Jacob's Game ✅

By xxinloves

136K 4.3K 551

"LET'S PLAY A GAME TERESA. MY GAME." - Jacob Snow ************* It was all a game. Jacob... More

✯All Rights Reserved✯
✯One✯ - Proposition
✯Two✯ - Running Mouth
✯Three✯ - Emerald Green
✯Four✯ - The Fiancée
✯Five✯ - Extra sheets
✯Six✯ - The Truth
✯Seven✯ - Axe and Branch
✯Eight✯ - Lakewood
✯Nine✯ - Cold
✯Ten✯ - Car Drive
✯Eleven✯ - See Me
✯Twelve✯ - Bingo And A Lie
✯Thriteen✯ - Punches And Goodbyes?
✯Fourteen✯ - Sponsorship
✯Fifteen✯ - Penthouse
✯Sixteen✯ - Jacob's Game
✯Seventeen✯ - Yellow Tulip
✯Eighteen✯ - Auction
✯Nineteen✯ - A Call And A Shock
✯Twenty-One✯ - Blissful Words
✯Twenty-Two✯ - A Car In The Driveway
✯Twenty-Three✯ - Flowers And Its Means
✯Twenty-Four✯ - Peppermint
✯Twenty-Five✯ - Savannah Rivera
✯Twenty-Six✯ - Friendly Dinner
✯Twenty-Seven✯ - Dangling Thing
✯Twenty-Eight✯ - The Bet Contract
✯Twenty-Nine✯ - Clarity
✯Thirty✯ - Heartbreaking Call
✯Thrity-One✯ - Jacob
✯Thirty-Two✯ - An Emotional Visit
✯Thrity-Three✯ - Awaken

✯Twenty✯ - Jacob's Lips

3.5K 136 21
By xxinloves

Chapter Twenty

"Here." Gideon stretched his hands giving her a movie ticket he had just purchased from the counter just a minute ago. On the other hand he held a small bucket filled with popcorn. While she held two cups of cold coke.

"How do you expect me to take it? Don't you realize my hands are full already." Teresa said while frowning at him. She was beginning to think he might actually be stupid or he was just playing with her. "Give it to Alexa. Both her hands are free." She pointed out, jerking her chin to her roommate and friend just a few feet away from them, who was busy giving an autograph to one of her readers who happened to have recognized her.

"Ah! My bad." He scratched the back of his head with the hand that held the ticket, suddenly feeling embarrassed by his lack of observation.

Every first and last Saturday of the month Gideon comes, taking both she and Alexa out on what he normally calls a 'date' . It was a thing between the three of them in order to still stay connected together throughout their grown up lifes.

But today happened to not be that Saturday of the month which had taken both she and Alexa by surprise at his visit. But he had just shrugged it off like he had missed them already, which Teresa could sense wasn't exactly the truth since she works in his company. Unless he was actually referring to Alexa, then that might be understandable.

Teresa felt there was more to his visit that he wasn't telling her. And she certainly wasn't going to ask him. She was fed up with being the one who'd be asking the questions to no answers. When he feels the need to talk, he knows where to find her.

Alexa walked back towards them both, with a huge smile on her face revealing how young she really was. Still in her mid twenties Alexa shines brightly like a ray of sunshine. Sometimes she notices Gideon keeps his gaze in Alexa longer than normal. Teresa swore she could sense something between the both of them, but neither of them seems to be acting on it. It could just be that they were both too dense to realize that natural pull between them.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you both waiting. Let's go, the movie will soon begin." Alexa said, both her eyes twinkling in excitement as she linked her elbow with that of Gideon clearly startling him while dragging him along with her.

Teresa smiled at both of them as they walked ahead of her. She later began following them behind, her eyes skimming around the cinema, which was clearly packed with people who didn't want to miss a movie they had been waiting for. From her line of sight Teresa saw some couples linked together with each of their arms wrapped around them, they were probably here for a date. While some came in a group of highschool students or a group of college friends.

The old times.

Finally in the movie theater Teresa sat on her seat with Gideon in between both she and Alexa.

She made sure she was comfortable enough while waiting for the movie to begin. From her right side she heard Gideon's throat clearing as he leaned towards her ear to speak as the movie theater was beginning to get a little noisy.

"I know those flowers came from Jacob. And you also know about Jacob being here in New York for good." His words caught her completely off guard. She directed her gaze on him revealing the shock on her face which she immediately tried to cover up really quick as she averted her eyes back to the large screen opposite her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She tried forging ignorance, but Gideon seems to know her better than she does as he snorted at the charade she had put up front on her face.

"You know you shouldn't lie to me, cause I know when you do." He stated, making her divert her gaze right back at him as she frowned at his word. He gestured down to her hands on her laps that held one of the cold drinks he had bought. "Your thumbs don't stop tapping on themselves when you do."

She directed her gaze on her hands to realize that was exactly what she was doing. At normal times when she lies or cooked up a story, she keeps her hand behind her back from it being notified since that happens to be her give away. But today had to be different since he had completely taken her by surprise.

Teresa shifted her gaze back on him. Both her mouth ready to explain herself. But the expression on his face baffled her. She had expected anger or disappointment on his face for having kept such a thing from him, due to the way things had ended between them during their stay in Lakewood. Instead of anger, he had a smile on his face and winked at her, before turning his attention to Alexa who seemed to be asking him a question.

The saliva in her mouth had dried during the whole exchange between them both. She wondered if in fact they happened to be a loose screw in Gideon's head. He wasn't acting like his normal self. The Gideon she knew wouldn't entertain the thought or idea of her being any close to Jacob with the type of person his elder brother was.

