Harry Potter and The Lightnin...

By Hadrius_Peverell

162K 4K 769

The Marauders discover something during their time at school, it let them see the life of the unborn Harry Po... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 9

4.3K 108 36
By Hadrius_Peverell

Snape had gathered the other head of houses and told them about what had happened with Harry, Ginny and Ron.

"I can assume there is a particular reason you've brought this to our attention instead of dealing with it yourself" Flitwick spoke first

"Yes there is" Snape replied "I was sitting at breakfast when I felt an overwhelming surge of power, I know you three felt it as well. Well, just as I manage to compose myself I see Potter dragging his girlfriend away. Eventually I went after them when I found them and they told me what happened. I think that if Mr Weasley wasn't Ginny's big brother then Potter may have removed some body parts."

"You're saying he held himself back for her?" Sprout asked

"Yes I am" Snape nodded "it's clear to all of us that Potter is holding back in lessons just to stay in her presence, we all know he's more powerful then he lets on. And I have come to a conclusion"

"What may that be?" McGonagall's interest was definitely caught

"Simply put Miss Weasley is the only one capable of controlling Mr Potter" Snape responded "I believe that other than staying in her presence, he holds back so he doesn't frighten her or cause her problems. Now I'd like you to wonder what would happen if her brother or Malfoy insults him? He'd likely brush it off or respond with a witty comment" The three nodded

"Now I'd like you to imagine something else" Snape continued "what would happen if those two insult Miss Weasley? What if she becomes incapable of holding Mr Potter back or isn't there at the time to hold him back?" Their faces became grim at the very thought

"What do you suggest?" Flitwick asked

"Simply this, we need to reign in the other students. The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are fine as they've maintained a neutral standpoint; Miss Granger and Mr Weasley are the only lions that need to be taken control of whereas I have the more difficult task of dealing with my house which is currently divided between hating and respecting the two."

Soon a plan was in place and the Professors got to work, they told Harry and Ginny what they were going to do and after some convincing they agreed to let them do it. Flitwick and Sprout did the same as always and just keep the others from bothering Harry and Ginny in class or in the hall. Snape however went to the common room and called all the second years after sending the rest to their rooms.

"Some of you may be wandering why I have summoned you here" Snape drawled "quite simply, I am ordering you all to leave Mr Potter and Miss Weasley alone and any of their friends" Half of them looked confused, the rest look a bit annoyed

"What? Why?" Malfoy asked

"I am ordering this Malfoy, for your safety. Not Potters" Snape sneered at him

"What do you mean?" Malfoy stared at Snape with disbelief in his eyes

"I mean Mr Malfoy that if you dunderheads had an ounce of intelligence or observation skills than you'd notice that Potter holds back in all his classes"

"So?" One of the Slytherin's asked

"I've spoken with Potters teachers" Snape continued "and after comparing notes, we all very much believe that Potter is capable not only of teaching our classes for us but in fact being better at the subject then us" A few gasps were heard

"Potter not only brews potions perfectly but he does them quicker and more efficiently than me, his transfigurations are flawless as are his charms and from what I understand I believe Mr Malfoy is very fortunate to be walking"

"What do you mean?" Malfoy responded, Snape could hear the curiosity in his voice

"All the times you've insulted Mr Potter and walked away are simply because he has allowed you to walk away" Snape explained "frankly he doesn't see you as a threat. If I was Potter the only people I would consider being threats would be the headmaster or the dark lord."

"You…You're kidding right?" Malfoy asked, fear clearly in his voice. Snapes sneer went into overdrive

"Regrettably for you I am not, in fact I believe that if Potter started practising certain spells or expressed the desire then he could be the next dark lord." The Slytherin's were sweating "I don't believe any of you have any need to worry, Potter has a very tight lid on his temper. However I do believe you should know that Miss Weasley is the only reason his temper is under control, if Potter does harm you then that tells anyone with a brain that you've done something to her and you will be held responsible.

If you chose to do anything to Potter or her then you should know this: I will know, I will not punish Potter if he harms you, I will not take responsibility for any harm that Potter inflicts on you, you will not complain or whine about anything that happens to you and you will consider yourself lucky not to be suspended" Snape turned and walked out, leaving a stunned common room. Malfoy couldn't decide if he believed that, he knew Potter was strong but no way was he that strong. Potter is the teacher's favourite so it's entirely possible their just saying this because Potter complained and they want to get him off their back.

McGonagall knew that her task wouldn't be easy and she'd probably need a headache potion afterwards, but it needed to be done. She called Mr Weasley and Miss Granger to her classroom and sat behind her task, she let out her sighs now before they could come. Once they entered the room and closed the door they walked over to the Professors desk.

