Filmed [complete]

By ringingthebell

97.5K 3.3K 305

Autumn looked out her window, at the oak tree that was in the middle of her backyard. The limbs were big enou... More

Night Owl
Running Shoes
Royal Treatment
Different Views
Author's Note: Epilogue
New Story Burnt


2.6K 108 9
By ringingthebell

Hello again! It has been a month but I do have reasons.

Do not forget to vote and comment.


Mr. Collins walked around the classroom, checking the homework. "Oh, and do not forget to do that problems on the back of the quiz," he commented. Half of the class turned their papers over and checked the back.

There were no questions on the back of the quiz.

"Geez, you guys have had me for three months now, you must by now that I never put questions on the back of the quizzes," he explained. He checked the person's in front of me homework, actually flipping through the pages then we moved on to me. "Did you do the homework, Autumn?" I nodded and he moved one to the person behind me, not even bothering to check my notebook.

Thanks Mr. Collin.

When the quizzes were done, Mr. Collin started to talk to a sophomore in the class. "How did you even make it into this class? If you look around, all the men in this class either have a beard, scruff, or muscle to show that they are seniors, and yet you, can barely touch the gas petal of your car."

"I can touch it!" the boy who Mr. Collin was talking to exclaimed.

"Yeah, with your seat all the way pulled up to the steering wheel," Mr. Collin said right back.

The sophomore put his head down into his arms, "But I have pool game," he mumbled.

The entire senior class in the room laughed.

"I have no idea why you insist on saying that almost day when I talk to you," Mr. Collin said. "What does that have to do with what we are saying?"

The boy shrugged, "I just thought that the senior girls in the class should know that I have pool game."

Mr. Collin shook his head, chuckling at the poor boy. When he stopped, he asked Laura, "Laura, would you go out with a sophomore boy?"

Laura laughed, letting her cheeks turn a soft tint of pink, "No. I am more into boys, or men," the class oh-ed, "that are older than me. Sorry, sophomore."

The class moved on to talk about the final that we were going to take at the end of the year. Well, the seniors and juniors were excused to take the finals if they were exceptional in that class, but if they failed, they had to take it.

"Autumn," Mr. Collin called me out, "I heard that the newspaper is switched to print next year. Are you still going to work for them or just quit and get an internship at a real newspaper?"

"I'm still going to work for the school newspaper, Mr. Collin," I told him. "Why do you think that I am going to leave the school newspaper for an internship?"

Mr. Collin sat down on a desk and put his feet up in the chair, "Well, this is going to be your last semester here, and you can either work at a newspaper at your college, or get an actual internship. What college do you want to go to by the way?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I applied to colleges all over the state, and I got some acceptance letters from some of them already, but I am still deciding which one to go to. It is honestly up to how much scholarship they are going to offer me and how far away it is from home."

Mr. Collin raised an eyebrow, "You want to stay close to home?" I nodded. "Why?"

"I don't know anyone else around here, and I would like to stay close to family because I will have no one else to lean on once I leave, leave," I explained to him. "One college that I would like to go to is Packard."

"Packard?" Laura exclaimed to me. "You never told me that you wanted to go to Packard. You never even told me that was one of the schools that you were applying to. That is an Ivy League school, and you never even bothered to tell me."

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. With my eyes still closed, I said, "It is the only Ivy League college close enough to home, a hour and a half away, so I can still visit my family."

Mr. Collin gestured to me, "See that is what I am talking about people. You can stay home and still have a college education." He was going to continue but someone knocking on the door disrupted his train of thought; he groaned and got up to answer it.

Nick came into the room with another pass.

Without Mr. Collin even looking at the name, he said, "Autumn, I think that this is going to be for you." Then he glanced down at the name, "I was correct."

I gathered my items, and took the slip out of his hand, as I had one foot out the door, Mr. Collin commented, "I thought that I told you that I did not want you leaving class when Ms. Whales wants you out there and taking pictures."

"You did," I told him, "but at the moment, Whales wants me to do something. I will promise that I will come back so you and I can finish this conversation after school."

As I was about to leave, Nick pointed to the slip again, "Someone else's name is on that slip too, Mr. Collin."

Mr. Collin snatched the paper out of my hand, "and Laura," he said loudly. While Laura was getting ready to leave, he said, "I thought that you weren't on the newspaper staff."

"I'm not, but Whales like me to keep her company from time to time," Laura explained to him. "Bye, Mr. Collin."

When the door closed behind us, I asked Nick, "Why are you getting us at of math when Whales told us that we could have the next couple of days off?"

"Why do I need a reason to get you two dismissed?" he explained.

"Because you actually need Whales to sign the paper."

