Wrong number (HxH)

By lIhavenolife

931K 29.7K 54K

You get added to the Phantom Troupes group chat, People want to adopt you, Hisoka is being Hisoka, And Shalna... More

A/n and voting
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Another Voting-
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 26-Male readers
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Voting ig-
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Cat memes-
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
The best or worst decision of my life
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Been awhile, Guys🫡

Chapter 42

10K 351 487
By lIhavenolife

(Hit or miss, depression is a bitch huh? You got anxiety I bet it never leaves ya!

but seriously my mental health just went ✨Bye✨ so updates may slow down again 😓- and when I do update chapters may be literal garbage-

Also this has no relevance but I'm having ✨lasagna✨ tonight- and like lasagna is just 👌✨😩)

After the flight we headed straight to Heavens arena. Gon had passed out on the flight, and Killua was forced to carry him.

"Why do I have to carry him again?" Killua whined for the hundredth time. Shut up for a second please!

"Because you lost the game of rock paper scissors." Kalluto replied yet again. Killua just rolled his eyes as we finally arrived at the arena. I woke Gon up, and Killua muttered something along the lines of "Why couldn't we have done that sooner."

We got in line, which was luckily short, seeing how it was five am. "Woah! The line is so long." Gon said. Well short to anyone who's been here before at least.

Once we got up to the front of the line we were greeted by the receptionist.

"Welcome to Heavens arena! Please fill out this form." She said, handing all of us a piece of paper. We all filled out our forms, then handed them back to the receptionist.

"Killua Zoldyck, you are #2054. Gon Freecss, you are #2055. Kalluto Zoldyck, you are #2056. Y/n L/n, you're already on the 180th floor. They'll call your number on the first floor of the arena, so make sure you remember it." We all headed towards the waiting room, fighting going on around us.

(I'm not sure, but I think the having to fight every 90 days is only for the 200th floor. So if you stopped on 180 you should still be there. And if not, it'll be like that in this book anyways.)

"It's been awhile, but the place hasn't changed." Killua mentioned. Yeah, it's definitely a place Hisoka would hang around.

"Huh? You've been here before?" Gon asked.

"Yeah, when I was six. My dad left me here without a penny. He said I should reach the 200th floor before coming home. It took two years, he also did the same for Kalluto. Y/n apparently never made it to the 200th floor." Killua replied.

"My mom left me here when I was seven, I never got to the 200th floor out of spite." I stated. Get it right.

"#1973 vs #2055, please enter ring E." The announcer said, I headed to the spectators area to watch Gon's match. After all the matches were over Gon was sent to the 50th floor, and Killua and Kalluto were sent to the 180th. Though Killua declined, being sent to the 50th floor instead.

Both me and Kalluto got a room, so Killua and Gon ended up sharing Kalluto's room, leaving me and Kalluto sharing my room.

"Why am I sharing a room with you and not Killua?" Kalluto asked. Haha, well you see..

"I may or may not be trying to get Gon and Killua together." I replied. Hahahaha, Illumi's going to kill me.

"They would make a cute couple... I'll help you." Kalluto stated. Yes! Illumi's going to kill us though...

We both fell asleep a bit later, I'm just going to mention this, falling asleep without a cat is weird now.

After we woke up we decided to camp out on this floor until Gon and Killua got up here. Which gives me a chance to teach Kalluto Nen. Well besides one problem, I have no idea how to open his aura node things. And if I ask Illumi he'll just come over here and insist on doing it himself. Hisoka will probably do the same, and I don't trust him. Which leaves me no choice.

Hot people

Cool kid is now online

Cool kid
Theoretically- if I was trying to open
someone's aura nodes- how would I
do that?

5 people are now online

Why do you need to know?


They're probably trying to open
someone's aura nodes 🙄

That's just a guess tho

It's not like it was obvious yk

I will beat you up again

Cool kid
Again? But also Shal I love the sass-
pop off 🙄💅✨

Shalnark got beat for sending you
the 😘 emoji

We helped

Cool kid
Don't hurt my friend :(

He shouldn't flirt with you then


Is stealing his Nen considered hurting


Cool kid
I can let Hisoka adopt me 🙃



We won't hurt Shalnark

Cool kid
Good 🙂

I wasn't opposed to that~





But back to your question~

Cool kid
Yes I need answers-

Who's aura nodes are you opening?

