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Skylars pov
As I'm back in the home where I grew up in. It's me my sister Mackenzie my dad and my mom being happy laughing enjoying do things together as a family. You could feel the happiness radiating through all of us at our togetherness. But then darkness hits where at the scene of the accident. Mom deteriorates and becomes nothing more than a memory a ghost as police show up at the door to inform us that our mom passed away because of a drunk driver. I break down feeling nothing but guilt blaming myself for the accident because if it wasn't for me and my reckless decision making she wouldn't of been driving that night. And she would still be alive. As I see the shattered look on my sisters face as she's processing the fact that she's gone as I wipe the tears that suddenly fell from her eyes. As I pulled her into a hug as I feel all the anger radiate through my dad as I felt his pain and suffering at the grieving of his beloved wife. And I knew deep down he's blaming me for the loss I caused this family. I'm the reason where experiencing all this heartache in the first place why Mackenzie and I don't have a mom and why dad doesn't have the love of his life and the mother of their beautiful children they created together. Later that night while Mackenzie is fast asleep I decided to check on dad make sure he's doing ok. As he's smoking cigarettes and drinking mad alcohol to deal with the loss. As he sees me he gets angry violent as he throws the alcohol bottles smashing it all over the floor screaming how I'm a worthless piece of shit a screw up and how it's my fault where going through this pain and suffering. And that i need to learn what it really means to suffer like the pain I caused this family. As he grabs me harshly as he starts burning me with cigarettes enjoying the pain he caused me. As he puts a towel in my mouth to drown out my screams to not wake up Mackenzie who was asleep in the next room. As i suddenly see my mom appear in spirit and my sister Mackenzie appearing watching and laughing at my misery. Saying I caused this that my actions have consequences and that I need to be punished for my wrongdoing and mistakes that i deserved this. As suddenly I'm struggling to breathe as I'm in the middle of a panic attack as I hear my sister Mackenzie screaming getting help. As I realize it was a dream as I try to control it but I can't. As Stef and Lena come running down the steps as they take in my state asking what happened as I hear my sister speaking trying to explain.

"I woke up from a peaceful dream to hear my sister screaming like someone was hurting her and then she started to have a real bad panic attack to the point where she couldn't breathe I tried to wake her but she was out so i ran to get you guys please help my sister please." Mackenzie said scared to death at the state of her sister as she worried about her sister.

"Skylar I need you to look at me and focus on me your okay your safe okay good I need you too take deep breaths for me in and out in and out good it was just a really bad nightmare you and your sister are safe here." Stef said with such love and concern as she did everything she can to calm me down.

"Do you wanna tell us what happened it might help to talk about it instead of keeping it all bottled up inside we're here to help you and comfort you in anyway you need you don't have to deal with this weight you carry alone." Lena said with such love and compassion.

As I tried to form my words to express my feelings as I relived it all in my head at the pain and suffering I have endured and from past foster homes I found myself hyperventilating. As I felt Stef and Lena grabbing each of my hands.

"Sky look at me focus on me I need you to breathe in and out through your abdomen not your chest it's a stress response." Lena said with such care and concern,

"Please I can't." I said struggling to breathe full blown panic attack. As I pull away from their grasps holding my chest tightly.

The fosters: battle scars/rediscovering faithWhere stories live. Discover now