Street love

By eatitfromdaback

48.1K 989 132

Everybody ain't yo friend, everybody ain't yo partna. More

Season 1-Episode 1
S:1 ; E:2
S:1 ; E:3
S:1 ; E:4
S:1 ; E:5
S:1 ; E:6
S:1 ; E:7
S:1 ; E:8
S:1 ; E:9
S:1 ; E:10
S:1 e:11
S:1 e:12
S:1 e:14
S:1 e:15
S:1 e:15.2
S:1 e:16
S:1 e:17
S:1 e:18
S:1 e:19
S:1 e:20

S:1 e:13

1.2K 31 10
By eatitfromdaback

𝙺𝚒𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚛 𝙿𝙾𝚅:
(𝙰 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛.)

"Bae, lemme hold ittt." I swear dis girl been askin to hold it fa a week straight.

"No, Kanova. Getta ass outta here dude." I said moving her hand out of the way, makin her ta smack her lips.

"What Otha btc holdin yo shit den?" Esse said while gettin a attitude.

Here we go again with dis fuck ass bs.

"Mane get outta my face with dat bullshit, I gotta fuckin piss." I said mushing her head back.

Why da fuck she look like she Finn cry?

"Bruh, come on so I can piss." I said makin ha weird ass smile.

Esse pulled down my shorts and boxers before taking my dick out and aiming it right.

Once I was finished pissin, I told esse ta shake it a lil but ha dumb ass gon squeeze my shit.

"Why da fuck would you do dat dumb ass shit." I said mugging her. I pulled my shorts and shit back up before washing my hands.

"Boy dis my shit I can do whatever I want with it." Essence said confidently.

Naw baby, dis ain't only yo shit no mo.

"Yea ight,, when you get yo feelings hurt dats on you." I said with a slight smirk.

"Kaiser don't fuckin play with me right now, you fuckin Otha bitches?"

"And you can tell me, I'm not gon get mad."

Ion even know why ha ass asked that, like I'm not bout to give ha da honest truth.

"Hell yeah shorty." I kept my answer real short.

With Essence lil ass I can do anything ta ha and she'll still find ha way back ta me. Dats why I love dat girl, but sometimes she be having me fucked up.
So I go out and do unforgivable shit just fa ha ass ta forgive a Nigga.

She just be acting stupid as hell sometimes.

𝙴𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

"Lemme see yo phone." I said.

"Matter fact nvm I wanna be able ta eat for the next week." I said instantly remembering the last time I went through his damn phone.

I can't blame nobody but myself. Every time he cheats, I leave for like 2 days before he apologizes and make up for his mistakes. But sometimes you have to stop the cycle and move on.

"You know what Kaiser I'm done." I said while going to the closet to get my shit. I picked up a duffle bag, and Started packing my things.

"Yea ight, Essence seat yo ass down somewhere." He said while pulling my arm and taking the bag out of my hand.

"No move. You do this all the time and I'm tried of it." I yelled.

My hand started to shake so I knew if he didn't move soon, I would start crying and throwing hands. But I know Kaiser ain't afraid to hit me back.

"If you so tried go lay down and take a fuckin nap." He said trying to be funny.

"You tryna be funny and I'm dead ass. You make me fuckin sick nigga." I said trying to get my arm out his grip, while tears pouring down my cheeks.

"Essence you got two fucking seconds to chill out before I black yo shit." He said clearly mad but ion give a fuck.

"Ight i'm sorry, just let me go." I said nicely.

He hesitated before letting me go. I walked towards the bed with him following closely behind me. I laid down in the middle giving him space to lay down beside me.

Once he fully laid down, I sat up and straddled his lap. I leaned down and pecked his lips before I sat back up and just started throwing punches.

I made sure to at least hit him in the mouth and eye.

I seen his eyes turn black before he said," Yo Essence now i'm finna beat yo ass."

And Yk what he did....

Beat my ass.

We was goin toe to toe. I was on top of him so I had a advantage, my hits was connecting but not as hard as his was.

