Jacob's Game ✅

By xxinloves

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"LET'S PLAY A GAME TERESA. MY GAME." - Jacob Snow ************* It was all a game. Jacob... More

✯All Rights Reserved✯
✯One✯ - Proposition
✯Two✯ - Running Mouth
✯Three✯ - Emerald Green
✯Four✯ - The Fiancée
✯Five✯ - Extra sheets
✯Six✯ - The Truth
✯Seven✯ - Axe and Branch
✯Eight✯ - Lakewood
✯Nine✯ - Cold
✯Ten✯ - Car Drive
✯Eleven✯ - See Me
✯Twelve✯ - Bingo And A Lie
✯Thriteen✯ - Punches And Goodbyes?
✯Fourteen✯ - Sponsorship
✯Fifteen✯ - Penthouse
✯Sixteen✯ - Jacob's Game
✯Seventeen✯ - Yellow Tulip
✯Eighteen✯ - Auction
✯Nineteen✯ - A Call And A Shock
✯Twenty✯ - Jacob's Lips
✯Twenty-One✯ - Blissful Words
✯Twenty-Two✯ - A Car In The Driveway
✯Twenty-Three✯ - Flowers And Its Means
✯Twenty-Four✯ - Peppermint
✯Twenty-Six✯ - Friendly Dinner
✯Twenty-Seven✯ - Dangling Thing
✯Twenty-Eight✯ - The Bet Contract
✯Twenty-Nine✯ - Clarity
✯Thirty✯ - Heartbreaking Call
✯Thrity-One✯ - Jacob
✯Thirty-Two✯ - An Emotional Visit
✯Thrity-Three✯ - Awaken

✯Twenty-Five✯ - Savannah Rivera

2.8K 107 16
By xxinloves

Chapter Twenty-five

"Taste this." Alexa lifts up a ladle after scooping up a small amount of chicken soup from the pot for Teresa to taste. Teresa opened her mouth to sip a little quantity. "How's it?" Alexa asked, her eyes wide in curiosity. Teresa moue her face while smacking her tongue. Alexa's face fell when she noticed the expression on her. "Is it that bad?"

Teresa shook her head, as she smiled directly at her friend. "No, it's good. I'm just messing with you."

It took a moment for Teresa's review to dawn on Alexa. She gave her a small smack on her shoulder. "Stop joking around just for today. I'm more anxious than before as you can see." Alexa glares at her, while pouting in disapproval.

Teresa chuckled, raising her hands in surrender. "Okay I'm sorry. I'll just move over to the balcony and check when our guests will arrive." She smiled at Alexa's discomfort one last time before heading over to the balcony.

Thankfully there wasn't a single rain today, the whole surroundings were dry, and less cold, giving Teresa the opportunity of not wearing any jacket to yield the cold away. She leaned forward on the railing, casting her eyes down to check the road for any familiar cars.  

Teresa has just gotten back from work an hour ago, to suddenly being welcomed by an overexcited and nervous Alexa. Her elder sister Savannah will be arriving today from Texas. And ever since Alexa hasn't made the awareness skip Teresa's mind.

Gideon had volunteered in picking Savannah up from the airport, as loyal as any boyfriend would be. Alexa had wanted to introduce Gideon to Savannah for the first time, and what better moment than this.

Teresa herself really wanted to meet the closest person to Alexa apart from her. And from what she had heard about the other lady, she seems pretty nice.

It wasn't only Savannah they were expecting. Jacob also was coming to her apartment for the first time to introduce himself to Alexa for the first time. It would probably be the first time Alexa has ever seen Gideon's brother, who was also coming as Teresa's boyfriend.

Teresa bit her lower lip between her teeth as the memory of last night came flashing through her mind. The ecstasy of that night made Teresa squirt on her feet. She knew how much more she wanted. And there was nothing stopping her from getting it sooner and later.

No matter how much Jacob had tormented her life in the past, she couldn't deny the connection between them both. And with time she began to understand the real reason for why he.had done so, and the main reason why she kept running away from him.

Teresa couldn't believe it took Jacob begging her for a chance, for her to realize what she had felt for Jacob all those years wasn't hate. It was fear of wanting something she couldn't have, fear of rejection, fear of what others would think about her. 

