Under One Banner, We Unite...

By Horten141A

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-1940- In world is brink of another Great War The world prepare for the worst... But... It's not what they th... More

Chap 1 - Contact!!!...
Chap 3 - Today! Laurians Armies will Fall!...
Chap 4 - We Rule the Waves!!!...
Sides Chap 1 - A Visit from the Rising Sun???...
Chap 5 - Its Time!...
Chap 6 - A Kingdom Will be Fallen!!!...
Chap 7 - The End of the War...
Chap 8 - Wait, a Nation Similar to The Japs Shogunate?!...
Chap 9 - Woah, That's an Early Napoleonic Era Ships!....

Chap 2 - Prepare for a War!!!...

565 14 17
By Horten141A

Monday Noon
Qua-Toyne Principality, Port City of Maihark

The Port City of Maihark was an important city on the whole Principality of the Qua-Toyne, with the city covered by wood and stone houses, the city heavily guarded with high stone wall, several watch towers, wyvern airfield, and well trained guard alongside with several captains of an battalions. But, 6 month has passed away, and the Maihark now is not need all of that defense again...

The Port City of Maihark, has growth into a port megacity. The wood and stone houses now change into concrete houses. The wooden port dock and undefended port now is made of full concrete with steel pillars, filled up with several of 20mm and 40mm Bofors, QF 3'7 Inch-AA, Flak 8.8 and 30, and an coastal artillery. The stone wall has been filled up with many AA Guns, the wyvern airfield now change into fully concrete airfield with several aircraft hangar. Watch towers now change into radar and communication. Maihark has fully 360° change..

Not only Maihark, but Gim, Ejey, Suna, Yaan, Onais, even the Capital City of Qua-Toyne and Barrat. All of them has changed 360°.

Since their diplomatic relationship was officially signed, the Allies and the Axis nations began the project; Project New Dawn, it's special for every nation who making their own relationship with the Allies-Axis Alliance. For now, only Qua-Toyne and Qualia just receive the big modernization...

Today on the Maihark city port, the Qua-Toyne 2nd Fleet just arrive, consisted:

-2 Yaan class Light Cruisers

-4 Allen M. Summer class Destroyers

-2 Gim class Destroyers

-4 Type XI class Submarines

-1 Essex class Aircraft Carrier

The Qua-Toyne and Qualia still depending their navy on purchasing warships from Allies and Axis nations. And you must be asking, how did the late WW II/1940's warships can exist on Allies and Axis nations of 1940???

It's all began when the Transference happened, the sudden appear of the warships shocking the whole nations. But as situation calm down, the Allies and Axis nations began to studied the warships. Apparently, not only late War/1940's warships just exist, the planned/cancelled warships that proposed in 1930's/40's was exist to on every nations, such as:

-Montana class Battleships

-H-Klasses Battleships

-Sovestky Soyuz class Battleships

-Hakuryuu class Aircraft Carrier

-All of Sentoku, Sentaka, Senho Types Sub-Carrier

-Alsace class Battleships

-All of Admiral class Battlecruisers

-Graf Zeppelin class Aircraft Carriers

-Whole of Yamato class Battleships

-Whole of Iowa class Battleships

-Whole of Alaska class Battlecruisers

-Tosa class Battleships


Many of the warships on the dock on every Allies and Axis nations. But because too many warships and lack of sailors, the Allies and Axis began to do a Joint Exercise that called as Allies-Axis Joint Exercise or AAJE. Some of the warships too were sell to the Qua-Toynians and Qualians a good price, and both the natives nations can joining the AAJE too after registering themselves.

The Qua-Toyne and Qualia maybe can't built a warships yet, but they can built several Destroyers and Light Cruisers. Even thought, the Allies and Axis supported them to build their first Dreadnought Battleships, named as; Lotus and Barrat class Dreadnought Battleship.

The Commander of the Fleet walk over the port with his men on his side

Midori: "What a magnificent sight, right?"

Sailor#54: "That's right, sir."

Midori: "Thanks to the Allies and Axis, our navy has grown up like this!... If our Dreadnought has complete, she will be placed on the Second Fleet! Hahahahahaha!!"

Midori Ryuta, he was an former Captain of a ship on the 2nd Fleet, but after modernization of Qua0-Toyne, he promoted into the Commander of the Fleet.

All of his men only Sweetdropped with Midori acts, so far the 2nd Fleet now is the strongest fleet that Qua-Toyne has. The other fleet still on their former post, but they will waiting the next command of the Admiral.

Qua-Toyne Principality, Capital City of Qua-Toyne
Lotus Garden

On the Capital City of Qua-Toyne, Lotus Garden. As usual, a meetings between officials were ongoing. The officials now using some tuxedo but some still maintain their traditional suits with Japanese ornament attachment. Kanata still maintain his traditional suit, but with some medallions on his left chest.

