Unshatter me

By annahshalom

58.1K 2.5K 172

"You want me gone that bad fine,I'll leave,its not like I enjoyed your company too" "Shut up human" "Dont you... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Comments 😂

Chapter 6

1.3K 59 4
By annahshalom

As I stood right outside the door of the orphanage,doubt filled my mind.

Will they like me? What if it hey despise me because I am human and different from them. I tugged my hair a bit harder than expected . The Luna noticed my struggle and shot me a warm smile.

"They'll love you dear"she spoke and gave me a gentle squeeze.

Her goes nothing. I opened the door and braced myself for crowded and noisy halls but instead everything looked orderly and try he halls were deserted. Where were the kids?

I was ushered to a door. Apparently the kids were in one room waiting for me. The Luna had already left leaving me alone.

I pushed the door open and what I saw made me speechless. It was the kids but something was wrong....with all of them.

The hey looked like zombies. Their eyes hard dark circles and bags and a sickening darkness that made shivers go down my spine.

I didn't even want to know what caused their current state,all I knew was that I needed to get them out.

From the youngest who looked around four to the the eldest who looked around seventeen. All of them seemed emotionless.

A sudden growl made me snap out of my daze. I never noticed to the middle age lady to hat was busy hurling insults to those poor kids.

None of the children replied instead they just looked at the ground

"You think I'm bluffing ,huh, all five year olds meet me at the whipping post in the next three minutes."

Time to make my appearance.

"Good morning children?" I said

To hey all turned their head instantly. Here goes nothing.

"Well, I hope you've been well"

Who was I kidding ,they looked like they had  all been hit by trucks.

"Who are you?"the mean lady broke the awkward silence

All the children's eyes were on me

"I am Andrea the new manager of this place, who are you?"

"Greta,the manager "she spat back looking at me with so much distaste

"I am sorry Greta but you've just been fired"I I smiled

She gave me an icy glare and snarled

"Look here young girl, I've been doing this job for over a century, you just can't pop out of nowhere and replace me"she yelled.

That seemed to spark the kids interest

"Greta , Luna's orders can't be changed"

She froze . The Luna really had authority

"Very well, enjoy your new hell, I hope the fire consumes you"

"Have a nice day Greta "I chuckled

She walked away and slammed the door behind her

Drama queen

"That went better than expected"

The kids had looks of disbelief written all over their faces but something was evidently different. Hope. I saw hope in their eyes.

"Now let's start over kids,good morning?'

"Good morning"they chorused

I wanted to teach them how to be kids again. I needed them to feel. I didn't want them to go through what I did. The feeling of never being wanted.

Just because my life went completely off course doesn't mean that they too should experience that,so I'd decided from that moment forth, I'd fix to their shattered hearts and maybe through that It could probably unshatter me.

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