Trinity Herrington: Princess...

By jross14

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The story of one of the greatest female superstars in WWE history. Follow the story of Trinity Herrington's r... More

Chapter 1: Rookie Struggles
Chapter 2: Bianca to the rescue
Chapter 3: Time for a Takeover
Chapter 4: Road to New York
Chapter 6: Time for War
Chapter 7: Worlds Collide/Portland
Chapter 8: A renewed focus
Chapter 9: Unexpected Surprises
Chapter 10: End of an era
Chapter 11: 2.0
Chapter 12: A Toxic End
Chapter 13: Who's Judging who
Chapter 14: Double Trouble/AND NEW
Chapter 15: Rocky road to Wrestlemania
Chapter 16: CTRL,Alt,Delete
Chapter 17: Here comes the money
Chapter 18: Not so friendly rivalry
Chapter 19: Acknowledge Me
Chapter 20: A Royal Offer
Chapter 21: Unlikely Allies
Chapter 22: Every Queen Has An Assassian

Chapter 5: Self-Doubt

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By jross14

A few months passed after my big win at Takeover, I didn't get a title shot at Takeover XXV, Kairi got a rematch and Bianca beat her again but I'm not gonna be denied a title shot at the next Takeover. I've been getting some big wins lately, even got a win over Mia Yim and another one over Dakota Kai. We were 6 weeks away from Takeover: Toronto and Bianca still didn't have a challenger but all that was about to change. It was announced that I'll be taken on Io Shirai in a number one contenders match to see who would face Bianca at Takeover: Toronto. It was scheduled for the main event and I spent all night getting ready for this one. I cannot let another chance at winning this title just slip through my hands.

Closing moments

Io hit me with her running knees to the corner and I rolled right into her drop zone. She went up to go for her moonsault off the top rope but I got my knees up just in time. We both made to our feet and I ran at her and ducked a clothesline and hit a springboard sling blade. I went up top for a 450 but before I even got fully set up freaking Rhea Ripley came from nowhere and pushed me off the turnbuckle and I fell right into the barricade. She threw Io shoulder first into the ring post and hit her with a Riptide. I made it back up to the apron and went for a springboard dropkick but she just hit me with a big boot and hit me with a Riptide and that's how the show ended. Next week came and I was beyond pissed off because I had that match right in my hands and Rhea decided to just insert herself for no reason. I just need to know if I'm facing Bianca in Toronto then I'll give Rhea the proper beatdown she has coming. As soon as the show started I came right to the ring and grabbed a mic.

"Okay cut the music, cut any chants, I'm dead serious right now. Usually I'm all smiles and I love talking with the NXT faithful but as I'm sure you all know last week, I was in a match with Io for a chance to go to Toronto and face Bianca for that title. Let's see, how did that end again? Oh yeah, Rhea Ripley sticking her nose in things that don't involve her and now there is no contender. So I need some answers, am I going to Toronto, is it Io? Is it a triple threat? Someone let me know." Just as I finished that statement Rhea brought her ass out the back with something to say.

"Okay for one, I should have been in that number one contender's match, I've been the most dominant woman on this roster. Two, I already beat you but somehow you get another chance to go for that championship."

"You already had a chance, remember that fatal four way that you didn't win. Yeah that was your chance so don't ruin mines because you couldn't get it done."

"That's funny coming from you, you were suppose to be in that match right? That's right you lost it because you can't come through in big matches."

"How about I beat you right here right now? Well that be enough to prove I can win big matches?"

I could feel us about to come to blows but before anything could happen Io came out of nowhere and started beating both of us with a kendo stick. All of this happened and nothing got resolved and I just got more pissed. Later in the night I saw Rhea in the parking lot getting interviewed and I just found the closest car, jumped on it and jumped off to hit her with a drop kick. We started brawling all over the lot and Io found herself back in the mix. We found ourselves back inside the arena and my night got ended by getting kicked off some structure and went through the announcer's table. I'm not sure what happened with Io and Rhea but I managed to limp my way to the back. By the end of the night, I was beat with a kendo stick, slammed into the hood of a car, and kicked off a 10 foot structure through a table. All that and still had no answer on if I was going to face Bianca for her title. Well imagine my surprise when I heard the announcement that myself,Io, and Rhea would be in a triple threat match for the number one contender spot. The fact Rhea is even in this match after ruining the original match is ridiculous but she's just another obstacle I'll gladly go right through. The match was slated next week's main event and I was ready. The match started and I wanted to get a fast start so I hit Rhea with a super kick, ducked a clothesline from Io and hit her with a pele kick. I tried a quick pin on Io but she kicked out at two. I went and hit Rhea with a springboard cutter and she kicked out at 1. Everything changed when I got too focused on Rhea and Io hit me with a reverse DDT followed by a double foot stomp right to my stomach. She was in control of the match and I found myself trying to recover on the outside. I was slowly making my way to my feet hoping neither one of them got the win. I got back to my feet and saw Rhea with Io in a submission. I broke it up but Rhea just overpowered me and slammed me into a prone Io. After 4 minutes of Rhea being in control, myself and Io teamed up briefly. Io smacked her with a spinning back fist and I hit her with a jumping knee. She was a little off balance so we hit her with a double clothesline over the top rope. She landed on her feet so I took to the skies and did a springboard metorea. I was about to get back in the ring but Io came flying at me with a suicide dive that drove me back into the barricade. She threw me back in the ring and set me up in the corner and hit me with her double knees. She quickly went up to the top rope and hit me with her moonsault for the 3 count. I don't know what felt worse, my ribs after taking that moonsault or hearing the announcer say Io was the winner and the new number one contender. I sat up against the bottom turnbuckle and looked as Io and Bianca came face to face at the top of the ramp. Mentally I was checked out, maybe Rhea is right and I can't win big matches. First I lost to Chelsea Green for my spot in that fatal four way. Now I just lost this triple threat match and I know my chances of going for that title is running out. The next few weeks leading up to Takeover Toronto I was determined to get back on the winning side of things. I still didn't have a match for that Takeover and it was right around the corner, I was barely being used, I decided to take some matters into my own hands. Rhea just finished winning a match and she's been going on about how she feels she got "cheated " and should be the one facing Bianca. My name been her mouth ever since the triple threat because I was the one that got pinned, I had enough it and caught her backstage.

