The fosters: battle scars/red...

By TiffanyRoss142

492 12 1

After their mother was killed and their father was sent to prison. Two sisters skylar Davis and Mackenzie Dav... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 6


70 2 0
By TiffanyRoss142

Mackenzie's pov
I couldn't sleep for the life of me because today was the day we would be attending anchor beach a whole new school I'd have to adjust to. I'm used to changing school from school whenever we had to change from foster home to foster home. It was always hard to make friends and feel like we belong when we're always packing up and moving every time we got familiar and used to surroundings. That's why I was hoping and praying that things here were different to finally have something permanent in our lives. To finally feel safe and secured and not always have to carry around that fear that no matter where we go we won't be loved or enough for anyone to ever want us that everyone leaves us. Will never truly feel safe until we feel genuine love and care from a family so that we feel like we could break down walls and build trust and get rid of the fear that's holding us back from being capable to love. And I know deep down in my heart that this family was different from our past foster homes that they actually care and love us and wants what's best for us and they want us to be apart of their family. And they'll always love and treat us like we're their own even if we're not blood. And that's what makes them so special and what makes them the perfect fit for us because their filled with unconditional love and compassion and they have a heart that genuinely cares for others. And they'll always give us the guidance and stability we need. And their ability to not judge us and see past the file that we're not just a label to them. That we're an actual human being who have real feelings and who just had a tough life and just need a home with lots of love in it. To feel like their wanted and their lives matter. A sense of belonging and that's what this family provides and have made me felt like since we got here. And I'm trusting my instincts on this one this our forever home and forever family. And the thought of it makes me feel happy and I let out a smile at the thought. Even though the new school is what I'm more scared about then anything. As Skylar felt my restlessness as she speaks to me.

"You nervous and scared about going to a new school kenz it's okay if you are because I am to. I know what your feeling if it's bothering you we can talk about it .we will get through these life changes together." Skylar said in a comforting and sincere tone.

"Yes I'm terrified at the thought of having to start off new again at a different school. The feeling of being an outcast and not fitting in with our peers. Constantly feeling judged for what we are and for our background constantly being labeled for something that was out of our control in the first place. That no one will ever truly love or want to be around us because of it. Nothing more than lost causes and damaged goods to others. That will always have that constant fear of not being good enough and unloved. I'm afraid of being friendless and alone and not accepted by anyone." I said spilling to my sister about how I was feeling so anxious the constant anxiety.

"I understand exactly what your feeling kenz I have those exact same fears and feelings. But you know what I learned not to give a fuck what other people think or say because they can't define us. Only we can and will find people who love us and accept us for who we are . So don't worry about looks we get or the whispers just focus on yourself and what you want in life and become a success story. Will prove every doubter wrong just know you'll always have me will be each other's friends I love ya kenz." Skylar said full of love and understanding . And trying to provide as much comfort to her sister as she possibly can.

"I love you too sky atleast I know all always have you if anyone turns against me. And your more than enough but hopefully when morning hits all be able to meet people and make friends who can look past my background. Or the fact that I'm a foster kid and see I'm much more than that. I'm a person and a human who's life matters just the same as everyone else's. We just had some bad shit happen to us. I hope they could see that. That we're not as bad as they perceive that we're good people inside and out. If they actually took the time to know us they'd see that." I said with such passion,love,and emotion about what I believe in.

"Just remember to be yourself tomorrow and your real friends will accept you for who you are flaws and all. They won't force you to be something your not.find the right crowd the right crowd will embrace you for all that you are. Because that's what makes you special when your truly being yourself . Don't be what others expect you to be stand out because your real friends will accept ya with open arms." Skylar said heartfelt and full of support and encouragement.

"Thanks sky I feel a lot better after this talk. Hopefully for once things will go right in our lives . And we won't have to worry about someone taking us away . So I'm hoping a miracle pulls through and we're here in this home forever and with this family for life . Because this is the only place I truly felt safe and I don't want to live in fear anymore." I said getting all emotional.

