My Sweetheart Marinette x fem...

By crabbyxcancerr

59K 1.7K 915

Lila had everyone wrapped around her finger except for Chole and Nino who believed that Marinette was Innocen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7 (Lemon)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Bonus Part

Chapter 6

3.2K 101 114
By crabbyxcancerr

Marinette was going to ask y/n to the Prom that chole will be hosting and will give her the cat Miraculous but she had to ask chole advice off how to ask her out.


Chole: Mari-bug!

Marinette: Chole!

They both run to each other and hug as they squeal in happiness until they both let go.

 Marinette: How have you and pollen been?

Chole: Okay. I guess you heard about the Party I'm hosting oh it's also a swim Party as well so bring one as well but I can't believe that the Sheep are coming.

Marinette blushes as the thought of y/n in a swimsuit she was blushing like crazy until Chole snapped her out of her thoughts.

Chole: Mari-bug are you okay?

Marinette: Oh yeah sorry it's just there's this new Kid in school and-

Chole: Oooh~ it's it a boy?

Marinette: No it's a girl.

Chole: *gasps* My bestie in love with a girl what's her name?

Marinette: Her name is Y/n L/n she's from Greece and she's really kind she doesn't even believe Lila's lies.

Chole: Finally now what did you want to talk about?

Marinette: I want to ask her out but I don't know how to.

Chole: You should send her a letter to ask her.

Marinette: Okay sure.

(Flashback end)

Marinette heads to the Ice rink that y/n works in to see y/n teaching a few students how to skate.

Alya: Well look who it is?

Marinette flinch and looks to see it's Alya with Lila.

Marinette: What are you doing here Alya?

Alya: Lila told me what you did to her in the bathroom so I came to teach you a lesson

Alya is about to hit Marinette until she's stop by a hand that grabs her Marinette looks to see y/n glaring at Alya She stares in fear as y/n lets go of her hand.

Y/n: What do you think your doing here?

Alya: We came to ice skate of course.

Y/n: Well fine get some ice skates and we'll begin *looks at Marinette* Hey Marinette what are you doing here?

Marinette: I just wanted to say hello and I came to see you and here you are.

They both blush but soon fade from each other.

Y/n: Alright let's get you some Ice skates and we'll begin.

(In the ice Rink)

Everyone was randomly Ice skating as Classes were over Marinette and y/n were just skating randomly talking about things.

Marinette: So this is where you work?

Y/n: yes it's actually the only place I was able to get I use to ice skate with my girlfriend.

Marinette: So what happened to her after hearing the rumours about her.

Before y/n could speak her favourite song played that she and Isabella used to dance to.

Y/n: you wanna dance?

Marinette: Sure.

After the song Marinette accidentally slip which caused y/n to catch her as she bends down but catch her
Marinette: Uh...

Y/n states in Marinette's eyes as she pulls herself close to her face
As she's about to kiss her but is stopped by the speaker

Speaker: Y/n L/n Come to the office now!
Y/n and Marinette both stare at each other as they head to the Office hand in hand
(At the Office)
They both walk in to see and injured Lila fake crying with Alya comforting her.
Boss: Y/n can you please explain why this girl says you ganged on her and her friend here but didn't beat her instead you decided to beat her up!

Y/n: What I never did that she's obviously lying I was with Marinette the whole time!

Marinette: Yes she's right!

Lila: No! They're lying
Lila fakes crys with Alya comforting her.
Boss: Y/n I gave you this job to teach not to beat up students I. Sorry but your fired.

Y/n walks sadden with Marinette but Marinette turns her head to a smirking Alya while Marinette just glares at her.

(Outside the office)
Marinette: Y/n I'm sorry.


Marinette: I'm so sorry

Y/n: Marinette I'm sorry but hanging out with you makes me do some stupid things that I-

Marinette just stares at y/n with saddens but y/n suddenly starts tearing up.

Marinette: It's okay I do alot of stupid things myself Y/n.

Y/n: I think I should go now goodbye Marinette.

Y/n runs away with tears as Marinette is standing there.

Tikki: poor y/n.

Plagg: I was starting to like her myself what are going to do Marinette?

Marinette: I'm going to get her job back that's what I'm going to do!

(With y/n)

Y/n crying outside as she holds the necklace that she gave to Isabella.

Y/n: Isa what I am suppose to do with out you?

Y/n crys holding the necklace not noticing the Black butterfly that lands on the necklace suddenly a dark butterfly is seen on her face.

Hawk moth: Truth teller I'm hawk moth I false truth was spread about you that took away your job I give you the power to expose those lies.

Y/n: No! I'll never join you!

Hawk moth: and not to get revenge on the girl that took the girl you once loved.

Y/n just gave up and became truth teller as a  darkness forms her body.

(Back at the office)

Marinette enters as ladybug while Lila and Alya stare in shock.

Boss: Ladybug?

Alya: What are you doing here?

Ladybug: I here because I heard from a friend of mine that a friend of hers was framed.

Alya: Oh you must be talking about Lila.

Marinette: No! I'm talking about Marinette she said her friend Y/n was fired from her job.

Boss: Of course she was for beating up this girl.

Ladybug: Do you have secret cameras?

Boss: Of course.

Ladybug walks too the camera as she checks it to see Alya and Lila in  the ice skating room as they put on makeup all over Lila's face.

