I hate what I see in the mirr...

By SCat106

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Sasuke Uchiha has had a hard life and is now in a boarding school far away from home and away from the people... More

another pointless day
New Home New School New Feelings
Things Back Home
Wish I Had A Blank Brain
Bad Feeling To End A Bad Week
Dangerous Games And Dangerous Threats
Moments Before Disasters
The Disaster
No More Walls
Is This Wrong ?
I Don't Know Anymore
Forgive Me Father
Getting Ready For Summer Break PT.1
(not a chapter) for your imagination!!!
Getting Ready for Summer Break PT. 2
Getting Ready For Summer Break pt. 3
Finally Going Home For A Break
Finally going home for a break pt.2
Finally going home for a break pt.3
Finally home, but no break!
Finally Home, but no Break pt.2
Finally home, but no break. Pt.3
A Brothers Bond
(Not a part) HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!
A Brothers Bond pt.2
A Brother Bond pt.3
⚠️Important for the lovers of this story⚠️
A Brouthers Bond pt.4
Cross Country
Cross Country pt.2
🎉60 Subscribers Special🥳
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What is said between brotehrs
All Together Again
The Court Date
Fun fact time!
All Night Long
White Roses
What A Nightmare
For My Characters Most Loyal Protectors!
What A Waste
"I~ don't care, keep~ singing!"
A/N please help me!
The Sun Raises Again
Illusions And Deceptions
The end of one adventure but the start of so many more
Epilog pt. 1
Epilog pt.2
Official Announcement!
Last Chapter

Home Sweet Home, Its Hell!

1.7K 48 53
By SCat106

[⚠️WARNING⚠️ This chapter contains mention of abuse and deformity! If either of those bother you don't read this chapter, otherwise enjoy!]

Kurama's POV- back home

I was driving home from work, the sun was starting to set and I had the radio on. It was playing a song that reminded me a little too much of Itachi. I was quietly mumbling along with it. 

"Go ahead and cry little girl~ nobody does it like you do~ I know you got daddy issues~" 

I mumbled along with the music. 

Ah, my dear Itachi. I cringed at the thought that at this very moment, as I was going back to my home, he's going back to that pit of hell. I shake my head trying not to think about it. I hated not being able to call him whenever I wanted, not being able to go to his house and pick him up, and not being able to take him out on dates. I just wanted to give him a happy, normal, life. I swear, I'll find a way to get him out, then I'll give him everything he wants, everything he deserves. I know he wants to get a nice house, get married and have kids. I wonder if he wants to adopt or he's planning to have them himself? My heart fluttered at the thought of Itachi carrying our baby, I mean it's not impossible. What with Itachi's deformity. Being intersex and all. 

Itachi was born intersex, it's a deformity that make a person have both male and female parts. So they are not technically any gender, however most of the time their parents will choose a gender for them. That's what happened with Itachi. His father only wanted boys so they labeled Itachi as a boy. He himself is happy being a male yet he still has many feminine parts. Such as female reproductive organs. His father wanted to remove the female organs, to make him fully male, but that was impossible. On top of being intersex, Itachi was born with several missing organs and a few bones. After he was born he had to have even more organs removed because they didn't work and could get in the way of his other organs work. Because of this he didn't have a lot of his organs so it would have been dangerous to remove even more. Especially ones that were in prime condition. 

His father hates him for that. How he finds this to be Itachi's fault I don't know. Itachi didn't decide to be born, that was his father's mistake, but an oh so sweet blessing for me. I can't wait till we finally get to live together, be together all the time. Sleep in the same bed night after night. I want to get him out of there so bad. I wish I could just drive up and steal him. 

As the thought of getting him out crossed my mind, my thoughts drifted back to the contract. There's this kind of contract, that a kid can sign basically saying

"even though I'm an adult my parents/parent has control over me" 

It was originally made for children with disabilities, mostly physical. So that their parents could still take care of their insurance and other stuff. However Fuyuka forced Itachi to sign it when he was still underage. That way no matter how old Itachi is, until Fuyuka dies, he will forever be trapped. I don't intend to let that happen. There are ways that we can get him out of the contract, yet there are no guarantees that one will work. If we take Fuyuka to court and he wins, it's over for Itachi. We need a way to know we'll win. Just, right now we don't have any of those. 

