Timing For Love and Revenge

By Grimtales234

21.1K 638 64

"Tom, Look! He's standing! Come to Mama, Hadrian!" A tall man with long black hair said, as he kneeled down w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Q&A Time!

Chapter 11

843 35 6
By Grimtales234

"Are you ready, Harry? Remember. We're going to the Gringotts to get whatever charms Dumbledore put on you off." Petunia said, as Harry tightens his grip on her hand. Petunia smiles and bends down.

"Are you sure this will work? I can really see my parents if I get these charms off?" Harry asked, looking down at his shoes.

"I know you're nervous being seeing your parents after so many years of being apart. But not once have I ever lied to you. Do you think I'm lying, dear?" Petunia asked, and Harry shook his head.

"No. I trust you, Auntie." Harry said, as Petunia lifts their joined hands.

"I'll be with you the whole way." Petunia said, and Harry nods. The two walkes towards the bank, and inside. Petunia and Harry waits in line, before the person thanks the goblin at the desk and walks off the side.

"Next!" The goblin called and Petunia walks up with Harry.

"Name and business?" The goblin asked, as he dips the quill into the inkwell.

"Hadrian Snape-Riddle. Illegal charms and glamour. I need them removed for the sake of the child." Petunia said, and the goblin looks up at her. He leans over the desk to look at Harry. He hums before leaning back.

"What's the false name under?" The goblin asked, and Petunia leans down.

"Harry Potter." Petunia said, in a hush voice. The goblin paused, before scowling.

"So, that's what he did. Very well. Do you want Griphook to assist you?" The goblin asked. Petunia glances at Harry.

"Of course. I would like to know what's been done to my nephew." Petunia said, and the goblin nods.

"Very well." The goblin said, as the quill scratches the paper before being set aside. A door opens and a goblin steps out. Petunia smiles and leads Harry over to the goblin.

"Mrs. Dursley. It's been a while." The goblin said, as he bows his head. Petunia bows back in greeting.

"It has, Griphook. How have you been doing?" Petunia asked, as Griphook leads them inside. Griphook hums lowly.

"Disappointing. How can I help you?" Griphook asked, as they sat down.

"I believe the name Albus Dumbledore can answer that question." Petunia said, and Griphook scowls.

"Ah. I was told to except the giant, but seeing as you're here yourself with the child, speaks if something completely different." Griphook said, as he opens a draw. Griphook pulls out a paper and sets it in front of Harry.

"Two drops of blood on the paper. We can assume that you only have a glamour on. Your blood will be able to tell us if what your guardian says is true." Griphook said, as he sets a small knife down in front of Petunia. Petunia picks up the knife and turns to Harry.

"Do you want me to do it, or do you want to?" Petunia said, as she gently grabs Harry's hand.

"I want you to do it." Harry said, and Petunia smiles.

"Alright. Small pinch annnnd done!" Petunia said, as she pricks his finger with a knife. Harry blinks and stares at his bleeding finger. Petunia chuckles, as she guides his hand over the paper and lets two drops of blood fall onto the paper.

"See? All done." Petunia said, and Harry nods, as Petunia heals his finger. Griphook picks up the paper, as words began to form.

"Hmm. As expected. You're right about him being a Snape-Riddle. There is some charms and blocks on him, as well as the glamour. All done by Albus Dumbledore." Griphook said, as he pass the paper to Petunia. Petunia took the paper and looks it over.

"Merlin's bread! What has he done to my nephew?!" Petunia gasps, as she lowers the paper. Harry leans over to look at it.

Hadrian Snape-Riddle

Age: 11

Glamour of Harry James Potter: Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Charms and Blocks:

Potion Skill Blocked: Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Charms Skill Blocked: Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Parseltongue 85% Blocked: Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Hatred Charm: Placed by Albus Dumbledore - Keyed to several people and Slytherin House

Oblivion Charm: Placed by Albus Dumbledore - Keyed to several people


Love Potion: Placed by Albus Dumbledore - Keyed to Ginevra Weasley - Set to Activate Soon

Horcrux: Removed by Soul Searching

"That blasted old man. He should know better then to do this by force. Did he really think I wouldn't know about this? Let's get all of of this removed." Petunia said, as Griphook nods.

"The room should be ready soon. I do have something to discuss with you about the vaults your late sister and her spouse have under their names." Griphook said. Petunia looked confused, but nodded. A knock at the door catches their attention. A goblin opens the door and steps in.

"We're ready for the child." The goblin said, as Harry looks at Petunia.

"Go on. I'll be right here when you're done." Petunia said, and Harry nods. Harry hops off the chair and follows the goblin into the next room. The door closed and Petunia turns to Griphook.

"Did you know anything about the money taken out to bribe your family and others by Albus Dumbledore?" Griphook asked, and Petunia's eyebrows shot up in shock.

"What?! Why would we accept that?! Lily's and James's vault shouldn't even be touched as the will stated that much! Their vualt was supposed to be handed over to their future kids if they had any!" Petunia said, as Griphook nods.

"So Albus lied about that too. Maybe your husband took the money from Albus?" Griphook asked, as Petunia crossed her arms.

"It is a possibility for him to do that. But I made sure he didn't come close to Harry. Dudley sided with me as well. So Vernon would be on his own. How much was given to Vernon? I'll pay it back." Petunia said.

"The bank will send you a letter with the amount needed to pay back." Griphook said, as Petunia smiles, before wincing a bit. Petunia lets her hand to rub the spot of her oncoming headache.

"Is everything alright?" Griphook asked. Petunia closed her eyes for minute, before looking up at the door opening. Harry steps out with girl following behind him. Harry looked more like a young Tom Riddle, but with black hair and bright green eyes. The girl had long dark brown hair and black eyes.

"Little Mara?" Petunia asked, in shock and the girl nods.

"Hello, Aunt Petunia." The girl said. Petunia slid off the chiar to kneel on the floor. She held her arms out and the girl ran to her.

"Oh, Mara! Where did you go?! One minute in you were in the backyard, and then you disappeared when I turned around!" Petunia said, as the girl started crying. Petunia rubs her back, as she hugged the girl.

"I don't know! It was dark and I was dropped off at Mr. And Mrs. Parkinson's house. I was told that was where I lived! I wanted to go home, then I don't remember what happened next." Mara said, as Harry walks up to them.

"So kidnapping and selling childern. The court is going to have a field day with Albus." Griphook said, as Petunia chuckles. The two girls let go, as Mara wipes her cheeks and eyes.

"Who did Albus make you go as?" Petunia asked, amd Mara looks at her feet.

"Pansy Parkinson." Mara said, as the air cracked, sounding an arrival.

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