
By futurest3

132K 4.3K 171

(#1 in Lust - 16.11.22) Even though I was the one who initiated the kiss, I could tell that I was no longer i... More

Story Info
Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Darn Ninja-like Second Thoughts
Chapter 2 - What Does A Single Person Do On A Friday Night?
Chapter 3 - I Need A Shot
Chapter 5 - Find Out On The Next Episode Of 'Exercise Or Exorcist?'
Chapter 6 - I'm The Monopoly Monarch
Chapter 7 - Talk About A Lucky Break!
Chapter 8 - This Is What I Get For Listening To My Mother
Chapter 9 - The Faux Pas Of All Faux Pas
Chapter 10 - Was I Suicidal?
Chapter 11 - I Wasn't About To Turn Down A Free Phone
Chapter 12 - You Win A Lifetime Supply Of Clorox Bleach!
Chapter 13 - The LBD Never Misses, People!
Chapter 14 - Who Was Cutting Onions?
Chapter 15 - Rafael Montero Was Not A Bluffer
Chapter 16 - ED?
Chapter 17 - I Wasn't An Old Toy
Chapter 18 - Speak Of The Devil And She Will Appear
Chapter 19 - Did This Guy Have Metal Insoles In His Shoes?
Chapter 20 - When Did I Turn Into Such A Whore?
Chapter 21 - Relationships Were Hard
Chapter 22 - Mr. Montero, You Little Shit
Chapter 23 - Thank God, Or Satan, Whoever Liked Me More Right Now
Chapter 24 - Exhibit A
Chapter 25 - Paolo Fiero
Chapter 26 - My Brain Was Worse Than A Dementia Patient's
Chapter 27 - Move Over Barney Stinson!
Chapter 28 - Did You Just Make That Up?
Chapter 29 - We Make Out From Time To Time
Chapter 30 - Who Are You?
Chapter 31 - Do You Have A Habit Of Taking Isoniazid?
Chapter 32 - Anything?
Chapter 33 - I Owe You This?
Chapter 34 - I'm In Newport
Chapter 35 - Can I Take Off My Blindfold Now? (Part 1)
Chapter 36 - Can I Take Off My Blindfold Now? (Part 2)
Chapter 37 - Unicorns And Rainbows?
Chapter 38 - I Just Don't Get It
Chapter 39 - Damnit, I Can't Win With You, Can I?
Chapter 40 - Floor It
Chapter 41 - #Feminist Over Here!
Chapter 42 - Father Killer
Chapter 43 - I Can't Stay Here Anymore
Chapter 44 - Why Would I Lie?
Chapter 45 - Occhio Per Occhio
Chapter 46 - So He Wasn't A Cyborg
Chapter 47 - Shit, Not The Police
Chapter 48 - Eff My Life
Chapter 49 - Penny For Your Thoughts?
Chapter 50 - Are You Man Enough? (Mel's POV)
Chapter 51 - Yeah, Yeah, Whatever
Chapter 52 - Tranquilizing
Chapter 53 - Yes?
Enzo (Book 2)

Chapter 4 - I Forgot How Horrible Interviews Were

3.3K 99 2
By futurest3

Rafael Montero.

The man had been accused but never convicted of countless crimes that ranged from embezzlement to the murder of his father.

I had seen his name countless times in the news.

He was the most notorious man in the New York business world but also one of the richest.

He owned hotels, media companies, and many other businesses that I couldn't remember but his parent company was his E-commerce business, Montero Industries, which many suspected was used to smuggle drugs into the country.

The masses referred to him as 'The Nightmare of Wall Street".

"Is he the one that's always in the News?" Mel asked, partly distracted by the janitor who was wiping the man with the toupee's vomit from the floor.

Gareth laughed.

"Yes, that's him."

I frowned.

Was this guy serious?

"How can you be friends with someone as shady as Rafael Montero?" I asked incredulously.

"He's been my best friend since high school so I think I have a better knowledge of who he is than some girl who has only read about him in the tabloids," He snapped and I instantly regretted opening my stupid mouth.

All I did was embarrass myself.

"I'm sorry Gareth, I didn't mean to offend you or your friend," I apologized sincerely.

He had been nothing but nice to me since we met downstairs and I had insulted his friend and him in the same sentence.