But I'm not giving up. I will marry him. I will live in a house with him, together with a family. That is my dream and I refuse to give up on it. 

Now filled with new determination, I was ready to get home and start working on his case. 


3ed POV- Itachi's home 

Itachi stood just outside his front door, his bag hanging over one of his shoulders and resting on his hip. He clutched the strap that went over his chest, preparing himself to go in. He had been at work with his father all day, and it wasn't a good day.

Lots of people made mistakes. There was a filing issue that took half the day to fix due to communication problems. There were too many call outs, there was almost no one in the station to help with the homicides. And so on and so forth. 

Itachi knew he was going to get beat for it. Not that any of it was his fault, but when his father was angry with something, anything, he took it out on Itachi. Plus Fuyuka always got off of work before Itachi, meaning he was always drunk off his ass by the time Itachi got home. 

He took a deep breath preparing himself for what is to come. Well he can't stand out here all day. He turned the door handle and walked in.

There was the sound of glass rolling on the floor as he pushed the door open. Glass beer bottles and tin cans littered the floor. To the left was the stairs, leading up to all the bedrooms. On the other side was the kitchen and living room where Fuyuka sat. He was sitting in a recliner with his back facing the door as he watched the TV. There was some kind of waster rodeo show playing and Fuyuka seemed to be quite focused on it. Hoping he hadn't been noticed, Itachi went towards the stairs with the lightest step he could muster. 

"Where are you going Boy?" 

The gruff voice of the old man called from his chair. He kept his eyes locked on the TV, not bothering to turn around to look at his son. 

Itachi, who only had one foot on the bottom step, returned it to the floor and turned to face the direction of his father. He hung his head low, turning his eyes to the floor, folding his hands behind his back. 

"My room. I have work to do for the station." 

Itachi said in his natural, steady, voice. 

"That can wait. Get me a beer!" 

He demanded as he tossed his now empty bottle on the floor. 

"Yes sir." 

Itachi states simply before hurrying to the kitchen to get the deer out of the fridge. 

He opened the fridge, reaching in and grabbed out the beer his father requested. As he stood back up and closed the fridge his father was standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Itachi slightly stumbled back in surprise. 

"Here, what you asked for, father." 

Itachi said as he turned his eyes to the floor and held his hand out with the beer. 

Fuyuka walked forward and statched the bottle, opening it in front of Itachi. Who stayed perfect still, waiting to be released to his room. 

As he stood there he could hear the top of the bottle pop and then he felt cold liquid soaking through his raven locks. He looked up to see Fuyuka pouring the bottle over his head. He didn't resist. He kept his hands behind his back and did not dare look into his father's eyes. 

Itachi felt the liquor dripping out of his hair, down the back of his shirt, over his face and off his chin. He didn't move, he stood still and let the beer pour down his body. It soaked through his shirt and dripped from his bangs onto the floor. 

It was humiliating. Standing there as liquid dripped down his body, drenching his clothes. Itachi felt degraded. He was being treated like an object that had no emotions or conscience. His dreams, his wants and desires were never taken into consideration with Fuyuka. Itachi simply did as he was told, like a robot. Then he would get ridiculed and pushed around at work for not being human enough. Not robot enough at home, not human enough at work. It wasn't like a lightswitch. He couldn't turn it off and on just like that, but that's what everyone wanted- No, not what they 'wanted' what they 'expected' from him. Perfect! Perfection! He was 'perfection'! Was supposed to be born perfect! No flaws! Ever! He should never get tired. He should never be hungry or thirsty. He should be able to take as many hits as needed and not even flinch. That's what everyone expected from him. 

But he wasn't some immortal creature that could live forever. He wasn't some indestructible object that could hold up a building. He was just a boy. A human boy. Yet that was never how people looked at him. 