"Anytime that's what sisters are for . To be their through thick and thin. And talk to and vent to and give advice . And help each other through every hardship . All always support you kenz . I might still have a little bit of trust issues when it comes to believing something good could happen. And having a forever family and having something permanent that can't be taken away. But this is a home where I didn't feel unsafe or unloved like they could careless about what happened to us. This is the first foster home where I actually felt loved and safe and not a burden on their lives. I felt like my life actually mattered and they truly want to make a difference in our lives. And want to see us do good and become a part of their already extended family. And that's something I wished for and truly want and need more than anything." Skylar said also getting quite emotional and deep.

"Try to get some more sleep will deal with this together in the morning. Will get through it everything will be okay I pinky promise." Skylar said extending her pinky out to me as I pull mine out as we pinky promise.

"Sweet dreams sky." I said in a loving and sleepy tone before drifting off.

"Sweet dreams kenz."Sky said in a soothing tone before drifting off too.

As a couple hours passed by. Morning hit as the alarm went off . Meaning it was time to get up and get ready for school . And time for a new beginning at anchor beach. As Mariana and Callie offered for us to use some of their clothes for now. As we're suppose to go shopping with stef and Lena to get clothes but for now we borrow one of theirs. As they lead us into their closet to show us what they have. As Sky and I picked out our outfit. Skylar picked a casual loosen stripped sweater and a pair of Jeans to go with it.

Skylars outfit:

And for my outfit I picked a floral keyhole romper that was navy blue.

My outfit:

We both changed and we look absolutely stunning. As the next step to do was my hair. As I decided to let Skylar French braid my hair. I loved it so much it looked so beautifully done.

What My hair looks like:

As I watched Skylar curl her hair and the final results she looked absolutely gorgeous.

What Skylars hair looks like:

After we finished up Mariana wanted to take a group selfie with all of us. Saying that we both look like models and it was worth a picture. So we agreed as we all took a photo together before heading downstairs. Where breakfast was waiting as Jude and Jesus commented on our appearance saying we looked beautiful today as we thanked them for the compliment.

"You girls look absolutely gorgeous today girls you ready for today." Lena asked with love and concern.

"Thanks and yea a little nervous but will be okay." Skylar and I said at the same time.

"That's natural and understandable to be nervous going into something so new but your going to get through it. And be okay I know it you have siblings here that will help you through it too." Stef said full of love and understanding.

"We know what your going through we all been through it you're not alone you'll have us." Callie said with a warm smile as we send her an appreciative smile.

As it was time to leave as we got in the car as Lena drove. As skylar and I held hands as she felt my anxiety kick in. As I smiled at her as she smiled warmly back. As we provided comfort for each other to get through our first day.

As we finally arrived I felt all the stares and the whispers from all around us. As I tried to not let it get to me as I kept my head held high as so did my sister. As we had to part ways to get to class but before I went Skylar told me if I ever need her she'll be right in here and she'll come out if ever need her she knows where to find me. I knew no matter what happens all always have Skylar to count on and that's what I was grateful for. To have a friend like her for life.

As I entered my English class with mr. Timothy. As he wanted us to write from a personal place something real and about how we feel and what we have experienced. And I decided to write from the heart. I wrote about our foster homes and what we endured . And I wrote about Skylar and how she looked out for me and protected me and how she was my hero in those three years when we were stuck growing up and going through the foster system. As I also wrote about the fosters and how they saved us. And how they made us feel safe and loved and how they made us feel like we were worth something. And that meant everything to me and my sis.

As I turned it into mr. Timothy. As I went on with the rest of my day. As I decided to try out for play writing and drama club. Because I would love to act and if they need extra help I could help design costumes or something. I would help with anything that needs to get done for the play. As I met this girl who seemed real nice and sweet her name was Stella baker.

"Hey I'm Stella baker and you are." Stella said introducing herself.

"Hey I'm Mackenzie Davis it's nice to meet you." I said kindly.

"It's nice to meet you too. You new here.?" Stella asked sweetly.

"Yea the fosters who took us in live here and go here so." I said honestly.

"It's nice to see you found a nice family everybody deserves a loving family. I'm glad you finally found one." Stella baker said genuinely happy for her. As I smiled warmly at her.

"I am too. I have a feeling this family is forever and is the one." I said heartfelt.

"So is drama something you've always been into?." Stella baker asked interestedly.