"It's okay Mia, you didn't say anything wrong because that's what all the papers are saying anyway, but he is my best friend so I know better."

But did he?

I found it hard to believe that Rafael Montero was really a good person when everyone else believed otherwise.

I would have to see it for myself.

"We're gonna call it a night," Peter announced and scooped Maria up into his arms.

She was still asleep.

"Is she alright?" I inquired because she looked pretty comatose.

"Yeah, this is just how she gets after a few drinks," Peter grunted.

It looked like he was struggling to manage her weight but I said nothing.

Not gonna put my foot in my mouth again.

"I'll see you soon, brother," Gareth stated when Peter started to retreat with Maria.

"See ya and it was nice meeting you, Melissa and Mia."

"You too," I replied easily.

"Yes, it was nice to meet you both" grinned Mel as Peter and Maria disappeared down the stairs.

"Are they dating?" I asked Gareth out of curiosity.

"Maria has no idea that Peter likes her."

"Why don't you tell her?" Mel questioned.

"I'll wait for the petals to fall where they may," He smirked.

I could understand that.

"So do you still want the interview?"

I shook my head.

"I don't think that I would want to be anything like a secretary again," I lied through my teeth.

I just didn't think I could work with Rafael Montero.

He was such an infamous character.

I wasn't built for the crime life which I knew I would be unwittingly exposed to, you know, the perks of being the assistant of a smooth criminal.

"If you change your mind, here's my card," he responded, producing a sleek business card from his pocket.

"This is my phone number," he added, pressing the card into the palm of my hand.

I took it and read the information written in black on the bland, white, rectangular-shaped card.

'Gareth Laurier - Laurier Diamonds, 1-888-444-6672.'

Light bulb.

"That's where I know your name from!" I exclaimed.

"I'm wearing one of your necklaces right now," I grinned and showed him the pendant.

His eyes didn't leave my neck and I just knew he was thinking of various ungentlemanly situations involving my neck and his mouth.

"You have good taste," he remarked with a smirk.

"That I do."

Mel laughed at our exchange and then checked her watch.

"It's almost two, you ready to go?" She asked, yawning.

"Yep, it's late so why not."

"I'll see you guys around," Gareth said, helping me out of my seat.

"Of course," Mel replied with a toothy grin then she winked at me.

She totally wanted me to see him again.

I nodded in agreement.

"Great and you can call me anytime, not just about the interview," he flirted, taking my hand in his.

"I won't call you about the interview but I may call you about...other things," I replied coyly.

"Do you guys need a ride?" He asked before leaving.

"No, we drove here but thanks for the offer," I answered sheepishly.

I just met this guy tonight, I'm not dumb enough to get into a car with him.

What if he was secretly a serial killer?

Or worse...

A vampire!

Did you see the way he was looking at my neck?


I know.

After we said our goodbyes, Mel and I headed outside after calling an Uber.

It was a very eventful night.


"Ms. Milani, why should we give you this job?" The interviewer at Palm Computer Corporation asked me.

Because I need money.

Monday was already not looking promising.

I should've known this day would suck as soon as I woke up and found out that my phone hadn't been charging for the whole night.

I had twenty-five percent to work with for the whole day.

"I am a hard-working individual who will do everything in my power to ensure the success of your company," I told the man honestly.

"Anything?" The interviewer, who was not younger than seventy questioned impishly, wriggling his eyebrows at me.

What the hell?

Did people not retire before they get senile anymore?

"Er, anything legal and appropriate I suppose."

I was getting the creeps from this guy.

"There is a way that the job could be yours," he added ominously.

I was way too scared and disgusted to ask what the 'way' was.

"Um, good," I replied awkwardly while looking everywhere except at this lecherous idiot because I didn't want to accidentally make eye contact with him.

I would most certainly throw up in my mouth if I did.

He ignored my awkwardness and proceeded to move closer to me.

Kill me now.

"Um, what are you doing?" I asked in alarm as he tried to fondle my boob.

I was not gonna get touched by this guy.

Not even with a ten-foot pole.

"Nothing you haven't done before," he smirked, his thick mustache moving animatedly with every twitch of his unusually large mouth.

I cringed.

This was not happening.

"Enough of this Mr. Benin," I told him seriously.

I was already more than fed up with everything and everybody today.

"I am more than qualified for this job so if you don't plan on interviewing me appropriately, let me know so I can leave." I snapped.

