Fight With You - Daryl Dixon...

By IWriteStoriesNotSins

790 19 142

It's weird to think that life turned out like this. The dead walking, people turning on each other, felling l... More

Quick Note
Random timeline thing
Chapter 0.5
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 . 5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19: TS-19
Chapter 20
New OFFICIAL Timeline

Chapter 15

31 0 14
By IWriteStoriesNotSins


I think I'm gonna start skipping parts, cause 15 chapters in and we're barely into episode 4]

Not Part Of The Plan

We stood in the same alley that Glenn had pulled Rick and me into the day before, but today, time was on our side. No walker groups vying to bite a chunk out of us. Fingers crossed, the plan would go well.

So the plan was that Glenn would run into the street and grab the gun bag, and haul ass back to me and Daryl in the alley. But if he couldn't do that, he had the choice of back peddling two blocks to where Rick and T-Dog were stationed.

Pretty simple plan, I honestly can't see it going wrong.

"You got some balls for a chinaman." Daryl throws a backhanded compliment to Glenn as he tosses his shirt at me, which I immediately put on - what? It's a nice shirt.

"I'm Korean." Glenn groans, before sprinting into the street.

We squat there silently as the seconds tick away, no noise indicating which way Glenn had gone, or if he was in any danger. It was really unnerving, not knowing what was happening. I wanted to go to the gate to check if he was okay, but as I went to move Daryl put a strong hand on my shoulder, effectively freezing me in place.

"You'll bring 'em down on us if you go out there." He murmurs, hand still placed firmly on my shoulder. "I ain't gonna save your ass if you get jumped. Don't be stupid and quit worrying, woman."

Though I could tell he was being sincere under all the mean comments, I couldn't get past the underlying fear that something had gone wrong and we were just standing around. I'd traveled this city pre and post-apocalypse, and I knew how bad the foot traffic was. You couldn't go two blocks without seeing at least three walkers. And this particular street was packed to the brim just 24 hours prior. It just didn't settle well in my stomach.

"I have a name, y'know?" I hiss back, shrugging his hand from my shoulder. "And it's not 'woman'."

I was expecting him to reply with another one of his never-ending snarky comments or comebacks, but instead, he pushed me back to the wall - quite gently might I add - before turning and pointing his crossbow back down the alley.

"Whoa, don't shoot me! What do you want?" Came an unfamiliar voice, and I guessed it was from whoever Daryl was currently aiming at - a boy from the sounds of it.

They argued back and forth, till the boy burst out screaming for help - in Spanish, no less - and Daryl tackled him to the floor.

I was relatively hidden down by the wall and dumpster, and I guess that was the reason Daryl pushed me here in the first place because I wasn't even seen when two grown men ran into the alley. They race past me and descend upon Daryl, who immediately got knocked to the ground, his arms coming up to cover his head.

I didn't want to fire any shots in case it gained the attention of the walkers on the street, or worse, any of their friends. So I sneak up behind the one with the bat and hack him over the head with the butt of my gun, unfortunately not hard enough to knock the fucker out but enough that he stumbled for a second.

His friend turned to me and threw a punch, catching me square in the jaw and stars exploded behind my eyes as he grabs for my gun. Luckily, I wasn't stupid, and the strap was still securely around my shoulder and I managed to get a grip on it as the other continues his scrap with Daryl behind us.

We tussle for another few seconds before he uses the fact that I'm pulling at my gun as an opportunity to smash the side of it into my mouth, knocking my head back and causing blood to coat my tongue and teeth. He knocks my feet from under me and as I hit the floor, the momentum pulls him down on top of me. As he fights to regain balance, his hand comes up to my face and I take the opportunity to sink my teeth into the flesh between his pinky and his wrist, tasting more blood as he yelps in pain and throws himself away.

"The perra loca bit me!" He cried to his friend, who turned to us as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, smearing blood over my chin and jaw.

*Crazy Bitch

The next thing I knew, my head was reeling into the pavement as the bat came into contact with my skull.

After that was a complete blur. I heard muffled voices, calls for help, and strained curses before I was pulled to my feet and led somewhere else. My mind was swimming, and I could barely register T-dog's concerned voice asking if I was okay. I couldn't think of what to say, so I just groaned quietly and lifted my hand to throw him a bloody thumbs up.