Official#5: "The First and Second Fleet just arrive to Maihark after their five month of training on the sea with the Allies and Axis warships."

Kanata: "That's good. How about the trade between Allies and Axis nations with us?"

Official#9: "The trade between Allies and Axis with us was a great trade! We exported them our best food resources and some raw resources to them, Qualia exported them the new fresh oils and some valuable metals that they found on the mines on Qualia. As their import, they gives us some of their weapons and some resources too, alongside with new steel for us to built our own armored vehicle, aircrafts, and our Destroyers, Light Cruisers, and our first Dreadnoughts.."

Kanata: "That's a good news! As we keep our relationships with us, we maybe super pass the Civilizations nations!"

Official#1: "Prime Minister. We just get a massage from the trade center on Maihark, another US Cargo Ship just arrive and giving us some of their drinks called 'Coca-Colas'."

Official#2: "We too have German Cargo Ship, their cargo were filled with 'beers', a local German drinks."

Kanata: "So, they began to exporting their drinks? That's great! Soon the bars will grow into big bar!... By the way, any news from our southern neighbor??? Since we've establish our own agency, and capture or killed their spies. I really curious what will they do now."

But unknown for the Qua-Toyne and Qualia, the Laurians began the mobilization now. But even the Laurians began their mobilizations armies, Qua-Toyne and Qualia stood above them...

Kingdom of Lauria, Kingdom of Rowlia, Capital City of Jin-Hark
Hark Castle

Kingdom of Rowlia, the kingdom filled with arrogance and discriminations towards the demi-humans. Rowlia expand their territories with war or demands with force, making them to form the Kingdom of Lauria.

King of Lauria, King Hark Lauria XXXIV, is sitting on his throne. With his trusted general in front of him.

Since the disappearance of Lauria spies that sent to Qua-Toyne and Qualia, and the appearance of the 7th nations, or reported 8th nations. The king now in path of big concern.

Patagen: "Your Majesty. All of our preparations has complete, our armies now began to mobilize to the borders.."

General Patagen Sornahem, the Notorious General and the most trusted General of the King. He has winning many war and battle with their former neighborhood kingdoms. But now, he taking the Command of Invasion Forces, personally pointed by King Hark Lauria XXXIV.

Hark: "Great!! Now, we just wait for the time to invade them!"

Patagen: "Yes, Your Majesty! But, how about the new seventh nations?"

Hark: "The seventh? I thought it was eighth? Never mind! They just a barbaric nations who haven't any wyvern! They distance is a thousand of hundred kilometers away, so they wouldn't be a problem!"

(Allies and Axis: "SUCK MY ASS!!! YOU DICKHEAD!!!")

Patagen: "Yes Your Majesty."

Hark: "Soon! Qua-Toyne and Qualia will fall!! Once we conquer them! We will kill every demi-human on that land!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

(Laugh on Qua-Toyne and Qualia Machinery: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!")

The meeting end, King Hark Lauria XXXIV keep laughing as General Patagen leave him. Unknow for them, an eagle was watching them and hearing what they says. Soon, the Lauria will fall upon the wrath of the Allies and Axis and it's Alliance..



It's quite strange to see the Qua-Toyne getting warships from the Allies and Axis...

But quite interesting one when giving the WW II warships, right???

Beside, the Qua-Toyne and Qualia can buy the warships from the Allies and Axis because they can buy it through selling resource and oils.

Another reasons too is; the Allies and Axis is lack of sailors, so some of their warships put on selling for the nation who open relationship with Allies and Axis.

But, after the Allies and Axis have enough sailors. They will take the warships into service. But the Allies and Axis will open their ordering warships, depending on the nation who want to built a warships. They can order warship basic from their own design or taken from several class from Allies and Axis warships classes.

By the way! Here's the photo and the specifications of the warships:

Maihark class:
-QTS Maihark


Class and Type: Essex-class/Maihark-class Aircraft Carrier

Displacement: 27,100 Tons

Length: 271 m

Beam: 28 m

Draft: 8.71 m

8 × Boilers
4 × Westinghouse Geared Steam Turbines
4 × Shafts
150,000 shp (110 MW)

Speed: 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph)

Range : 20,000 nmi (37,000 km; 23,000 mi)

Sensors and Processing Systems:
1 × SK air-search radar
1 × SC air-search radar
2 × SG surface-search radar
2 × Mk 12 fire-control radar
2 × Mk 1 Magic-Radar
10–17 × Mk 51 AA directors

4 × twin
4 × single 5 in (127 mm) DP guns
10 × quadruple
2 × twin 40 mm (1.6 in) AA guns

