HighSchool DxD: New Head of t...

By RedHood129

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After taking a different path from her, Rias's twin brother challenges her to a fight for the right of being... More

Chapter 1: The Boy Who Wonders
Chapter 2: A Brotherly Visit
Peerage Reveal
Chapter 4: Knowing The Opponent
Chapter 5: Get Real, Uce
Chapter 6: No Pressure, Just Show Up
Chapter 7: The Battle Begins!
Chapter 8: A Literal Cat Fight
Chapter 9: The Battle Against Power
Chapter 10: A Flip of a Coin
Chapter 11: Fade to Black
Chapter 12: Post-Game Hospital Visit
Chapter 13: Throne Crowning and a Certain Phenex Bastard
Chapter 14: All for the Bloodline
Chapter 15: Training Camp With The Kin
Chapter 16: Devil Fever
Chapter 17: Make an Entrance
Chapter 18: To Her, 5 Years Ago
Chapter 19: Walk My Straight Line, Make a Splash
Chapter 20: The Will of Resistance
Chapter 21: Sweeping Back
Chapter 22: From Her, 5 Years Later

Chapter 3: The Slap of Declaration

20.8K 310 307
By RedHood129

Gremory Villa
3rd Person POV
It was a regular midday hour currently in the Underworld.

However, it was also the current day and moment of the family reunion that was happening in the House of Gremory. Ryan was currently once again getting ready, preparing his thoughts of his plan.

Ryan's Mind: (I wish I was in a different mood about this, but I know what my heart says about her right now. I love her, but I cannot let whatever she's doing, the exploitation of her body and shameless submission to a servant of her household. I have to step up and take over for the better and honor of the Gremory family.)

Ryan finished getting prepared and properly dressed, including leaving his long red hair down and remained out of a ponytail for this time.

As Ryan left his room, shutting the door behind him, he caught a scent with his nose.

Ryan: Hm?

Ryan turned to see a massively tall young man that looked like an absolute beefcake, with his hair in a ponytail. The young man has a large scar on his face across his left eye.

Ryan: Todo, is that your cologne I smell?

Aoi: It is most likely the case if you are looking at me.

Ryan: If so, you smell quite nice.

Aoi Todo gave a proud smirk to Ryan.

Aoi: Hygene is always something that should never lack! Even when you're on a date with your type!

Ryan:....Right. Anyways, I hope you're as pumped as some others are. You know, for the potential rating game.

Aoi: Many have their own thoughts. Especially on beating the crap out of the pawn! But I'll only know what kind of man he truly is soon! I will wait!

Ryan: Very well. See you soon man.

Ryan turned away from Aoi and continued his walk across the villa, only to stop at another room. There, he spotted a tall, slender and beautiful black haired woman with a gorgeous hourglass figure. She appeared currently in a formal white dress.

Ryan: Ah, Robin. I see that you're ready for the party.

Robin: I'm indeed quite ready. Though I am aware of the reason you plan to bring me with you.

Ryan: I guess that you'd already know.

Ryan entered Robin's room and walked closer to her, only for her to look down a bit to meet his eyes.

Ryan: I just can't help but have a need for someone to help with my nephew. For as long as he's been born, I never cussed in front of him. I don't want him to here me cuss when I have my chat with Rias.

Robin: He's a sweet child with such good manners. I promise to take quite good care of him.

Ryan: Thank you Robin. Now let's go and not waste more time.

Robin: Agreed. We should be leaving shortly.

Ryan and Robin soon left the room, in preparations of leaving the villa and traveling towards the Gremory Mansion for the reunion.

Hitoshi Shinso was currently seen having his tie for a suit fixed up. He was seen looking away with a decently flustered look on his face.

???: There we go! All done and ready to help Ryan with his reunion plan!

Hitoshi sighed and looked at the fairly tall young girl with sizable and shapely breasts, along with long purple hair.

Hitsoshi: Thanks for the help but....

???: What's wrong?

Hitoshi: Couldn't you be a little more.....modest with your current outfit attire, Saeko?


Oh? What's wrong with my outfit?

Hitoshi: You're wearing only an apron and....

Saeko: A thong? Come on Hitoshi. You know I don't mind not having much of that modesty.

