Twisted Wonderland Book 1: Th...

By PinkiePieSweets

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Briar and her friends are beginning their first day at Night Raven College, but Ace shows up unexpectedly wit... More

Chapter 1: The Desperate Heart
Chapter 2: A Misappropriated Tart
Chapter 3: Garden Decoration
Chapter 4: Student Multiplication
Chapter 5: A Class Escape
Chapter 6: A Carbonara Scrape
Chapter 7: A Traditional Lesson
Chapter 8: The Legendary Seven
Chapter 9: A Mealtime Chat
Chapter 10: A Garden Spat
Chapter 11: Secret in the Oysters
Chapter 12: Egg Destroyers
Chapter 13: Past Improprieties
Chapter 14: Delicious Varieties
Chapter 15: An Army of One
Chapter 16: Hard Work Undone
Chapter 17: A Rule Slip
Chapter 18: A Surprise Tip
Chapter 19: Punishment Escalation
Chapter 20: Rookie Frustration
Chapter 21: A Duel Ill-Advised
Chapter 23: Magic Unchecked
Chapter 24: An Unhinged Prefect
Chapter 25: A Sad Little Child
Chapter 26: Feelings Reconciled
Chapter 27: Five Second Rule
Chapter 28: Finale for Heartslabyul

Chapter 22: Soundly Chastised

84 2 0
By PinkiePieSweets

Soon the duel begins, and Ace and Deuce begin to raise their magepens to perform the first attack. However, Riddle already has his magepen at hand and prepares to use his magic.

He waves his magepen as he calls out, "Off With Your Heads!"

And Ace and Deuce have been collared, "Bwaaaaah!" before they even have a chance.

At the sidelines, Briar suddenly feels a jolt of pain in her head.

Ace grunts by the sudden impact of the spell, "Urrrgh... Not again. I didn't even have time to finish my spell!"

"He shut us down like it was nothing..." Deuce adds.

Seriea says in surprise, "That was fast!"

"It was all a blur!" Tanzanite adds.

Trinket nods her head in reply.

"Visualization is key to spell casting. The better you are at accurately visualizing your magic's effects, the stronger and more precise it will be. It would appear Mr. Rosehearts has finely honed his magic," Crowley says.

"Myah... They didn't stand a chance," Grim says in devastation.

Mainly because he has to wear the collar, along with Tanzanite and Jasper.

Just then, Riddle says with a huff, Hmph. You didn't even last five was all you had, and still you thought to challenge me? You must be utterly humiliated. I guess my mother was right. A man who cannot follow rules is a man who cannot achieve anything."

"Tch..." Deuce replies

Then says, "We agree that rules should be followed. But forcing others to follow nonsensical rules like the ones you've enacted is tyranny!"

"Then you agree that breaking rules is wrong. And in this dorm, I AM the rules. Therefore, those who cannot abide by my decisions deserve not the heads they use to complain!" Riddle says.

Suddenly, Briar says, "You're the one who is wrong, Riddle. Rules are important, but to keep enforcing them on students, especially when they are made by a student, is something that a tyrant would do. Not to mention, keep using that spell on other students, including those who weren't even in your dorm. You have no right to treat your fellow students this way."

"I am the one who decides what is wrong and right!" Riddle sternly says.

Then questions, "What sort of pitiful education have you received, that you cannot follow such simple rules?"

"What did you just say?" Briar asks, shocked and stunned for words.

With a devilish grin, Riddle says, "Clearly, you were born to parents with no great magical capability. And as a result... You lack even the basic education necessary to attend a school such as this. It's quite sad."

However, saying that, he isn't aware that Briar is clenching her fists as tears begin to run down her face.

"You little..." Deuce angrily says.

"You shut your spoiled little mouth!" Ace angrily says.

Before Ace and the others can do anything, Briar ends up raising her hand in the air, and slaps Riddle right in the fight on his left side, causing him to stumble back and fall to the ground.

Still shocked, Riddle questions, "Wh-what?"

"Riddle?!" Cater and Trey exclaim in shock.

"Mr. Rosehearts?!" Crowley exclaims in shock.

The Heartslabyul students are just as shocked, "Whoa! She just slapped the housewarden...!

With a grin, Grim says, "Wham! Right cross to the face!"

"She really showed him," Jasper says, with a smirk.

"Oh dear," Sereia says, covering her mouth in shock

Trinket feels the same.

"I never seen Briar act like that before," Tanzanite says, worriedly.

Deuce and Ace are just as shocked.

"B-Briar?!" Deuce replies, stunned.

Then Ace says in shock, "I think she just exploded!"

"You think you know everything about me! You have no idea! You have no idea of what I've been through okay! I never asked to be here, okay! I never asked to be swept away from my home, with no way of getting back home!" Briar angrily says as tears fall down here. "I'm not sure if that matters since I don't have anyone living with me anymore!"

"What's she talking about?" Deuce asks.

"It's best we listen to what she says," Grim says.

Then in tears of anger and sadness, she explains, "I was adopted by my aunts, even though they're not related to me! I don't know who my parents were! I don't even know where I came from! They're the ones who taught me everything I know, and helped make me the person I am now, but they're gone, okay! My Aunt Sonia and Danica died in a car accident, and my aunt Tina died of an illness a year ago, and I've been living by myself for a year, until I was taken to this place! And the median, that actually came from this world, was the only thing I even have from the kind of life I lived, which I don't remember at all! So that's it, you don't know anything! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!"

Briar continues to shed tears as she wipes them off her face. Hearing Briar's confession, well, it is understandably a shock. However in a way, everyone feel sorry for Briar

"Briar," Ace says, feeling bad for Briar.

