother Alex were lip locked, I decided to give you some privacy because hello? Gross!" Null rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I started swinging and I think I must've fallen off the swing at some point because shit, my back hurts." Null grabbed Darcy's hand, in an effort to pull her up, before Darcy's legs gave out a bit, leaving her to fall into the pole. "Shit."

"You good?" Null asked, a bit unwell, herself.

"I will be, once my vision clears. Just give it a second," Darcy tried blinking rapidly, while Null watched expectantly with her eyebrow raised. "Holy shit. I think I'm blind."

Null rolled her eyes. "How many fingers am I holding up."

"I don't need eyes to know you're flipping me off," Darcy replied sourly.

"That wasn't an answer," Null reminded her.

"One, asshole."

"I do indeed, have only one," Null commented.

Darcy groaned. "I really hate you."

"Well I have a feeling you'll hate Alex more in about 5 minutes," Null lead Darcy to him, and Darcy started to throw a tantrum.

"I don't want to deal with him!" She yelled, stomping her foot.

"I dealt with him last time," Null pointed out.

"Yeah but that's because he's your boyfriend."

"No he's not," Null argued.

"Listen. You're the only pussy he's getting. Sounds like dating to me, otherwise that's just a direct hit to your ego."

Alex snorted in his sleep, making Darcy and Null look at each other, before bursting out laughing. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna pee!" Null exclaimed.

"I already have," Darcy admitted, throwing them further into their fit of laughter.

Null was laughing so hard that she fell backwards, over the top of Alex, causing him to bolt up from his sleep and hit his head on the metal bar above him.

"Goddammit!" He screamed, causing both girls to wheeze.

Somewhere in a park, in Germany, 1980

zero || eddie munson (UNEDITED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now