Hitoshi gave a tch and walked away. Saeko only looked at him walk away and she slightly snickered to herself.

Saeko: It's like having a little brother to tease.

Brought to you, by a trivial fact!

For Ryan to acquire certain members of his peerages, he had to undergo certain and personal agreements to reincarnate them with their consent.

End of Timeskip
Gremory Mansion
Ryan, along with Mirajane, Robin, Hitoshi and another young man with spiky black hair made it to the mansion for the reunion. Ryan took a deep breath and exhaled.

Ryan: Isn't it just great to be back where my life practically started?

Mirajane: It looks as lovely and neat as ever!

Ryan: Only you can make such a comment like than that can make a heart warm Mirajane.

Mirajane gave a light blush, accepting the compliment and following the rest of Ryan's group inside the mansion.

The group found themselves met with a variety of maids and butlers, which a pair had decided to guide them inside the mansion. Soon, they found themselves with a wide variety of red haired characters and spouses of them.

The group soon spotted a voluptuous brown haired woman with purple eyes, who appeared to be slightly taller than Ryan. She spotted the young man and appeared to be quite happy to see him. She gave a quick and polite gasp to ease her excitement.

???: Ryan! You came home!

Ryan: Ah. Mother! It's incredible to see you again.

Ryan walked up to the woman who he claimed as his mother and wrapped his arms around her stomach and back to embrace her. The woman did the same thing to Ryan, but with her arms around his neck. She embraced him firm and tight, but gentle at the same time, without having any worry about the fact her bosom was being squished like a bouncing ball with Ryan's chest as well.

After approximately a minute had past, the woman released her embrace from her son as did he. Soon, the woman grabbed Ryan's cheek as if she was pinching it with an upset expression.

???: Now why didn't you contact me for the last 2 years?

Ryan: Ah! I'm sorry! It's just that I've been busy with contracts, training and filling out the rest of my peerage!

???: Oh?

The woman took notice of the spiky black haired boy that was with the group and let go of Ryan's cheek.

???: Ryan, this is a lovely day to celebrate for you making this accomplishment!

The woman walked towards the boy, who seemed to be remaining calm.

???: Now who must you be, young man?

The young boy took a polite bow towards the woman as he began to speak.

???: My name is Touma Kamijou. I am a pawn for Ryan Gremory of the House of Gremory.

???: Touma Kamijou, what a lovely name.

The woman responded back with a polite bow as well towards Touma.

???: My name is Venelana Gremory. As you can tell, I am Ryan's mother. Thank you, as well as the rest of you for taking good care of my son.

Touma: You're welcome. I am glad to serve him.

Robin: He's been quite a unique person and friend to have.

Mirajane: Of course Lady Venelana! I have always been glad to care for him in any time of need!

Hitoshi: You're welcome, Mrs. Gremory. I'm quite satisfied or keep serving.

Venelana gave a sweetened smile towards the peerage and turned back to her son.

Venelana: Now come with me Ryan. There's someone I would like for you to meet.

Ryan: Of course, mother.

Ryan followed Venelana around the room they were in, until they reached a beautiful young appearing woman with the signature red hair of the House of Gremory, along with a very voluptuous body and a crown on top of her head.

Hitoshi and Touma had light tints on their faces at the sight of the woman before them.

???: Hey! Hey! You must be Ryan! Oh it's so good to see you!

The woman began to cling herself onto Ryan to hold him, which Ryan was somewhat hesitant, but had accepted this sort of reaction to be polite.

Venelana: Ryan, this is Runeas Gremory.

Ryan: As in the originator of the House of Gremory?

Touma and Hitoshi: Eh?

Ryan turned to the two boys with him.

Ryan: That's right. I can tell who my ancestors are. I can tell that this is Runeas.

Runeas: Oh Ryan! Tell me, what can you do?

Ryan: Hm?

Venelana: Runeas can be quite a prankster, and likes to be entertained by her descendants.

Ryan: Well....I guess I did have a variety of clothing that I used to wear as a term of fashion and....

Ryan soon saw Runeas immediately pop out a variety of outfits hung on hangers.

