Da Biggest Boss Dat Ever Live...

By BrawlBismarck

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I don't own rwby or Warhammer 40k (Y/N) (L/N) was adopted into a loving family in patch on remnant, who loved... More

Prologue: Originz of da Boss
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Pyrrha's Lemon)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Winter's Lemon)
Chapter 17 (26k Reads Special)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Emerald's Lemon)
Chapter 21
Epilogue: I'z Da Biggest Boss Dat Ever Lived!

Chapter 22

573 18 13
By BrawlBismarck

Kingdom of Mistral. Y/N's POV.

After the rampage through Vale and it's surrounding area, me and my horde had chased Tai and the remainder of his and Cinder's army of sorts all the way to the Kingdom of Mistral, where Tai, Shadowsun, and Farsight had retreated into the wilderness. I sent out Kill Teams of Grots and Kommando's to scout out the area, with Snikrot leading the way. The T'au had created a makeshift fortress out of the school and the area surrounding the rest of the city, but we were able to find that the T'au weren't able to protect all of their defenses, they didn't have the troops or the supply to keep them maintained.

We had the numbers, and we had the strength to be able to break through and savagely murder anyone we find inside that's a T'au or a Grimm. And to make matter for them even worse, the T'au and the Grimm didn't really get along with each other, making cooperation a real chore for their commands, and for Tai as he tried to muster his dwindling army into a real fighting force to finally, and I quote, 'teach that pathetic, disobedient child of mine to accept that I am his better and he is nothing, nothing without me or his horde of barbarians', yeah right, we'll see about that old man, we will see on this very day if that is true!

(Timeskip) Late evening, the time for Reckoning.

Using the cover of darkness to our advantage, Me, Ghazghkull, and the other bosses creeped closer to the outer defenses, with Snikrot and his Red-Skull Kommandos taking out any sentries that would give us away to soon. I remained in my Kommando form as to not let us lose the element of surprise, but that would soon change once we were close enough to charge, and then the fun begins. My Orks held tight grips to their weapons, their eagerness to kill was biting away at them, especially as we got closer and closer, but the Mek Gunz at the back would be what wakes the T'au and Grimm with their thundering fire storm of zappy explosions.

Once we make a breach, the Killa Kanz and Dreads would follow up behind us, and any form of resistance would be lost as we made our way further into the city. After we breach the outer defenses, the school will be all that remains to keep Tai and the rest of his pathetic allies safe until I kick in those shitty walls he hides behind!

As we moved in closer, I ordered my horde to hold, waiting for Snikrot and his Kommandos to light the defenses with explosions and mindless destruction. I spotted Snikrot and the Kommando's sneaking closer to the enemy position, before Snikrot gave me a hand signal. A Grot holding a radio box with a red button saw the signal and pushed the red button.

Soon, unbridled destruction took place as the ammo and weapons storages exploded, wreaking most of the munitions and equipment the T'au had. And in the flashes of light, the T'au spotted us so close to their lines, but we're to late to react in time as me and my horde roar out our battle cries and charged into the crumbled defenses, where the T'au fought hard to keep us back, but it was no use.

The Grimm weren't much help either as they're massive teeth and claws were no were close to being sharp enough to actually crush or even break through the thick metal plate armor that many of my Orks had bolted onto their bodies, and simply lead themselves to the slaughterhouse. Having no regard for the lives of our enemies, my horde killed and destroyed anything that was stupid enough to surrender or plead for mercy. I simply continued smashing and killing, not bothering to listen to any of the chaos that had consumed the battlefield.

I came here for one thing and one thing only. And that was...REVENGE!!! I didn't suffer all those years of abuse and torture and simply not kill all those who tormented me, and I wasn't going to stop the killing with Yang and let Tai's ass get off the chain, Scott-free!!! Soon, I reached the Academy entrance, where the rest of the Grimm and T'au had retreated, and got ready for the inevitable onslaught. But we wouldn't attack the way they thought we would, which usually would have been charging head long into the enemy guns and overwhelm them with sheer weight of numbers...which is kinda what we were gonna do anyway, BUT! We're gonna do it, using the good ol' reliable taktik of sending in the Dread Mobz first, followed up by the MegaNobz and Flash Gitz to confirm the breakthrough.