When Jacob did all those things to her in the past for her attention, she fully understood. Funny how life works, the one she wanted by was afraid to admit it to and only ran, was busy trying to bring her back into his life.

Teresa knew soon she was going to admit the truth to him very soon. Breaking the last piece of walk between them will be the best thing to do, trusting him will be the better step.

She noticed the familiar SUV car of Gideon coming down the road and quickly ran back into the living-room yelling. "They're here! They're here."

Alexa straightened her spine in alert. "Already? But I'm not done yet." She said in frustration, her movement became quick in making things faster. While brushing her short flay yellow armless gown. "Help me set the table."

Not wasting more time, Teresa quickly did as she was told. Setting down five plates on the six seater dining table and drop cutleries by either side of the plate.

She heard the doorbell ring. Before going to get the door she took a moment to set the glass vase filled with the yellow tulip flowers Jacob had sent to her a while ago properly.

While heading to the door, she didn't pause to check the monitor already knowing who it was at the door. Teresa noticed two things as she opened the door. One, the presence of the tall figure of Jacob standing behind a very beautiful Savannah with Gideon beside him. And the other thing she noticed was how absolutely breathtaking and impossibly beautiful Savannah really was.

For a moment Teresa found it hard to release her breath she was holding back after catching sight of the goddess opposite her.

There was no way one could be so beautiful like that. Video calling did this lady no justice. The first thing to capture her attention was how golden her hair really was, as it was putted up in a tight styled bun, followed by her big hazel eyes, straight pointed nose, plump and full heart-shape natural pink lips, a perfectly shape oval face, and desirable flawless pale skin.

Not to talk about her body. Savannah's height was on any runway model will be jealous of. She was definitely a 5'9 inches tall, almost reaching both Snow brother's neck, and she wasn't wearing any heels.

She wore a cream colored knee-length, off-shoulder wrap dress. It hung on her like a second skin, showing her slender curve and small waist. The dress left the upper curve of her breast visible, showing a simple gold chain with a teardrop diamond necklace resting between her breasts.

There was no denying the fact how rich Savannah really was. A very different taste of style from Alexa. Savannah had this very intimidating vide that could attract any man, and scare any woman. For sure she doesn't need to make her man come to her, Teresa was sure they came to her.

She just hoped Jacob wasn't one of them.

Offering Savannah a genuine smile, she quickly hugged her like she knew her throughout all her life. "You must be Savannah. It's nice finally meeting you." Savannah stiffened for a while before returning back her hug, giving Teresa a while to take in the flowery scent of her.

She glanced at Jacob, surprised to notice his complete attention on her, he had an unreadable expression on his face. Awe? Amazement? It was a deep emotion she couldn't read. He gave her a smile which she happily returned.

But she was quick to frown as she caught the look on Gideon's face. She saw as his eyes twinkle in a way she hadn't seen before as his entire focus was placed on Savannah.

He likes Savannah?

Somehow the thought of that didn't settle well on Teresa. He better not break Alexa's heart, or else he will be hearing from her in ways he wouldn't like.

She released Savannah who gave her a small smile. "And you must be Teresa, Alexa's friend and roommate she wouldn't stop talking about." She said in a soft bedroom voice that would bring one to a peaceful mood.

"That's me. Come on in, Alexa is so anxious to meet you. " At the mention of Alexa, Savannah's face brightened widely, almost making Teresa wish she was a man, as two visible dimples appeared on her cheek. Just like Jacob's own.

She shifted to the side giving way for Savannah to quickly enter, while Gideon followed in turn with a huge suitcase, totally not acknowledging Teresa's presence, his attention on Savannah's dismissing sight.

She sighs. She was definitely going to have a little talk with Gideon before things got out of hand. 

Jacob's familiar arms wrapped around her waist gaining her attention. She lifted her face up to his, as he leaned down to give her a small peck on her lips. Satisfying the hunger she felt for him a little bit.

"Good evening, vixen." He greeted in that deep voice of his, causing a vibration straight through Teresa's intimate core.

"Good evening to you too, asshole." She whispered, returning her greetings back making him chuckle softly, her hands held his cheek to pull him down for more kiss, which he immediately complied.

She kissed him hard and long, savoring the sensation and buzz his lips brought to her. Before disentangling their lips, she made sure to have a taste of his peppermint from his tongue before pulling back.