Ryan: Oh fu-

Ryan soon spotted a young little boy with short red hair and blue eyes.

???: Uncle Ryan!


Mirajane looked at Ryan with a somewhat surprised look.

Ryan: French fries and ketchup.

The little boy soon reached Ryan, who turned around to face him.

Ryan: Millicas! Look how much you've grown since I last saw you!

Millicas went on to hug his uncle, which Ryan accepted by gently placing his hand on Millicas's head. Soon, the embrace between uncle and nephew had come to and end. Millicas let go of his embrace so that he could look up and face Ryan.

Millicas: I'm so happy to see you again! When mother and father told me you were coming, I got really excited!

Ryan only gave a happy smile while he watched the excitement on Millicas's face. However, his smile soon faded as he looked up and spotted a familiar red haired woman, along with a wide variety of female characters and three boys with unique features.

Ryan's Mind: (Rias.)

As Rias smiled and walked with her peerage, Ryan only faced her, not letting his eyes wander elsewhere. Venelana and Millicas took notice.

Venelana: Ryan? You seem focused very well on your sister.

Millicas: Uncle Ryan? Are you alright?

Ryan shook his head to escape his trance.

Ryan: Yeah, I'm fine.

Ryan soon turned to Robin and Venelana.

Ryan: Robin, can you help my mother get Millicas to another room?

Robin: Yes, of course.

Venelana: Ryan, what's going on?

Ryan only turned to Venelana.

Ryan: Something that I would never let Millicas see or hear happen or come out of my mouth.

Venelana: What?

Robin used her finger to get Venelana's attention and began to guide her and Millicas to another room. Ryan started his walk towards Rias with Mirajane, Hitoshi and Touma walking with him. Soon, Rias spotted Ryan walking towards her and made a stop, allowing him to intercept her and her peerage.

Rias: Ryan.

Ryan looked at Rias and stared at her with a blank and a nearly somewhat disappointed expression. Though the second half wouldn't be able to have been read by many other individuals, as Ryan seemed to have hid that part.

However, a young brown haired boy with a strange hairstyle turned to the voluptuous long black haired girl next to him.

???: Who's that Akeno?

Akeno: That's Ryan Gremory Issei.

Issei: Ryan?

Rias: My twin brother.

Rias faced Ryan after turning to speak to her precious pawn.

Rias: It's been a while Ryan. I've heard rumors about you completing your peerage.

Ryan: Thank you. While I would wish you luck in the Youth Rating Game Tournament, I unfortunately must speak something from my heart that has ached me for quite some time lately. It is a certain business that I have found that others have failed to act upon, and I have no other choice than to be the one who makes the act to do something here. Tonight.

Rias: Ryan. What do you mean by that?

Ryan: I'm talking about you, Rias.

Zeoticus, the current Duke and Head of the House of Gremory, stopped speaking with members of his harem and took notice of what was happening, as he heard some gasps among family members.

Rias appeared to be suddenly hurt and slightly shocked by Ryan's words.

Rias: Ryan...

Ryan: Rias, as your brother, I will always love you, respect you, and cherish you with any sort of decision you make. That's the vow I once promised, to be the best brother I can be. But unfortunately, you have chosen to push yourself down a path, that I can no longer accept by "brushing it off".

Rias remained silent as she began to stare at Ryan with her still somewhat hurt look. Issei began to grit his teeth and glare at Ryan.

Issei's Mind: (What the hell is up with this jerk?! He's disrespecting Rias in front of their own family!)

Ryan: For weeks, I constantly have put myself into my own thoughts and counseled myself into what I thought was wrong with me. I felt like I was losing a sense of honor, pride and respect. But then I learned when I began to truly feel the start of those feelings. The day you were finally free from you engagement with Riser Phenex.

Rias slowly began to look down and her frown began to grow more sad.

Ryan: Don't get me wrong. I'm happy that you're free from Riser. The man was a complete and corrupt scumbag that I would never like or respect. And I will always show respect for your pawn, for freeing you from that engagement. However, the fact that the government brushed aside the fact that holy weapons were used, is absolutely unacceptable.

Ryan soon faced everyone around watching.


Ryan saw that the crowd was somewhat surprised and silent. He sighed and took a bow.