With the use of a signal flare, I called for the massive Dread Horde to charge forward, taking the T'au by surprise with the surge of giant, angry walkerz, with their weapons not doing any significant damage before the tide of metal death smashed into them, with the sounds of meat ripping and blood-curdled screams following. In a quick rush, the horde quickly broke through and stormed into the school, caring little about the structural integrity of the building as we either killed or captured any T'au we found to use for a labor force.

Knowing full well that Tai along with Farsight and Shadowsun had sealed themselves away in the Headmaster office, I barreled up the stairs, my hunger for revenge growing with every step. Soon, my rampage slowed when I smashed open the office doors, finding the trio I was planning to kill. Farsight and Shadowsun both looked terrified by my presence, but Tai just looked at me dismissively, as he had always done for my whole life, unless he was wanting to beat me down into the dirt.

"So...here to finally claim your revenge?" The blonde asked as he looked out at my Ork horde burning and destroying everything that was either a T'au or a Grimm. Though Farsight and Shadowsun seemed confused by Tai's words, "Yoo really fhought I'z wuz just gonna let ya walk away frum me and not make ya pay fer all dat pain an' torture ya put me fhrough!?!" I shouted, confusing the two T'au commanders more. "Wait a minute. You told us that you wanted to destroy your Hybrid son because he was fining to reduce your world to a Ork industry world. What does he mean by what he says?" Farsight asked Tai, making the blonde look at the two commanders with a worried look.

"Don't tell me you lied to use just so you could crush him underneath your boot!" Shadowsun scolded Tai, making him start to sweat a little. "H-he's a monster! That's all that matters! He took everything from me ever since he was born from his mother!!! He's nothing but a mistake to this world that should never have been left to fester!!!" Tai shouted, but this only revealed what he really was to Farsight and Shadowsun.

"So your telling me that you purposely hurt someone while they were still a child!? Cause if that's what you mean, then no wonder why he'd want to destroy everything on this damned rock!" Shadowsun shouted. Tai was about to speak before Farsight shot a burst of plasma directly next to his face, then both the commanders turned to me. "Do your worst to this monster. He has no place in this world." Shadowsun told me, making me grin before my red, beady eyes turned to Tai with murderous intent.

"Fine! If neither of you will fight him, then I will kill him, myself!!!" Tai shouted. Without another word, he charged at me with his fists raised before colliding with my armor, knocking me back a bit. But I simply huffed and gave him a bitch slap across the face, sending him flying across the room. The blonde daemon clawed to his feet, his anger building more and more as I repeated the process of slapping him against a wall.

When Tai's aura finally shattered, he gave me a devious grin before stabbing himself in the face with two syringes filled with some kind of green fluid. But I was able to recognize that it was a formula similar to the substance that Grotsnik had pumped into my veins to make me the Warboss that I am now. Shadowsun and Farsight looked shocked, "Y/N! He used a deluded version of your healing formula! It won't only making him stronger, it'll make him..." Farsight tried explaining before Tai roared out, "AN' ORK WARBOSS!!!" The green brute that stood before me roared.

"So...ya finally got da gutz ta fight!!! Den come on!!!" I roared. Tai smiled evilly as he stood taller than me, which made me guess that he had mixed some of that super steroid that Qrow used with some Ork DNA to make him like this. But he lacked armor and any real weapon, and I had brought much bigger mechs down compared to him. Tai threw a punch at me, sending me down to the floor, with a large fist-sized dent in the chest of my mega armor.

