you're so lovely ; kit connor

By ohheyroe

20.6K 316 225

when two young adults randomly cross each other's paths, they don't waste any time to make a love story. ... More

end notes


869 17 23
By ohheyroe

Test messages


Hey mom!
I have a life update for you

What's up

I just got home from Kit's house, today was his 18th birthday, I thought you might want to know we're going out now!!

I never thought this day would come,
When do I get to meet him

whenever you want

I'll have to seen when I can get off work long enough to visit you.
I'm for sure off on your birthday! I already booked my flight!!

I can't wait to see you!!

Me to!
Don't you have work tomorrow?
Why are you up so late 🤨🤨

I told you I just got home from his house!
I'm an adult mum i don't have a bed time

Haha I'm just messing with you
Have a good night kimy xx

• • •

March 27,

Kimberly's pov:

It's been about 3 weeks since Kit's birthday. Those 3 weeks weren't really much different from any others, except now me and Kit are together, officially. When I think back on it we've kinda acted like a couple since the day we met.

We text nonstop, hang out whenever we get the chance, and we kissed 2 times before we said anything about dating. But now I stopped counting the times we kissed, it would probably be to much to count on my fingers. It's really weird being in a relationship, all the other boyfriends I had maybe lasted 3 days no feelings involved.

What can I say we're in the honeymoon phase.

Today was a Saturday, which was usually the day we would hang out. I rolled out of my bed, went to the bathroom, than made myself some tea. I like to drink my tea outside but today was extremely cold, I went back to my bed instead.

I pulled the covers back over me then got my phone off the charger to see if I had any new messages.

3 new messages from Kitkat

I grinned sliding up as soon as I saw his name.

Text messages


Good morning, love
I have something planned for us!
Text me when you're up xx

Good morning
and since when are we doing pet names babe

Since now ig haha
can I come pick u up :)

That sounds great!
See you soon sweetheart😍

Okay no more pet names 💀
You're making it weird

Sorry honey I'll stop 😻😻


Okay sorry I'm done
See you soon xx

Otw ❤️

• • •

I stared at the otw text snug in my bed, my hair in a messy bun with a cup of tea I had only gotten two sips of.

Yes, Kit and I do live two hours away, but I learned that two hours sounds like more time than it really is. Plus I had no idea what I was going to wear. He didn't even hint what he had planned. What if it's fancy and I look like a bum, or what if I overdress.

I take a sip of tea before walking over to my closet. I had a good feeling that if it was something formal than he would've told me. I decided to dress how I usually do, Jeans and a sweatshirt. I thought I would wear my new tennis shoes as well, hopefully we're not going to a mud puddle.

I tuned on some YouTube videos while I straightened my hair. Followed by me brushing my teeth plus all the other hygienic stuff, and doing some makeup.

Right before I left the bathroom I looked at my colored contacts on the counter, than in the mirror. I find it weird that for once in my life I've questioned putting in contacts. I always think back to all the times Kit had commented on how much he likes my eyes. I grabbed the contact case unscrewing the lid, I looked at them for a few seconds before screwing it back on and leaving the bathroom.

Once I was completely ready I checked the time 11:10, he had to be getting close. In the mean time I drank the rest of my tea that was now room temperature, while making Pinterest boards.

• • •

I was almost finished with my 3rd mood board when I jumped from the doorbell. I slipped my phone in my jean pocket and walked to the door, making sure to get my wallet on the way.

It only took me one glance through the front window to see who it was. I open the door and there stood Kit. He was wearing all black with his hair parted messily.


"Hi." I stepped closer bring him in for a hug. After a few seconds we pulled away but we still stood close

"So what's the plan?" I asked

We both had our arms by our side and he lightly tapped his hands on my. "I'll tell you once we get in the car." Kit said followed by a smirk

"Is this some kind of trap?" I chuckled a bit

Kit squinted his eyes confused, than snatched up my hand to follow him to his car. "Come on!"

We got into the car and pulled out of the driveway. I plugged my phone into the aux and tuned on the playlist I made for Kit and I.

"Now you have to tell me where we're going." I demanded staring at the side of his face while he focused on the road.

Kit turned to look at me for a second before saying, "We are going bowling, since it's a gloomy day I thought it would be fun." He explained

I felt myself get excited, "I love bowling... no matter the weather," I beamed, "it it only going to be us?" I asked

He nodded, "Sof had to study for her A levels, and Dan is with family, but you can invite a friend of yours if you would like."

"I might have someone." I said pulling out my phone to call Emory.

After we talked, everything had been okay between us, but we haven't hung out outside of work in forever! I thought this would be a good opportunity for her to meet Kit. The guy she nearly ended our friendship over

I pushed the call button then held the phone to my ear.

"Who are you asking?" Kit questioned

"Emory, I've told you about her before but we are on good terms now."

"Put her on speaker."

