𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 - 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 �...

By -maneater-

1M 23.3K 6.9K

ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴄᴏɴʀᴀᴅ'ꜱ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜɪᴍ 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗿𝗮𝗱 𝗙𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗢𝗖 More

[ introduction ]
[ cast ]
[ prologue ]
[ one ]
[ two ]
[ three ]
[ four ]
[ five ]
[ six ]
[ seven ]
[ eight ]
[ ten ]
[ eleven ]
[ twelve ]
[ thirteen ]
[ fourteen ]
[ fifteen ]
[ sixteen ]
[ seventeen ]
[ eighteen ]
[ nineteen ]
[ twenty ]
[ twenty one ]
[ twenty two ]
[ twenty three ]
[ twenty four ]
[ twenty five ]
[ twenty six ]
[ twenty seven ]
[ twenty eight ]
[ twenty nine ]
[ thirty ]
[ thirty one ]
[ thirty two ]
[ thirty three ]
[ thirty four ]
[ thirty five ]
[ thirty six ]
[ thirty seven ]

[ nine ]

27.3K 568 127
By -maneater-

⊹ Chapter 9 ⊹
Tea Time

⊹• ━━━━༺•❁•༻━━━━ •⊹

It was now time for them to get ready for the tea party. Susannah said it's where all the girls get to meet each other and their big sisters. Susannah and Laurel were both helping Belly pick out her dress while Violet was finishing curling her hair.

None of the boys were home. Steven and Jeremiah were both at the country club hard at work. While Conrad went down to the beach to surf.

Violet chose to wear a longer white dress that had blue flowers on it. She thought that the colors of the dress would look good with her red hair. For shoes she just chose a simple pair of white heels.

The Montgomery kept her makeup and hair simple as well. She didn't like to wear a lot of makeup but she knew she needed to cover the bruise on her nose. So she applied a bit more concealer than she normally would and the bruise was almost nonexistent.

Once Violet was satisfied with her appearance she made her way towards Belly's room where she was still getting ready.

"Oh Violet you look gorgeous!" Susannah gushed when she noticed the red haired girl enter the room.

"That dress is beautiful." Laurel smiled.

"Okay we can finally get these on." The blonde woman said excitedly grabbing something out of a box. "So they're called fascinators, and all the girls will be wearing them." Susannah explained holding up a very strange looking hat.

"Seriously?" Laurel asked.

"Yes! They're all the rage." The Fisher woman responded.

"It's interesting." Violet mumbled awkwardly as she examined the blue hat that Susannah was holding.

"I don't know about this." Belly sighed.

"Come on. Come on!" Susannah exclaimed. "Here Violet this one is yours."

Violet hesitantly took the hat from Susannah. It took her a minute or two until she finally figured out how to style it on her head.

It looked weird but also not bad at the same time. Violet figured she wouldn't look so out of place once she was around other girls who were also wearing the strange head pieces.


"Honey?" Susannah called out when she heard the front door close. She knew it had to be Conrad because everyone else was busy. "Hey, hon?"

"Yeah?" The boy sighed walking into the living room.

"Would you change and meet me out back? I want to paint your portrait first." The mother smiled lovingly at her son.

"Why me?"

"Cause everyone else has things to do." She shrugged.

"I have things to do, too, Mom." Conrad replied bitterly.

"I think you can spare a few hours for your mother, hmm?"


"Great." Susannah grinned. "I'll see you outside in ten?"

"See you there."

"Put on something nice." Susannah yelled as she watched Conrad disappear up the stairs.

It didn't take long for Susannah to set up everything she needed to paint. She decided to do Conrad's portrait out on the dock. By the time she was done setting everything up her oldest child had finished changing and was waiting for her.

"You ready?" The blonde woman questioned.

"I guess." Conrad shrugged taking a seat.

There were a few minutes of awkward silence as Susannah began to paint. Conrad tried his hardest to pay attention to anything other than his mother.

The boys feelings were all over the place. Sometimes he hated his mother for keeping such a big secret from him and his brother. But other times he felt bad for her. He could see how much the sickness was affecting her recently and it broke his heart.

"So... how's Violet?" Susannah questioned breaking the silence.

"Mom, can we not do this?" Conrad asked annoyed. He just wanted to get his portrait done and over with. "You asked me to come sit for this portrait, and I'm here, and I'm sitting, and I'm more than happy to be here, but can we not make this, like, a bonding experience, please?"