Armor :
Belts: 4 Inch
Hangar Deck: 2.5 inch
Protectice Decks: 1.5 Inch
Conning Tower: 1.5 Inch 

Aircraft Carried: 90–100 Aircraft
Night Wyvern
SBD Dauntless
Fairey Swordfish

(Photo of USS Philippine Sea, Source from Wikipedia)

Yaan class:
-QTS Yaan
-QTS Onais


Class and Type: Yaan-class Light Cruiser

5,600 tons standard
6,850 tons full load

148 m
156 m Full Load

Beam: 15.4 m

Draft: 4.3 m

Parsons geared turbines
4 × Shafts
4 × Weight Daan 3-Drums Boilers
62,000 shp (46 MW)

Speed: 32.25 knots (59.73 km/h; 37.11 mph)

Range :
2,414 km (1,303 nmi; 1,500 mi) (1,500 miles) at 30 knots
6,824 km (4,240 miles) at 16 knots

Sensors and Processing Systems:
2 × Type 128 ASDIC
2 × Type 279 Early-Warning Radar
2 × Mk 12 Fire-Control Radar
2 × Mk 1 Magic-Radar
10–17 × Mk 51 AA directors

5×2 QF 5.25-Inch Mark I Guns
4 × Oerlikon 20mm Guns
8 × 2×4 QF 2-Pounder
2 × 533 mm Triple Torpedo Tubes

Armor :
Belt: 3 inch
Deck: 1 inch
Magazines: 2 inch
Bulkheads: 1 inch

(Photo of HMS Argonout, Basically taken from Dido-class. Source from Wikipedia)

Ejey class:
-QTS Ejey
-QTS Toisho
-QTS Liukana
-QTS Koluna


Class and Type: Allen M. Sumner-class/Ejey-class Destroyer

Displacement: 2,200 tons

Length: 114.76 m

Beam: 12 m

Draft: 4.78 m

4 × Foster Wheeler boilers
2 × General Electric
2 × shafts
60,000 shp (45 MW)

Speed : 34 Knots

Range : 6,500 nmi (12,000 km; 7,500 mi) at 15 Knots

Sensors and Processing Systems:
1 × Mk37 GFCS
1 × SC Radar
2 × Mk 1 Magic-Radar

3×2 Mark 12 5"/38 Caliber Gun
12 × Bofors 40 mm Automatic Gun L/60
11 × Oerlikon 20 mm Cannons
10 × 533 mm Torpedo Tubes
6 × Depth Charge Projectors
2 × Depth Charge Tracks

(Photo of USS Lyman K. Swenson, Source from Wikipedia)

Gim class:
-QTS Gim
-QTS Nojiro


Class and Type: Gim-class Destroyer

Displacement:2,543 tons

Length: 127 m

Beam: 12 m

Draught: 4.38 m

4 × Weight Daan 3-Drums Boilers
2 × shafts
2 × Geared Steam Turbine Sets
70,000 shp (51 MW)

Speed : 36 Knots

Range: 2,600 nmi (4,800 km; 3,000 mi) at 19 knots (35 km/h; 22 mph)

Sensors and Processing Systems:
1 × Mk37 GFCS
1 × SC Radar
2 × Mk 1 Magic-Radar

4 × 15 cm TbtsK C/36
2 × 3.7 cm SK C/30
9 × Flak 30
2 × Quadruple 53.3 cm Torpedo Tubes
4 × Depth Charge Throwers
60 × Naval Mines

(Photo of a Zerstörer 1936A ship, basically from Zerstörer Type 1936A or Z23-class. Source from Wikipedia)

Luan class:
-QTS Luan
-QTS Yurin
-QTS Itarani
-QTS Ruruji

Class and Types: Type IXB/Luan class Submarine

1,051 Tons (Surfaced)
1,178 Tons (Submerged)

76.50 m o/a
58.75 m Pressure Hull

6.76 m o/a
4.40 m Pressure Hull

Height: 9.60 m

Draft: 4.70 m

2 × MAN M 9 V 40/46 Supercharged 9-Cylinder Diesel Engines
2 × SSW 1 GU 345/34 Double-Acting Electric Motors
6 × Daimler-Benz MB501 20 cylinder Diesel Marine Engines

18.2 Knots (surfaced)
7.7 Knots (submerged)

Range :
12,000 nmi (22,000 km; 14,000 mi) at 10 knots (19 km/h; 12 mph) surfaced
64 nmi (119 km; 74 mi) at 4 knots (7.4 km/h; 4.6 mph) submerged

Test Depth: 230 m

6 × 53.3 cm Torpedo Tubes (4 bow, 2 stern)
1 × 10.5 cm SK C/32 Gun

(Photo of a Type IXB class, Source from Deutsches U-Boot-Museum)


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