Everybody knew Jacob was trouble. Even Gideon himself knew his brother wasn't up to any good when he does something. Jacob's own parents don't always forget to put in caution on anybody new who hasn't gotten to the mischievous boy called Jacob. He was certainly trouble.

Teresa sighs, slumping her back more into the seat she was on. The ache between her brow was beginning to get to her. She was already fed up to the brim of today. From Jacob's flower to her mother's news and Gideon's odd behavior.

Yeah! It was enough for her to want to strangle herself to sleep.

The movie immediately began, and they all focused on the movie playing. It was Alexa's turn to pick a movie of her choice. She had decided to pick a rom-com movie. A movie that reflected her exact personality. Despite Alexa's uncontrollable mouth, and social attitude, she had a really optimistic mind. Some might call her naive and childish, but she was far from that. She just sees life in a beautiful light. When things become stressful, Alexa laughs and jokes it off.

She was completely opposite to Teresa. The only way Teresa is able to handle her troubles and problems in life is to run. She prefers running from anything stressful than facing it.

But lately since Jacob, she was beginning to find herself doing the exact opposite of who she really was. Jacob makes her stand her ground rather than run from him.

Normal the very thought of Jacob sends her sprinting in race, as she tries everything possible to avoid him. But the more she gets to know him. The more she starts feeling comfortable with him the better it is.

She feels different whenever she is around him or just thinking about him.

Even right now her heart was racing abnormally fast at the very thought of him.

Teresa could hear the word from people from the far side cursing at an intrusion and obstruction. A normal thing she hears every time she is in a movie theater.

It could be that someone had come in to watch the movie late and was disturbing others as he or she tried to pass.

She felt the person take the vacant seat right next to her by her left. She couldn't help but shift her glance at who it was. Her breath immediately sucked in at the very sight of Jacob, she could feel her eyes almost popping out at his presence. The theater became hot and wild with tension. Her body reacted in ways she hadn't felt since the last time she saw him.

She couldn't deny not missing him. She really did much to her total surprise.

"What are you doing here?" She snarled at him while glaring towards where she sat, trying to cover up whatever emotion that could be written on her face. Her eyes quickly whirled to her side where Gideon and Alexa were seated only to find it empty.

Teresa's eyes quickly tried searching around the dark surrounding if she could catch a glimpse of them. But she came up with no results.

Why did they both leave when the movie hadn't even begun half way? When did they both step out from the theater or by her side?

"They left." Jacob's voice broke her searching, which only made her frown harder.

She couldn't take in his outfit, but she could probably guess he wore casual clothes. But his face didn't get unnoticed by her. She could see the brightness of his green eyes completely different from what she normally noticed in it.

Something about him was different today. Something she couldn't point out too well. Though it felt familiar, it was hard to understand Jacob.

"How did you know that?" She asked clearly not expecting such a response, until a proper question popped up in her head. "How did you know I was here? Are you stalking me?" She frowned even more deeply, studying his every movement, making sure not to miss a thing from him.

And as usual his face gave nothing away. "Gideon told me?" He smiled at her as he spoke.

"Why will Gideon tell you that? He wouldn't do su-" the loud voice of a scream from the ongoing movie interrupted her, making her jump up in fright. Her already fast beating heart at the sight of Jacob beat even faster at the sudden sound.

Jacob's large hand grabbed hers as he pulled on it. "Come on. Let's leave this place." He said immediately dragging her out from her seat not giving her a chance to speak. Quickly she grabbed her small leather bag on her lap preventing it from falling while following Jacob.

He muttered excuses for them both as they both tried passing the mist of others, as some cursed at them, while others silently complied. She chose not to cause any scene and obstruct other people's view, when all she really wanted was to remove her hands from his and yell at him.

Finally out from the row of seats, Jacob led her towards the door leading outside the theater. She instantly pulled her hands off his before they could step out.

"Now isn't the time for your game Jacob. I just need space, don't you get it? You can continue that game of yours another time. Not now." She stubbornly said. The stress of the day is beginning to get to her already. She could feel the ache rising again.

Jacob said nothing for a while and just stared at her. His gaze impelling her in ways she couldn't explain. "I'm not playing games."

"W-what?" She stammered, completely surprised at his words. She felt her eyes widen at the seriousness on his face and in his eyes.

He stepped forward towards her covering the space between them. "I said I wasn't playing any games. From the beginning to this moment. If I was really playing any game from the start you'd know Teresa." His voice became more hoarse as he spoke.

One of his arms wrapped around her waist lifted her up a little to his level of height. While the other rested on her cheek, warming it instantly, as he pulled her face closer to his. She could feel his warm breath on her face, while her eyes refused to leave him.

From behind she could hear the sound of the movie playing gradually becoming distant.

She swallowed her saliva. Her tongue unconsciously licking her lower lips. His eyes immediately followed the movement briefly before returning back to her eyes, she saw the green orbs of his eyes had darken almost looking impossibly black. The tension between them was so strong to the extent that Teresa swore it could choke the living daylight out from her.

"Then what have you been doing?" She whispers, their lips grazing each other as she speaks.

"Trying to win my girl's heart." After saying those words, his lips clashed to hers, capturing it in the stronghold of his mouth.

Teresa found herself saying a prayer for repentance if by any chance she doesn't survive his kiss.

May God save her.


Thanks for reading Jacob's Game!!!!

Don't forget to Vote and Comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!

What do you think about the kiss?

More drama is soon to begin in this book. Some heartbreaking and some filled with love.

See you on the next update.

Lots of love

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