"Good evening" She greeted the two of them "do either of you know why I have called you here?"

"No miss" They shook their heads

"I shall start with you Mr Weasley; I'd like to have a discussion with you regarding your sister and Mr Potter"

"You what?" Ron used his signature confused face

"You heard correctly Mr Weasley" McGonagall continued "are you aware that one of the members of staff had found your sister crying? She was quite upset"

"I bet it was Potter" Ron growled "I told her she shouldn't be his girlfriend"

"Actually Mr Weasley" McGonagall's lips thinned "Potter was actually the one who had comforted her and stopped her from crying, when asked why she was crying she blamed you"

"ME?!" Ron couldn't believe it, what had he done?

"Yes you" McGonagall ignored his outburst "from what i understand you have told her she could not be with him and you said something along the lines of she wasn't good enough for her"

"No I didn't" Ron replied "I just said there was no way she was his girlfriend because Harry would never chose her when he could have any girl in the school"

"Ron" Hermione whispered "that's not better"

"I have to agree" McGonagall nodded "not only did you upset your sister and a fellow student, you also interfered in personal matters that were none of your business"

"But she's my sister!" Ron argued

"She's also the sister of your older brothers who, despite being two of the most mischievous student sever to enter this school, have wisely kept to themselves. That's twenty points and I am assigning you a weeks' worth of detention and I will be writing to your mother" Ron's face paled at that last part

"If I hear you have been trying to interfere in personal matters that do not concern you again then I shall double your punishment, you may leave" Ron skulked out leaving a nervous Hermione.

"Now Miss Granger" McGonagall turned to her "do you know why I have called you here?"

"No Professor" Hermione replied "I've done all my homework and I haven't broken any rules"

"I have called you here because I'd like to know why you keep following Mr Potter, many students have informed that they regularly see you attempting to talk to him or shout at him about some thing or another. I was told that you shout at him about homework quite often" Hermione shuffled her feat a little before talking

"Well when every we get homework he never does straight away and he always waste time playing or talking to Ginny and does it at the very last minute and I've never seen him go near the library"

"That's as maybe but he's always handed in his homework on time and his homework is always the best in the class, so I do not see what the problem is. While encouraging him to do homework is admirable, it's neither your job nor duty to force him to do so. Now back to my original question, I'd like to know why you feel the need to constantly approach Mr Potter or engage in conversations with him when it's clear he does not want to" Hermione didn't say anything for a while before she took a breath and began talking

"He needs me Professor"

"Would you like to explain why you think that is?" This would be good

"Miss I'm the smartest witch in our year, we all know Harry's important and he needs my help. I'm the only one smart and willing enough to challenge him"

"Miss Granger, I hope you understand that I am doing my best to not shout at the stupidity of that statement. Though you may be incredibly intelligent and are above average when it comes to theory, I'd like to remind you of two things. The first being your practical side is below average, it'd also be a lot higher if you focused more on your work instead of trying to outdo Mr Potter, the second thing I'd like to remind you of is Miss Weasley is in fact the top witch of your year.

Her practical skills and theory skills are second only to Potter, in fact I very much believe Potter could teach my class if he was of age. Now I was hoping you could tell me what you challenge him on?"

"Okay miss" Hermione spoke with a shaky voice "I challenge Harry on things I think he needs to improve on like getting his homework in on time or spending more time studying and less time goofing off or distracting Ginny. I also tell him how he should waste less time on jokes and quidditch, people look up to him so he should behave like a good role model" Hermione wisely left out her opinion on his house elves

"Miss Granger" McGonagall had decided to wrap this conversation up as she was losing her patience "it is not up to you to decide how Potter behaves, unless Potter is breaking a rule you cannot order him about just because he does things you do not approve of or enjoy. As for quidditch it's an honourable, enjoyable, traditional and noble sport that provides Gryffindor with many house points so I do not see what the problem is. Now as it's obvious that Potter does not enjoy your company I order you to stay away from him and Miss Weasley whenever possible. I will not have you affect their school work and lives to fulfil whatever delusion you have concocted. You may leave and if I hear one more word about you trying to model Potter into what you want him to be or that you're bothering Miss Weasley than you may join her brother in detention"

And with that she sent a tear-eyed bushy girl off, she knew she was harsh but she also knew it would save lives and it was the only way she would listen. She had just hoped it would be enough to stick into their thick heads. Soon it was time for another defence against the dark arts lesson with Lockhart, Harry and Ginny were going to sit at the back until Lockhart 'requested' them to sit at the front. Annoyingly, Hermione and Ron were at the desk behind them.