Boss: You two are banned from the Ice rink I need to call y/n and tell her she has her job back.

Alya: Whatever!

as the two of them are about to leave someone kicks the door it's revealed to be truth teller.

Boss: Y/n !?

Truth teller: I'm not y/n the name is truth teller and you'll be telling the truth from now on what are you hiding !?

Y/n pulls out a light from her necklace as it hits her boss as he rambles some truth as he covers his mouth as he runs away Lila and Alya run as it's just Truth teller and Ladybug.

Ladybug: Y/n you need to stop this I know you've been wrong but this isn't the right think to do.

Hawk moth: Where was ladybug when your Innocent wasn't proven!

Truth teller: Your the hero of Paris Ladybug tell me what's your truth !?

Y/n grabs the light but it misses her but accidentally hits y/n as she rambles the truth but this one comes.

Truth teller: I think Marinette is the most Beautiful, Smart and classy girl in the world she reminds me of Isabella and that's what I like about her.

Ladybug blushes while Truth teller just glares as she kicks Ladybug and tries to grab her earrings until ladybug grabs the necklace and destorys it.

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little akuma.

 Ladybug throws her yo-yo as it becomes a normal white butterfly.

Ladybug: Bye Bye Little Butterfly.

Y/n looks around in surprised as she looks to see Ladybug infront off her.

Y/n: Ladybug? What happened?

Ladybug: You were akumatizied.

Y/n suddenly had Memories off the attack.

Y/n: Oh my gosh Marinette!

Ladybug: Marinette?

Y/n: Yeah she's this girl I'm friend's with I'm really worried about her.

Ladybug: Don't worry I'm sure she's fine.

Y/n: Thank you.

Y/n looks to see her phone ringing.

Y/n: Oh! I gotta go know I'll talk to her tomorrow.

Ladybug earrings start to ring as she heads out .

(With y/n)

Y/n is in her room as her maid Lily is seen brushing her hair Lily is a close friend of y/n and comforted her with Isabella's death.

Lily: Y/n what's wrong?

Y/n: Ever since I met Marinette things have gotten confusing I'm feeling things I never felt before she makes me do funny and stupid things just like Isa.

Lily: I understand but she seems to be making you happy though.

Y/n: You know what I think I want to do something with my hair.

Lily: Really what?

Y/n: alot of people at the school bully Marinette for being Bisexual so I want to support her by dying my hair the Bisexual color and maybe cut my hair short.

Lily: I can work with it.

(After the dye)

Y/n: So how does it look?

Lily: Well your Parents support you for being a Lesbian so it's much fine but just don't tell them I did this

The door opens to be y/n's father.

Xander: Y/n there's someone at the door-

He's eyes wide when he sees his daughter's hair.

Xander: Wow. dear your hair is amazing *coughs* I mean that there's someone at the door waiting for you.

Y/n heads downstairs to the door.


Y/n opens the door to see Marinette standing there.

Marinette: I'm sorry I understand if you don't forgive but I came to give you this-

Marinette looks to see y/n's hair dyed.

her hair:

Marinette: You dyed your hair the Bisexual flag?

Y/n: Yeah it was to support you for being a Bisexual my Family supports me for being a Lesbian.

Marinette: Aww that's so sweet. *sees her siblings* Oh hey guys.

Y/n's siblings wave Marinette until y/n turns and glares as they run away.

Y/n: So what did you want to talk about?

Marinette: Oh well Ladybug told me that she found evidence that you didn't beat up Lila and you got your job back.

Y/n: Oh cool well what's the letter and the box?

Marinette: Oh well I decided to get you a gift and the letter just open it when I leave.

Y/n: Oh okay well I wanted to give you something.

Y/n pulls out a half heart necklace.

Y/n: This is a friendship necklace I gave to My girlfriend Isabella before we dated I decided that Maybe I can give it to you.

Y/n hands Marinette the Necklace as she looks at it.

(her's is the You're my Light)

Marinette: Wow if it means so Much to you then I'll keep it safe it must have been the most Important thing.

Y/n looks at the half of the necklace on her neck as she stares at the letter that Marinette gave her.

Y/n: Don't worry your the Queen that got into my heart.

Y/n kisses Marinette's cheek as Marinette eyes widen as Y/n stops kissing as she blushes

(Outside the gate)

Nino: Yes!

Chole: I knew they were going to sail.

(Back with the Couple)

Marinette blushes while Y/n starts blushing like crazy.

Y/n: Uh... okay goodbye Marinette! why did I do that I just kissed her!

Y/n closes the door as Marinette just walks away smiling.

(With y/n)

Y/n looks at the letter as she opens the letter says want to be my date to the dance Signed Marinette. 

Y/n: Of course I want to go with her.

Y/n then looks at the box as she opens it she sees a ring suddenly a green light shines as it spins around I terrified y/n

Plagg: Oh hello there If you must know I'm cat noir's kwami well not anymore Cause i'm your know yours.

Y/n: Oh okay well what's your name?

Plagg: the name is Plagg.

Y/n puts on the ring as she shakes Plagg's little hand.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Plagg.

Y/n takes out her Phone as she replies to Marinette's text.

Y/n: I'd Like to go out with you.

Marinette: Really !?

Y/n: Yep I'll see you then Mon ange.

Marinette: See you then Mon maitresse.

Y/n blushes like crazy but has a smiles on her face.

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