❖His Gem♦💎♦Ashtray❖

By MaraDraugr3710

91K 1.4K 461

Warning: Viewers discretion is advised. The following content includes, alcohol and drug use, foul language... More

Your Family F💎cked Up Too?
All is Fair in Love and War
Meet the Local D💎ckhead
Let Me Guess..
I Remember You
F💎cking Rachel
Sunshine, Was It?
Sunshine, It Is
D💎mn Right They Better on Me
What The F💎ck is Bitcoin
You're... You're Gonna What?
Wakey Wakey
Carnivals in Town
Meet the Local D💎ckhead's Father
Don't F💎cking Call Me That
I Can Annoy You Too
Stomp the Yard
I'll Make ya a Deal
I'm Team Rules
Why Protect D💎ckhead?
Going out with Dad and Jules
Night Out with the Girls
I'm Bob Ross
Roy/Troy- I don't Give a F💎ck
You're Marina, Our lil Gem💎
I didn't?! Oh, But You Did.
Night Ash💎
Ain't Nothin' Too Hot for Me
I'm.. I'm Sorry, Nate?
Awwe You Like Me?
Next Time Listen
It's Not Like He Really Likes Me
Let's Get This F💎cking Night Over With.
First of All, Ew
Maybe He's Scared to Love
Two and A Half Reasons Why
Something Happened
Can We Talk?
Vaughn, D💎ckhead
Are You F💎cking Kidding Me?
F💎ck You and Your Herpagonasyphilaids!
F💎ckin' Junkie 💎ss B💎tch
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Yes, Ma'am
I'm My Own Kind of F💎cked Up
No Thanks
Let's Hope It's Not
Oh, So You're Gonna Cuddle with Her?
Wouldn't Wanna Pop Those Things
Who's Hungry?
I'm a f💎cking Genius, Fez
Dial, B💎tch
i'M ExTreMeLy COnfUsEd
Get the F💎ck Out
Hello Mr. Dark Side
Then I Remembered...
They Don't Know
Sorry for the absence
I Miss Ash
Tell Me a Story
I'm a Sh💎tty Person
She an Attention Wh💎re
Not a Birthday Present I'd Want
Please.. Just Stop
Son of a B💎tch
Not the Worse I've done so far, Right?
Well, a Corkscrew Ain't Gonna Cut It.
She Needs a F💎cking Exorcism
We Care...
Have I Ever Said I'm a Sh💎t Person Before?
Addiction, Depression, Insomnia, Oh My!
I Was Tired
What Is It and You Always Calling Me F💎cking Stupid?!
Super F💎ckin' Sketchy.
They're Listening
I Killed This Muthaf💎cker!
I love you.. Ashtray
The Aftermath
No.. Say It.
To Question Love
Thank You, Ashtray
He Means Petty
Forgive or more Heartbreak?
Thank you...
Ah! But There's More B💎tches!
And Just Like That, The Story Ends

You're Such a D💎ck

972 13 2
By MaraDraugr3710

   I blinked my eyes opened tiredly, almost sad when I didn't see Ash there. I lied, I was sad. Made me wonder how long it was after I fell asleep, he left. I sighed, almost forgetting my other troubles for a minute before feeling the hard lump from phone under the pillow.

I made my way out of bed, heading downstairs, making sure to leave the phone behind.

"Ay, mornin', Marina. Feelin' any better?" I looked over to the table, both of them sitting there with their bowls of cereal. My eyes lingered on Ash a second longer, shrugging to Fezco as I made my way to the table.

"Mornin'." I sulked, laying my head down on my arms looking towards them lazily. Both of them staring almost amused but acknowledge my pain.

"You gon' call your dad today?" I groaned, turning my head away and pulling it down towards the table.

"Can't I just pretend not to exist a little bit longer?" I almost pouted, oblivious to the look the two brothers gave each other.

"I mean, I think you should really give him a call, man. Who knows maybe, maybe your sister called?" I peeked my eyes over the side of my arm, the impassive look made it clear I was still salty towards her.

"I don't care if she's called a hundred times." I put my head back down, feeling the stings in the corner of my eyes. I could almost hear the silent conversation between the two, hearing the barely inaudible whisper, as if they were almost silently arguing about something.

"Ay, why don't you get somethin' to eat at least, kid. When's the last time you ate anythin' anyways?" I hummed an 'I don't know,'

"Bitch go get something to eat." I looked up, glaring poutfully at Ash as he suddenly orders me. I hum sassily at him, getting up from the table, grumbling under my breathe.

"Don't tell me what to do." I heard one of them chuckle under their breath, assuming it was Fezco. I quietly got some food, not meeting the other twos eyes as I could feel them watching me.

    I sit at the table soundlessly, looking down at my food as I felt them stare me down.

"You should really call your dad, Mar." I swirl the food around in bowl.