He hit me one good time in my eye and lip causing me to lose my grip on him giving him a advantage.

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

Kaiser took that as his chance to flip esse off of him, making her hit the floor followed by a loud bang.

While Kaiser was beating on the love of his life, his four year old son kassy had just woken up from his nap on the way to his fathers room.

Kaiser kicked Essence in the stomach and chest making her cry out in pain remembering all the other times kai beat on her.

Kai was about to kick Essence again but a little voice made him freeze in place.

"Da stop, you hurt E." A scared kassy begged his father. He seen his dad hit E before but never like this, he always thought they were playing.

Kaiser eyes went back to normal before he looked down at Essence then back to kassy with a guilty expression.

He knew he was in the wrong fa beating on her like that but at the moment didn't care. Him and Essence fought many times before but it neva went this far.

"Fuck," Kai Mumbled while sliding his hands down his face. "Look E im-"

"No Kaiser f yo sorry take me home." Essence cried out.

"E man I ain't mean t-"

"No da take E home." Kassy said with his arms crossed and a mug on his face.

Kaiser let out a long breath before he picked esse up and took her out to the car with kassy not far behind.

Nobody said a word the whole car ride. The only thing you could hear was esse heavy breathing.

Since Kai hit and kicked her in the chest, she was having trouble breathing and every time she inhaled it hurt.

While They arrived at their destination Essence got out of the car as quickly as she could, she was about to close the door when a small voice stopped her.

"E I go with you, I don't like da." Kassy said while mugging his fathers seat.

Essence looked at Kaiser for permission since that was his son and Kai just gave her a nod.

Even tho his heart broke at those words he knew he deserved it, he rather leave Kassy with esse then have his son ignore him and hate him at home.

Esse opened K's door letting him out before she limped towards the front door with k holding her hand.

Essence started banging on the door till it opened and when it did Kaiser instantly pulled off.

"Damn Tina every time I see yo ass you look like you got yo ass beat." Trey said tryna be funny.

"Shut up nigga and help my mama." Kassy said with a mug.

Essence was too busy trying to breathe through the pain to understand what kassy just said.

Trey smacked his lips before saying "Aye Drew yo bald headed sister out here with ha basted son."

Essence limped into the house slowly while kassy closed the door. The two both walked into the living room seeing a mad Drew with a girl on his lap, her father with his wife sitting next to him and her fathers parents.

She wasn't even supposed to leave, in the first place but Nevaeh said she'll talk to Damien about it.

"Essence gon ahead some where with these pranks." Her grandfather wife, Belinda said.

Esse went to sit down on the couch but completely missed and ended up on the floor.

'My iron too low fa dis shit' she thought.

"It's not a prank, da hit and kick ha. I saw it." Kassy explained with a mug still on his face.

'Look just like his damn daddy.' Esse thought.

"Why you keep letting niggas beat on you?" Belinda said with her face scrunched up.

Essence just rolled her eyes while she laid on the floor, trying to catch her breath.

"Essence why the fuck you keep doing this to yo self, I thought moving you out here was gon stop that cycle." Damien said.

At first Damien felt like he didn't have a right to speak out on her behavior or discipline her because he just became a father figure in her life.

He wasn't there when she need him most and that was his fault, he was trying to make up for lost time and not upset her.But now it's going too far, she needs guidance and discipline because she keeps falling back into her old ways.

Damien knew that if he don't step up now his daughter is going to end up dead or in the hospital for a long time.

"Now I have to go beat his ass." Damien mumble while getting up.

Essence quickly sat up. "Wait you can't." She said.

"And why tf can't he?" Drew asked. That was the first thing he said that whole time.

"Cause I-I hit him first, I was wrong and he acted out of self defense he didn't mean it." She cried.

She always defended his name if was like a reflex but she know they both was in the wrong and that he did mean what he was doing, she just felt the need to defend his name.

But she didn't know that she wasn't doing anything but setting her self up.

Ion know if I really like this book but yea. Keep in mind they are going to be moving a lil fast.

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