jinbyul files.

By lunesinclair_

16.8K 725 284

jinbyul drabbles i suddenly think of More

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By lunesinclair_

Title: Captured in Her Eyes
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Summary: Byulyi can see someone's lifespan and how they're going to die except for hers. So when she meets Seokjin and saw that she'll die with him, she will do everything to keep him alive.


It's a Saturday so I won't have a chance to see that person today. Even if I did go out, what are the chances that I'd meet him? Who knows maybe he prefers to stay at home during weekends?

But I can't keep still! Because what if his lifespan changes drastically again?

For all I know, lifespans should be a fixed number. We are all given a specific set of days here on earth and it never changes no matter what decision you make. I haven't met anyone whose numbers change to that extent.

Similar to what I did for my grandma before, I told my family right away of her gradually growing illness but her clock didn't change. It was set on that specific time.

However, that person, one second he's got a lot of days then the next time I look at him it has already decreased to a numerous amount of days.

Now I'm starting to think that I wasn't wrong the first time I saw his lifespan. How did it go from 425 days to 1490 to 973 days in just one day?!? What the heck was wrong with him?

We were just literally sitting there making small talk, well he was, and then he left. Nothing out of the ordinary that could have affected his lifespan. I mean, it can't be because he had a paper cut. That was a very small detail in his life, I doubt it could have that much impact in his life.

Or is this some sort of butterfly effect?

Ugh this is driving me mad!

I plopped down my bed and stared at the ceiling. I need to find out the reason behind his lifespan so I can plan out my course of action. There must be a way for me to monitor him so I can maintain a good amount of days for the both of us.

But that is another question I need to answer. The only time I meet him is when I ride the train to and from school. Will that suffice? What about on weekends like today?

I turned to the picture on my bedside table, "Grandma, what should I do?"


Maybe I overestimated my luck a little bit. Of course it wouldn't be that easy meeting him on the train as I thought it would. Our previous occurrences might have been just coincidences as I haven't seen him at all this week. I always look at the stops to see which he usually comes in and departs but there was no sign of him.

At this point, I don't even know if he's harmed in some other way. Ugh. I hope he's fine. He has to be fine.

For the both of us.

I sighed and leaned against the pole I was beside to. The train was already half-full when I got on board so I was left to stand throughout the whole train ride. It was not as bad as it seems since I still kept my hands to myself so there was no case of seeing visions.

"What do you mean you can't come with us this Saturday?!"

My ears perked up to the two girls in front of me. They looked like they were a bit older than me and their conversation has been ringing in my ears for the meantime. It was not that they're too loud to be considered rude but their voices sometimes disrupts my thought when one of them suddenly exclaims from what the other person said. The conversation must have been really juicy for them to react like that.

The other girl quickly covered her friend's mouth with a blushing face. She shushed her while looking at the other passengers muttering an apology for the nth time that ride.

Her friend, being bold as always, removed her hands and asked in a now hushed tone. But it was still audible enough for me to hear.

"Are you really ditching our long awaited plan just because your boyfriend invited you?"

"Well, we haven't seen each other for a while now...and we miss each other."

"You literally saw each other yesterday."

My brain went deep in thought after hearing their conversation. So my plan of being friends with him won't secure them seeing each other frequently. This was harder than I thought.

Look, I'm no expert when it comes to social interactions or relationships since I basically lived as a loner up until now. After doing a lot of thinking on the weekend, I decided to befriend him. He talks to me already comfortably so I'll just use that to my advantage.

But after hearing these girls' conversation, it looks like it still had some setbacks. Though it makes me question as to why it had to be that way, aren't friends always supposed to have each other or something?



"When you're dating, you'd always want to be with that person no matter the time or day. It's like your day won't be complete if you don't see them."

"God, what a lovesick fool."

My brows shot up at that. So that's how it was. I guess it makes sense since my parents are also like that too. There were days where only the two of them would go out leaving the three of them with grandma.

But it's not like I can just blurt out that I want to go out with him. That would be embarrassing!

However, it's not like I have a choice anyways. I need to find a way to monitor his lifespan. Once I discover what causes it to change that much, I'll end things with him. Maybe along the way, I can figure out how to save myself even. I need to survive.

So time to change my plan then, though before I can put that plan into action I need to meet him at least once in this train ride.

Let's hope tomorrow I will be given the chance.


As if the gods heard my wish, I saw the very person I have been waiting for a week. I kept my eyes on him hoping that our eyes would meet that will prompt him to sit beside me so I can take a look at his lifespan.

C'mon look at me!

"Oh hey, is this seat taken?"

I quickly shook my head and offered the seat right away. My eyes still lingered at him eager to make eye contact.