Ryan: I apologize for that. My intentions are to make a point.

Ryan stood up properly again.

Ryan: Yet again. If I were to do anything that heinous to fight for someone's freedom, the chances I would do that could be likely. So it wouldn't be necessarily fair to make that point. However, it shouldn't excuse the lack of law enforcement there. But once yet again, with the treaty, holy items seem to be fine in the Underworld. We truly are in a strange, lovely, peaceful and unique place.

Ryan turned to face Rias again, with Issei getting more pissed off.

Ryan: One other thing that bothered me the most is the one show I hear so much about. The Breast Dragon Emperor, Oppai Dragon.

Rias looked down even more with her eyes shut. Her frown had looked worse now.

Ryan: I cannot express even more of how disappointed and disgusted I can be in you or even for you. The fact of the amount of kids who are major fans of this, sickens me. The fact that you choose to shamelessly exploit yourself, and submit to your own servant with the ranking you sit at in the Clan, shows me your true sense of honor.

Rias appeared to be at the brink of tears, which caused Issei to finally snap.


Rias: I-Issei!


Hitoshi: But why should he apologize for speaking his own mind? Is it because you know he's right? Or is it because you're trying to prove something you'll fail at doing?


Issei soon stopped talking and stood as if he was hypnotized.

Asia: Issei?

Asia and Koneko looked to see Hitoshi smirking.

Hitoshi: Punch yourself in the nuts as hard as you can with your Boosted Gear.

Issei, under a seemingly sort of brainwashing or hypnotism, suddenly unleashed his Boosted Gear, and did exactly what he was told: to punch himself in the balls with it. At the exact moment of contact, brought Issei to extreme and absolutely immense pain, that every man could ever feel.

Issei immediately fell to the ground, groaning and growling in pain, and grabbing his junk.

Rias: Issei!

Akeno and Asia hurried to Issei's side while Rias stood frozen in shock. She slowly turned to Ryan, who glared down at Issei.

Ryan: Please use this as a lesson of what could happen if you were to interrupt someone who could be as far worse than me.

Issei remained silent, still groaning in pain. Ryan soon turned back to Rias.

Ryan: The point I have chosen to prove today here on this date Rias, is that you have shown to submit lower than you shouldn't have. Your actions have proven to be nothing other then, "Un-Duchess-Like", and it has proven to me to believe that you are no longer fit to be our next leader of the Clan.

The crowd was silent as Ryan only stared at Rias. He offered a hand to Mirajane. Who began to give Ryan what appeared to be a white object in the shape of a hand. Rias found that the object was indeed a glove. She watched as Ryan gave a hurting but serious glare at her with the glove in his hand.

Ryan: As your brother, I am sorry to do this. But with everything that has happened to this point, and with others not stepping up to take care of this, I have no other option than to make the push forward myself.

Issei watched from below as Ryan raised his arm and slapped Rias hard across the face, with the white glove in his right hand. He saw as a red hand imprint was laid on Rias's soft skinned cheek, while she gritted through the quick slight pain and tears urging to fall from her eyes.

Ryan: Rias Gremory. I, Ryan Gremory, am hereby challenging you to an Official Rating Game Match, for the right to become the True Next Head of the House of Gremory!

Other devils in the room began to gasp and chatter, except for those such as Runeas, who put her hands to her mouth in awe.

Runeas: Oh my. I never saw this coming from my own descendants.

As for Venelana, she was out after Millicas was in another room. She was shocked by the entire thing that had went down between Rias and Ryan.

Venelana's Mind: (Ryan!.....Why?)

Soon, Zeoticus stepped forward towards his youngest children.

Zeoticus: Ryan.

Ryan turned to face Zeoticus.

Ryan: Father.

Zeoticus: Is this true? Is what you say about these feelings you say that are in your heart true about our standards and reputation with Rias as our current Heiress?

Ryan: Yes, father. I sometimes wish it wasn't. But I know that this is what I feel is a must for the better and right for the Clan and Family.

Zeoticus was silent. He appeared to be processing everything that he witnessed. He closed his eyes and took a deep inhale and then exhaled. Once he reopened his eyes, he faced Ryan.