"Well, excuse me for trying to connect with my son before he leaves for a year." She sighed continuing to paint. "Violet looked really nice in her dress." When she didn't receive any reaction from the boy she continued. "Look, if you want to spend your summer moping around, I can't stop you, but no more sleeping till 2:00, no more day drinking. I want you doing something productive. You're getting a job."

"Sure." Conrad agreed wanting her to stop talking.


The car ride to the country club was silent. Violet nervously tapped her foot as she watched the trees go by. Laurel offered to drive the girls to the club. Susannah would have tagged along but she wanted to paint.

Violet's eyes widened at the sight of the large building in front of them. She had absolutely no idea where they were supposed to go for this tea party or whatever it was. The Montgomery girl was praying that Belly knew her way around.

"Thanks, Mom." Belly smiled as she and Violet exited Laurel's car.

"Sure." The woman nodded nervously. "Girls? I just want you both to know that if you decide you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is bad, you can text me. I promise I won't say I told you so."

"I'll be fine." Belly rolled her eyes at her mom.

"Humor me?" Laurel pleaded. "Use our code phrase, and I'll be right there."

"Mom." Belly groaned looking over at Violet. She didn't want to be embarrassed in front of the girl.

"You remember it from when you were little, right?"

"Lemon Jelly Belly." They both said at the same time with a smile.

"Have fun girls!" Laurel said starting her car. Violet and Belly waved to the woman as she drove off.

"Please tell me you know where we're supposed to go." Violet questioned as her and Belly began walking towards the building.

"Um...." Belly trailed off looking at the different buildings. "I'm sure we'll find our way."

"Yeah." Violet nodded nervously. "Hopefully."

"Hey isn't that Jeremiah?" Belly asked pointing towards the boy who was walking towards them with a bunch of towels in his arms.

"Yeah I think it is." The red head replied. "Maybe he can tell us where to go."

"Hey!" Belly called out. She frowned when the boy didn't look their way. "Jeremiah!"

"Jere!" Violet yelled for the boy.

"Oh, my God." Jeremiah exclaimed running towards the two girls. "Uh, Belly. Wow. I didn't even recognize you." He mumbled eyeing the girl.

"Tell me the truth." She sighed. "Um, do I look like a fool?"

"Uh, no, y-you look good. You look good." The Fisher boy stuttered. "You both look good."

"Thanks Jere." Violet smiled.

"Um, let me walk you over." He said still eyeing Belly's outfit.

"What?" The Conklin girl questioned getting annoyed with his staring.

"Uh, are those... are those pineapples?" Jeremiah asked.

"Pineapples?" Violet mumbled to herself. Did he seriously think that there were pineapples on Belly's dress?

"Pineapples, yeah?" He nodded hearing the girl.

"No, they're flowers." Belly shook her head with a laugh. "Have you seen flowers before?"

"I-I have, but that is, for sure, a pineapple." Jeremiah shot back. "That's a nice pineapple dress you got there."

"Okay, Jere you have to be blind." Violet giggled. "There's no way you think those are pineapples."

"Yeah, seriously." Belly smiled agreeing with the girl. "What's on Violet's dress?"

"Uh let me see." Jeremiah said turning his head down to dramatically study the blue flowers on her dress. "Those are definitely blueberries."

"What?" Belly and Violet exclaimed at the same time.

"100% blueberries."

"I think you're delusional." Belly spoke seriously causing Violet to laugh. Belly had a small smile on her face at the fact that they were getting along. She actually liked Violet. The only reason she had been so cold towards her was because of her crush on Conrad.

In that moment the Conklin girl decided she was going to forget about Conrad Fisher. She was going to give Violet a chance. Maybe the two would even become good friends.

"They have these strawberry and raspberry, type cookies. Oh, they're to die for." Jeremiah rambled breaking Belly out of her thoughts.The three had just arrived in front of two double doors. As Jeremiah opened them he looked at Belly once again and laughed. "I never thought I'd see the day where you were wearing a fascinator."

Unfortunately, Jeremiah's loud comment earned the attention of the whole room.

Violet nervously gripped onto Jeremiah's arm that she had been holding. She could tell that Belly who was holding the boys other arm was also nervous.

"Jeremiah." A woman sighed as she walked towards the three teenagers.

"Paige." He greeted with a dashing smile.

"Where's your shirt?"

"It's always a pleasure." The boy replied sarcastically. "This is Belly. I mean, uh, Isabel Conklin, my future wife." Jeremiah smiled gesturing to Belly before turning his attention to Violet. "And this is Violet Montgomery, the young woman my mom told you about. Also my future sister-in-law."