"Yea it's something I've always wanted to do and try. So I decided why not try and see if it's something for me. And see if I have what it takes to make it and succeed. I'm also interested in being a play writer and creating a story and a list of characters that people could relate to and connect to on a personal level. Something that is real and tackles issues that people usually shy away from. I wanna make a change in the world." I said feeling inspired and from the heart.

"Wow if you feel that passionate about it and feel that strongly about it then you have to do it. Don't let anything stop you from doing what you truly love and what makes you happy. And theirs no doubt in my mind that you won't succeed you got this girl." Stella said full of love and support.

"Aww thanks girl. It feels great to be welcomed and accepted by you. It makes today and being new a little less scary. I feel like I made a friend somewhere. It makes me feel a lot better and a little less lonely." I said heartfelt.

"You have made a friend all be your friend forever and always. And you'll always find acceptance with me so just be yourself . Because who you are is amazing. So don't hide the real you because your perfect despite your background and what others choose to believe." Stella said speaking from the heart.

As we both auditioned and made it. As we both hugged and congratulated each other and we're happy for the other. I just hope Skylar was having a good day too.

As school finally ended I found my sister and told her the good news about drama class and the play. As she was happy for me and I told her about my new friend that I made her name was Stella baker. And she told me she knew I would be okay and that things would work out in the end.

As I decided to ask her about how her day went but she didn't want to talk about it. As i decided to drop it she seemed defeated. All see if she's ready to talk about it later when she's in a better mood and different state of mind for now I just let her be.

At dinner time I told everyone about how my day went. And about the play I auditioned for and how I got the part . And they all congratulated me on the good news and we're happy for me. As they decided to ask my sister Skylar how today went she didn't want to talk about it. She was completely closed off as she asked to be excused as they let her go deciding to ask her later what was bothering her.

"Does anyone have any idea what is wrong with Skylar." Lena asked everyone at the table if they knew what was going on. Her voice full of love and concern for Skylar.

"I heard people were talking and whispering about Skylar. Maybe it all got to be to much for her. And I heard she was in the music room and people heard her playing the guitar and singing and they asked her to join the glee club but she declined the offer. She turned it down which is a real shame because I heard she was really good and had an incredible voice." Mariana said speaking up about what she heard and what she thinks might be the problem.

"Aww poor girl. Will talk to her in a little while about it for now will give her the space she asked for. Because it's what she needs right now." Stef said with such love and empathy for Skylar.

"I wonder what they were saying about her to see her hurt and put down like this. And she is an incredible musician and singer I wonder why she turned down the offer. She would excell and succeed and she loves performing I know she used too. It's a real shame to see her give up on herself and her dreams like that." I said with such compassion and concern for my sister and what she endured.

"People could be shitty they judge ya before they know you. Because of your background they don't see a person with feelings they see a problem and a issue. They don't see a life with a value they see a troubled lost cause . Trust me we've been their but we won't let her give up on herself because she has a purpose and her life has meaning and she deserves happiness." Callie said knowingly and passionately fighting for people and what is right. She genuinely cares for other people.

As they all agreed they were all going to stick together as a united front and make sure she won't give up on herself and that she was worth fighting for that her life meant something and she mattered. And they would make sure she sees that and they were never going to give up on her.

That is what made my heart open wide for this family. Because they genuinely loved and cared for one another and they would never give up on each other. They respect and treat each other like family despite not being blood because dna doesn't make a family love does. It's people who genuinely love and care about each other unconditionally without judgement and will always be their no matter what you do or is say it's forever . And they just want best for each other.

That's why I know this family is the one and forever ours. Because it's the first home that showed and proved to us that we're something more than we might think of ourselves . That we're worth it and that we deserved to be loved and that we matter . And that we deserve happiness and that their real and genuine and want what's in our best interest . And that they care real deeply for us.

And I've never felt this way before. And my sister and I never been shown that type of love before. And it felt amazing to have a family that was permanent and was never going away. And we had a forever home with them and that we belong somewhere. And I know in my heart that it was with them. They were the miracles in life we needed they were the gift god blessed us with a family to call our own.

Emily alyn Lind as Stella baker

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