Beautiful Mistakes

By angelewright

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Gabe Daniels has everything going for him. Successful CEO of a multi-million-dollar tech company, well-known... More

~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~

~Chapter 1~

317 20 20
By angelewright


"Gabe, my water broke!"

"What? Already?! It's too soon!"

I jump out of my chair in a scramble to reach my office door. As I fling it open, I'm greeted by my pregnant executive assistant who's standing immobilized as amniotic fluid lies in a puddle at her feet.

"Shit! What do we have to do?"

She gives me a look like I'm the world's biggest idiot and says, "I think I need to get to the hospital."

Good ol' Samira, always level-headed and calm, even in the midst of a disaster. And let me tell you, her going into labour two months early in my office is probably the worst form of disaster I've lived through. Not because I'm some man-baby who can't handle this stuff, but because I care about her and only want the best for her.

"Let me grab my keys and I'll drive you."

"Are you sure? I don't want to put you out. I know your schedule is full today."

Of course, she knows it is. I wouldn't be surprised if she had it memorized, because that's the type of person she is. It's part of why we work together so well.

Samira has been with me since I bought this little start-up tech company in my late-twenties and turned it into the multi-million-dollar company it is today. Through thick and thin, surpluses and deficits, hirings and firings, she's stayed by my side. This is why she's the only one of my employees I let call me by my first name. To the rest, I'm Mr. Daniels.

"Samira, you're about to have a baby. A baby you and Rayan have been desiring for years. This takes precedence over any meeting, email, or phone call. Besides, I'd do anything for my favourite employee."

I wink at her and laugh as she sticks her tongue out at me.

"So, you're telling me you wouldn't do this for Trevor?"

"Not a chance," I say as I walk back towards my office to pick up my keys and phone.

Samira is hanging up the phone when I get back to her desk. "I've set your email to out-of-office and asked Whitney to cancel all your appointments."

"And you've called Rayan, right?"

"What?! Oh shoot! No, I didn't! I just panicked and told you."

Leave it to Samira to be more worried about work than to inform her own husband that he might have a baby on the way.

"I feel like he's going to want to know that you're going into labour early, don't you?"

"Yes, yes, of course." She picks up the phone on her desk, looks down at the ground, then promptly hangs it up. "I'll call him as soon as I finish cleaning this mess."


She freezes and glances up at me.

"Put the towel down. We have housekeeping staff for that. We need to get you to the hospital."

She hesitates, looking between the ground and the towel a few times. Her big brown eyes widen with fright as the realization of what's happening overwhelms her. She sways unsteadily, and I rush to move her chair behind her. As her butt hits the seat, she bursts into tears.

"I'm really scared, Gabe. It's too soon. She's coming too soon! I don't want anything to happen to her."

Crouching down, I place my hands on the sides of her chair. I can't lie, I'm freaking out too. I don't know much about pregnancies and babies, but I do know having a baby too early can't be good. I'm also well aware of Samira and Rayan's fertility struggles and how badly they've been wanting a child. She was so excited when she finally got pregnant, she invited me over to their place for dinner.

Mustering resolve I normally only pull out at tense business meetings, I swallow hard, pushing down my fears and anxieties. "You're going to be okay, Samira. Your little girl is going to be just fine too. Your daughter is strong because she's got the strongest woman I know as her mom. As excited as you are to have her, she's just as excited to meet you. But now you've got to be the mom and tell her it's too early and she needs to stay in her room."

She chuckles and squeezes my hand. "Thank you, Gabe." She sniffs as the sobs subside and her breathing slows.

I wait as she reaches for some tissues to dry her eyes and cheeks, then I hold out my hand to help her out of her chair.

Despite both our nerves being fraught with worry, the drive to the hospital is relatively calm. After calling Rayan, Samira breaks down my schedule for the week and types a few well-known temp agencies in my phone for me to hire her replacement. Thankfully, she doesn't appear to be having contractions, and we both appreciate this slight distraction.

Rayan is waiting for us at the hospital with a wheelchair for Samira. He mouths a relieved 'thank you', then wheels her inside. Unsure of what to do now, I opt to sit in the waiting room. I'm not really sure why, but feel like I can't leave.

About two hours later, Rayan comes into the waiting room and collapses in the chair beside me.

"Any news?"

He sighs and rests his head on his knuckles. "They're saying it's a premature rupture of the membranes. If she was even just two weeks further along, they'd induce labour, but it's a bit too soon. They've put her on bedrest and are giving her medications to help prevent infections and to help the baby's lungs grow quicker."

"It sounds like they know what they're dealing with."

"They do, and they seem optimistic." Rayan leans back and rubs his hands along his legs a few times. "She wants to talk to see you before you go."


Entering the room, my gut twists at the sight of Samira all hooked up to machines.

"Don't give me that pity look, Gabe. Me and mini-me will be just fine. In fact, I might be able to convince my doctor to let me put in a few hours at work."

"Nonsense. You're supposed to be on bedrest, which means just that. Rest."

"Then I could work from home."

"Not happening."

She sighs in frustration. If anyone's aware of my stubbornness, it's Samira. She knows when she's lost the battle. "At least let me video call my replacement to train them."