"They're late." Paige scolded looking both girls up and down.

"I-I-I'm so sorry." Belly rushed out.

"We got lost." Violet said backing Belly up.

"You're both at table two."

"Are those those little Brie and fig jam sandwiches with the prosciutto?" Jeremiah asked eyeing up the pastries on the table.

"Don't you dare." Paige exclaimed watching the boy grab a couple off of the table. "Those are for the girls. Jeremiah, those are for the girls!"

"Knock 'em dead." Jeremiah shouted rushing out of them room.

"Oh, my God." Belly shook her head with a laugh as her Violet made their way to table two.

"Hi." Violet greeted the table as she took the seat next to Nicole. The table all greeted the girl back before they continued with their previous conversation. Violet could tell that Belly was nervous so she reached over and gently squeezed the girls hand in reassurance.

The Conklin girl smiled at the gesture. She appreciated that Violet was there with her. It probably would have been way worse if she was by herself.

"I told my mom the only way I would do this is if I could bring my girlfriend, 'cause I thought it would be a deal killer, but the club has been surprisingly chill about the whole thing." Marisa a girl at their table ranted.

"I'm honestly shocked." Another girl replied.

"Literally, Dara, I was expecting a conversion camp to spring out of the bushes. No. Lesbians and debutantes are, like, a completely juxtaposing idea. Opposites."

"Yeah, but Cousins likes to pretend to be woke. Trust me. My family deals with it constantly. The things we do for college applications. It's insane."

"Don't worry, Marisa. You'll get in everywhere." Nicole smiled at her friend.

"Wait. Where are you applying?" Belly questioned.

"You know, the usual. Every Ivy minus Cornell." Marisa responded with a shrug. "What about you?"

"Oh, Belly's only a sophomore. Right?" Nicole asked looking at the girl. "I think that's what Conrad told me."

Violet frowned at the mention of her boyfriend. When did Conrad talk to this girl?

"Yeah, I-I'll be a junior in the fall." Belly nodded looking over at Violet. She was also wondering how this girl knew Conrad.

"So, is this your first summer here in Cousins?" Gigi asked Belly. Violet remembered meeting her at the bonfire through Jeremiah.

"No, I've been coming here for my entire life."

"Yeah, she's, like, family friends with Conrad and Jeremiah." Nicole laughed.

"Uh, so are you and Jeremiah, like, a-a thing, or are you gonna take him to the ball?" Gigi wondered.

"Oh, my God, back off, Geeg." Nicole exclaimed.

"It was a question."

"They're, like, basically related, okay?" Nicole laughed shaking her head at her friend. "You have nothing to worry about."

"I'm not worried." Gigi brushed it off.

Violet could tell that the girl was into Jeremiah. It was especially obvious at the bonfire. Gigi wouldn't leave the Fisher boys side.

"Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that, babe." Shayla cut in turning to look at Belly and Violet. "Gigi has had this thing for Jeremiah... Ever since he got abs?" Upon noticing the look on some of the other girls faces she continued. "Relax. I'm not into Jeremiah Fisher."

"Yeah, and your noticing his abs?" Gigi shot back.

"Ooh. No. She's too busy eye-fucking the waiter." Marisa exclaimed looking over at Steven who was filling up some girl's cup at another table.

"Dude, that's Belly's brother." Shayla said horrified for the young girl.

"Oh, that's gross." Belly gagged earning a laugh from Violet.

"So, what's it like to live with Jeremiah and Conrad?" Marisa asked.

"Yeah. Conrad's so mysterious." Gigi nodded wanting to know more.

"Um- you should ask Violet!" Belly rushed out looking at the girl with wide eyes.

The whole table turned their attention to the red haired girl beside Belly. Violet was looking back at Belly with her own pair of wide eyes.

"Wait, do you live with the Fishers?" Gigi asked. She didn't want to deal with anymore competition when it came to Jeremiah. The girl remembered how Jeremiah was acting with her at the bonfire. He clearly cared about her.

"Oh uh no." Violet shook her head putting down the teacup that she had previously been sipping out of. "Conrad is my boyfriend so uh I spend a lot of time with the boys."

"Really?" Nicole questioned suspiciously.

Violet was about to answer before Paige spoke up. The Montgomery girl couldn't help but release a sigh at the fact that the attention was off of her. Violet didn't know how Nicole knew so much about Conrad and his family but she was going to find out.

⊹• ━━━━༺•❁•༻━━━━ •⊹

^ Violet's Outfit ^

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