Right as I got the call changed to speaker phone Emory picked up.

"Hey Kimberly what's up?" Her voice sounded dull almost like she just woke up.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked instantly feeling guilty.

"Yep, I have the flu so I've been in bed all day." She mumbled

"Oh- I'm sorry I hope you get well soon," I said looking over at Kit who was looking forward, but had a small smile on his face. "I was just seeing what you were doing. I have to go."

"bye." She whispered half asleep.

I just hung up the phone "So I guess it's just me and you."

"Yup, just the way I like it." He laughed.

"Don't make it weird!" I joked nudging his shoulder. When I did that he took one of his hands off the steering wheel so he could grab mine. He rested our hands on the center consul locking our fingers together for the rest of the drive.

• • •

Once we got there we walked into the bowling alley, which Kit still insisted on hold my hand. Since it was only going to be us, it was kind of like a date now. I'm pretty sure that's how Kit planned it in the first place.

The whole place was lit with blue lights making some of the colors look bright. There was also disco balls, music playing, food, and arcade games.

I dont remember ever coming here despite it being only 15 minutes away from my house. I don't understand how Kit found this place himself.

We walked over to the desk to rent a lane for a few games. As we stood in line behind a family, I remember I brought my wallet.

"Kit I brought my wallet." I said only loud enough for him to hear me.

He looked down at me smiling, "You don't need to pay. I was the one who brought you here, I'll pay."

"Thank you." I said wrapping my arm around his leaning on him, since it seemed like this family was going to take awhile. But I wasn't in a rush I was perfectly content standing their. Eventually we did get to the desk and got our bowling lane, lane 7.

• • •

"If I lose this game I'm going to start losing hair. There's no way I can lose three times in a row!" I said picking up the lightest ball off the rack.

"If you lose hair I'll let you borrow some of my hats" Kit laughed standing over by the television looking at his score.

I gave him a side eye before chucking the bowling ball down the middle of the lane. Only leaving me with 3 pins to knock down. I rolled again and my ball went into the gutter.

"Why am I so bad! And why is my arm already sore." I complained while trying my best to hand Kit his ball that was double the weight of mine.

"You just can't try too hard, it comes naturally." He said as he made throwing the heavy ball look easy.

"Strike!" He yelled holding his hands up in the air from excitement.

"Could you at least go easy on me please, you're already going to win three times in a row." I was truly defeated. I hate losing!

"Maybe you should just start coming to the gym with me?" He asked, which I think he was partially joking though.

"Kit I love spending time with you but I'm not going to drive 2 hours every day to workout with you for a few hours, than drive back home all stinky sweaty." I said while bowling another ball without thinking about it.

"Strike!!" Kit yelled coming up and shaking my shoulders enthusiastically "I was right, all you have to do is not think about it, Strikes come naturally."

"So you need to talk to my about something stupid every time it's my turn," I grinned "it has nothing to do with the gym."

• • •

We got pretty carried away and ended up playing 5 games, which Kit one every single time!

I did start to get the hang of it towards the end, but I still wasn't good enough to beat him! He was getting strikes every other turn.

Once we finished our last game I thought my arm was going to fall off. It was now 13:30. We still hadn't eaten anything or played any games, but I was ready to go

"Can we go back to my house?" I asked sitting down on the bench while Kit did his last turn before the game was over.

"Yeah of course, you have anything you need to do?"

"Kinda," I fidgeted with my jumper sleeve. "I have a research paper I need to finish."

"That sounds fun." Kit said sarcastically walking to sit beside me. The score board flashed with Kits names showing that he was the winner.

"I hate my job. I want to do something I'll actually enjoy."

"Maybe you could try to get a job behind the scenes of Heartstopper. I'm pretty sure their still looking for people." He explained

I sat straight, "Wait really? How do I get the job?"

"I'm not sure, I'll ask about it tomorrow. It's our last read though before filming starts."

"Thank you! If I get a job behind the scenes that would be a good excuse for me to move closer." I smiled grabbing his hand so he would stand up with me.

"Yes! I'll talk to the producers tomorrow, I'm 90% sure I can set you up!"

"You're so lovely ya know!" I surprised him with a short kiss.

• • •

As soon as we got back to my house I ran to my room and flopped on the floor. I was so exhausted.

Kit followed me, and started laughing when he saw me laying flat on the ground. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm tired!"

Their was a few seconds of silence. Than I felt Kit lay down beside me, I scooted closer to him.

"Kimberly can I ask you something?" He mumbled like he was about to ask a serious question.

"Hm?" I hummed

"Why are we on the floor when there's a bed 2 steps away?" I could hear the smile forming on his face. "And why is this suitcase not unpacked yet, isn't this the one you brought to my house last week end?"

I tuned on my side to face him, "Can you unpack it for me?" I said with a laugh excepting him to say no.

He pushed himself off the floor, "Sure. Do you want me to grab you anything to eat or drink?"

