Top Gun Maverick Fanfiction B...

By BroadwayGirl2022

19.6K 318 59

⚠️This Story Will Contain Spoilers From Both Top Gun Movies⚠️ Lottie Kazansky (aviator call sign "Vapor") is... More

Not Even A Chance
Show Me What You've Got
Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire
Not Possible
The Funeral
Is He Okay?!
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
Task Failed
The Missing Pilot
The Bloody Fight

You Have To Wake Up!!

1.3K 22 3
By BroadwayGirl2022

"Wake up!! Lottie, you have to wake up!!!" Someone yells as I lay there unconscious, but still able to hear what's going on around me.

"Lottie please....."

"You need to wake up!! Cmon please don't do this to me!!"

"Lottie, honey? You are going to be okay, I promise...." A voice that I can only assume is Maverick, says. I feel someone shaking me, but my body just limply shakes with their movement. I hear sires wailing in the distance when suddenly everything goes quiet and a peace washes over my body as I go limp in someone's arms.

————————-12 hours before———————

I wake up, tucked into my bed, still clutching my fathers's dog tags. I look around the room to see my door is open a small crack and I see a note on my bedside table so I grab it and read,

Dear Lottie,
You past out (from crying) in the field when I was with you so I brought you home. I asked your mom if it was okay if I brought you to your bed and she said I could so I tucked you in. There's some pain killers and water on your table, you'll probably need them when you wake up. I hope you feel better soon.
— Sincerely,

I look down at the note and my cheeks turn bright red when I see who had wrote it. My head was pounding from all the crying so I quickly take the medicine that Bob had left for me and I get up and get ready for the day. I stand in the mirror looking at my father's dog tags in my hand when I finally decide to put them on and tuck them into my shirt. I head out of my room and down the stairs to see my mom sitting in her chair just staring off into the abyss, the tv is off, there's no music playing, no talking, just her in her chair silently staring at the wall.

"Mom?" I say gently shaking her and she looks over at me, not blinking. "Mom you're scaring me...." I say and she looks up at me, snapping out of her daze.

"So whose your little friend?" She asks and I can't tell if she's mad or just asking me who he was.

"Um...Bob....he's one of the other aviators..." I say shyly, "Listen I'll answer all your questions after, but I have to get to base." I say kissing her cheek, "Hey mom?"

"Yes?" She asks.

"Will you be okay...?" I asks her concerned.

"Yes...." She says unconvincingly, but I have no other choice but to leave, so I rush out and run to base and quickly take a seat in the back.

"It's good to see you here, Vapor." Maverick says and everyone turns in their chairs to look at me. I look over at Bob, who has a soft smile on his face,

"Thank you." I mouth to him and his smile grows wider and he slightly nods. Maverick walks between the two rows of chairs and stands at the pedestal,

"Today is going to be one of the hardest days you'll ever experience. You will be dealing with G forces like never before. It'll be so heavy on your chest you won't be able to breath and you'll have to use all your strength to stay awake." He says and we all look around at each other and Sandy quickly grabs Hangman's hand and squeezes it, fear fills her eyes as she looks at me then back at Maverick.

"Are we even ready for that?" I ask.

"We are about to find out." Maverick says.

"Batwatch and Hangman you go together, Bob and Phoenix, Coyote and Fanboy, Rooster and Vapor, Yale and Payback." He says and we all nod.

We get into our planes, nobody talks to each other since we are all nervous, having never experienced anything like this before.

"You ready, aviators? You've all got this." Maverick says and one after the other we give him a thumbs up before taking off.

"Anyone else scared out of their minds or just me?" Payback jokes and we all laugh.

"Nah definitely just you." Phoenix laughs.

"Alright aviators now is the time you've all been waiting for. Hangman, Phoenix, pull up!" He says and they pull up.

"Holllyyyyyy crappppppp." Bob says and I let out a small laugh.

"Oh this is not fun......" Sandy says sounding winded.

"Coyote, Rooster, Payback, pull up!" Maverick says and they do as told. A sudden extreme force pulls me back into my seat and puts pressure on my chest making it hard to breathe. "Alright you're all doing great! You're almost there, just a little higher to go!" Maverick says. Suddenly Coyotes plane starts to free fall out of the sky,

"Oh no..." Maverick says and goes after him as we all watch barely staying conscious ourselves. My heart drops as he gets closer and closer to the mountain until Maverick quickly locks him and Coyote's plane suddenly shoots up in the air,just barely missing the mountain. I let out a sigh of relief that's quickly overtaken by panic when I realize how hard it's getting to breathe. A black haze starts to cover my vision as I start to feel lightheaded,

"You alright back there, Lottie?" Rooster asks but no matter how hard I try to speak I can't respond, "Lottie....? Lottie!" Rooster says as the black haze completely takes over my vision and my hands slip from the gun controls and my head falls limp to the side as I go completely unconscious.

"Wake up!! Lottie, you have to wake up!!!" Someone yells as I lay there, unconscious but still able to hear what's going on around me.

"Lottie please....."

"You need to wake up!! Cmon please don't do this to me!!"

"Lottie, honey? You are going to be okay, I promise...." A voice that I can only assume is Maverick says. I feel someone shaking me but my body just limply shakes with their movement. I hear sires wailing in the distance when suddenly everything goes quiet and a peace washes over me as I once again go completely unconscious.

I see the bright lights of a fluorescent light through my closed eyelids and I hear the steady beeping of a heart rate monitor and faint talking in the background. I start to open my eyes, but everything is blurry so I quickly close them again,trying to get them to adjust to the bright lights, which thankfully works. As I open my eyes I see the bedside table is full of flowers and Get Better Soon cards causing me to slightly smile.

"She's awake!!" Rooster says with a sigh of relief.

"Lottie!!" Sandy says running over and gently talking my hand and Jake is behind her, with his hand on her back.

"Hey......" I say wincing slightly as my whole body aches.

"Are you okay....?" Bob asks, standing back slightly, with something behind his back.

"Yeah I'm okay...." I say trying to sit up so Sandy and Payback quickly help me.

"I uh got you a feel better soon gift." He says revealing a small teddy bear dressed in a Navy uniform. A huge smile crosses my face when I see the stuffed animal and I happily take it,

"I love it!!" I say happily hugging the bear before setting it next to me.

"You really gave us quite the scare." Phoenix says.

"Who cares, as long as she's okay that's all that matters." Rooster says and I smile slightly.

"Thank you guys.....for the gifts and just being here." I say laying back down as a wave of exhaustion hits me.

"We will never leave a wingman behind, let alone a friend." Sandy says with a smile as she backs up.

"We are always here for you okay....?" Hangman says, much to my surprise, "If you need anything let us know."

"I'm really glad your okay.....I don't know what I would do if I lost you....uh you know as a friend....." Bob says and coughs awkwardly before leaving ,along with everyone else.
I grab the bear that Bob gave me and hold it close as I fall asleep.

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