Chapter 9

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Snape had gathered the other head of houses and told them about what had happened with Harry, Ginny and Ron.

"I can assume there is a particular reason you've brought this to our attention instead of dealing with it yourself" Flitwick spoke first

"Yes there is" Snape replied "I was sitting at breakfast when I felt an overwhelming surge of power, I know you three felt it as well. Well, just as I manage to compose myself I see Potter dragging his girlfriend away. Eventually I went after them when I found them and they told me what happened. I think that if Mr Weasley wasn't Ginny's big brother then Potter may have removed some body parts."

"You're saying he held himself back for her?" Sprout asked

"Yes I am" Snape nodded "it's clear to all of us that Potter is holding back in lessons just to stay in her presence, we all know he's more powerful then he lets on. And I have come to a conclusion"

"What may that be?" McGonagall's interest was definitely caught

"Simply put Miss Weasley is the only one capable of controlling Mr Potter" Snape responded "I believe that other than staying in her presence, he holds back so he doesn't frighten her or cause her problems. Now I'd like you to wonder what would happen if her brother or Malfoy insults him? He'd likely brush it off or respond with a witty comment" The three nodded

"Now I'd like you to imagine something else" Snape continued "what would happen if those two insult Miss Weasley? What if she becomes incapable of holding Mr Potter back or isn't there at the time to hold him back?" Their faces became grim at the very thought

"What do you suggest?" Flitwick asked

"Simply this, we need to reign in the other students. The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are fine as they've maintained a neutral standpoint; Miss Granger and Mr Weasley are the only lions that need to be taken control of whereas I have the more difficult task of dealing with my house which is currently divided between hating and respecting the two."

Soon a plan was in place and the Professors got to work, they told Harry and Ginny what they were going to do and after some convincing they agreed to let them do it. Flitwick and Sprout did the same as always and just keep the others from bothering Harry and Ginny in class or in the hall. Snape however went to the common room and called all the second years after sending the rest to their rooms.

"Some of you may be wandering why I have summoned you here" Snape drawled "quite simply, I am ordering you all to leave Mr Potter and Miss Weasley alone and any of their friends" Half of them looked confused, the rest look a bit annoyed

"What? Why?" Malfoy asked

"I am ordering this Malfoy, for your safety. Not Potters" Snape sneered at him

"What do you mean?" Malfoy stared at Snape with disbelief in his eyes

"I mean Mr Malfoy that if you dunderheads had an ounce of intelligence or observation skills than you'd notice that Potter holds back in all his classes"

"So?" One of the Slytherin's asked

"I've spoken with Potters teachers" Snape continued "and after comparing notes, we all very much believe that Potter is capable not only of teaching our classes for us but in fact being better at the subject then us" A few gasps were heard

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