"Rhea. Could you do me a small favor? Keep my name out your mouth." She let out a little laugh before responding.

"I know you aren't here trying to tell me what to do. You're the reason I'm not facing Bianca at Takeover." She's still trying to blame me for it.

"Okay how about instead of talking, you face me in the ring at Takeover." I still haven't forget my first night here, I still need to get my win back against her. She smiled at me and just walked off.

With three weeks until Takeover:Toronto things quickly got more and more heated between Rhea and myself. Every promo we had against each other came to blows and this most recent one we had to be pulled apart. Rhea was having a match against Rachel Evers and she made light work of her but before she even got up from hitting her Riptide I ran in the ring and hit her over and over and over with a chair. That one was completely bent so I threw it down and went to get another one but refs and officials stopped me from finishing her. I was ready to beat her down for the rest of the night.  I had to get escorted to the back and I was trying everything to get back in there and continue the beat down. The following week I had a match against Santana Garrett. I got a win after 8 minutes and I was under the impression Rhea wasn't gonna be in the building after my attack last week. Much to my surprise she was here, the way I found out was a chair shot right to by back while I was on the ropes celebrating my win. She completely destroyed me and was hitting me harder then I felt like I was hitting her. She took it an extra step farther and pulled out a table and set it up at ringside. She dragged me to the apron and hit me with a Riptide off the apron through the table. I had to get help to the back but I was determined to get her back next week.

The following week finally came and I was ready. I was waiting in the parking lot for Rhea and as soon as she got there I hit her with a kendo stick. I used it until it broke over her back and kept punching and kicking her all around the parking lot. We made our way into the weight room and I tried throwing her into a door but she reversed it and threw me through it right into the hallway. We were all through the backstage fighting all over the place. I got a little space and dropkicked her into Mr.Regal's office. I hit her head off the desk and I threw her into a wall before we made our way out the office and towards the ring area. We were fighting through the crowd and Rhea ended up tackling me right through the barricade. She tossed me into the ring steps then went and grabbed another table and was about to put me through it again. She got me up for another Riptide but I fought my way out. We were both on the apron. She tried to punch me but I ducked under and caught her with a Spanish fly right thru the table. I had to crawl to the steps to make my way back up to my feet and she used the ring apron but before we kept fighting Mr.Regal came out with security.

"Hey, you two need to stop right now. If you two lay a finger on each other tonight I'm suspending both of you and your match at Takeover will be canceled. Since you two can't seem to keep your problems in the ring I'm making your match Falls Count Anywhere."

That was music to my ears, falls count anywhere means no rules. I was so ready for Saturday, I'm ready to beat her ass. She is mines.


It's time, today is the day. Another big match this time against Rhea, I need this win so bad. We started off the show, I came out first and couldn't even make my way to the ring before Rhea hit me in the back with a chair. The match started since it was falls count anywhere. She used the chair until it was completely bent. She cleared off the commentary table but I managed to recover a little and grabbed a chair myself and threw it at her. We fought our way through the crowd and right back to locker room area. We were back in the parking lot and she threw me into 4 different cars. She slammed a car door on my leg 3 time and I spent the rest of the match basically limping. I was on one leg but still was fighting and back and caught her with a desperate super kick and fell into a cover but got a 2 count. Every time I got any momentum she just attacked my leg. She kicked it every chance she got, she used a trash can lid, and even picked me up and slammed me knee first on a guard rail. She dragged me to the front of the arena and threw me right through a glass door and covered me but I kicked out at two. She kept working over my leg but I exploded out for a enziguri and took back control. I grabbed a trash can and smashed it over her head, she dropped to her knees and I put it over her head and found a chair and smacked it. I went for a cover and got a two count. We made it back to ring side and to this point I'm basically on one leg. I still managed to get a slight upper hand and laid her on the commentary table after I hit her with a kendo stick three times. I looked around and decided to climb up a scaffolding, with one good leg it wasn't my best idea, I slowly made my way to the top. I went for a double rotation moonsault but Rhea moved and I went crashing right thru the table. That was my last shot, I went for high risk, high reward and missed. I couldn't even stagger my back to my feet but Rhea literally picked me and carried me to the ring and threw me in. She proceeded to hit me with two Riptides and beat me. More and more doubt just crept in, I know I belong in this roster but I can't seem to find my way out of this mid card status. I've convinced myself that Rhea really was right, I can't win big matches.....

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