"Well, that part was easy, I told her that you two needed to work on Autumn's article. Of course, Whales asked about Laura but I told her that you needed her for pictures," Nick explained. "So, do you two want to hang out today, skip school, or go to the computer room and eat in there."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "I am actually going to go pick up Oliver and go home early. Laura do you want to tag along?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Sure."

"Wait," I turned around to see Nick in distress, "I thought that maybe, you and me, Autumn, could go somewhere nice and just talk. I got Laura out because I figured that she would want to come along too."

"I am not a third wheel kind of girl, Nick," Laura stated.

"Nick," I sighed, "I have a little brother to look after, I'll see you tomorrow."

* * * * *

Oliver was sleeping in the middle of my bed, with his hand on the opposite end while I was sitting upright with my back against a couple of pillows that were resting against the wall. Laura was sitting in my desk chair with her feet propped up on my bed, finishing her English homework.

Oliver rolled over to his side and he almost fell of the bed. Laura caught him just in time before he fell over the edge. He was still asleep.

Once Laura put Oliver back on the bed, she climbed onto the bed next to me. "Does his day care place not give him time to take a nap?"

"They give his class a nap after they eat lunch, but they do not really have to sleep, it is just to let the teachers clean the room," I explained to her. "Every once in a while he tells me that he was too awake to sleep."

"What about you? Do you take naps?"

I raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"

She nodded her head towards the direction of Evan's house.

I rolled my eyes, "I thought that you were done with trying to put me together with Evan?"

"That was before I heard that he kissed you."

"He never kissed me."

"Are you sure?"

I leaned away from her a little bit, "He might have did something that was involved kissing me, but last weekend, I turned him down. I went out on a date with Nick."

Laura nodded her head. It looked like she was going to end the conversation, but she continued to ask questions. "What did he do that made you turn him down?"

"He hurt me."

Her eyes widened at my statement. "Did he apologize?"

I nodded. "But I don't want to-"

"You should go over there and talk to him about it," Laura offered.


"I'm rooting for Evan, but if you like Nick, then fine, but talking to Evan would probably help clear the air between you," she explained. "And I think that Nick is now starting to try to impress you; he did get us out of Collin's class today on a note that I pretty sure that he forged Whales signature."

"You don't know that for sure."

She gave me a look that said really? She nodded her head towards Evan's house, "Go over there and talk to him. I will watch over little Ollie over here and make sure that he does wake up delirious and wonder where you are." I did not move. "Are you going to go or not?" She sighed, "Go across that big oak tree."

* * * * *

"Evan?" I called out once I made it to his bedroom. His bedroom was empty with the light off, but his window had been wide open.

Before I went further into his room, I turned around and shut the curtains so Laura was not able to peek in and see what was going on.

I looked over at the clock on the wall; school had just gotten out an hour ago, so Evan must be home by now.

I sat down on his bed and waited for him to show up.

After a few minutes, he showed up. His voice was the first thing that I heard.

"I know that I have to go in to the doctor's so I can get a check- up, but I do not want to go. They always ask me a hundred questions and I always don't know what to exactly say. The whole doctor's office and the doctor thing confuse me," Evan's voice said.

I heard his steps on the stairs but they stopped. "Mom," he sighed out, "I will go to the store after I go for a run. I will get my medicine that I need, but please do not make me go the doctors," he paused, "they annoy me."

There was long silence but he did not go up the stairs anymore.

"No," he said sternly. "I hurt you," he said in a steady voice. "And I am too late to apologize for what happened." He lowered his voice, "She is going out with someone else."

There was more silence but was brief this time.

"Fine, I will go to the doctor's but I cannot promise that I will be nice to them," Evan explained to his mom. "Bye mom."

I heard him start to walk up the stairs, and I stayed in the same place on the bed. When he reached the top of the stairs, he turned his head, and dropped the laundry basket, which was in his hands, on the ground and his phone that resting between his ear and his shoulder, fell on top of the clothes. Lucky phone.

"Autumn, what are you doing here?" he asked me. Leaving his phone and the laundry outside, he walked into his room and closed the door behind him. "I thought that you wouldn't want to speak to me again, I made you upset," Evan furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion.

I smiled lightly at him, "There was a voice of reason and I decided to listen to it."

Evan chuckled and ran his hands through his hair, "I'm almost positive that the voice of reason was Laura. And I know that Laura can persuade people when she wants to." He leaned his body against the dresser, "What are you really doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about what happened last time I was in your room," I stated.

"You don't want to talk about what happened in your room?" Evan asked me.

I shook my head.

"But you are with Nick now."

I shook my head again, "We have only gone out on a couple of dates."