"Just take it slow, okay?" Rick drawled, watching as I sat down in the seat opposite the random boy we'd seemingly swapped Glenn for. "Those men got you two good."

I had done my best to wipe the blood from my face, but it was still pretty clear that I'd been smacked about. There were still traces of blood on my teeth even though I'd tried to wash it out with water, but I guess it wasn't as easy as it is in the movies.

Rick had spoken to the boy and figured out his name - Miguel - but he couldn't get the location of his gang out of him. That's when Daryl stepped in and threw Merle's severed hand into the boy's lap. He threw himself away with a shriek and backed away into the filing cabinets at the side of the room.

"Start with the feet this time." He growled, ready to sock the kid before Rick - once again - pulled him back.

"The men you were with took our friend." The Sherriff in question squatted down to where the boy was cowering, " All we want to do is talk to them, see if we can work something out."

And Miguel talked, looking to Daryl every few seconds as said redneck picked up the discarded hand and wrapped it back up.


We stood outside a large warehouse door with Miguel tied up between us. He had spilled the location of his camp - base? - and we were straight there, adamant on getting back our guy.

Rick had tried to convince me to stay back, saying that my head injury needed to be tended to and that I shouldn't be up and about. Even T-dog joined in, asking me to go back to the van and be ready to go.

"If he's going," I point to Daryl as he loads his crossbow, "then so am I. We both got jumped in that alley, so if you want to tell me to stay back then give him the same treatment. If not, then back off. I'm coming to get Glenn."

They didn't argue after that.

So there we stood.

The wooden doors split open and 'Guillermo' struts out, looking like he had all the time in the world. He took a long glance at us before acknowledging Miguel.

"You okay, little man?" he calls to the boy, seemingly unnerved by what was happening.

"They're gonna cut off my feet, Carnal!" Miguel cried.

"Cops do that?" the leader replied, looking at Rick doubtfully.

The whole 'person-swap' plan was slowly going to shit, and I could tell everyone was getting antsy. We didn't really have a backup plan and I couldn't see this going well.

And it gets worse.

The guy that I'd had a pro-wrestling match with earlier came storming out the door, gun held in his bandaged hand.

Okay, so I didn't imagine biting him.

"Hey, that's that Vato right there, homes. He shot me in the ass with an arrow. What's up, homes, huh?" He called to Daryl, waving the gun sideways 'all gangsta', and I turned to the redneck, tilting my head slightly.

*Vato/Dude   *Homes/Man(I think, took Spanish like, 5 years ago)

"You shot him in the ass?" I snicker, watching his face scrunch. "Why the ass?"

The man turned on me next, gesturing wildly.

"That mordedor is the one who bit me, Carnal!" He screamed, taking a step forward and waving his bandaged hand. "I was almost killed over this puta loca! Let me deal with her, homes."

*Mordedor/Teether or Biter *Puta Loca/Crazy bitch (perra and puta both mean bitch i believe)

"You bit him?" Daryl murmurs to me, a weird glint in his eye. "You ain't any better than those walkers, woman."

I just send him my most gleefully toothy grin before turning back to the matter at hand.

It was a back and forth stand-off, Rick kept trying to dissolve the tension but Guillermo kept pushing for the guns until Glenn was pulled to the edge of the roof with a bag over his head and his hands tied behind his back.

I could hear him whimpering from down here, and I held my gun up as his foot got dangerously close to the edge.

"I see two options." Guillermo's voice calls as I watch Glenn dangle a moment from death. "You come back with Miguel and my bag of guns, everybody walks."

Glenn is slowly pulled away from the edge, and by slowly, I mean agonizingly slowly.

 "Or you come back locked and loaded, we'll see which side spills more blood."



So, did that feel rushed? I hope not.

I couldn't remember my thought process when I came back to this, and I had to improvise. I've not written past this scene in my notebook, so even if I were to peek at the sacred scrolls written for this 2 years ago, I'd come up short.

So, improv it is! Lucky I'm a theatre nerd, innit.

Hope this was an ok read, feedback is always appreciated! tell me what I did right and what sucked donkey dick.

[Check me putting my art in these stories smh]

Till we meet again!


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