The bottle soon became empty as its contents now covered Itachi's small frame. Once it was, Fuyuka threw it on the floor and it shattered. Itachi flinched as it hit the floor near his feet. This was the reason he didn't take his shoes off anymore when he came inside. He used to do that and now his feet are covered in small scars. 

Itachi felt his father's finger under his chin and his head was tipped back, making Itachi look up into his father's eyes. He did his best to avoid eye contact but when he did Fuyuka would simply turn his face back. 

"Why do you still look like that damn whore?!" 

Fuyuka hissed through his clenched teeth, as he tucked one side of Itachi's hair behind his ear. 

Itachi didn't say anything. He didn't dare. One, he didn't trust his voice not to tremble, two, his father would hit him if he said anything back to that. 

Fuyuka's eyes kept tracing over Itachi's features. How much he resembled her, how much he resembled his mother. Itachi didn't know if it scared his father, angered him, or saddened him. His long hair, thick lashes, and deformed body only made him look more like her. The truth was Fuyuka never loved her. They were simply betrothed as baby's, and forced into marriage by the Uchiha clan elders. Then forced to have children. Not Fuyuka nor Mikoto wanted kids, but they didn't get much of a choice. Fuyuka saw her as the thing that ruined his life. He wanted to get her back for that, to make her life a living hell, the same way she did with his. Yet she died before he got the chance and now standing before him was her reincarnation. So he used Itachi as her replacement. Using him to get back at her. Yet even still, he hated having to look at her face everyday. It infuriated him. Why did his SON look so much like his damn FEMALE mother? 

Fuyuka had tried getting surgery done to Itachi to make his body look "normal" but after going through surgery after surgery they didn't have money to keep paying for them. Plus the doctors said that there was really nothing more they could do with such a "messed up body". So eventually Fuyuka gave up on it, much to Itachi's relief. He didn't like it, going into the hospital multiple times a month, having people touch around on his body without his consent because his father told them to. It made him feel so humiliated. He wasn't the proudest of his body, okay maybe that was an understatement, which only makes it worse. He didn't like having a bunch of strangers looking at his body filled with insecurities, completely against his will. Thankfully that ended about a year ago. 

They sat there in silence for a long, awkward, moment. Fuyuka stroked Itachi's hair, then cupped his cheek. He trailed his fingers down Itachi's neck til he got to the collar of his shirt. Before slowly sliding his hand back behind Itachi's neck. 

Fuyuka's temper seemed to switch on at that moment. He roughly grabbed Itachi by his wet hair, and dragged him over to the counter. Itachi let out a whimper of pain but his father didn't care. 

He pinned Itachi's hips between the counter and his own, he grabbed the back of Itachi's hair and brought his face down onto the counter. Smashing it into the marble surface. He held it there for a moment before pulling him back up. There was a large bruise forming on Itachi's forehead and a small line of blood dripped from his nose. 

Fuyuka stared at him wide eyed. As if he was shocked as to what he just did. 


Itachi crooked out, in a pleading voice. 

Fuyuka's expression emeadently changed. He now looked absolutely furious. He bashed Itachi's head into the counter, again, pulling him up to look at the damage before repeating the action. He repeated this several times before pulling Itachi's shirt and throwing him back. Itachi, dazed from the recent bashing of his head, stumbled back into the fridge. 

Itachi's forehead was well busted open, his nose looked almost broken, and his lips were bleeding. He braced himself up against the fridge trying not to fall farther backwards. His body was trembling, he was so scared he wanted to run away, but that was no use. He already tried it, needless to say he didn't get very far. He was caught and broughton right back here where a very furious Fuyuka awaited him. 

"I-is that all F-father? May I go to my room now?" 

Itachi asked after his mine stopped spinning long enough for him to collect his thoughts. At least enough to force words out of his mouth. 

Fuyuka had turned his back to Itachi and was opening a room temperature bottle of beer on the counter, which was now smudged with Itachi's blood. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't give a shit, get out here… I don't want to see that pathetic face of yours anymore." 

Fuyuka mumbled the last part but Itachi still heard him. 

