Breath of Fresh Air (KhaiThir...

By unbeknownstToU

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Third is tired of getting his heart broken time and time again. He is tired of crying nearly every single day... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 11

333 14 1
By unbeknownstToU

Khai P.O.V

For the whole party Tul would not let go of Third. He was clinging to him like his life dependent on it. I was really annoyed,  the only other person as annoyed as me was Max, everyone else thought they were adorable. But I noticed Tul would always glance at Max and would smile widely if he saw him mad... he would become even more clingy. I'm not sure what he is playing at, but I will not let Third become a pawn in their stupid little game.

Finally Third had to go to the restroom and that gave me a chance to approach Tul. I wheeled myself over and started a conversation with him.

"Tul was it? I'm Khai, Third's best friend."

"I know who you are and nope, you aren't,  I'm his best friend."

"Excuse me I have known Third for years, you met him 3 months ago, there is no way you know him better than I do. "

"You might know him for longer but I definitely know him better,  you see he tells me everything."

Why is he glaring at me... he doesn't even know me. I glare at him in return. 

"OH, Khai are you talking to Tul? His awesome isn't he?" Third is back and he is already praise this fucker. The smug smile on Tul's face makes me want to smack it off of him.

"He is something... so how long have you been dating for?"

"We have been dating for a month if you must know," he grabs Third's hand and pulls him into a hug and then kisses his cheek.

"When I called you last month you said you were single," Max comes out of nowhere.

"I just wanted to keep it to myself for a little before coming back... right baby," Tul says as he pinches Third's cheek.

"Right..," Third replies with a smile.

Suddenly Tul phone rang. He looks at it briefly before smiling and answering the call.

"Mom,"Tul says.

"Yes, sorry I stopped by my boyfriend's house.."

"OH, it's Third, You talked to him last time... my roommate."

"Of course you will meet him, I'll ask when he is available... ok I'll head on over. see you soon."

"Baby, I'm sorry. Mom wants me home, but I'll call you later and we can talk about presenting you to my parents. I'll miss you baby. Bye." He kisses Third's cheek and lastly his temple before looking at Max and pulling him out of the house. Finally!  I can actually talk you Third.

"Wow Third, I didn't know you had it in you to get a boyfriend like him," Two says with admiration in his voice.

"You better not be looking at anyone but my brother," Third replies.

"Of course... but why didn't you tell me you had someone?"

"It's not like I could... you didn't really give me a chance."

"I'm sorry, but we didn't want you to leave your dream university for something that you couldn't fix."

"I'm still angry! how could you guys not tell me! I wouldn't have comeback but I would have giving emotional support! I would have liked to stay in the loop you guys! Khai is my friend, someone I don't want out of my life and I wasn't able to even talk to him while he was recovering... I hate you guys for making that decision for me!"

"I'm sorry Third I wasn't thinking clearly. I should have told you! But you did help me. Thinking about you and knowing I could welcome you while I was able to walk motivated me to do better. I even studied since I couldn't really do anything else... I wanted you to be proud of me." I was about to cry again and it seemed that Third was too.

I slowly get up and walk little by little towards Third. It was a little painful but I have been working for this since the start so I was energized. I finally make it to Third and hug him again. He hugs me back.

"I'm not completely recovered but I'm almost there. You can come with me to my appointments now if you want. But are you proud of me Third?"

"Mmm. You are doing great Khai, I'll be with you from now on." He hugs me tight but after a minute I start feeling tired and I feel my legs start to buckle. Third notices and supports me while I walk to my wheelchair.

It's about 10 pm when I decide to leave. I have physical therapy in the morning so I need to head back to my apartment.

"OK, since I'm going to your appointments with you I'll just go with you so I can take you." Third is the sweetest person ever... How can I get over him? Not possible.

"But aren't you tired? You just came back, don't you want to rest. You can join me on the next appointment," I say. I don't want him to be tired. He gets grouchy when he doesn't get enough sleep. And I can tell the jet lag is getting to him already.

"No I want to take you! Since I already have my things packed I can just go to my room after dropping you off..." I can see his memory reminding him he doesn't have his apartment anymore.

"Umm, Two? Can I room with you?"

"Right, I didn't tell you... P'Un and I are living together, but I'm sure we can squeeze you in somewhere."