"I will." It sounded far away, like even my voice itself wasn't keen on the idea so it decided to leave.

"Nah, I'm serious, Gem. You wanna stay 'ere, then you'll call yo father. I'm not gonna be a dick and make you go home or tell him where you is but.. can't be makin' him worry like that, man." I tried refrain my face from scrunching up, the corner of my eyes stinging once more. I nod slowly, looking up to Fezco, not entirely willing but, figured it was the least I could do.. I still don't want to..

"Okay.." I swallowed hard, looking back down at my food.

"Good." Fez mumbles, getting up from the table with his empty bowl, patting my head roughly on the way by. I frown, not bothering to fix my hair as I look down at my food.

   As sad as I was about my own worries, my mind reflected back to last night. To Fezco's reaction yesterday when I told them the others two ran away.. How he said we all were acting stupid, and there's something off here.. with Ash. I worried something happened, but I had no clue what and for some reason I was scared to push Ash into telling me, not when he's actually.. Even after my best friend left me.. He still manages to make me feel better, even if it was only temporary. Just laying there with him was enough to make me feel better. Till I thought about whatever might have happened.

Then I'm just left feeling worst.

"What you thinkin' bout, ma?" Ash asked out as Fezco cleaned his dishes. My eyes raised halfway, faltering as I paused for a believable reply. I smiled, my eyes meeting his right after the small hesitation.

"I'm thinkin' of taking over your room. Your bed's fucking comfy as hell." I joke, Fezco laughing from his spot as he turns the water off, flicking his hands to dry them rather than using a towel or some shit.

"The fuck you is.." I gave a throaty chuckle, eating some of my cereal as I was once again slowly and silently consumed to my sorrows and thoughts. Trying not to show it in my expressions. It was silent for the short remainder of time, Fezco going to the couch to smoke as Ash soon finished, leaving his dishes in the sink. I finished, cleaning both of our dishes in a lame effort to stall from making the call, plus to be nice since Fezco was letting me stay with them for a bit.

"Aight, aight, no more, stalling." I looked at Fezco unimpressed, Ash almost smiling at him scolding me. I sigh quietly, slowly making my way for the stairs.

"Ay, where's you goin'?"

"My phone's still in Ash's room." I call back, halfway up the stairs.

"You better actually be callin', Marina." I almost groaned.

"I am, I am.. Geez." I pouted, sulking to the room miserably. I flopped down onto his bed, crawling back under the covers as I reached under my head, drawing the phone out from underneath. I let out a shaky breath, the phone lighting up to light as I turned it on.

34 Missed called

19 Unread messages

"Jesus Christ." I gnawed on the inside of my lip, not sure what I should do. I first clicked on the phones calls, almost all of them from dad. A small handful of them being from Jules and Rue. I felt the tears sting my eyes, not being able to bring myself to look at the messages, knowing even opening them there's a chance I'll see a message from Jules. Since she did call. I shut the phone off quickly, breathing out deeply. I waited a minute, clicking the side button and swiping it back open, figuring to just rip the bandage off. I ignored all other contacts, clicking on my father's phone number before I could even give myself the chance to back out.

"Hello?! Hello? Marina? Marina, where the hell, are you?! Are you okay? Where have you been, you had me worried sick! What were you guys thinking!?" I sniffled, all the guilt and sadness hitting me at once.

"Marina? Marina? Gemmy!" I tried talking, finding it hard to as my throat closed, my father's voice becoming frantic on the other side the longer I remain silent.

"I'm sorry. I'm fine, I'm- I'm just uh-" I sniffled, my voice cracking and the cry obvious. I cleared my throat some, wiping my eyes harshly.

"I'm at a friend's, I-" He sighed a giant sigh of relief it seemed, a 'Thank God' escaping out with it.

"You little shits are.. You guys really know how to get your old man going, ya know that?" I choked on a small sob, a small chuckle escaping with it.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying too, I didn't- I just didn't k-" I tried, the tears not stopping.

"I know. I know, Gem. Jules told me. I'm just mad that you've been gone and haven't said anything! Marina, you know better!" I stayed silent for my lecture, nodding despite him not seeing it. My mind almost skipping the fact he said Jules had said something to him.

"Look, Marina.. I know things are tough right now.. but your sister and Rue are both home, okay. We would really like it if you came home too." I cried more silently, both from the fact that he said they were home but because of how hopeful he sounded. I didn't want to go home though. I couldn't go home yet, not yet. I wanted to stay with Fez.. and Ash. And I didn't want to face Jules yet.

"I uh.. I can't do that." I whispered, not from trying to be quiet because I didn't trust my voice. I swallowed the air pocket. I heard him sigh on the other line, almost like he expected this. Maybe because he did.