She smirks at him, glad to have received a groan from him, and notices his eyes clouded in list and desire. That was how she left him there as she retreated back to the living-room making sure to swirl her hip a little more as she left.

Teresa came in to see both sisters in a tight emotional embrace of longing. At the sight of the both together, one would know how much they really loved themselves. The relationship both ladies share is something Teresa wouldn't get to have and know how it feels. As she was an only child.

"I've missed you so much." Alexa said with such deep emotion, that it would knock off anyone's composed senses. Teresa could see the unshed tears in her eyes, showing how much emotion she felt for her elder sister.

"So did I. You've grown really tall from the last time I've last seen you. Shorty." Savannah responded back in a shaky voice, making Alexa laugh at the nickname Savannah called her by.

The love shared between them both was so pure, that nothing in this world certainly wouldn't be able to divide it. Expect death.

At the thought of death Teresa shook her head. Nobody was dying, she reassured herself.

Her eyes skim directly to the dining table, the presence of Gideon already helping himself with a chair greeted her view. Again she couldn't help herself but frown at his direction. His attention was still on Savannah like he was trying really hard to read her.

At this point if he wasn't careful she wouldn't be the only one noticing it.

"Gideon." She called out to him, he immediately snapped his gaze at her. "I'd like to speak with you alone." Confused, he nodded, lifting himself off the chair to follow her to the balcony.  

She made sure to slide the glass door, before giving him her entire attention.

"Did something happen between you and Savannah while heading over here?" She asked, wrapping her arms around her chest like she was about interrogating him.

Gideon looked caught off guard and totally confused. "What do you mean?"

"I couldn't help but notice the way you kept staring at her. Should I remind you that Savannah is your girlfriend's sister, or do you need to be hitted on your head with a hammer for it to sink in." She threatened, now glaring at him in disapproval.

At her word Gideon chuckled, taking her by surprise. That wasn't the expression she had wanted from him. It only made her confused.

"Did I by any chance happen to say anything funny?"

"You think I'm attracted to Savannah?" He questioned in a way Teresa believes to be a disbelief. He looked at her like he was beginning to lose her mind.

"Aren't you? You had that look in your eyes?"

"What look?" He asked, smirking at her, both his hands resting on his waist, while leaning his weight on his left leg.

At this point Teresa was beginning to get annoyed with his nonchalant attitude. "The look you give something you find interesting." She said through gritted teeth.

Gideon's smirk changed back to his normal familiar smile. "The feelings I have for Alexa are so strong that no woman on earth will be able to make me stop feeling them. As for Savannah, she said something on our way here that I find really hard to picture."

"What did she say?" Teresa couldn't help but be curious, as her temper had toned down a little.

Gideon shrugged as a look of amazement appeared on his face, as if he were deep in thought. "She promised to chop my dick off and feed it to the birds, if I make her dear sister Alexa cry. It's something I find really hard picturing a sophisticated woman like her doing."

When he was done speaking Teresa wished she hadn't brought the conversation up in the first place. She was beginning to feel guilty for having a little fate on Gideon. "I'm sorry." She muttered, her gaze casted down, and her arms loose beside her.

She heard him let out a small laughter. "You shouldn't apologize. I am just glad to know Alexa has people closer to her who really cares about her. I just want you to know I'd never hurt Alexa. At this short moment spent getting to know her personally, I can't imagine my life without her. She has dangerously become my everything."

Teresa sighs, returning her gaze back on him, she immediately sees the sincerity in his eyes. "I'm still sorry for doubting you."

Gideon waved it off while still smiling, before sliding the door back open to return back. She took a few minutes before heading back to the living-room.

Everyone had taken a seat at the dinning. Savannah at the head table, Alexa by her side, and Gideon next to her. While Jacob was at the other side of the table, pulling out a chair for her.

She smiled in appreciation, as they immediately dived into the delicious meal Alexa had prepared. 

The more time Teresa spent talking to Savannah, the more she realized the huge difference between both sisters. While Alexa had the playful and jovial attitude, Savannah was the composed one, she was someone who thinks before talking, not that she was a talkative like Alexa. She was far too different from the Rivera family.

Teresa felt she and Savannah would be very good friends. Time will tell.


Thank you for reading Jacob's Game!!!

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Lots of love

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