Once he got comfortable in his seat, he turned to me and smiled brightly. I had to look away for a bit because he was glowing. I think I have to wear glasses when I look at him.

Has he always been this bright?

"So how have you been? It's been a long time since I bumped into you."

My eyes turned back to him again and immediately the numbers started appearing. It was taking a long time before they settled on a number which is no surprise to me now since that's the reason why I am talking to this person anyway.

"Hello?" He snapped his fingers at my face to catch my attention. I blinked and faked a cough to hide my flustered face, "Sorry, something just caught my eye."

"What is it?"

Your lifespan. Like hell I can actually tell him that. Instead, I rubbed the back of my neck and looked for something that I could use as an excuse. Luckily my eyes immediately caught on the bandage on his forehead that is partially hidden by his hair.

"Your forehead."

"Oh that!" He chuckled and a hint of blush formed on his cheeks, "A bunch of books fell on me while I was trying to reach for just one."

A bunch of what? Was that even possible? And how hard were those books to have himself bandaged up?

As if reading my thoughts, he cheekily smiled while scratching his cheek and there I noticed that his finger also has a bandage. "I was helping my friend reach for an encyclopedia."

"Uhmmmm....Are you okay?"

"Of course!" He beamed at me, "I ain't going down easily."

The numbers above his head have finally settled down and the huge amount of relief that I felt when I saw them.

8272 days

That is a lot. I could live for years. A smile unknowingly crept up my face as I looked at it.



His face instantly turned red and started gesturing animatedly in the air all the while explaining why he said what he said. After noticing that he was getting some stares from the other passengers, he settled with covering half of his face and sighing. Though it didn't really hide the red on his face since it had already reached the tip of his ears.


This might be the perfect time to ask him out. He basically laid out an opportunity for me by complimenting me. That's gotta mean something right?

"Kim Seokjin-ssi," His wide eyes looked at me as if wondering how I knew his name, I ignored it for the meantime and blurted out what I needed to say. I am a man on a mission to protect my life.

"Please go out with me."

After a few minutes of staring at each other, I became worried because he wasn't saying anything. Did he not hear me properly? Did I read our atmosphere wrong? Is he gonna reject me? No, that can't happen!

I have to make him say yes or else I'll die!


He came back to his senses when I said his name. I can see the gears turning in his head as he was trying to process what I just said.

Was it really that surprising? I mean I could've just ask him to be friends but this is a more secure way. Unless he already has a girlfriend?

Oh no. I never thought of that! What if he does have one? I was about to ask just that when he beat me to it.

"S-sorry. It was j-just so sudden," if he was red before then he looks like a ripe tomato now. He was looking the other way and covering half of his face again with his hand.


"I...I don't even know...your name. How come you know mine?"

I tilted my head and arched an eyebrow, "School ID"

He still wasn't saying anything so I decided to introduce myself first. Maybe I went on this the wrong way.

"Moon Byul-yi. But you can call me Byul." I smiled as best as I could. This should be enough right?

He nodded and finally faced me properly. His face is still red but not as much as before and my eyes wandered up to the numbers above his head.

6352 days.

No, no, no, no. Why did it drop so much?! What do I do? Shit.

"Kim-ssi, I know this is very sudden but...I...I fell in love with you at first sight! I was really grateful...you saved me that day..." I was trying to rack my brain of all the possible reasons I could and all the romance movies my sister has forced me to watch with them, "and now that I think about it. I haven't really properly thanked you for it...so please go out with me!"

I was catching my breath after that and I could feel the other passengers' eyes on us. Now do I only realize that we have been causing a scene for a while. God, can the ground just swallow me up?

The crowd's jeers and encouraging words made me close my eyes and regret my decisions. I truly have done this the wrong way. However, there's no point in regretting now since I'm already in this situation. I just hope that this embarrassment is worth it.


With that one word, I released a breath that I wasn't aware I was holding and looked at him with wide eyes. I did it?

"P-please take care of me from now on, Byul-ssi."

I feel like I'm gonna cry. I'm saved. Thank goodness.

"Yes. Please take care of me as well, Kim-ssi."



"You can call me Jin."

"Okay, Jin."

He looked away from me again trying to hide the blush on his face. I looked down to ease him off the embarrassment he must be feeling right now. I feel bad putting him on the spot like that but I've got no choice. I have to find out what is wrong with his lifespan so I can figure out how to avoid my death.

Peeking at him through my peripheral vision, I sighed. Don't worry, Jin. I'd definitely do anything to take care of you or else I'll die.


A/N: Henlo mina~ Sorry this took longer than expected. I had a rough week so it was hard for me to write. This is kinda short but I still hope you'd like the update! I'll make it up for next time. Take care everyone ❤️

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