"It's fine... how about you Bone?"

"If you want... but I do have random girls knock at night to talk see me so you might be uncomfortable."

"Third, you can stay with me. I have a spare room that you can use."

"Umm... Can we drop off Parm on the way? I promised to take him to his new apartment."

"Sure, no problem."

"P'Third, It's fine, I can take a cab. You are already tired," Parm says in a small voice.

"You aren't taking a  cab Parm, come on I'll take you home."

"Third, it's fine son... I can take him later. He can stay here for a few days to rest before I help him move to his apartment."

"You just want him to cook for you dad."

"Of course, we are pretty good at cooking, but he is the best. What do you say Parm."

"I don't want to inconvenience you Uncle."

"You wont, I'm lonely here, my son is already leaving me after being here for less than a day. Keep me some company Parm."

"If you don't mind, then I'll stay."

With that Third's dad leads him to a spare bedroom so he can rest while Third and I prepare to leave. Before we leave he types on his phone. I guess he is informing his boyfriend.

We finally get in the car and Third starts driving us to my apartment. I'm worried for him, he is obviously really tired. I suggest we stop for coffee after telling he reject my plan of cancelling my appointment tomorrow so he can get some rest.

After a long drive we arrive home. When I first arrived after my accident, I was glad to see that the apartment complex had been wheelchair friendly. I never noticed before, but I'm glad I didn't have to move. Once we get into my apartment I lead Third to the spare room and he immediately jumps on the bed... after a few seconds I hear his light breaths, indicating that he had fallen asleep. I email me PT and ask for a change of time. I'm not waking up Third at 7 AM. Hopefully I can change the time. 


Third P.O.V.

I wish I hadn't agreed to pretending to date Tul. He was so damn clingy. He kept kissing my cheek and temple and I really wanted to hit him. He was introducing himself as my boyfriend to everyone I knew just so he can get a reaction out of Max. I can't wait for him to decide to tell Max about his feelings. I want out of this relationship!

I hope my smile fooled Max. It was forced but my acting was pretty good. I got an A in an acting class I took so I'm confident I did well. Tul better be paying me back in some amazing way because I'm so close to slapping him.

I agree to go with Khai because I'm worried about him. I heard from Bone that he stays by himself most of the time. His parents left to work after they thought he could take care of himself without them. I hear that he would ask from rides from friends to go to his appointments or would take a cab sometimes. I wanted to help now since I couldn't before.

It was a long ride and we arrived at his apartment at around 1 am. I go strait to sleep thinking I could wake up for his 7 am appointment.

I did not wake up at 6 am as I had intended. When I wake up it was nearly 12 pm. I race outside but all I find is Khai cooking. I stare for a few seconds. I think I'm dreaming, since when can Khai cook?

"Oh, Third your up. My appointment changed to 3pm so we can leave around 2:15. I made food, do you want some?"

I just keep staring. He can cook now? I'm kind of scared to try his cooking to be honest. He was the type that could burn water.

I slowly walk to the table and sit down as he set the table. I look around, his place had changed a lot. Something suddenly clicked in my brain. He was in a wheelchair. His place was changed for him to easily get around on his own. I think of this as I start to eat... wait ... it's good!

"Khai, when did you learn to cook?"

"Well, I wasn't able to go out as much so I usually stayed home and studied or practice cooking. I know I'm not as good as you but I think I'm doing pretty well ."

"You studied? Wow Khai I can barley even recognize you!" I'm proud of him. He changed so much in the last couple of months. It seems that he doesn't sleep around anymore and he is actually putting effort towards his future.

"I know, it took me a while to get used to, but I made it. You can go get washed up while your done."

Once I was done, I go get cleaned up. I notice the bathroom was also changed for him to be able to do things on his own. I'm not sure how to feel. Did his parents fix his house because Khai asked for it? Or did they change it so he could live on his own with out their help?

I quickly shower and get dressed. I'm still a bit tired because of jet lag so I take a quick nap in the living room and make Khai swear he would wake me up in time.

At his appointment, I can see how much effort he has been putting into getting better. He looks so tired and in pain. Watching him like this makes me fall even more in love with him.

I'm so screwed, I don't think I can get over him.

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