I felt surprised, but it soon turned to a gleeful smile as I lunged as Tai from the ground and uppercutted him through the roof and sending him crashing down to the ground below. I followed down with my metal boots making a loud thump as I hit the ground. My Ork horde stopped fighting and turned in mine and Tai's direction, "So den, it looks like we'z gonna figure out which oun a us iz da real Big Boss! An' when I win, I'z gonna makes yoo inta nofhing moar den my Grot Slave!!!" Tai roared.

I tighten the grip on my Big Choppa as the horde circled around us, not intervening as the largest Orks in the universe were ready to kill each other. With an angry roar of WAAAGH! I ran head first into Tai and knocked him down on his back before straddling and beating his face with my exposed fist, getting cheers for my Orks as I pummeled my opponent. But I knew better than to think that it would be this easy to kill the blonde daemon, and I was proven right when Tai shot a fist into my chest, knocking my back. I pushed myself up in time to meet another one of Tai's punches, and caught it with my Power Klaw.

I lifted the green brute over my head and slammed him onto the ground before chopping his hand of with my Big Choppa. Tai seemingly grunt before pushing himself up and punching me in the face with his other hand. I staggered back and lost the grip on my Choppa, giving Tai the opportunity to snatch it and start swinging it at me. But his swings were sloppy and reckless as he wasn't able to control the Daemonic power infused into the large axe, making it easy for me to bat away his strikes with my Klaw.

After getting tired of this, I pulled the trigger on my Dakka-Hammer, with some bullets tearing through Tai's arm. This caused Tai to drop my Big Choppa, and I seized this opening to grab him by his throat with my open fist, before green lightning started frazzling out of my hand, with me and Tai's eyes locking despite him being taller in his current standard. Eventually, Tai started screaming as his body and muscle mass started turning back to his original body form.

Once that was over with, I chucked him into the pavement, breaking several of his bones based on the snapping sounds from the impact. At this point, Farsight and Shadowsun had came down from the school after having watched the whole fight. "Well Y/N, I believe we've seen and heard enough from this fool." Shadowsun stated. I glared over at her before speaking, "Ok, wot'z dat ta me an' me Boyz! We'z still gonna kill ya if yer still fightin' fer dis worfhless git I'z jus' broken!" I growled, with my Orks gripping their weapons and all of them turning towards the two T'au Commanders.

"No. We're leaving his lost cause for you to stamp into the dirt. Are you still going to kill us?" Farsight asked me. I was still itching to rip those two out of their commander suits, but I wasn't feeling obligated to kill them. They had just turned their backs on my old abuser, knowing full well that they were still at my mercy. I looked at them both, standing talk and as intimidating as was possibly for me, which only when I did do that did I realize that I had grown bigger, which must have been from draining Tai of his Ork power and abilities, and stared red daggers into the two commander's souls.

"Yoo leave dis place now. An' neva com' back ta dis planet! Our war ain't over yet, but fer now it iz!" I growled. Farsight and Shadowsun looked at each other before looking back at me. "Very well. But we're taking the remains of our weapons and vehicles you and your horde destroyed." Shadowsun declared, and I nodded with my approval, "Alright. Now get goin' for I change me mind!!!" I roared.

Without another word, the T'au commanders recalled all their remaining forces and grabbed up any destroyed technology that was theirs. I turned back to Tai, murderous glee pumping through my heart. But I wasn't gonna let his death in this word be quick or painless, and I grabbed hold of him but the back of his neck, "Yoo made my life a livin' 'Ell! Now, I'z gonna do da same fing ta yoo!!! GROTSNIK!!!" I roared, with Grotsnik maki g his way to the front of the horde, and quickly realized what I was planning, "Got'z room fer anovher Stichboy!?" I smiled before throwing Tai before him, the force impact practically shattering his leg bones.

Grotsnik cheered with glee before dragging away Tai's broken body. I looked around at my horde, with all of them letting out a roar of WAAAGH!!!

Author's Note: So finally finished this!!! And guess what...this is the second to last part of this book!!! It's been a great journey writing this for all of you, and I'm looking forward to finally updating the rest of my books. Thank you all for being patient with me and Thanks for Reading!!!

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