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Mackenzies povI have a secret weighing heavily on my mind but I don't know how to bring up and confess this secret that I feel guilty for keeping to myself

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Mackenzies pov
I have a secret weighing heavily on my mind but I don't know how to bring up and confess this secret that I feel guilty for keeping to myself . It's just I don't know how Skylar is gonna take or react to this news I know she ain't gonna take it or handle it well it she will most likely act and lash out in anger which she is justified to do . I feel badly for keeping it to myself and hiding it from her but this is gonna bring out bad feelings and trauma from her past which she will most likely have to keep reliving that hell but it's now or never she has a right to know . So I just have to get it over with and rip that bandaid and my conscious will feel so much better after opening up instead of keeping it bottled up because truth was it was eating me up inside . As I let out a deep sigh before making my way over to Skylar who is on her bed with her headphones on listening to music as I feel other thoughts trying to get me to back out from telling her the ugly truth but I buried those other thoughts and reminded myself their will never be a good time to bring this up and it's better to do it now then avoid the inevitable of the situation. As I freeze like a deer in the head lights scared of having to burden her with bad news and sad news after she's been through so much this was only gonna destroy her and break her more and cause her pain and it sucks that I have to do this to her when she was finally feeling good and happy . I hate what I was about to do but here goes nothing but as Skylar looks up and takes in my scared and frightened and paralyzed appearance she knew something was up and off about me that something was wrong as she tried to question me and get me to open up about what was bothering me and eating me up inside .

"Mackenzie what's weighing on your mind and bothering you I know you well enough to know when something is eating you alive come out with what you trying to hide and spill it you'll feel better once you do . It breaks my heart when you get like this so please confide in me about what's making you feel bad and guilty we shouldn't do secrets or hide anything we should always be open and honest and believe we can handle anything and survive . And shouldn't be scared how the other one is gonna take it or react or handle the outcome I need you to trust that i can cope with anything and make it through the storm and tough times you know all try and I'm working on not acting impulsive please confess what your so deeply afraid of .is it me and my reaction to something you know about because it ain't cool to keep it from me if it has to do with something that affects me I will never do that to you I'd be real and honest and give it to you straight. I thought that we were those types of sisters but I guess I was wrong you still think I will act all reckless and impulsive that I haven't changed or improved that I'm still the same broken fuck up lost cause .I thought you were different from the others that you saw me as more than that that's what hurts the most that it's coming from you .I guess that's a label that I will aways  be burdened with and have to carry around that I will always be judged for past mistakes that they define me that I can never grow in peoples eyes that will hurt more and cut deep than what ever secret you have to tell me ?." Skylar asked with love and concern for Mackenzie but also hurt that her sister still thinks low of her that she can't handle or cope with things that she looks at her like she's damaged and broken and can't grow or be redeemed.

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