Chapter 6: A Carbonara Scrape

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After chasing, Briar and the others are able to catch Grim, who is still under the cauldron. Jasper and Tanzanite grab Grim by his paws as Deuce and Ace lift the cauldron off of him.

Grim struggles to break free and shouts, "Mrrah! I've had it with these boring classes!"

"Stop Grim, you're causing a scene, and you're going to get all in trouble again if you don't stop. Also, if you don't go to class, then you'll never become a great mage!" Briar sternly says.

Grim growls in frustration, "UGH! When did you get all bossy?"

"When I was made in charge of you. Now stop struggling, we need to get to our next class and don't want to be late," Briar says.

And with that, the group practically drags Grim to the next class despite his protest.

Sometime later, it's lunch time, and the group of the Ramshackle roommates, Ace and Deuce walk into the cafeteria together. They see so many students sitting at the table, and a line for lunch.

"Wooo! Lunchtime at last!" Grim happily cheers.

"It sure is. I have to wonder what kind of food the cafeteria has," Briar says.

The group then arrives at the lines to see the many different foods being searched.

Grim is drooling to see the food, "They got some good-lookin' grub!"

"Wow, it's like a buffet. That's really fancy," Briar says.

Then turns to Grim, "Hey Grim, can you eat other kinds of food?"

Briar's question has been answered when Grim admires the different food, "Look how fluffy those omelets are! Ooh, grilled chicken! And a bacon-and-egg tart!"

Ace shushes Grim, "Shhh! Dude, inside voices! Where was this energy earlier today?"

"When does that cat get that energy?" Jasper asks with his arms crossed.

"I'm not sure," Tanzanite replies, shrugging her shoulders.

"Come on, let's go grab our lunch and find a table," Briar says.

Soon, the group grab their trays and begin to pick up the food they want to eat. Grim, however, is going crazy for food.

Grim walks around and asks with excitement, "Briar, grab me the grilled chicken! There's only one left! And an omelet too. And that jelly-filled bread. Just fill your whole tray with 'em!"

"Calm down Grim, you can't eat all of this food, and watch where you're going," Briar says.

But then, Grim ends up bumping into someone, "Ow!"

Just then, one student, who is a Heartslabyul student, turns around in anger, "Hey! Watch where you're goin'!"

Then sees the tray that has his food, and becomes upset, "M-my carbonara! You broke the yolk!"

The second Heartslabyul student angrily says, "Whoa, that's messed up! Pokin' the egg is the best part! You better make this right, pal!" I'm gonna need that grilled chicken of yours as compensation."

But Grim refuses, "Myah?! No way! Hands off the bird, chump! I need my protein, because I am HANGRY!"

The second Heartslabyul student angrily says, "Hey! That's no way to speak to an upperclassman! Catch me outside and I'll teach you some respect!"

The group grows worried and fear this is going to end up in another dispute.

Deuce interferes and says, "Um, excuse me, sir, but it said in the handbook that fighting with magic was prohibited..."

But the first Heartslabyul student angrily says, "Fighting? You got it all wrong. This is just me helpin' an ignorant freshman know his place."

Then the second student says, "Now, let's see just how many ways there are to skin a cat, heh!"

And with that, the two students begin to cause a scene with their magic, and try to attack them.

Briar quickly gets in front of them and shouts, "That's enough!"

But the magic is sent flying towards her.

Just then, Briar's pendent begins to glow and activate its power. A protective shield appears and the magic strikes at the shield, but disappears soon after. This time, a lot of the students in the cafeteria have witnessed it, and the amulet around Briar's neck glowing bright. And soon, the glow disappears and Briar looks down to see the amulet has disappeared. Many of the students are surprised, astonished, and some of them are curious.

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