He took a step closer to me, "I don't want to interfere with your relationship with Nick, romantically or not. If you want to talk about what happened last time you were here, I think that the conversation should end with us deciding to stay friends."

"I don't even have a romantic relationship with Nick," I explained to him. "Nick and I went to a carnival and afterwards he kissed me on my cheek. That was it. I honestly thought that we were going to be there as friends, but after a few minutes ended, I realized that he wanted to be something more than just friends."

Evan sat down next to me on his bed, "Then, where do you want to start?"

"You kissed me on my neck, my lips or cheek," I stated the obvious, "What did you want to happen by kissing me?"

"I wanted to try something that was not going to get me into a lot of trouble," his voice lowered. "I know that you heard me talk to my mom and saw that you like someone else, and that someone else is not me. After I hurt you, you didn't want to talk about what happened between us, and I understood why, and I instantly regretted kissing you."

I lowered my gaze away from his face, and focused on a piece of paper on the floor. "Why didn't you kiss me on the lips?" I felt my face hit up, asking him about kissing me. Evan did not know that I have not had my first kiss yet.

Evan ran his hand over his face, sighing. "I really thought that this conversation was going to be a lot easier," he whispered under his breath. He glanced at me quickly but focused on something else, too. "I didn't know how you would respond; I didn't want to get rejected."

"Why do you think that you would have been rejected?"

"It's senior year, almost the end of first semester," he started to explain. "You probably don't want to start anything that would last who knows how long. You are interested in your family more than having a relationship with a boy. Your career is important to you, and you don't need any distractions that wouldn't get you where you want to go. I would be that distraction."

I shook my head and turned my body towards him. Evan was not looking at me, so I put my finger underneath his chin and turned his gaze towards me. "You are not a distraction," I said confidently. "You helped me come up with my six word story. Yes, you do distract from the real world a couple of times, but that is not bad. Sometimes people need a little bit of distraction."

He lifted his gaze up and locked eyes with me. His doe colored eyes sparkled with some emotion that I could not name.

"Autumn," he whispered my name, leaning forward a bit.

He shook his head and leaned back.

I got up from my place on the bed and headed towards the window, "I'm going to go back to my house and hang out with Oliver and Laura. I guess that I will see you tomorrow." I went out the window and walked my way across the oak tree and went back into my bedroom.

"So, how did it go?" Laura asked. She had taken my spot on the bed.

I shrugged my shoulders, "We'll see, but I am kind of with Nick and I do not want to jeopardize anything with him."

* * * * *

In the morning, I found Nick typing something up on the computer in the staff room alone.

"How was your night last night, Nick?" I asked me, sitting next to him at the computer.

He shrugged his shoulders, and kept his attention to the computer. "I thought that you would be in Collin's room by now," he glanced at the clock, "Your class starts in a minute."

"I told him that I had to do something real quick," I showed him the pass that Collin wrote me. "He gave me a strict time limit and told me the exact time that I must get back. If I do not get back in time, Collin would take off how many minutes I am late off my quiz today. I have only ten minutes."

He turned away from his computer, "So what do you need to do?"

"Do you want to do anything this weekend," I simply stated.

"Oh, I can't do anything this weekend," Nick told me, "I have to go to an assistant coach thingie that my dad signed me up for. You could tag along if you want to, but it would be kind of boring."

"No thanks, I'm good," I told him, patting my hands on my lap. "Maybe next weekend? Or Friday?"

He shook his head, "I have to do something on Friday. Why do you want to hang out all of a sudden? I thought that I was the one that was planning our little dates."

"Well," I put my hands together in my lap, "nevermind, I guess that I can leave the planning up to you." I got up but his hand on my wrist stopped me.

"It's fine if you want to plan something, but we don't have to do something every weekend," he explained to me. "We haven't even-" he trailed off.

"We haven't what?" I asked him, hoping that it was not something intimate.

"We haven't even discussed what is going on between us," Nick said. "We have been out on a few dates, but I think that you thought the dates were just friendly outings. I never said they were dates."

I nodded, "Maybe we can talk about next weekend."

"Maybe," Nick trailed off, focusing his attention on the computer for a moment, then looked back at me. "I can maybe get out of my thing that I have on Friday and we can talk at one of our houses."

"Okay, we can talk at my house, if you can get out of thing," I told him. I leaned down and pressed my lips against his cheek.

So I am done with AP World History, but I still have to do Extra Credit and a newspaper project for that class.

But I have FINALLY updated!!!!

The wifi at my house has been going on and off, stopping when I am in the writing zone. I save my work quickly then go off and work on Word.

I hope you liked this chapter.

Do not forget to comment and vote.

Until next time.

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