Nobody's because you haven't told
them how

Cool kid
✨Slay 🙄💅

You're lucky I can't kill you

Cool kid
Okay- but I need answers

There's multiple ways the safer one is
through meditation it takes about six
months usually

Cool kid
Is the second one quicker?

Yes but it can cause serious injury-

Just attack them with Nen and their
aura nodes open~

Cool kid
Kk thanks


Cool kid is now offline

Someone's about to die

Seriously Hisoka?

Wait- What if they're teaching Gon??

Well shit

Oh well~ Gon would probably survive~

😑 Yeah someone's definitely dying


I set my phone down, there's no way I'm going to trust Hisoka, there's also no way I'm telling him that. Making Hisoka think I'm weak or naïve could save my life after all.

I got my aura opened after being attacked, but it's definitely dangerous to do, and killing Kalluto is not part of the plan.

I grabbed the computer things they gave us after the exam, deciding that searching it up would be the easiest way.

'How to forcefully open someone's aura nodes'

To safely open someone's aura nodes you must direct your aura toward receiver via Hatsu. Make sure you bear no evil intent, for you may end up hurting or even killing receiver. Restrain yourself as to not destroy receivers body. You should only use enough Nen to shock the receiver into awakening.

Nen is your life energy, so receiver should be prepared to start controlling their Nen. Having to much aura escape may cause receiver to die.

Pay more to learn how to control your aura!

Should I pay for it? I had a easy time controlling my Nen, but I'm also 'gifted' apparently... Better safe than sorry I guess. I payed for the information, luckily I still had access to M/n's credit card.

'How to control your aura'

'You must concentrate on keeping you aura within your body. The easiest way to do that is
1- close your eyes
2- get into a stance that helps you focus (natural stances are better)
3- visualize your aura flowing through your body (like blood)
4- then visualize the aura beginning to hover around your body

Pay more to learn about the four major principles!

I could pay for that, then I could figure out how to make an ability thing... ehh I'll do that later. I saved the information before shutting off the computer. Apparently being a hunter has its advantages after all.

I didn't bother to watch Gon and Killua's fights, knowing that they would win. I spent the majority of my day wandering around the lower floors, analyzing how strong people from each floor were.

After awhile I got bored, and headed back to my room. Kalluto was already in the room, creating a perfect time to ask.

"Hey Kalluto, want to learn Nen?" I asked. Kalluto looked at me with a confused expression. "Nen's basically your life force, you can control it to make yourself stronger." I explained.

"...Alright." Kalluto replied, probably questioning his life decisions that led him up to this.

I turned on the computer, opening the file containing the information on Nen, Allowing Kalluto read through it.

"Are you sure this is safe?" He questioned. Absolutely not.

"Nope!" I grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the middle of the room. Kalluto continued to question his life decisions, so I reread the information. "Alright, you no longer have a choice, so just be prepared to control your aura thingy." I instructed.

After Kalluto was ready I started to use Hatsu, making sure not to hurt him. The process was surprisingly quick. Kalluto opened his eyes, shocked by the aura now covering him.

"You're supposed to concentrate on controlling your aura now." I mentioned. Kalluto immediately switched to a more natural stance, starting to focus on controlling his aura.

After a couple minutes Kalluto had his Nen under control, effectively using Ten.

"Woah." Kalluto muttered, probably surprised that he's still alive. Wow, you're not dead yet? I'll have to try harder next time.

"You're goal for now should be to maintain Ten." I instructed, earning a confused look from Kalluto. I didn't explain what Ten was, did I? "Basically do what you're doing now until you don't have to think about it." I explained. Kalluto simply nodded in response.

I left the room, mainly to let Kalluto concentrate more, but also to research more about Nen. Because to be completely honest, I have no idea what I'm doing.

After awhile of walking the city streets, I found a good building to chill on while researching. It was far enough away from Heavens arena that I shouldn't encounter any Nen users, seeing how I tend to do that quite a bit. Now, onto research.

Word count: 1740

Fun Facts:

Even though Kalluto is warming up to Y/n, he still doesn't like to ask you questions, seeing how he doesn't want to be a burden.

Bisky wrote the information things! does this have relevance to the plot? No. I just think that because Bisky uses the appearance of a child, she can't get a normal job. So she sells information to make money. (Yes she's a Hunter but she'd rather teach than do actual work-)

Do you know that most Wattpad readers are depressed, dehydrated teenagers? Well you should drink some water and stop listening to sad songs! I've already called dibs on being sad, so anyone who reads this just needs to stop :3

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