"You don't have to do that," I got up as well. "I was joking."

"No, I don't mind."

"We can unpack this together I can't." I pick the suitcase up off the floor and onto my bed.

Since we worked together it only took about 10 minutes to finally get unpacked and cleaned up. My favorite pair of jeans was in that suitcase so I'm happy they're free.

After, we went to the kitchen and made sandwiches for lunch. I brought my laptop, paper, and pens to go table thinking I could get this research over with. It's on how social media affects young children or some shit.

Kit sat across from me probably watching the frustration on my face while I clicked on websites, read, and wrote stuff down.

"What is this paper for?" He asked while talking a slip of water.

"I honestly don't even know," I huffed, "it was due last week and I thought if I didn't mention it my boss would forget about it but now they are making me do it and if I don't finish by tomorrow they're going to fire me! I haven't written one of these papers since I was in school." I set my pen down and took a deep breath.

Kit just looked at me than down at the paper. "What are you researching?"

I shrugged my shoulders, turning the paper to face him.

His eye widened, "Why in the world does your boss need you to do that?"

"I think it's because he is trying to get a mobile app developer to make his app age requirements higher." I took I bite of my sandwich and a tomato squirted on my chin. "Gross!"

Kit laughed, "Here, use my napkin!"

I wiped myself up than handed it back.

"That was too close for comfort, if tomato gotten on the paper I would've definitely cried." I said taking another bite but this time I was careful.

"Just take a break from writing, you can do it later." Kit suggested.

"Yeah if I look at it another time I'm going to lose my appetite." I picked up all the stuff to take it back to my desk.

"Im I being too dramatic?" I looked over my shoulder to asked before I left the kitchen.

"Maybe a little tiny bit...but it's okay I'm into it." He smiled running a hand through his hair.

"Good thing." I laughed walking down the hall to my room.

• • •

Later that night I somehow persuaded Kit to sleep over! Although, he had to leave at 6:00 because he couldn't miss the final cast read through.

Both of us started keeping a sleepover bag in the boot of our cars, for times like these it comes in handy.

We got a deck of cards out and we played a few games. I was still so tired but I didn't want to say anything. Kit wasn't saying the night to do nothing but sleep, I couldn't go to bed at 19:00.

Even though I was half asleep I won 2 out of 3 rounds. That kinda makes up for my bowling losses.

"Kimberly how about I help you with your research paper?" Kit asked as he put the cards back into the box.

"Oh, you don't have to that. It's boring as hell." I said knowingly that if we did that I would fall asleep.

"I don't mind, it seems to be stressing you out and I want to help." He explained getting up from the table.

God, he's way to good for me. "Okay, thank you so much." I smiled at him getting up as well.

Kit said he would write the stuff down, since we have similar enough handwriting. I guess he could tell I was so sick of writing.

I laid in my bed facing him at my desk and told him stuff to write down. It was a pretty good system considering I just had to lay in bed looking at websites on my phone.

"Next write," I yawned, "after considering all of the facts in this paragraph it will be clear that age requirements are majorly important to pridefully enforce."

"Give me a second to write that one." Kit said as he stared at my paper.

He look so cute when he was focused. The way his hair covered his face so perfectly. Comfortable silence filled the room as I watched him write. I quickly opened my camera app and snapped a photo. I smiled and let my eyes fall shut for a moment. It was so quiet and I was way to still, in a matter of seconds I accidentally fell asleep.

• • •

When I open my eyes the next time my room was dark and Kit wasn't sitting at my desk. I sat up straight and looked at the time, 6:30. I barely missed him. I could still feel the warmed of were he laid beside me.

Shit shit shit. I can't believe I did that to him. And my papers due today!!

I went to sit down to try to finish the rest of the paper, when I noticed that everything was put away neatly. There was a folded up note in the middle of the desk.

I opened it to see what Kit had wrote.

Your paper is done, I think your boss will love it.
Don't feel like you own me anything now, and don't feel guilty.
I could tell you were exhausted.
I love being with you, asleep or wake!

Love, Kit xxx







Liked by kit.connor and 3,012 others

kimberly.elroy: a series of photos of me bowling, me as soon as we got home. Plus Kit being the best ever! 
View all 200 comments

kit.connor: you needed to rest after losing so bad at bowling : )
↳︎kimberly.elroy: watch what you say!
    ↳︎kit.connor: okay so next time I'll make you do your own paper 😇

not_emorymill69: Drop ur photographer
↳︎kimberly.elroy: @kit.connor takes very good photos, but not as good as ur mums!
   ↳︎not_emorymill69: how could I forget about my mums amazing camera abilities

User7294673: why is everything Kimberly post have something to do with Kit Connor?
↳︎user284972: there's no way they're not dating!!!


An: sorry for the too long of a wait for this chapter! You guys are the bomb for sticking around!

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