Chapter 16

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Princess Justice was just so shock Alya nearly dropped her phone as Kitten Noir eyes just widen and started tearing up.

Kitten Noir: (I Knew she did I knew she did she didn't even show feeling towards Isabella after she Died!)

Princess Justice: So you were the one that took y/n's girlfriend away from her !

Lila: N-no that's not real-

Lila is stopped by the grip of her  chin to look into the eyes of a glaring Princess Justice.

Princess Justice: You took her girlfriend's whole life and you are going to pay for it.

Alya: Let her go! Your hurting her!

Princess Justice: I decided when I'm done.

Alya and Adrien just stare to see Lila being thrown in a cage and Princess Justice disappeared along with Lila.

Alya and Adrien then run to the heroes

Alya: You gotta save Lila, Marinette could literally kill her!

Kitten Noir: Yes. But still we need to save Marinette she's our first problem to deal with.

Adrien: If she was then why didn't you stop her you just made her abuse and hurt Lila !?

Kitten Noir: We don't enough time for your Bullshit Let's go.

Alya: Wait where's Ladybug !?

The heroes ignore her as Bunnix makes a portal and the heroes head Inside.

Alya: What the hell was that all about they didn't even try to help them.

Alya points to her struggling friends Adrien just looks down in sorrow  he just wishes he was Cat noir now but realized he would never get Plagg back.

(Meanwhile with Princess Justice)

 The heroes were able to track down Princess Justice by the Ribbon of Course they see her by the Eiffel Tower with Lila in the cage looking at her with fear.

Princess Justice: Ah you all came I'm very proud of you for that.

Princess Justice starts clapping with a smile on her face.

Purple Tigeress: Princess Justice you got what you wanted you exposed Lila now just let her go.

Princess Justice: Oh but I'M FAR FROM FINISH HERE!

Queen Bee: Mari-bug please-

a thunder clash was heard.

Princess Justice: It's Princess Justice.

Carapace: Where do you think the Akuma is hidden at ?

Kitten Noir: We can think about that Later.

Princess Justice pulls the cage towards her as Lila is seen scaring.

Princess Justice: Aww Poor thing .

Princess Justice suddenly sees tears on Lila's eyes she was crying. really Crying.

Lila: P-p-please, let me go I surrender! you won!

Lila was really scared as this point yeah she wanted Marinette to be akumatizied but she never thought it would happen like this the heroes were about to attack until they were tied by the Ribbon.

Princess Justice: I decide when I have enough.

Princess Justice smirks as she suddenly opens the cage and punches Lila in the gut as she winches in pain.

Princess Justice: Aww did that hurt just like me !?

Lila: N-no-

Princess Justice hand suddenly glowed red as she punches her very hard and then slaps her.

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