Chapter 23: Magic Unchecked

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Recapping on what happened, Ace and Briar have enough of Riddle's behavior and tell him off, but then Riddle is mad with rage and is starting to get out of control with his magic. What's more, he tries to pierce Ace, but Briar rushes over to save him. Briar reaches Ace and begins to embrace him in order to protect him.

Before the rose bush can finish the job, magical symbols of hearts, clubs, spades, and diamonds appear, and suddenly, the rose trees have been changed into playing cards, and all gently float to the ground.

Riddle becomes shocked, "Nngh?! What just-"

Ace and Briar are now on the ground as the look around to see the multiple symbols surround them

Ace is shocked and says, "Huh? We're still alive? What's with all these playing cards?"

Briar looks around and wonders, "What's going on?

"All the rose trees turned into cards?" Deuce adds, just as confused.

Ace turns to Briar and asks, "Did your amulet do that, Briar?"

"I don't think so. It's not glowing," Briar answers, looking at her necklace.

Suddenly, Trey calls out, "Riddle, stop this right now!"

"Wait, is that Trey's 'Paint the Roses'?!" Cater replies in shock, "But... how?!"

Grim looks at at himself and notices, "The magic sealin' collar, it's gone!"

Jasper looks at his neck," You're right."

"It disappeared," Tanzanite says, looking at his neck.

Ace and Deuce look at their necks to notice the collar is gone as well.

What did I tell you? My magic can overwrite characteristics for a short time. So I used it to make 'Riddle's magic' into 'my magic.'" Trey explains.

"You can do that? That's some kinda loophole!" Cater says.

"Still, that ended up saving them," Sereia says, relieved.

"N-no..." Riddle says in shock.

Then uses his magic again in rage, "Off with their heads! I SAID, off with their heads!

Trey steps forward and says, "Riddle, stop. Can't you see how you look right now?"

Riddle soon looks around to see some of the students of the dorm are still in the area and have witnessed everything.

"He... He was really gonna do it!" One Heartslabyul student says, stunned.

Another student says in shock, "He is completely out of control."

"He's like some kinda monster!" The third student adds.

"What? Was my magic overwritten by yours? Does that mean your signature spell is stronger than mine?!" Riddle demands.

"Of course it doesn't. Riddle, take a deep breath and listen to us," Trey says.

But Riddle angrily says, "Are YOU going to tell me that I'm wrong too? After all I've done to protect the rule of law?! Do you know how much I've suffered for this?! I... I refuse to believe this!"

And plans to use his magic again.

Just then, Briar quickly stands up and cries out, "Stop! You have to stop!"

She rushes to Riddle and quickly grabs his wrist that contains the magepen.

"Can't you see what's happening Riddle?! You're not acting like yourself anymore and starting to go out of control! And I don't know why, but your pen is starting to seep out this black! Just calm down and we'll work something out!" Briar says, and deep fear in her voice.

Then Crowley says, "She's right, cease immediately, Mr. Rosehearts! Any further attempt to use magic will leave your magestone completely tainted with blot!"

"But... I'm right!" Riddle shouts in rage that his face turns red

He then uses his arm to throw Briar to the ground as he shouts in full rage, "I'M the one who's right! There is NO! POSSIBLE! ALTERNATIVE!"

Just then, a red and black aura is exposed out of his body for everyone to see, and soon, becomes consumed by it.

Trey cries out, "RIDDLE!"

Twisted Wonderland Book 1: The Rose-Red TyrantWhere stories live. Discover now