Love Conquers All

By JessMix3r

22.1K 892 88

Perrie becomes infatuated with her new neighbour will she have the courage to pursue her feelings and will sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Untitled Part 30
Chapter 29
author note
Chapter 30
new story

Chapter 18

459 20 5
By JessMix3r

*2 months later*


Everything seems to be going back to normal now its taken a while which I guess it would after pretending to be dead for 4 years but its slowly getting there. I still cant believe Perrie is mine again I've been waiting for this for so long I know she still loves Jesy and I know she's hurting but I want to be the one to help her move on. The last 2 months have been so good  we've grown close again even though the past week or so Perrie doesn't seem to be 100% in this relationship like she was in the beginning but that might be me just being paranoid...I hope so.

"hey babe" I smiled as I spot Perrie sat on the bench we agreed to meet at

"hey" she smiled back then giving me a peck on the lips.

"so are you ready"

"yeah come on lets go shopping" With that we left and headed into town to go shopping. Hours later we finally got back to Perries both so tired from shopping. I just chucked my stuff on the floor and sat on the sofa while Perrie went to make us a drink.

"here you go babe" Perrie smiled giving me my drink and sitting next to me.

"so what do you want to do" I ask sipping my coffee.

"well I want to get a shower then we can make some tea yeah?" she smiled

"whatever you like" I smiled back pecking her lips I was about to pull away when she grabbed me and connected our lips once again causing the butterflies to explode all over my body...the kiss got really intense really quickly not like I was complain when suddenly she pulled away.

"I'm off for a shower" she smiled leaving me there shocked all hot and bothered.

A few minutes later I went upstairs I wanted to get into something more comfortable and I know I left some clothes here from the nights I've stayed over. I walked into Perries room I could here the water running in the bathroom she takes ages in a shower if she's any quicker then half an hour then something is up. I looked in the draws I couldn't find them I looked in her wardrobe still nothing I looked under her bed and there they we're "wonder how they got there" I thought to myself.

Just as I was about to stand up something caught my eye under the bed.....a note book? I picked it up and realised it was Perries Diary and it was open from the last entry I bet she fell asleep writing in it and it fell under her bed. I was about to put it back when I saw Jesy's name on the page I know I shouldn't be reading it but curiosity got the best of me I sat down and started to read her last entry.


Dear Diary

every since that dream the other night I haven't been able to stop thinking about Jesy she's always on my mind. Every time I kiss Naya or whatever I think of Jesy I'm trying to hide it because I love Naya I always have but its hard it makes me feel like I'm cheating on her...I was doing so well with trying to move on from Jesy but I don't think I ever can but I need to if I want me and Naya to work which I do I need to I just don't know how and a part of me doesn't want to....They way I felt/feel about Jesy was like nothing I've ever felt before but I need to let her go even if it breaks my heart but I have Naya now and

The tears were rolling down my face my heart breaking at what I just read what else was she going to write? I couldn't bare it anymore I placed the diary back where I found it and went back downstairs I wrote Perrie a note telling her I didn't feel well and went home that I will call her later and left I couldn't be there right now I got in my car and drove home tears falling down my face my heart feeling like someone is ripping it into pieces. I arrived home and laid on my bed tears cascading down my cheeks and I thought about everything me Perrie, Jesy..everything....Eventually I realised what I have to do the thought causing me to cry even harder but its the right thing to do, it wasn't long before I cried myself to sleep.


I woke up and checked my phone it was 9;30am I had a message from Naya asking if she could come round she needs to talk to me. The truth is I need to talk to her as well so I said to come in half an hour I just hope she wanted to talk about it why she did a disappearing act last night and didn't reply to my text I know she wasn't ill she was fine. I got up and got myself sorted and before I knew it Naya was at the door. She looked tired and like she had been crying her eyes we're red and puffy. I let her come in,

"are you okay"

"yeah just didn't sleep to good last night"


"please" I went into the kitchen and made us some coffee and few minutes later I entered the living room handing Naya her drink.

"Naya there's something I need to tell you" I spat breaking the silence.

"please me first..." she said pulling an envelop out of her bag and handing it to me.

"what's this"

"juts please open it" I did as she said and nearly dropped the envelop.

"whh-hat is this"

"its a ticket"

"I can see that but why..and why to Africa" I looked up at her and could already see tears forming in her eyes.

"you belong with Jesy" wait what.

"what" I stuttered

"your meant to be with Jesy not me....we had our time but that was a long time ago"

"I don't understand" I said teais forming in my eyes.

"I love you Naya" the tears spilling over.

"I know you do and I love you more then you could ever know that's why I have to let you go...I know you love me and I know you always will and I love knowing that but you love Jesy more...your in love with her and I cant compete against that I don't want to" she cried

"what's brought this on" I sniffed

"you've been weird...distance the past week I thought it might just be me being paranoid but then last night I was looking for my joggers when you were in the shower and....please don't hate me...I saw you diary on the floor under the bed open on the last entry and I read it...that's why I left I cried most of the night because I love you more then anything and reading that broke my heart but then I realised that you belong with Jesy you were perfectly happy until I turned up again"

I cant believe what's happening I've lost Jesy and now Naya is breaking up with me a part of me knows she's right but I'll never get Jesy back.

"so go pack your bag your flight leaves in 3 hours I'm going to drive you to the airport"

"why are you doing this" I cried

"because I love you Perrie and I want you to be happy and that means being with Jesy but don't worry you wont get rid of me that easily" she half smiled wiping the tears from her face.

"I wouldn't know where to look for her and she hates me she hasn't spoken to me since she left 3 months ago I've heard nothing from her she's moved on"

"well I went to her work this morning and Anne her receptionist gave me her information of where she is staying etc" I couldn't believe it

"so now go pack so we can get going"

*3 hours later*

"I cant do this"

"yes you can okay" Naya smiled even though I know it was fake I could see the tears in her eyes.

"don't come back until you have her"

"I love you Naya so much"

"I love you Perrie with all my heart" I pulled her close and connected our lips one last time it was a long passionate kiss I put all my love and admiration in it. I cant imagine how hard this is for her I'll never be able to thank her enough.

"see you soon" I said more as a question

"you sure will I'll be here when you get back"

"goodbye Naya"

"goodbye Perrie" and with that I walked away tears rolling down my face a mixture of heartbreak from losing Naya and seeing her so hurt but also fear and excitement of what's to come...excitement to see Jesy but fear that she will reject and wont want me back or that she's already moved on. I wiped my tears and I boarded the goes nothing.






ooooooooo whats going to happen.......

I know hardly anyone is reading this fanfic coz its shit but I appreciate the ones that are so thank you :)

hope your liking it....

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