Itachi turned and left, running quickly up the stairs to his room. He probably shouldn't have run up the stairs though. His head was pounding and everything sorta spun around. With him running so fast up stairs he almost fell many times. Tripping on a few steps as he went. He closed the door to his room as gently as he could before leaning his back against it and sliding down to the floor. He sat there on the floor with his back against the door still not feeling safe, even in his own room. Maybe he would feel safer if he was able to lock the door. However Fuyuka removed the lock on his door years ago. One time when Fuyuka went overboard on his beating Itachi ran away up into his room, locking himself inside. It worked and Fuyuka gave up on trying to get in, after almost breaking the door off its hinges. Yet the next day when itachi got home from school the lock on his door was gone. This happened when he was still very young, so he hadn't had a lock on his door in years. 

You would think that in a situation like this one would cry, but it was no use crying. Itachi had learned that much. He used to spend night after night crying in his room after his father's beating. But it never helped, it never made his father stop, it never made the pain go away, and now, it seemed, Itachi had no tears left to cry. So he saw it as pointless. 

Itachi sat on the floor for sometime calming his body down from the stress it had just been put through. He couldn't risk putting too much pressure on his body,  it was more fragile than it looked, well at least the way it looked with the clothes Itachi wore. His body looked quite deformed, even on the outside. His stomach area was freakishly thin. Like you could put both your hands around his waist and your fingers would be well past touching. It also was heavily sucked in, looking like Itachi was constantly holding his breath. His stomach also looked longer than most, since he was missing some of his lower ribs. He would often hear his father talking shit about his body with some of his friends from the station. 

One time when he was going to get some coffee in the lounge area, he heard laughing coming from inside. He didn't think much of it until he heard his father's voice saying his name. He then stopped at the door and waited outside to hear what they were saying. He listened for what felt like an hour or so as his father went on and on about how his son's body was so messed up. However he twisted it to make himself sound like the one that was hurt. All his friends were giving him compliments on how "he must be such a good father to be able to take care of such a child" or "Oh they were so sorry Fuyuka had to do all that just for one kid when he himself was still getting over the loss of his wife". 

After what felt like hours, Itachi slowly got up and went to the small desk in his room. There wasn't much in his room, just a bed, a desk, and a closet. Itachi wasn't allowed anything else. He was only allowed to have a phone for police work, which he had to turn in to his father at the end of every day. He did have a second phone but it was a secret. He kept it in the frame of his bed, underneath his mattress. That's the one he used to text Kurama. Sasuke didn't know about the phone since Itachi got it after he left for school. Itachi has written the number for the phone down for Sasuke in one of his letters but it seemed Sasuke ignored it. 

Oh Sasuke. Itachi wanted to see his little brother so badly. He hasn't seen nor heard from Obito (or Tobi as the nickname Itachi gave him) in many, many years. The only time he ever saw Shisui was at the police station but they weren't allowed to talk or have contact with each other, Fuyuka made sure of it too. He put them to work on opposite sides of the building and never let them out of his sight. Even if he wasn't there they knew he was watching through the cameras. Fuyuka ran the police station they worked at so he had access to that kind of stuff. 

As for Sasuke, Fuyuka sent him away to boarding school when he was around 10 or 11 and never let him come home. Sasuke spent every Halladay at school and in the summer when his school closed (pretty much kicking all the students out) Fuyuka would make him go right to a summer school, without ever letting him come home, even for a day. If there was a gap of time where school closed but summer school hadn't opened yet, Fuyuka would pay for Sasuke to stay in an apartment for a week or two till it did. Fuyuka did anything to keep Sasuke away. 

Yet he also used Sasuke as a bargaining price with Itachi. If Itachi ever disobeyed, Fuyuka would threaten to take Sasuke out of school, force him to join the police department, and start doing the same things to him as he did to Itachi. Itachi thought he would die if he ever had to watch someone do that to his baby brother. So he always complied after that. 

Thinking of Sasuke, Itachi had a letter to write. After he used the first aid kit from under his bed to fix up his face a bit. 

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