Zeoticus: Very well, as the current Head of the House of Gremory, I acknowledge your claims and will be undergoing a potential process of deciding-


Zeoticus and Ryan faced Rias who had finally looked up and faced Ryan, with what seemed to be her trying to hold a mixture of emotions.

Rias: If a fight....is what you want, then I'll give you one Ryan....I will prove to you that I am a great leader, and that I can become an excellent Duchess!

Ryan was silent but gave a determined look to Rias, while Zeoticus blinked and spoke once again.

Zeoticus: Alright then. As the current Head of the House of Gremory, I officially will recognize this as an Official Rating Game for the right to be either the next Duke or Duchess of the Underworld and the Gremory Clan. Both peerages will be given a 15 day Handicap to train and study. On the 8th day, both peerages are to meet to discuss the stipulations for the match, which one-half has already be decided. After the 8th day, you are to finish training and polishing skills for the day of the Rating Game. Are we in an agreement?

Rias and Ryan: Yes Father.

Zeoticus nodded and left. Once he left, conversations began to rise. However, Ryan only faces Rias with some final words.

Ryan: I'll wait for your stipulation sister. I will admit you're talented, along with your peerage. However, you know that there is a reason why they call me the Noise Raiser. Because I am at a level of greatness, than you may possibly ever be.

There was a small silence between the two, which soon ended once Ryan spoke again.

Ryan: It seems that I have caused a disturbance for the family in this reunion. It may be best that I leave.

Ryan, along with Mirajane, Robin, Touma and Hitoshi soon left the room to return to their place. However, Venelana tried to stop them.

Venelana: Ryan. Ryan please wait! Ryan!

Unfortunately for Venelana, Ryan couldn't hear her, as he and the members of his peerage present with him had officially left.

As for Rias, she noticed Millicas, who returned from the other room he was sent to, looking at her with concern.

Millicas: Aunt Rias? What happened to Uncle Ryan? Where is he?

Rias: Oh! Please don't worry too much Millicas. Something came up and he had to take an early leave.

Millicas: Oh. But will I get to see him again?

Rias: I'm sure he'd be glad to see you again.

Millicas soon hugged Rias, which decently surprised her. But she accepted her nephew's embrace. However, as she held onto Millicas, Rias felt a wide spreaded variety of emotions of what had hit her, causing her to for a long time, to be lost in her own thoughts.

Rias's Mind: (Ryan....)

Ryan Gremory's Peerage.
Ryan and his peerage were seen traveling back home. Ryan soon turned to Mirajane.

Ryan: Mirajane, can you make a call to Hasegawa? It's about time we start training.

Mirajane: Yes, of course.

Mirajane used a small magic circle to make a call.

Mirajane: Hello, Chisato? Ryan wanted me to tell you that he's said it's time.

Small Timeskip
Unknown Apartment
A stunningly attractive woman with black hair at hip-length, with a mole under her left eye, and an extremely voluptuous figure, was seen speaking through a magic circle.

???: So I see. Thank you for the chat. I'll be waiting.

The won't soon turned around to reveal her green eyes and glasses that she wore.

Chisato: So Ryan Gremory is now willing to contract himself with a goddess. What an interesting devil, with a powerful heart. I wonder how you will do in your training and when we begin our contract.


ALRIGHT! That concludes chapter 3 folks!

Now then, allow me to give the last update on the peerage.

*: This character has been recognized as a Mutation Piece.
^: This character was reincarnated under a certain circumstance.

Ryan Gremory's Peerage:
Queen: Mirajane Strauss
Erza Scarlet*
Yoruichi Shihouin*
Moka Akashiya
Lieselotte Sherlock
Hitoshi Shinso
Aoi Todo
Nico Robin
Saeko Busujima
Touma Kamijou

That is all the spots for the peerage. With the inclusion of a contract.

Contract: Chisato Hasegawa

Now then, I have one last question to ask.

Would you like for me to either do a page to reveal the entire peerage and their rankings? If so, it'll mean spoilers. I'm not against it, but I'll only do it if you want me to.

Either way, I'll continued to enjoy the making of this book! I hope you all continue to enjoy this book!

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