"Okay class" Lockhart joyfully began "I've trust you've all read your books, now I'm going to re-enact the part where I dealt with the werewolf, now I need a volunteer. Harry, come up and help me boy"

"No thanks" Harry responded, he could actually sense Hermione resisting the urge to say something

"Come on Harry" Lockhart flashed his ridiculously white teeth "no need to be shy"

"I'm not shy" Harry replied "you said you need a volunteer which means willing participant, I however am not willing and do not want to take part this, when you want to teach me something new or do something other than remind me what you've done in your books for the billionth time then I shall take part" The air was thick with tension, Ginny was suppressing giggles whilst most the girls looked furious. Harry was smiling at Lockhart in a way that dared him to say something else

"Right" Lockhart coughed "how about someone else than? Ronald, come up here, you'd make a good werewolf"

Ronald glared at Harry before standing up and going to the front, and helping Lockhart with his werewolf story. The boys in the class were amused by the combination of Lockhart's over enthusiastic acting and Ron's method of doing 'the minimal amount required'. The girls were all paying attention and even swooning, except for the red head at the front that had to duck her head into Harry's chest when Lockhart pretended to choke Ron. Lockhart noticed this and tried to comfort her.

"It's alright young girl" He spoke softly whilst still pretending to choke Ron, not noticing he had put most of his weight on Ron's neck. "As you can see I did survive". 'Unfortunately' Harry thought. Lockhart also didn't notice that Ginny was doing this to stop laughing

"I think she's a bit tired sir" Harry made up on the spot "probably best if I take her to the hospital wing" Harry and Ginny stood up and picked up all their stuff, Lockhart was about to say something when Ron had punched him in the face. Probably to call attention to the fact that he couldn't breathe.

The two ran out of the classroom, before they found themselves collapsing from laughter in an abandoned hallway. They did decide to go to the hospital wing so they could at the very least not be called liars.

"Hello Madam Pomfrey" They greeted the matron once they entered "bye Madam Pomfrey" the two said before leaving a very confused nurse. Just before they turned the corner they managed to see a purple faced Ron and a Lockhart with blood dripping from his nose enter the hospital wing.

The next day was also very funny for the pair; they had spent the previous night making plans with the twins for a certain professor. At lunch that day, before their plan went off, an owl had dropped a red envelope right on Ron's lap. Harry saw Ginny mouth 'howler' and giggle, next thing he knew, Ron's envelope was floating mid-air and a familiar voice was heard.


Harry was thinking multiple things at that time, the first was how priceless Ron's face is. The second was he's glad that Ginny's mother was on their side, even if it was probably temporary, the fact that she embarrassed Ron was an added bonus, he then started wondering if Hermione was going to start ranting about paper being wasted or letters committing suicide or something like that.

Ginny however was relieved that her mother was on her side, even if it was temporary. She was also glad that she embarrassed Ron but sadly her howler had brought attention to her. Though she had to admit that the look on Ron's face had made it worth it, Harry and Ginny checked to make sure Lockhart had activated their pranks before walking out. The first prank was a sticking charm which would keep him stuck to the chair for the next hour, the second one was placed in his drink and would make his mouth incapable of doing anything but smiling, the third was in the backrest of his chair and that released a ton of itching powder. The two left along with the other students, the teachers were the only ones left in the hall.

As they stood up, they noticed that Lockhart was still sat down and constantly scratching himself and smiling, but he's eyes conveyed distress. He hopefully looked at the other teachers, who as the kind and responsible adults that they were, ignored him and pretended not to notice anything. They walked off leaving Lockhart all by himself, which sadly meant nobody was capable of teaching the next class.

Most of the students were sitting bored and talking, except for Hermione who was huffing and mumbling when she wasn't sneaking glances at Harry and Ginny who had chosen to sit at the back. Those two looked extremely proud and happy, Hermione knew that they were probably behind Lockhart's disappearance. The worst part was she couldn't question them about it, she had wondered where everything had gone so wrong? When she entered the wizarding world she learnt all about Harry Potter, he was supposed to be a kind and heroic boy who she could befriend and use to elevate her status amongst the purebloods and make herself important, sadly he wasn't.