He was taken aback by my abrasiveness.

I could tell by how his eyes widened and how rigid his body suddenly went.

As he should be.

"You are just another pretty young thing that thinks they deserve the world when all they really deserve is just one night of long, hard fuc-"

I slapped him across the face.


I cheered inwardly when I saw a faint red handprint on his face.

"That is what you deserve," I hissed angrily.

"Do you think that I would really believe your sham of a university transcript?" He spat furiously while moving closer to me so he could point his index in my face.

It was probably bigger than his dick.

He was roughly my height so I wasn't intimidated by him.

"No one who looks like that could get such good grades!"

I scoffed.

Did he really want to go there with me?

"First of all, back the fuck up and get your finger out of my face before I cut it off and feed it to you. Second of fucking all, those are my grades and I worked hard for them!

If you don't believe me, call the University, you dumbass, so you can take your sexist views and shove them up your discolored and loose derriere."


He backed up quickly and I stormed out before he could respond.

What a waste of my time.

I thought this was it.

I drove home in a huff and went straight to my bedroom to take a nap, but not before putting my phone which was now dying, on charge.

Mel was at work anyway so she wouldn't bother me.


Five hours later, I woke up in a comparably happier mood than I was this morning so I decided it was time to hunt for more jobs.

A small voice in the back of my mind kept telling me to call Gareth but I ignored it.

I wasn't going to sell my soul to the devil.

Finally, I found a job offer that was close by and they needed someone who matched almost all my qualifications.

They were a small company that sold AC units and were looking for a new regional manager.

I emailed the company and they said that I could come in tomorrow for an interview.

That was quick.

I must've been the first person to apply for this job.

I took it as a good sign and thought about how bad the first part of my day was compared to the last part.

I guess my luck hadn't run out yet.

I dreamt about stabbing Mr. Benin in his ass with a samurai sword that night.

There was blood everywhere.

It was what he deserved.


"I'm sorry Ms. Milani but unfortunately, you are not what we are looking for," Mr. Stinsy, the Human resources officer said to me with a sad smile.

I nodded in defeat and got up to leave.

"Is it okay if I ask what reason you would have for not choosing me?" I asked awkwardly.

I wasn't gonna work here anyway.

Might as well ask so that I can fix the problem for future interviews.

Mr. Stinsy pulled on his beard hard which made a few hairs come loose and float slowly to the floor.

It's safe to say that I was appalled.

"It's nothing personal but I just don't think girls like you should work as managers of anything," he stated in a gruff voice.

"What do you mean girls like me?" I asked slowly.

I would give this man the benefit of the doubt for a little while longer.

"You gonna make me say it?"

I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Say what?"

"Girls like you only care about how your makeup looks and cute guys. The last lady we hired was a looker like you and she lost us more than a boatload of deals because she couldn't focus on one task at once," he shrugged as if that was a great reason.

"But that previous employee and I are two different people," I replied with a sigh.

I forgot how horrible interviews were.

"Well you sure do look alike," he muttered, showing me the door.

What a piece of work.

I sighed.

"Ok, thanks for your honesty...and discrimination," I added before slamming his office door shut.

'Think about how much more important than those guys you would be if you took that job.'

My hyperactive brain was at it again.

'Imagine how many bugs like this you could step on if you worked with the big guys.'

I guess it wouldn't hurt to give Gareth a call.

I was definitely desperate for a job offer with competent interviewers.

I knew Montero only had the best of the best of everything.

It's not like I would get the job on the spot anyway, but I knew I would get a decent interview with actual professionals.

That's all I wanted.

These kinds of opportunities only come around once in a lifetime, right?

Was I wasting the chance to have a decent job over some rumors in tabloids and a silly nickname?

The nightmare of wall street doesn't even sound that bad.

Nightmares only plague those who are asleep so all I had to do was stay awake around Rafael Montero and he wouldn't scare me.


I was just sick of being treated like I wasn't a person, but an object who anyone could treat however they deemed fit.

It was getting old.

I'd prefer to work for a nightmare than be treated like a daydream that in the end, is always classified as a useless waste of time.



This chapter was very hard to write but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Do you think Mia should call Gareth or not?

Spanish word of the day: Entrevistar - to interview.

Don't forget to like, vote or comment, or all three. 😏


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