"Are you at least safe? Which friend are you stayin' with?" I nod, closing my eyes as wiped some stray tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine, dad. I promise." I ignored his last question. Him quick to notice.

"You really not gonna tell me where?" I almost laughed, smiling softly instead.

"Just a friend. Seriously, nobody you have to worry about, dad. I promise." I tried, almost tiredly. Knowing where his mind was going, though I guess in fairness he was right.

"You're not at your 'not a thing' right? Marina? No boys-"

"No, dad, seriously. I'm not- It's not- There's no-" I interjected quickly, tripping horribly on my words. His sigh cutting me off over the phone, it goes quiet for a minute following.

"You're grounded when you come home. And don't think you're staying out foreve-"

"I know dad." I whispered again this time, growing quiet as my throat swelled once more.

"I love you, kid." I felt myself hesitate, the cry caught in my throat.

"I love you too, dad." I replied quietly, hanging up shortly after. I stayed under the blanket, pushing the phone away from me, sure I was close to knocking it off the bed if I kept pushing it away.

"You sure it's really nobody your father should worry about?" I scrunch my brows confused, staying in my place under the sheets.

"What..?" I asked confused and quiet, almost sure he didn't hear me.

"I mean, you did sleep with me last night." I felt him flop on the bed beside me, biting my lip, as if trying to hide my bashful feelings despite the fact he couldn't see me.

"I'm surprised you stayed." I retorted brassily.

"Why wouldn't I?" I grew quiet at his sudden remark, honestly kinda caught off guard. I shrugged, not sure how to answer other wise to him.

"You give yo'self to little credit, Gem." I frowned, looking down. I looked back up, him pulling the blanket back some after a while. I almost squinted from the light, not fully doing so as my eyes focused on his.

"I know it's a touchy subject but.. Why did you really stay?"

"Because of you.. Your brother." I stated him first boldly, followed up with Fezco just as meaningful. I mean it wasn't a lie. I was here for both of them, not just because of my feelings for Ash. But because they've both become my best friends.

"Your dad?" I forced a half smile.

"Yeah, him too, I guess." I half joked. I love my dad, I do, and it hurt to have done this to him. But it hurt less thinking about leaving him behind then Ash and Fezco. They'd be the ones I ran away with, not from. He gives a small breathless chuckle, leaning back some before turning to face me more.

"You crazy, ma." I felt my lips twitch up, almost laughing out at his comment.

"You sure you don't mean psycho?" I asked sarcastically, referencing to the hoe from a while back. He gets closer a bit, looking me down almost viciously, going quiet while he does so. I feel my breathing hitch briefly, clenching my jaw at the sudden tension. I felt my heart race, biting the inside of my lip as he smirks tauntingly at me.

"Don't tell me you still jealous." My brow twitch, biting back the smile before giving an irked grin.

"Was not, am not." I defend.

"I'm not so sure there, ma. Thinkin' yous got a little crush on me or some'em. I mean you even got a tattoo after me, a little creepish don't you think?" I make a face at him, sitting up quickly in my spot.

"What!? You're the one that gave me the damn thing, you ask me I say that's a major creep factor." I finally caught the rest of what he said. My face red as I felt myself fluster.

"And I do not!" He rolled his eyes, smiling to himself as he waved me off. He tried hiding his smile, getting up from the bed while trying to keep his face from my view. I followed after him, still in protest.

"You keep tellin' yourself that princess." I growled under my breath, irked.

"Don't call me that! And you're the one th-" I growled, getting tripped on my words, him more than likely amused as we made our way downstairs.

"You- I don't-God! I forgot how much of a dick you can be sometimes." I grumbled, walking to the couch. I sigh quietly, rolling my head to the side to look back at him with an unpleasant look, as he plops himself close next to me. Expecting him to make a comment, waiting for him to continue teasing me as he often does, though never quite to this magnitude. He's been a flirt, but never as much as he has been lately.

   And I'm not sure if he's acting this way because something happened, or to distract me from what happened.. Of course, that's even if something even happened in the first place.. Honestly it was a bad rabbit hole to go down. Because I like the comments he makes, the way his eyes scan me over almost every time he sees me, and the way he does it.. I have to bite my lip almost till it bleeds to control myself. He drives me nuts!

"Glad yous still with us, ma." I stared at him doe eyed for a long time, taking in everything about him.. Glad to be able to have moments like this with him, even if it's not all too often he's genuine like this.

   He looked away playfully, trying to, even if he actually was or not, look annoyed, by how long I was staring. I tried hiding the smile, turning around exaggeratedly and leaned back onto him, watching the t.v. that played quietly in the background.

"Guess It wasn't entirely the worst decision in my life." It was a little sadder than I meant, still dealing with the fact that I still chose them over my sister. Which in most sense I was kinda okay with that. Because I love them..

but I do still love my sister too. Even though they've become my best friends, she's always been my best friend.

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