Riddle slowly stands up and feels the sharp pain on his face. The bruise on his right cheek is red and almost swelling.

He remembers what happened and glares at Briar in full rage, "You dare slap me at the face!"

Riddle raises his pen to use his magic on her.

Just then, Ace comes in and angrily shouts, "Don't you dare touch her!"

Then, Ace punches Riddle in the face, causing everyone to gasp in shock.

The students exclaim, "He punched him in the face?!"

Grim and Tanzanite laugh.

Grim shouts, "Right in the kisser!"

"Oh my goodness," Sereia replies in shock.

Tanzanite and Trinket are lost for words.

"A-Ace?!" Deuce says shocked.

"That's all I can take. Forget Riddle. Forget the duel. I'm done," Ace says, having enough of Riddle's behavior.

Riddle feels the pain on his face, "That hurt! You... p-punched me?!"

Then Ace angrily says, "Kids aren't trophies for their parents to flaunt. And the accomplishments of a child aren't determined by the worth of their parents. It's not your parents' fault you became a tyrant - or anyone else's. You've been here a year and haven't even made a friend who will tell you you're outta line. And that's on you."

"What are you even talking about?" Riddle questions, still in pain.

"Yeah, maybe you had some rigid upbringing from a relentless helicopter-mom," Ace continues.

Then questions, Is that all you are? An extension of her? Can't you think for yourself? You call yourself the 'red sovereign'? You're just a baby who's good at magic."

Riddle grits his teeth in anger, Baby...? Did you just call me a 'baby'?!"

Then grows furious, "You don't know anything about me! You don't know anything about anything!"

"Nope, sure don't. The same way that you know nothing about Briar, and have no excuse for what you said to her," Ace says. "And I don't need to. Your attitude tells me all I need to know - that you're nothing but a spoiled brat!"

Just then, Riddle shouts in full rage, "Shut up, shut up, shut UP! "My mother was right! And that means I'm right too!"

Trey rushes to Riddle and says, "Riddle, calm down. The duel is already over."

Then Crowley says, "Mr. Clover is correct. The challenger has been disqualified due to physical violence and another housewarden's interference. If you do not cease your conflict now, I'll have you written up for breaking school rules!"

Just then, one of the students shouts, "Ace is right, though! I've had enough of Riddle!"

And throws something at Riddle that splatters on the side of his head.

"Huh?!" Riddle reacts in shock.

The rest of the students, including Briar and the others become shocked.

Trey soon sees what is on Riddle's head, "An egg?"

Riddle touches his head to see the gooey egg yolk and white on his head.

He soon demands, "Who did that? Who threw that egg?!"

None of the Heartslabyul Students give a reply.

Suddenly, Riddle begins laughing maniacally, "Heh heh... Ah ha ha ha!"

Then says in an evil and raging tone, "You say YOU'RE fed up?! I'M the one who's fed up with all of YOU! No matter how strict I am, no matter how many heads I remove, you keep breaking the rules! All any of you care about is doing what YOU want to do! If the guilty party won't come forward, then I'll pass judgment on all of you! Clearly, none of you value your heads!"

He then cast his magic, "Off With Your Heads!"

Before anyone can react, some of the students at front end up being collared.

They scream, "Bwaaah!"

One of the students shouted, "Let's get out of here!"

"Urrrgh..." Another struggle to get the collar off.

Briar and the others grow shocked to see Riddle is going crazy. Suddenly, Briar begins to feel the sharp pain in her head again. She is soon able to open her eyes to see the aura around Riddle has grown even larger, and his magepen begins to ooze more of that black stuff as the gem begins to turn dark.

"Ah ha ha ha!" Riddle laughs, "How do you like that, hm? Now no one can do a thing to me! Do you see now? My strict adherence to the rules was clearly the correct path!"

Crowley calls out, "Cease this improper behavior now, Mr. Rosehearts. I expect better from you!"

Cater turns to Riddle, "Trey, if he keeps using his spell... This could get ugly, fast!"

Then Trey calls out, "Riddle, stop this!"

"Wow, way to totally prove me wrong here, pal! I call you a baby, and you immediately throw a temper tantrum!" Ace sternly remarks.

"Retract your comment immediately, or I shall skewer you where you stand!" Riddle shouts in rage as his face turns red.

"No way. I ain't retractin' squat," Ace denies.

Just then, Riddle shouts in rage, "YEEEAAAAARGH!"

Cater panics, "Dude, this is bad! You've G-2-G, now!"

And soon, Riddle begins to cast his magic all over the area, and soon the whole Rose Garden maze begins to change. The atmosphere has become frightening, with dark smoke, and floating debris and rose bushes. Everyone becomes shocked by the strong magic around the area and how dark and dangerous it has become.

Grim panics, "The rose trees! They're floating!"

"And the sky has become scary dark!" Sereia says, frightening.

"I've never seen anything like it," Tanzanite says.

"This is some serious magic!" Deuce says, shocked.

"And it seems dangerous," Jasper says, stunned.

At the center of the garden, Riddle shouts in rage, "Mighty roses, tear this brute to pieces!"

Then uses the magic to lift the rose bush and aims it towards Ace.

Crowley shouts, "Cease and desist at once!"

"I think we're too late!" Tanzanite cries out in fear.

And with that, Riddle throws the bush towards Ace, causing him to gasp in shock. Briar gasps in shock to see the rose bush flying towards him.

"Ace, look out!" Briar cries out and rushes to Ace.

"BRIAR DON'T!" Ace cries out.

However, Briar rushes to Ace to protect him as the rosebush flies towards both of them. She then reaches to Ace and tries to shield him from the attack as the rose bush is about to pierce them both.

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