"I'm more than capable of training an executive assistant."

Her eyes roll so hard I'm sure she gave herself a headache. "You're good at some things, Gabe, but keeping a CEO in check is not one of them. You're a visionary. You look at the big picture and forge new pathways. And as meticulous as you are, you suck at the minor details."

"Gee, thanks."

"So, we're all set on the virtual training?"


"Gabe, if I don't, they're just going to make a mess of things, and that will stress me out far more than trying to make sure this little gremlin in my uterus doesn't arrive earlier than her eviction notice."

I glance at Rayan for help, but he shrugs and gives me a look that says it's best not to argue with her any further.

"Fine, you can do one video call. But that's it! You're the most organized person I know. It won't take the new person any time to get up to speed."

She leans back and crosses her arms with a satisfied 'hmph' and Rayan laughs.

"I should head out now and let you rest."

"Oh, Gabe!"

I turn at the door, preparing myself to say no to whatever work-related request she's about to say.

"The only thing that might be a snag is the DaniTech charity gala."

Shit, that has to be perfect.

While I don't advertise it, most people in my circles know I spent most of my childhood in group homes and with foster families. I was that lucky kid adopted when I was almost 13 by the most caring elderly couple I had the privilege of calling Ma and Pa. They both died in rapid succession shortly after I graduated from university as a business major.

When DaniTech Industries took off, I vowed to give back to the community and help other children in the system have a better experience than I did. This charity gala is not only one of the ways I fulfill my commitment, but it's also my dedication to Ma and Pa's legacy.

"Are we still using MANSA Events as our event company?"

"Yes, the venue's been booked since last year's gala, but you'll need to discuss the theme, invitations, menu, and other things as needed. I'll be sure to get the temp up to speed."

"No need. I'll go to Marilyn directly. Now, get some rest!" I say, pointing a stern finger in her direction.

"Yes, sir, Mr. Daniels, sir!"


I wake up bright and early, knowing I'll have so much to do after cancelling everything yesterday. First on my list, call Marilyn Ansari, owner of MANSA Events, to get the ball rolling on the gala.

"Ah, Gabe Daniels. Just the man I was about to call. I've been trying to get a hold of you, but your assistant never answers the phone."

"That's why I was calling. Samira's on maternity leave. It was sudden and earlier than expected, so I've been looking for a replacement while trying to make sense of my life. The life I thought I was in control of."

Marilyn laughs. "Gabe, what you need is a wife."

"No thanks. Been there, done that. I won't make the same mistake again."

"Well, contrary to my last statement, I'm sure you aren't calling for dating advice."

"Always the wise one, Marilyn. I need to speak with you about the DaniTech charity gala."

"What a coincidence! That's exactly why I wanted to talk to you. Samira and I were supposed to meet today over lunch to hammer out some details."

I pull up the shared calendar and see the appointment scheduled for four hours from now. I have an important meeting with investors right before it I can't get out of. "It will be tight, but I can make it. Looking forward to seeing you."

"Actually, I won't be there. I'm going to have to send one of my newer hires to do this with you."

"Uh, no, that's not an option, Marilyn. You, of all people, know how important this gala is. I need you, and only you. It's bad enough I don't have Samira handling the details, you can't place me with a newbie too."

"Unfortunately, Gabe, I can, and I will. I've had an unexpected meeting come up that is high priority."

"What, or who, could be more important than me? We have history, Marilyn, and you and I both know this is the biggest event in New York City after the Met Gala."

"The President of the United States."

Her answer stuns me into silence before I quickly recover.

"Now, I've heard some far-fetched excuses in my time, but this one takes the cake. The President of the United States?"

"Yes, the President. I have to fly out to D.C. today to meet with the President and First Lady. Between you and me, when they were here for Senator Grenwell's party, the First Lady was thrilled with how it went and asked for MANSA Events, and me, specifically, to host the President's 60th birthday party."

I can't say she doesn't deserve this. Marilyn Ansari is the best event planner in the country. Her company always goes above and beyond in delivery. I just wish it came at some other time so I could have her to myself.

"One call from the White House and you forget the little people who brought you this far, huh?"

"Now, now, Gabe, don't sulk. It's unbecoming." She chuckles before returning to her no-nonsense business tone. "Listen, I know it's not ideal, but I simply can't pass up this opportunity. Planning the President's birthday? This will make MANSA the top event planning business in the country. You will love Ms. Miller. She's new to the city, but she's one of the best event planners I've ever known. I hand picked her myself and can see her running this company when I retire."

"You mean in 30 years when you retire?"

Marilyn laughs again, a deep, hearty laugh from deep within. "You're sweet. I know I look young, Gabe, but I'm much closer to retirement than you think. I only have about four or five years left."

"I'd have never guessed."

"Don't think your constant barrage of flattery will get me to change my mind. I'm sending Sydney. She really is the best of the best."

"If she's so great, why don't you send her to D.C?"

"Come on, Gabe. I can't pass up a meeting with the President and First Lady. I promise, she'll be great. You can thank me later."


"I'm walking into the office now. We'll chat soon."

She disconnects the call before I can even respond.

Fuck. This is the last thing I need. Some newbie intern trying to climb the corporate ladder using my event as collateral.

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