He was supposed to have been raised by muggles like her and know nothing about the wizarding world, Hermione studied for hours to make sure she knew more than him so he would inevitably come to her for help. He wasn't supposed to be smarter than her, but he was amongst multiple other things. He was rude, sarcastic, cocky, and confident and made no effort in gaining friends. He had befriended the twins and Neville, but when it came to girls it was clear despite how nice he pretended to be that in his mind you were either Ginny or you weren't worth knowing. But maybe that could be Hermione's way in, befriend Ginny or stop Harry from liking her. The first option was probably the best, it's easier and less risky than the second which could have disastrous consequences.

Ron also shot the occasional glance at Potter, not only did the rich prat ignore his attempts to befriend him; he also got him into trouble. Potter was always walking around like he was too good for everyone else, in his first year he wouldn't be friends with him but had no problem befriending the twins and even Neville bloody Longbottom. Potter always looked at him as if he was dirt on his shoe, and what is up with his obsession over Ginny? She's not even that interesting but she's the only one he seems remotely interested in talking too among the second years, and on the very odd occasion when she's not with him he's either looking for her, talking to the twins or talking to Longbottom.

Apparently nobody else is good enough for him, even in the dorm room he never says more than hello or goodbye to Dean or Seamus. At the end of the year he got him in trouble with some rubbish about wanting to be in Slytherin or liking Dad better. The last part was true once the shouting had started, now whenever Ron sees him he's constantly plotting something with the twins or holding hands with Ginny and the worst part is he gets away with it and nobody can do anything. He thinks he's such hot stuff just because he's rich, famous, the best in class and in quidditch he acts like he's the best seeker in the world. Maybe Ginny would leave him if Ron could convince her he isn't all that.

Draco was deep in thought, could Potter really be as strong as Snape says he is. He does do everything with ease, Draco still remembers his jump at the sorting and everyone heard the story about how he got past those traps and dealt with that possessed Professor. Maybe there's some truth to it, Draco snuck a look and saw Harry leaning back and looking at the Weaslet, Potter was laughing but he also looked like a devoted dog with how much he was smiling.

No way Potter was as strong as Snape said, everyone knows Potter's the teachers favourite, they probably just said that to keep him happy because he was too much of a wimp to do something. No way Potter was that strong, nobody could be more powerful than the dark lord, nobody! Especially not a twelve year old arrogant half-blood who lets an eleven year old blood traitor tell him what to do, Malfoy would probably have to check at some point. His father would definitely like to know what Potter could do, and if he embarrasses Potter than that's just a bonus.

With one minute left for the class, the students got up and got ready to leave. Harry and Ginny were out like a bullet from a shotgun, apparently Professor McGonagall wanted to see them. They had hoped that if things go quickly then they could send a letter to Sirius and start planning their next prank. They entered the class room to find it void of all life, except for the stern witch that was sitting at the desk who was grumbling until the two came in. Her thin lips transformed into a smile when the two stopped at her desk

"I can assume that none of the students have bothered you" After receiving two confirmative nods she continued "I'm afraid I have good news, bad news and additional bad news. The good news is the school is forming a duelling club, the bad news is it's run by Lockhart and the additional bad news is you have to attend Mr Potter"

"What? Why?"

"Something to do with a lack of effort in his class" McGonagall waited for his reply, if Potter wasn't putting in effort then it was probably for a good reason

"I'm sorry Professor but in your classes you at least attempt to teach us something relevant to the subject. Lockhart has us do quizzes on him, asking questions like what he uses in his hair. Regrettably I know the answers from reading his book but that is one test I don't care if I pass, the closest thing he ever did to teaching us was in our first lesson when he brought in those pixies and they started wrecking the class. At that point he ran and left me, Gin, Hermione and Ron to deal with them"

"And what did you do?" McGonagall asked

"We just copied our teacher and left the room" Ginny smiled innocently "we figured that if Hermione and Ron were such good students then they could deal with it, if not then the 'brilliant' Professor could help them."

"Yeah" Harry smiled "all our lessons from then were just acting out things from his books, which I am convinced he never did in the first place, so he's basically making me go because I refused to play a werewolf in front of the class"

"I'll have to talk to Dumbledore about this" McGonagall frowned "however until I can take action I am afraid you will have to participate in it tomorrow and I can only assume that means Miss Weasley will also participate, there will be a notice up in the common rooms. Fortunately for you Professor Snape will assist the duelling club tomorrow and he shall do his best to keep you out of trouble. Good luck Potter and Miss Weasley and please try not to injure anybody" The look the two shared was not missed.

"We'll try" Ginny spoke in a sweet voice before the two left

'I'll probably have to tell Madam Pomfrey to expect company' McGonagall thought 'Maybe she could make some money and bet which students end up there, her money was on Malfoy, Ronald and Miss Granger. They were too stupid to stay away for too long.'

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